What’s Really Going On With The Beef Between Simu Liu And Ryan Gosling’s Kens In The 'Barbie' Trailer? Apparently A Backflip Is Involved

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - You're Ken and Ryan Gosling's Ken.
00:07 There's clearly some baggage
00:08 between the two of you specifically.
00:10 Did you and Ryan or you and Greta talk about
00:12 what went down with them before we meet them?
00:16 Like what is going on?
00:18 - Yeah, I think we did talk about it quite a bit.
00:19 It was just the, you know, the sense of like,
00:22 and I think she had such a genius take on it,
00:25 which is that Kens are like boys on a playground.
00:30 And you know, when boys play with each other
00:33 and they play these games
00:35 and sometimes you don't even know
00:36 what these games mean or what they are,
00:38 you just know, you know, for example,
00:39 Girls of Cooties or you play Tag.
00:41 It's like, nobody understands why the rules
00:43 are the way they are, but they're just kind of playing it
00:45 'cause everyone else was playing it.
00:47 And that's kind of, I think, where you find our Kens
00:49 in the beginning of this movie is that they're
00:52 just like weirdly antagonistic toward each other,
00:54 but no one can quite figure out why.
00:57 Like there's just like, oh, you know, my Ken can do this.
01:01 I don't want to give away any spoilers,
01:02 but between Ryan and I, one of us can backflip
01:05 and one of us can't.
01:07 This becomes a very major plot point in the movie, right?
01:11 And like the fact that one of them,
01:13 again, not gonna say who, one of the Kens can backflip
01:16 makes the other Ken, whoever he may be,
01:20 really, really jealous 'cause it's kind of really cool
01:22 to know how to backflip,
01:23 especially because it impresses Barbies.
01:26 And so that just becomes kind of a point of contention
01:31 among all the Kens is like,
01:33 well, how can we all impress the Barbies?
01:35 'Cause again, Kens have nothing to do.
01:38 They have no jobs.
01:39 And so they really only exist within the gaze
01:42 of the Barbies in Barbieland.
01:44 And so it's just kind of a really disempowered position
01:48 to be in and kind of clues you into why
01:53 there's so much infighting among the Kens.
01:55 - Yeah, especially if you can't do a backflip.
01:57 - Especially if you can't.
01:59 Yeah, you can't imagine what that would be like.
02:03 God.
02:03 - Oh, it looks like this beach
02:04 was a little too much beach for you, Ken.
02:06 - If I wasn't severely injured,
02:07 I would beach you off for right now, Ken.
02:09 - I'll beach off with you any day, Ken.
02:11 - Anyone who wants to beach him off
02:12 has to beach me off first.
02:13 - I will beach both of you off at the same time.
02:16 - Beach both of us off.
02:17 - Nobody's gonna beach anyone off.
02:19 [upbeat music]
02:21 (dramatic music)
