Playing As EVERY MOB in Minecraft...

  • l’année dernière
00:00 Today in Minecraft, we can turn into any mob.
00:02 Once we kill them, we can turn into them.
00:04 It is our goal to collect as many mobs as we can
00:07 to then defeat the Ender Dragon and rule Minecraft.
00:09 Time to get some wood, but hold on,
00:11 I see some cows over there, and you know what that means.
00:13 It is time to kill this cow and turn into it.
00:16 Goodbye, cow!
00:17 (cow mooing)
00:18 Thank you, and now I have to turn into a cow, oh yeah!
00:21 I'm chitting as a cow, but what can I do as a cow?
00:24 Oh, I can drink milk.
00:26 I don't see any bucket, though.
00:27 Could still be useful.
00:28 Hey, y'all, stop kissing me!
00:29 I need some wood!
00:31 And just like that, we got our first set of poop tools.
00:34 Now, we need to find some other mobs and woo, a chicken.
00:37 Bye, chicken!
00:38 And I'm a chicken, let's go!
00:40 I can glide!
00:41 I can glide for even longer!
00:43 Next victim, let's go!
00:45 It's pig time, oh yeah!
00:47 Okay, life is pretty boring as a pig.
00:49 Pig adventure time, make this jump, okay, and ooh!
00:53 I see a big cave over here.
00:55 Oh, what if I turn into that creeper down there?
00:57 But first, I need to become Mr. Chimpkin
01:00 so I don't die when I jump down this cave, okay.
01:03 Now, just make sure I get a soft landing, there we go.
01:06 We only have two hearts, we've turned into a pig.
01:08 Okay, there we go, we got a couple more now,
01:10 but let's get some stone!
01:11 All right, there we go, let's cook up this food.
01:13 I'm eating myself, hee hee hee hee.
01:15 All right, the food is done, let's eat ourself,
01:18 and now let's attack the zombie, hi!
01:20 Bye, hey, zombie time.
01:24 All right, it seems I'm still pretty normal.
01:26 I have no special abilities, but what about this creeper?
01:28 Okay, let's run away from him, hit him again, and boom!
01:31 Wait, he's not attacking me back.
01:33 Is it because I'm a zombie?
01:35 Oh, whatever, creeper time, hey, skeleton.
01:38 Whoa, bang, what, it didn't work?
01:39 Okay, whatever, I'm gonna punch him three times, thank you!
01:42 Oh yeah, I'm a skeleton,
01:43 but it's much more fun to be a creeper.
01:45 Oh, look, it's a bat, whoa, bang!
01:47 And now I'm a bat, and now this is going
01:49 to help us advance way quicker.
01:52 But first, I gotta go back to the top to get some wood,
01:55 and upgrade my tools, just like that, nice.
01:58 Now let's go back down, oh, cool,
02:00 might as well take that, hey, hey.
02:01 Anyways, let's continue exploring this beautiful cave.
02:04 Okay, oh, a diamond, hold on,
02:06 but I don't have an iron pickaxe, dude.
02:08 It's iron right here, okay, here's my iron,
02:10 oh my God, there's so many creepers coming,
02:11 no, no, relax, run!
02:12 Fucking lucky, there's more iron here.
02:14 Fucking minor, come on, smelter on, all right.
02:17 Iron pickaxe, let's get the diamonds!
02:19 All right, relax, relax,
02:20 I'm just trying to get my diamond, thank you!
02:22 Oh, but there's one more, come on, guys, follow me here.
02:25 And now, let me get the last one, and thank you, bye!
02:29 Whoa, this cave goes a lot deeper, check this out.
02:32 And we found more diamonds, let's go!
02:34 Now, this is kind of slow mining whilst you're flying,
02:36 but it is what it is, and hold on,
02:37 that creeper's getting a bit too close, get away!
02:40 I'm just here for my diamond.
02:41 Another one, really?
02:42 We're gonna be rich!
02:44 Whoa, whoa, whoa, I don't like the way
02:45 this spider's just looking at me.
02:46 Hold on, is that a spawner in the back?
02:48 Okay, we gotta kill these spiders.
02:50 Go in there quick, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
02:52 whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Mr. Creeper, you gotta relax.
02:54 Let me just quickly eat my food,
02:56 turn into a spider, and then place it on the furnace,
02:58 cook my food, okay, you wanna fight, buddy?
03:01 I'll give you a fight, come here, then!
03:02 But first, let me eat my food.
03:03 All right, you want these hands?
03:05 Oh, give me these hands, no!
03:06 (screaming)
03:07 Oh, that was a bit too close, guys.
03:10 All right, let's see what's in the chest.
03:11 Quick charge three, a disc, bread, ah, ah,
03:14 it's all right, it's all right.
03:15 Anyways, I gotta go, okay, so I've been flying around,
03:18 and I found an enderman, and I kinda wanna kill him.
03:20 Oh, he's targeting me, relax, relax, relax,
03:22 okay, we're okay, we're okay, he can't teleport.
