• 2 years ago


00:00 This chameleon was surprised by the sight of this strange animal.
00:03 Probably, he hasn't encountered a snake before. He should have known better though.
00:08 The hungry snake slithered towards him and swiftly instilled his fangs inside the lizard body.
00:14 The poor animal ceased to move after a while, allowing the reptile to easily carry him to the
00:23 bushes. A ribbon snake seems to be busy feasting on his prey while it is still alive. An unlucky
00:33 frog fell into his captivity. The reptile swallows the painted frog slowly and steadily.
00:39 Until the very end, the frog was still breathing and his eyelids kept flickering in complete sorrow.
00:51 Another snake succeeded to catch a large toad by his back limbs.
00:54 His butter-like flesh was getting pierced by the sharp fangs of the reptile.
01:01 The snake's flexible jaw enabled his mouth to become wider than the prey's body,
01:07 allowing him to swallow the frog whole. In this scene, a garter snake captured a turtle
01:15 by her back limbs and bit him repeatedly. When the turtle is no longer able to move,
01:23 he pulled her away where he could take all the time he needs to swallow her.
01:28 However, not all turtles are pacifists. In this scene, a large snapping turtle was
01:37 combating an audacious snake that kept hitting on him with rapid attacks.
01:43 When the snake tried to enter the turtle's open mouth, she locked her jaws
01:48 and started chewing off the snake's head. That's the perfect ambush.
01:55 Beneath the river's surface, another snapping turtle caught a water snake
02:03 and started shredding his flesh using his hooked mouth.
02:06 The reptile kept swimming against the current while trying to escape the turtle's captivity.
02:13 After a long torture, the turtle pulled him under the water,
02:18 and future became dark in the eyes of the snake.