Couple Rescues A Pregnant Frenchie The Dodo

  • last year
00:00 Our daughter called to say that there was this sweetest little pregnant cuteness at the rescue and said, "Hey, would you like to foster?"
00:08 Hi, sweetheart.
00:10 And he said, "Of course."
00:13 The newest resident is here.
00:15 Time for Sukely to go in and see her new room.
00:18 But this is the first time that we fostered a mom and baby.
00:22 We just wanted to make sure that everything was comfortable for them.
00:24 We've got a spot picked out here, and then we've got that's going to go on top of that.
00:32 So, mama and the baby's going to lay down there.
00:36 Hi, mama.
00:39 She was protective of her puppies, but I think she knew that she was going to be loved and she was going to be taken care of.
00:47 It was a little scary at first.
00:49 You're bringing little lives into your home.
00:51 She's taking care of them, we're taking care of her, everyone's taking care of everyone.
00:56 Good girl.
00:58 Miss Lori, Miss Patty, Kirk is underneath there, and that's Luke.
01:03 And there's Sukey.
01:05 My first worry was that, "Oh, my gosh, they're so tiny. She's so big. What if they're not latching on?"
01:12 Just in a couple days, I could tell she was going to be a good mama.
01:16 She did all the heavy lifting. She took care of them.
01:19 Oh, she's ready to go.
01:21 For us to do, it's just to watch over them and make sure they're all safe, just like humans.
01:26 Oh, gentle scoop.
01:28 My husband was on morning duty.
01:31 Come here.
01:33 Yummy food.
01:35 Good girl.
01:36 I was more on day duty.
01:38 Oh, he's so big.
01:40 And then we would both be with them in the evenings.
01:43 There's Sukey.
01:46 In a few short weeks, they have changed so, so much.
01:49 Hey, girl.
01:50 Oh, my gosh.
01:51 They're walking.
01:53 The next step of them being able to walk is amazing. It's like miracles.
01:59 And then they leave their little pool.
02:01 And they can walk on the grass outside.
02:11 You're walking tall.
02:13 Oh, my God. Luke's walking.
02:16 I just got a pedicure.
02:19 Sukey!
02:21 What are you doing?
02:23 Sukey, obviously, she was just very focused on her puppies.
02:27 But then they're growing, and she doesn't have to be with them 24/7.
02:32 So, like, she could come out and engage with our other Frenchies.
02:35 Sukey's first day out with all the dogs.
02:38 Play in the backyard.
02:40 Oh, you found me.
02:43 The initial stress of being a mama slowly was subsiding.
02:51 Oh, pretty gun.
02:53 Oh, wow.
02:55 Sukey, what's for steal?
02:57 Oh, there you go, Sukey.
02:59 Sukey, Su.
03:03 Her puppies are a month old.
03:05 They have to be eight weeks old before they can be officially adopted.
03:09 For sure, I know that they're going to go super, super fast.
03:12 Sukey is going to be adopted by my son and daughter-in-law.
03:16 Going crazy.
03:17 Had an amazing party for her, adoption party, very, very important.
03:21 Happy adoption day, dear Sukey.
03:26 Just fits really right in.
03:28 She's part of the pack.
03:29 Sukey's just, she's just such a special puppy.
03:32 She's so funny. She knows how to chill, what is in her mood.
03:35 She's a good fit for us.
03:37 [Music]