03:25 Oh, that is way too close, don't get that close to me,
03:28 please, oh my god, I wanna kill him,
03:29 I wanna become an enderman.
03:30 All right, oh, don't get that close to me, buddy.
03:33 It is time for you to die.
03:35 (gunshots)
03:37 Goodbye, and now I'm an enderman, oh yeah.
03:41 Let's see if I can teleport, okay, whoa, whoa, whoa,
03:44 that is dangerous, I'm definitely not doing that again.
03:46 Can I maybe go and walk to, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.
03:49 But as a creeper, I definitely can,
03:51 because I'm going to blow up these fish to get some food.
03:54 And now I'm gonna turn into a fish and explore the ocean,
03:58 and this is kind of boring, but maybe if I kill this squid,
04:02 maybe now it'll be more fun, no?
04:05 Okay, this is pretty boring too.
04:07 It is time to become a bat again,
04:08 because being a bat is epic.
04:10 Is my food done?
04:11 Yes, it is, nice, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.
04:14 All right, let's see what other mobs you can find,
04:16 because remember, we have to collect them all,
04:18 and ooh, what do I see here, a little wolf, aww.
04:22 I'm sorry, you have to die, wabam!
04:25 And now I'm a dog, and I can sit and look cute,
04:28 but that's about it.
04:29 Anyways, let's keep exploring the world.
04:30 Here's a bunch of horses, my horse,
04:33 and I'm now a horse, and I'm horsing around.
04:35 Wow, oh, but a bee, I would love to turn into a bee.
04:38 Wabam!
04:39 Check this out, I can sting other mobs.
04:41 (laughs)
04:42 Die, all right, let's keep flying around,
04:45 and ooh, I see a ruined portal, let's go to it.
04:47 Okay, let's check out what's in the chest, okay,
04:50 a gold sword, knockback two, fortune one, nice.
04:52 Okay, I'll take it, I'll take it.
04:54 Let's also take this gold block, ouch.
04:55 Now maybe I could actually finish this portal,
04:58 but for that, I need to craft a diamond pickaxe,
05:00 and mine all of this obsidian.
05:03 Now this might take quite some time,
05:05 it's a very tedious and boring task.
05:08 Last one, let's go, woo!
05:12 Now we can finish it.
05:13 Nether time, first the golden helmet,
05:15 and then light it up, and let's go.
05:17 I'm a bee in the nether, and oh my god,
05:20 this place is pretty spooky.
05:22 But I see my first victim, it is time for you to die.
05:26 All right, now with this lava walking thingy-majiggy,
05:29 let's just try it out, and oh, this is kinda fun,
05:32 but it gets pretty boring, so let's turn
05:35 into the zombie piglet, hey y'all, what's up my brothers?
05:38 How you guys doing?
05:39 I'm one of you guys now, right guys?
05:41 Right, no, okay.
05:42 All right, let's keep exploring.
05:44 I hear a ghost, first I need to cook my food, though.
05:46 All right, slap that in there, there we go.
05:49 All right, it is time for you to die, Mr. Ghost.
05:52 Dodge it, let's go, okay, first hit.
05:55 Come on, come on, dodge it, dodge it.
05:56 Second hit, come on, third hit, let's go.
05:59 He he he, I'm a ghost now, let's go.
06:02 Okay, I see a bunch of endermen,
06:03 I do need to get ender pearls to defeat the ender,
06:05 all right, so might as well.
06:06 Goodbye, my enderman friend, it's time for you to die.
06:09 Come on, okay, this might take quite some time.
06:12 Whew, I found my first ender pearl, let's go.
06:14 Luckily, I can turn into Mr. Chimp God, let's go.
06:18 This might take some time.
06:19 - One hour later.
06:21 - All right, we have 12 ender pearls,
06:22 next up is a fortress, and there it is.
06:25 Night time.
06:26 Come on, oh, I need to dodge that, okay.
06:30 Guess I just have to slap him.
06:31 This is gonna be so easy now.
06:33 Oh, he didn't drop blaze rods.
06:37 Oh, he did though, thanks.
06:40 Oh, we need more.
06:42 Oh, I didn't get one.
06:43 Okay, I guess I just have to find a spawner,
06:45 and wow, there it is, okay, let's go.
06:47 And thank you.
06:50 And thank you.
06:52 Okay, yeah, so we ran out of food.
06:54 Guess I have to eat rotten flesh.
06:55 - A few minutes later.
06:57 - And that should be the last one, there we go.
07:00 Now, before we go to the old world,
07:01 I quickly wanna find a wither skeleton.
07:03 Oh, there he is, let's shoot at him.
07:05 That didn't work.
07:05 Okay, so let's just smack him, and there we go.
07:08 We're a wither skeleton, hey, yo, what's up, guys?
07:10 Oh, whoa, whoa, chill, chill.
07:12 Didn't get the withering effect.
07:14 Maybe if I just use my hand.
07:16 Oh, yeah, it works.
07:17 Okay, good to know, peace out, boys.
07:19 I gotta jump, bye-bye!
