Concert in September to bring back 70s OPM hits | The Final Word

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This concert shows off the best of seventies’ OPM yet again.

Singer Leah Navarro and Zonta Club of Makati's Lorna Kapunan tell us about Tugtugan Sitenta 2 happening September 15th.

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00:00 shows off the best of 70s OPM yet again. Singer Lea Navarro and Zonta Club of
00:06 Pacatis, attorney Lorna Capunan tells us about Tugtugan 72 happening this
00:12 September 15. Lea, attorney Lorna, great to have you with us.
00:18 How can we resist you?
00:20 A 70s fan. I know, of course.
00:22 So, Lea, let's start off with you. Wow, we're gonna go down memory lane with 70s music.
00:28 What makes 70s music really special and stand out vis-a-vis the 80s and the 90s?
00:37 I think it was because OPM, Original Filipino Music, that was when it was at its richest.
00:46 It had so many different styles and genres. We had disco, we had ballads, we had sound that was
00:56 different from all the pop that was playing at the time. And, you know, there is nothing better than
01:06 when you want to forget your troubles or what's ailing you, you listen to music, right?
01:12 That's right. Like attorney Lorna listens to 70s music. That's why Zonta got into this activity.
01:19 Yes, exactly. Plus the fact that we figured that it's about time we help our artists.
01:27 And Zonta Makati Ayala partnered this tugtugan too. We had a tugtugan one that was a riot.
01:36 Everyone dancing on their chairs.
01:39 I thought my kids were crazy when they would step on, you know, at concerts.
01:47 They would all stand up and sing. And I saw people in wheelchairs, in canes, dancing in the lane in Soler.
02:02 It's generational also. Because people who are in their 70s now, their 60s, seniors, the rest of us,
02:12 this is when they can really enjoy their memories.
02:19 And of course, Lorna was also talking about helping our Filipino artists because who really suffered
02:25 during the pandemic. You were the first one to shut down and the last one to restart.
02:31 Yes. Plus, especially now, the ones we know, the millennials don't know them anymore.
02:37 Wadab, Boyfriends, Labuyo, VSCM Companies, Sampaguita, Higuinis, Mike Anupol.
02:42 I will disagree there. Because I've had teenagers come up to me and say,
02:49 "I know your song." Because my parents would play our songs to them. And so they're aware.
02:58 They are aware. And I think it's also because, as I said, the quality of the music at the time in the 70s
03:08 was really quite good and it has stayed. I mean, you have groups like Apo High Key that are doing concerts again.
03:15 It's wonderful. And there are a lot of the 70s music as well, Leah and Attorney Lorna,
03:22 that are being revived by the younger artists and even by rappers, by hip-hop artists.
03:29 I never thought, Rico, that I would have someone else do my songs.
03:34 Yes. One world, one song.
03:36 Twenty years later. No one has done that one yet. But you know, I have, there is a rap version of "Ang Pag-ibig Kong Ito,"
03:43 which is, I was the original. And then now it's a college kid.
03:47 Was that part of the 70s?
03:48 Yes. But the kids now, they think it's their generation.
03:54 They can relate to it, no?
03:56 Yes. It's like the revival, Rico, of the Beatles. So we'd start singing yesterday and then the kids would say,
04:03 "You know that song, mom?" "Of course I know." They think it was invented during their generation.
04:08 But Leah, let me just say, she is the youngest.
04:12 Yes, you're right. But you know, she's the youngest among that group.
04:21 Okay. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of fun to be had because we have Sampaguita with us.
04:27 We have Waddup. We have The Boyfriends. We can do all the disco medleys that everyone dances to now.
04:35 We have Hagibis.
04:39 But you know, it's great that Zonta and Mark Manalang and our other friends in the OPM industry
04:47 are really supporting original Filipino music because, look, Leah, Attorney Lorna,
04:52 we're being swamped by a lot of foreign artists.
04:56 Yes. You mentioned it. So there's K-pop.
05:00 Yes. All the pop artists.
05:02 There's P-pop.
05:03 Let me just also mention, I sit as vice chair of the cultural center.
