Mets vs Cardinals: Can Pete Alonso Shine Again? Game Preview and Betting Insights

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Here, Mets Cardinals makes a slate.
00:05 We have a Mets Cardinal, yeah we do.
00:07 Thompson and Lucchese, minus 142.
00:10 See, the San Luis Cardinals are the home favorite.
00:13 The total in this game is a nine and a half.
00:17 Is your boy Big Z, Pete Alonso, catching your eye again?
00:21 - I mean, come on, man.
00:23 When he hit that home run yesterday
00:25 to give me a two plus RBI day,
00:26 I believe he flexed his bicep,
00:29 which showed me that there was a big Z on that bicep.
00:31 So yes, I am correct in that.
00:33 Pete Alonso with a Z.
00:34 Will he come up big today?
00:35 We'll see.
00:36 But by the way, the nine and a half, Kevin,
00:37 I'm actually leaning towards the under.
00:38 Now, we don't know officially
00:40 what we're gonna get out of Joey Lucchese
00:41 because he doesn't have any statistics
00:43 over the past month here.
00:44 But if we're taking a look at that lineup here
00:46 for the Cardinals, it's been decent, to say the least,
00:49 against left-handed pitching,
00:50 but the focus really gonna come in the opposite side.
00:52 How about Zach Thompson here?
00:53 Go over his numbers, Kevin.
00:54 Last 54 batters that he's faced over the past month,
00:57 a 102 ISO and a zero ISO power number against lefties,
01:01 if you put that into the equation.
01:03 This lineup here, as we say to ourselves,
01:05 okay, the Mexicans right-handed pitching, sign me up.
01:07 There's a lot of really good shots.
01:09 But again, outside of Pete Alonso,
01:11 this lineup doesn't show very well, Kevin, against lefties.
01:14 So two lefties going today, I need 10 runs.
01:16 I'm actually gonna lean towards the under today
01:18 in this game.
01:19 But by the way, if there is a guy you want a prop shot with,
01:21 come on, man, Pete Alonso,
01:23 a 519 ISO power number for the last month
01:26 against left-handed pitchers.
01:28 If that's a guy just wanna dial up for a home run prop,
01:30 go ahead and do it.
01:31 - I gotta tell you, I still can't believe
01:35 that the off-season chatter for the New York Mets
01:39 is going to be whether or not
01:42 they should trade Pete Alonso
01:45 as opposed to pursue Shohei Otani.
01:48 - You think it's a lie, Donnie?
01:52 Have you settled?
01:53 I know it's like we don't, like, I still can't,
01:55 like, that's the conversation right now around Mets baseball
01:58 is the idea that instead of paying Pete Alonso
02:00 should let Pete Alonso go.
02:01 - Yes, and for an owner that has more money than everybody,
02:05 like, how does that even enter into the equation?
02:07 And also, getting back to double down on this point,
02:10 the fact that the Mets should be like,
02:12 hey, we just cleared payroll to go sign every free agent
02:14 in baseball next year to make a mockery of the system
02:17 has turned into, well, let's sell guys.
02:19 And maybe in a couple of,
02:21 they did charts on who the free agents are gonna be
02:23 in like 2027 that they think they're gonna go after.
02:25 This is very, I don't buy it for a second
02:27 the New York Mets are not gonna be a player in free agency
02:30 and taking the approach of,
02:31 let's just sit back and wait this thing out.
02:33 There's no way that's gonna happen.
02:35 I'm not buying any of that.
02:37 - And yeah, apparently Pete Alonso
02:39 coming to a baseball team near you.
02:41 - Yankees.
02:42 (upbeat music)