07:21 All right, where was the portal?
07:22 There it is, oh, that's a different one.
07:24 Whatever, YOLO, let's go.
07:26 All right, which way is the stronghold?
07:28 Okay, this way.
07:29 Hey, can I please have it back, thank you.
07:31 Wait, I forgot to kill one very important mob, the warden.
07:34 Let's go find him!
07:35 Bruh, I've been flying around for so long.
07:38 Oh, I found it, let's go, finally.
07:40 Oh my God, this is beautiful.
07:42 But now let's try and spawn in the warden,
07:44 so let's fly down, turn into our normal self,
07:46 and just make a bunch of noise.
07:48 Warden, where are you?
07:49 Come on, warden, do I have to maybe break these blocks?
07:51 Are these your organs?
07:53 Am I doing this right, guys?
07:54 Warden, where are you?
07:55 I'm making a bunch of noise, warden.
07:57 Warden, hello, warden.
07:58 Whoa, what was that scream?
08:00 Is it happening?
08:01 Wait, did we go up there again?
08:02 Oh, okay, okay, he's coming, he's coming.
08:04 Let me turn into the blaze, fly away.
08:06 Where is this warden, bruh?
08:08 Hello, dude, is he scared of me?
08:10 Okay, I guess I'll just go try it again.
08:12 Come on, warden, come on, come on, come on.
08:14 Don't be scared.
08:15 Oh, oh, oh, he's coming, he's coming, boys.
08:17 Okay, okay, okay, let's shoot at him.
08:19 It's ineffective, the blaze's not doing anything.
08:22 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
08:24 I caught him like this, I can't,
08:25 I have to dodge his little shock wave.
08:27 Come on, come on, okay, maybe if I turn into the ghost.
08:31 Warden, here we go, shoot at him, boom.
08:33 Oh my God, he didn't do any damage.
08:35 Maybe I'm a cloud.
08:37 Come on, kill him, kill him.
08:41 Come on, just a few more, okay, dodge it.
08:46 One more, come on.
08:48 Oh wait, I can just keep my distance
08:50 and then just shoot at him like this.
08:52 Ha ha, love.
08:53 And easy, time to become the warden himself.
09:00 Special ability, go.
09:01 Yeah, we're definitely gonna win against the ender dragon,
09:05 so let's get out of this cave.
09:06 Now, where was the eggs?
09:07 I'm pretty sure it was somewhere around here.
09:09 Oh, there it is, okay.
09:10 All right, all right, all right.
09:12 Now let's use the eye of ender to find Stromhold.
09:14 Okay, so we go to go this way.
09:15 Come on, give it back to me.
09:17 Oh, it broke.
09:18 Oh, it went the other way,
09:23 so that means it is 100% underneath me.
09:26 All right, let's go.
09:27 Oh, I'm ablaze, I forgot.
09:29 Luckily, I can turn into a squid.
09:31 All right, squid, let's go.
09:33 Where is this Stromhold, huh?
09:34 Let's throw the eye of ender underwater.
09:36 Okay, this way.
09:38 Come on, come back, come back.
09:39 I'm running out of them already.
09:41 Come on, okay, let's go from up.
09:43 Get it, thank you.
09:44 Oh my God, there it is.
09:46 Come on, dig down, dig down.
09:47 Okay, we're in the library,
09:48 and now we have to find the portal.
09:50 As an enderman, let's go!
09:52 Okay, I'm too big.
09:53 Maybe as a zombie?
09:54 Let's go, let's explore this Stromhold!
09:56 I don't think you guys understand
10:04 how long I've been searching for this portal room.
10:07 Oh my God, I finally found it.
10:09 Wait, do I have enough?
10:10 One, two, three, okay, should be enough.
10:12 Nice.
10:13 All right, guys.
10:15 Now, before I go in, I wanna kill a silverfish,
10:18 but now let's go to the end as a silverfish.
10:22 Oh my God, I thought I was gonna fall down.
10:25 I have night vision, but I must turn into the blaze
10:28 to destroy all these end crystals.
10:30 (laughs)
10:31 Okay, come on, just a few more.
10:34 All right, and that one as well.
10:37 And for these, we're gonna need the goss,
10:39 because it's kind of explosive, there we go, boom.
10:41 And one more.
10:43 All right, Ender Dragon, let's fight.
10:45 Where you at?
10:46 What's up?
10:47 Okay, he's way too quick.
10:48 Yeah, I'm definitely not gonna be able
10:50 to hit him as a goss.
10:51 So, I'm gonna have to turn into the war god.
10:54 Where are you?
10:55 (yells)
10:56 Oh, finally, there he is.
10:58 It is time for your demise, Ender Dragon.
11:01 Come on!
11:01 What?
11:04 I guess I'm the Ender Dragon now,
11:05 and check it out, I'm in creative mode.
11:07 No wonder the Ender Dragon is so OP,
11:09 unless she has access to all of the items.
11:12 Well, I guess that I'm the ruler of Minecraft now.
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11:17 and I'll see you in the next one.