05:07 We're trying to develop, get back the Leahs, get back the Maykanopos, and make people love,
05:15 and try to figure out what is truly original Filipino.
05:20 The same way we're rediscovering adobo.
05:23 Yes.
05:24 The same way we're discovering sinigang.
05:27 Isn't sinigang award-winning?
05:29 I don't know about you guys, but I cook it all the time.
05:32 The soup in the world, sinigang, mga adobo.
05:34 In fact, my son, the president, is with me here, David.
05:38 He is younger than my eldest son, and he knows all of these songs.
05:45 That's fantastic.
05:46 But do you think, Leah, that original Filipino music is still getting enough airplay on radio?
05:53 But of course, that's radio, right?
05:55 That's an old medium.
05:56 Now it's all about Spotify.
05:58 It's Spotify.
05:59 It's about streaming services.
06:00 I have been made to understand that OPM is a big part of Spotify here.
06:05 And if you have Alexa or whichever name you want to call out for your music,
06:12 I know of a lot of people who get a lot of pleasure of having this on their playlists.
06:19 And it's not just a matter of memories.
06:21 I think we all know that entertainment helps groups fundraise, get support.
06:31 I mean, this is where we can work together, two different industries, to get attention for us.
06:39 I'm sure this will be a huge success on September 15th.
06:41 We'll have another Tuk Tugan 73.
06:44 And this time you will come.
06:46 I understand you're going to miss this.
06:47 You're going to bring your son to the U.S. of A, but you won't.
06:50 Let me just say that.
06:52 Let me speak about why they should come.
06:55 Not only to see Alea Navarro and all of this.
06:58 Not only to help the OPM artists, but you also have advocacies.
07:02 But Zonta is for a cause.
07:04 So we're into Zonta, really, if people have not heard of it.
07:08 It's the largest global organization that wants to build a better world for women.
07:16 And for girls.
07:17 And for girls.
07:18 But as important as that, it should be, and we were talking about Alea, it should be educating the boys as well.
07:27 Because we tell our daughters to be empowered, but we don't tell our sons to respect daughters.
07:35 So it's really a two-way street.
07:40 And this concert is a reminder of gender equity.
07:43 Gender equity meaning no discrimination on account of your gender, especially now.
07:51 We're even talking about LGBTQ.
07:53 Even that.
07:55 Respect for everything.
07:58 Respect for all genders.
08:00 Respect for all genders.
08:02 And inclusivity.
08:03 And inclusivity.
08:04 And we're not asking equality.
08:06 We're asking for equity, which is really different.
08:13 All right, I'll put you now in the spot.
08:14 Yes.
08:15 Very well represented here of all.
08:18 Male, female.
08:19 We have Mykonopole, Sampaguita, Labuyo, Hagibis, Wadab.
08:25 I mean, if you remember your high school, you better buy tickets.
08:30 Ticket world.
08:31 Ticket world.
08:32 They can buy tickets at ticket world.
08:33 But I'll put you both in the spot.
08:34 What are your top five OPM hits from the 70s?
08:38 All of my songs.
08:39 All of your songs.
08:40 Thank you very much.
08:42 We have to name them.
08:52 Favorite songs from Wadab, Boyfriends, Labuyo, VSTN Company, Sampaguita, Hagibis.
08:57 [SINGING]
09:01 There.
09:02 Do you want more?
09:04 You want to hear Attorney Lorna Capunan.
09:07 We only see her in the courts.
09:09 Correct.
09:10 Right?
09:11 Fighting for human rights.
09:12 I know.
09:13 Fighting for women.
09:14 But now we are seeing the lighter side of Attorney Lorna.
09:16 I know.
09:17 Actually, Rico, I have no lighter side.
09:19 [LAUGHTER]
09:22 I have no lighter side.
09:23 The fun side.
09:24 The fun side.
09:25 No, really.
09:26 Lea and I really go long ways.
09:29 And I guess the thing about songs is you have all of your favorites.
09:35 Right?
09:37 I mean, we were saying I can name your song in two notes.
09:45 Okay.
09:46 That's our recollection.
09:49 All right.
09:50 Tugtugan 72 Concert, where is the venue?
09:54 Newport Performing Arts Theater.
09:56 Newport World Resort.
10:01 Through Ticket World.
10:03 And it's for a good cause.
10:04 And it's for a good cause.
10:05 For our zone, Tamacati, Yala.
10:07 And we partnered this time with Rotary.
10:10 Rotary Club of San Lorenzo.
10:17 Salamat.
10:18 Maraming salamat, Lea Navarro and Attorney Lorna Capunan.
10:24 (laughing)
