Nathalie Rheims  sa liaison secrète avec un chanteur très connu bien plus âgé qu’elle

  • last year


00:00 The two lovers never forgot each other.
00:10 In an interview for the show, "It starts today", Nathalie Rins shared her little secrets.
00:16 The writer Recompensé in particular told the secret relationship she had with a very
00:25 famous singer.
00:26 Idil that she reveals in her book published this year, "Au long des jours".
00:35 Every week, the show "It starts today" receives anonymous or public figures on
00:41 the set of France 2.
00:45 Everyone confides in their personal story and this May 22, 2023, Faustine Bollard welcomed
00:52 in her program the writer and producer Nathalie Rins.
00:57 The 64-year-old woman came back to her past and dealt with a love story that had
01:04 meant a lot to her.
01:05 Yes, because the ex of Léo Géréveuf of the director Claude Berry, "Together that's
01:13 all", has maintained a secret relationship with a star of the time for a year.
01:18 When she was only 18, the young woman met a 57-year-old artist.
01:28 But while the latter was already in a relationship, it did not prevent them from having the blow
01:35 to blow each other just after the performance of the actress in the "Mente Polaire".
01:41 "He came into my lodge and there were millions of butterflies in the belly," the writer
01:48 said.
01:49 "There was a discussion between the two future lovers.
01:54 I told him that my favorite song was "Faut vivre".
02:01 And there he tells me it's a very sad song for a young girl your age.
02:09 What she replied to, "You shouldn't trust age."
02:14 This first exchange led to a date at the villa a few days later and a kiss.
02:23 He took my head and asked me if he could kiss me.
02:26 I said yes.
02:31 He waited a minute and asked me again, "Are you sure?"
02:37 Already in love, the future writer responded positively and they kissed.
02:43 But who was this very famous singer?
02:48 Nathalie Reins, her secret relationship with a more famous singer than she is like the
02:53 daughter of Rothschild's heir reveals it in her book published in 2023.
02:57 Over the years, Nathalie Reins has maintained a secret relationship with Marcel Mouloudji.
03:04 And it was by chance on a photo of her and her former love of youth that the actress
03:11 decided to dive back into her past.
03:13 Despite their great age difference, this did not prevent the two lovers from loving each
03:20 other very much.
03:21 I was mature and mature.
03:25 I have been working since I was 15 years old.
03:29 I was already an independent woman, to retort the author of "One for the other".
03:39 And obviously, this is an important story, because the artist wanted to see her again
03:44 two years before her death.
03:45 Our last scene took place under a door.
03:51 He then picked up the neck of his cabin and I watched her leave, it was a memory.
03:58 Obviously, the first love marks us for life.
04:20 I think you don't like me, no sit down, sit back, let me help you out.
04:33 Just a forgot to see, cause I watch you all day on your own.
04:40 But you wish that I was there, sorry, due to be strong.
04:51 My love, I know you are all there, cause I can only be a part of the chain that never
04:59 stops if I can.
