Cat Who Wouldn't Show His Face Is A Cuddlebug Now The Dodo Foster Diaries

  • last year
00:00 Hey, buddy.
00:02 He was just buried in the back of his kennel.
00:05 Hi, Joby.
00:06 Hey, buddy, it's OK.
00:08 If a cat could cry, that's what it felt like this cat was doing.
00:12 And I immediately just said, I have to foster this cat.
00:18 Well, when I transported him from the shelter
00:21 to my apartment, he just stayed hidden in his carrier.
00:24 I literally had never even seen his face.
00:29 He was just so buried.
00:31 And I thought, oh, man, what have I gotten into?
00:35 Oh, goodness.
00:36 You're doing that walking out of his kennel.
00:39 Can I see your pretty face?
00:43 Walking out.
00:44 Walking out.
00:46 Hello.
00:48 You want to stay in there forever?
00:52 I unwrapped the towel very slowly,
00:56 and I kind of turned it, and he crawled right into my lap
01:00 and kind of buried himself in the nook of my arm.
01:02 And the feeling I was getting from him
01:04 was that he was just relieved.
01:06 You're such a good boy.
01:08 And now he's purring.
01:09 I can't actually hear it, but I can feel it.
01:13 Look at this boy.
01:14 He was completely shut down at the shelter.
01:19 He just needed to get out of there.
01:20 He needed to be at home.
01:23 You are such a good boy.
01:26 We kept him in this office for a while
01:28 just so that he would be-- kind of feel in his own secure
01:31 little space.
01:32 So I would just come in here and sit on the floor
01:35 while he was in here and then curl up on my lap for hours.
01:40 Started opening the door to the room
01:46 to allow him to explore, but he wasn't interested for a while.
01:49 It took a few days before he finally worked up the courage.
01:56 Day eight or day nine, one day he just walked out the door.
02:00 We couldn't believe it.
02:01 And he was nervous.
02:02 This is the first time.
02:06 Toby.
02:08 Oh my gosh, where are you going?
02:09 Sort of slinking low around the apartment,
02:12 just checking it all out.
02:14 But we were just thrilled that he chose to explore it all.
02:22 My cat Toshi, who happens to look almost exactly like Toby,
02:26 was peeking in the door.
02:27 We would keep the door open a crack
02:28 so they could kind of get to see each other and smell
02:31 each other, the fact that each other existed.
02:33 And he was very curious and would stick
02:35 his little nose in there.
02:36 We had had some fosters before, and he was always, honestly,
02:40 kind of a bit of a bully.
02:41 And when we finally did let Toshi in to meet Toby,
02:46 we were shocked at how nice he was to him.
02:48 And so Toshi and Toby spent hours
02:51 together just right next to each other,
02:53 watching the birds on the bird feeder.
02:57 He is a very affectionate cat.
03:04 He's a cat that tolerates any kind of handling.
03:07 Super sweet.
03:07 He's cuddly.
03:08 You're facing the sun.
03:09 Just--
03:10 In the mornings, he also started hopping up on the bed
03:13 at times 6.45 in the morning to say hello.
03:16 [LAUGHS]
03:20 I had for a total of about a month before he was adopted.
03:26 Yeah, we're going to miss you.
03:28 But you're going to your forever home, aren't you?
03:31 You're going to live with Omar, who's very nice.
03:35 And you're going to have a new stepbrother.
03:38 Toshi's going to miss you, but your new stepbrother
03:40 is nice and gentle, just like you.
03:44 Toby, you're OK, baby.
03:50 You're OK.
03:51 Hello.
03:51 Look at your pretty face.
03:52 Welcome.
03:54 So I brought him to Omar's place.
03:56 And I stayed there for maybe a half an hour with them
03:58 while he introduced him to the room he was going to be in.
04:02 And it went quite well.
04:05 He loosened up more quickly than he did the first time around.
04:12 Toby is progressing quickly.
04:20 Keep keeping your foster animals.
04:23 You can't keep fostering.
04:25 You can't have that many animals.
04:26 You have to be willing to give them up.
04:30 Can I brush my teeth?
04:34 Duh-oh.
