12 Times Hunters Messed With The Wrong Animals

  • last year
00:00 These 12 extremely terrifying animal and hunter close calls will remind you who is really
00:09 in charge.
00:12 Number 12.
00:13 Two men can be seen approaching a large black bear, just minding its own business looking
00:19 for berries in the bushes.
00:20 The men decide to stop and get low near the bear in order to wait for the perfect time
00:25 to sneak closer without it noticing.
00:38 After a few seconds of watching the bear, the animal decides to turn its back on them,
00:43 giving them the chance to move in.
00:55 The bear appears oblivious to the men watching it at first, but a few seconds later it notices
01:01 them and decides to do this.
01:15 Thankfully for them, the predator decides it doesn't want trouble and runs away.
01:20 Number 11.
01:21 The camera captures a large grizzly bear walking up a small hill along with its two cubs, while
01:29 hunter James Ewell attempts to record everything.
01:32 The enormous predator sees him from a distance and immediately feels threatened for itself
01:38 and for the safety of its young cubs.
01:40 Despite already being a danger under normal circumstances, bears become more dangerous
01:46 when they are nursing cubs, as their protective instincts make them more aggressive.
01:52 Surely enough, this mother bear is extra aggressive, and it wastes no time in showing the hunter
01:58 not to mess with her.
02:09 The large grizzly bluff charges at James, making him unsteady for a bit, but he quickly
02:14 regains his composure, determined to capture everything.
02:28 The bear ultimately decides to let him go, as he is too far to reach.
02:34 Number 10.
02:35 A group of hunters can be seen trying to remain as still as possible as a cow elk emerges
02:41 from the trees beside them.
02:43 Surprisingly, the herbivore decides to approach the hunters, which is extremely out of character,
02:49 as these animals are usually scared and nervous of humans.
03:03 After getting close to the hunters, the animal decides not to leave immediately, checking
03:08 out the hunters, while still remaining cautious.
03:17 The animal ultimately decides that it would be best if it ran away, so it does, and flees
03:22 the scene as fast as possible.
03:25 One of the hunters then loads up his bow, but unfortunately, the video ends there.
03:30 Number 9.
03:32 This terrifying video captured on a GoPro shows a hunter looking at something bothering
03:38 him, although we can't see it due to the low quality.
03:41 After almost a minute of standing still, we finally see a silhouette moving in the trees,
03:49 and what is revealed is shocking.
04:00 The grizzly bear walks past him quickly, which seems to tell us that the animal does not
04:06 notice the hunter standing right beside it.
04:09 Due to its incredible sense of smell, though, it notices something strange, making it stop
04:15 in its tracks.
04:21 Surprisingly, the bear decides to take another look before running away, leading to another
04:31 terrifying close call.
04:39 Fortunately for him, instead of being aggressive, the bear decides to flee the encounter.
04:50 Number 8.
04:51 Some hunters can be seen recording themselves walking around a dense forest looking for
04:56 elk to hunt.
04:57 This is extremely risky, as they are hunting in a heavily bear infested area of the forest,
05:03 and they're also making a lot of noise.
05:05 They try their best not to attract too much attention, but the inevitable happens, and
05:11 they look to their far left, and see this.
05:15 We figured we'd better keep an eye out for any bears.
05:17 Sure enough, as we were about 100 yards off, a young black bear came out and into sight.
05:22 It saw us at the same time we saw it, and it took off.
05:24 Despite already seeing a lot of bears in the area, they're still determined to hunt, but
05:30 again, they are stopped by another problem.
05:34 Which stopped me from getting a clear view, and Mike was right in my line of sight as
05:38 well.
05:39 Chocolate colored black bear just 20 yards off.
05:41 The bear would look our way, then down, back at us, and so on.
05:44 The stare down becomes much more dangerous, as out of nowhere, another one comes from
05:50 hiding behind the trees.
05:52 Then down, then somewhere else, back at us, and so on.
05:55 And maybe didn't know we were still there.
05:57 It kept looking our way on occasion, but wasn't spooking out either.
06:00 While this was going on, the predators not wanting trouble ultimately decide to leave
06:05 the hunters alone.
