Rest Advantage and Travel Concerns: Evaluating NBA Teams' Performance and Betting Opportunities

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - Coach, when you hear that stat about rest days
00:05 for their opponents, how does that make you,
00:08 how do you evaluate that?
00:09 And does that, would that factor into
00:11 your season total betting?
00:13 - Yeah, it would, because there's,
00:15 you gotta look at rest advantage and rest disadvantage
00:18 when you talk about things you have to talk about
00:20 when teams are coming into your home arena.
00:22 That's something that you have to take and look at closely.
00:26 When I look at something, I look at back to backs
00:29 and the league average is 14 back to backs this year.
00:33 But I got a little caveat here.
00:35 My team, the local team, the New York Knicks,
00:37 have 13 back to backs.
00:39 There's one less than the league average.
00:40 But here's the crazy thing.
00:42 The Knicks, out of those 13 back to backs,
00:45 have 12 that involve travel.
00:49 That is a big thing to worry about.
00:51 And I'm not, it doesn't matter if we're going from
00:54 Philadelphia to New York or New York to Boston
00:57 or New York to Washington.
00:59 I've seen the Knicks go all the way to Minnesota
01:03 and come back on it and have run a back to back.
01:04 So to me, when you have back to backs,
01:07 you have to look at teams roster,
01:09 who plays a ton of their guys.
01:12 That's a team like New York where tips,
01:14 where I do think this year he's gonna try to go to a
01:16 nine man rotation.
01:18 So I finally think he's got the horses to do so.
01:22 So look at team rotation and look at travels
01:25 and think about this folks.
01:27 When you have an NBA team that plays,
01:30 let's say seven o'clock, right?
01:32 Game ends at 930, press conference, everything.
01:36 They're not leaving the arena till 11 o'clock, 1130.
01:40 Start factoring in the travel home.
01:44 How are they doing it?
01:45 Sometimes the Knicks, some teams have done Amtrak.
01:48 I know the Mets do that a lot when they go to Philadelphia.
01:51 How are they traveling?
01:53 Is it bus?
01:54 Is it plane?
01:55 How far?
01:56 What time they get in?
01:58 And then sometimes you get a situation where
02:00 those teams will not practice or shoot around the next day.
02:04 So then you start looking at maybe first quarter spreads,
02:08 fading a team that's got to travel to come into town
02:11 on the back to back,
02:12 where their opponent may not have had to travel.
02:14 You got to start breaking things down
02:17 and there's always ways to make money.
02:19 But there's other big time games we have to talk about.
02:23 Harrison, like rivalry week,
02:25 which is something that the NBA has tried to kind of put out
02:28 there as a way to entice the fans.
02:33 So we have rivalry, which comes at around the week
02:36 of January 22nd.
02:38 Why January 22nd folks?
02:40 It's during the height of the NFL playoffs.
02:43 It's done on purpose.
02:45 (upbeat music)
02:48 (bells chiming)
