A Delicate Forest Dance Destination WILD

  • last year
00:00 These cloud forests are almost always cold and wet.
00:05 Here in the mountains of Borneo,
00:10 the shrew has had to make peace with a killer to eke out his living.
00:25 Although a carnivorous plant by nature, mature loess pitchers attract guests for more benign reasons.
00:34 It seduces its visitor with sweet nectar.
00:39 The shrew has something it needs.
00:46 The pitcher has modified its design to position its fleshy bowl right under the feeding shrew's rear end.
00:56 While its diner is busy, nature takes its course.
01:02 The shrew gets its sugar hit, and the loess pitcher collects its reward, nitrogen-rich shrew poo.
01:15 Teaming up has allowed both pitcher and shrew to solve the problem of finding enough food in the cloud forest.
01:26 While the shrew is preoccupied, he's being watched.
01:40 The activity has caught the attention of a leopard cat.
01:46 With so little prey around, this is a tantalizing opportunity.
02:06 Agile reflexes end the game of cat and mouse.
02:13 [Outro Music]
02:17 [Outro Music]