06:07 Number 7.
06:08 The man out deer hunting becomes still after he sees a majestic, yet terrifying bobcat.
06:16 Very curious and interested in him.
06:18 Although it is unlikely for bobcats to attack humans, it is still best to be cautious as
06:24 they can cause serious harm.
06:26 A few seconds after the initial contact, the animal decides to do something very unusual
06:33 for wild cats.
06:44 It is no secret that wild cats prefer one-sided interactions, where they see you and you can't
06:51 see them.
06:52 But this predator in particular has something very different in mind, which shocks and terrifies
06:57 the man even more.
07:07 The animal leaves after a while, which is fortunate, as no one was hurt.
07:13 Number 6.
07:14 In this video, the head of a large elk can be seen peeking around a small cliff blocking
07:20 the remainder of its body.
07:30 A few seconds later, the animal walks up the hill and the sheer magnitude of its size shocks
07:37 the man recording.
07:45 The herbivore is visibly nervous, only taking a few steps at a time and constantly looking
07:50 out for predators that may harm it.
07:53 It stops at the smallest of sounds, which gives the man plenty of time to admire, although
07:59 it is cut short as this happens.
08:11 Even though they might seem calm and aloof, they can react quite quickly to certain situations.
08:17 Unfortunately, the sightseeing ends as the elk runs away.
08:22 Number 5.
08:23 A man spots a red fox walking just a few meters in front of him and decides to record the
08:29 encounter immediately.
08:31 The animal remains oblivious to the presence of the man just meters away from it and continues
08:36 walking closer and closer to the man.
08:39 A few moments later, the fox comes out from behind the trees and as soon as it sees the
08:44 man recording it, this happens.
08:56 Despite being opportunistic predators, foxes are actually flight animals, more likely to
09:01 flee in the face of adversity than to stand their ground.
09:05 After seeing the hunter, the fox decides to run away, ending the encounter.
09:10 Number 4.
09:12 This next terrifying animal encounter starts off intensely as we see a bear chasing something
09:18 in front of the man.
09:19 It is then revealed that the predator was chasing the hunter's dog, which prompts the hunter
09:24 to do something to protect his pet.
09:37 After the first shot, the bear quickly turns in his direction, unsure if it should fight
09:42 or run away.
09:44 The hunter quickly reloads his rifle though, ready for whatever the bear will decide to
09:49 do.
09:50 The predator ultimately decides to run away after the first shot, which gives the man
09:54 the chance if he needs to shoot again.
09:58 Number 3.
09:59 Two hunters can be seen standing still after seeing something very big and dangerous coming
10:06 their way without any concern for their presence.
10:10 A few seconds later, this "something" comes out of the trees covering it and the
10:15 identity of the terrifying predator is revealed.
10:28 The large black bear walks in front of them and checks out the area, visibly curious and
10:34 unafraid of the two hunters watching it.
10:44 This could just be ignorance on the part of the bear, or worse, the bear could be ready
10:50 to attack at any second.
10:52 Seeing that it is unfazed, knowing how to behave when encountering bears and how rare
10:58 bear attacks actually are can keep you safe and provide peace of mind.
11:12 Knowing this, they don't do anything to entice an attack and eventually the animal
11:17 leaves.
11:18 Number 2.
11:19 Here, a man can be seen sitting on top of a tree pointing his gun around the forest,
11:25 trying to find animals to hunt.
11:28 Moments later, he is alarmed when he hears noises coming from the dense trees surrounding
11:33 him.
11:34 When he looks down, he sees something immensely horrifying that is enough to send chills down
11:40 your spine.
11:52 A large brown bear walks around his camp that is right below him and he decides to make
11:59 a life or death decision.
12:10 The bear runs away instantly and disappears into the forest.
12:15 Number 1.
12:16 A man recording his hunting session gets a shock of a lifetime after he records this
12:21 with his camera.
12:33 A coyote walks past him, only about 5 yards away from where he is hiding.
12:38 Thankfully, the animal fails to notice him and moves along, harming no one.
12:43 Thanks for watching until the end.
12:45 Check out this other video you might also like.
12:47 I'll see you there.
