Ryan Gosling_ Roles That Made Him a Hollywood Heartthrob

  • last year
Ryan Gosling_ Roles That Made Him a Hollywood Heartthrob


00:00 ♪ I have feelings that I can't explain ♪
00:05 ♪ Driving me insane ♪
00:08 ♪ All my life been so polite ♪
00:12 - Ryan Gosling stole the summer of 2023 with his Kennergy.
00:17 - Just like pink now.
00:18 - Hi Barbie!
00:20 - But before he was singing his heart out in Barbie.
00:23 ♪ Where I see the love she sees a friend ♪
00:26 - He was stealing hearts
00:27 as Hollywood's swoon-worthiest leading man.
00:31 ♪ City of stars ♪
00:34 ♪ Are you shining just for me ♪
00:38 - But I can't take my eyes off of you.
00:40 That's a fact, it's not a lie.
00:42 - 'Cause I want you.
00:43 I want all of you forever.
00:45 You and me, every day.
00:48 - Check out the roles that took Ryan from Mouseketeer.
00:51 - Ryan!
00:52 (audience cheering)
00:55 - To bonafide Hollywood heartthrob.
00:58 - How many female fans have asked,
01:03 I don't know, to touch your abs?
01:05 - Never.
01:06 It's never happened.
01:07 - This is the first maybe?
01:08 - Are you asking me to touch my abs?
01:10 - No, no, not at all.
01:10 I was just curious.
01:11 - Oh, okay.
01:12 No, that's fine.
01:13 That's fine.
01:14 - That's fine.
01:15 - You don't have to ask.
01:15 - Call me 10.
01:16 - Ry got his start working for the House of Mouse
01:18 in the 90s.
01:19 - Let's talk about the Mickey Mouse Club
01:21 because it's, let's do it.
01:22 - Your mom is so strict.
01:24 - That's nothing.
01:26 Last year, Eddie left a piece of coconut custard pie
01:28 in the ashtray.
01:29 She had him transferred to military school.
01:32 - Oh!
01:32 - He followed that up with projects like Young Hercules.
01:37 - Now I'm really sick of my father and his protection.
01:39 - Remember the Titans?
01:41 ♪ They're gonna make a big star out of me ♪
01:42 - Yes.
01:43 This one.
01:44 - And Murder by Numbers.
01:46 - Shoot me in the heart, whatever you want.
01:48 - But it was a little film called The Notebook
01:51 that totally changed the trajectory of his career.
01:55 - You just tell me what you want and I'll be that for you.
01:57 - You're dumb.
02:00 - I could be that.
02:04 - Yep, the 2004 romance became an instant classic
02:07 with Ryan delivering serious Southern charm
02:10 as Noah to Rachel McAdams' Allie.
02:13 - I wasn't sure that really I was right for it.
02:15 I'm still not, but I did, I really liked the character
02:20 and I thought that it might be something interesting
02:23 for me to try and do.
02:24 You wanna dance with me?
02:26 This is not the face of a romantic lead.
02:28 And he said, "I know, that's why you gotta do it."
02:32 And I said, "What do you mean?"
02:33 And he said, "Well, you know, that way when she says
02:35 "that she loves you, we know that she's in it
02:36 "for the right reasons."
02:38 You know?
02:39 So I thought, well, that's probably true.
02:42 - Will you go out with me?
02:43 - I'm gonna ask you one more time.
02:45 Will you or will you not go out with me?
02:48 - They put me up there on that Ferris wheel to hang off
02:51 on the last day, just in case.
02:55 - Fast forward to 2010, Ryan added laughter
02:59 to the list of reasons to be crazy stupid in love with him.
03:03 - What happened to your feet?
03:05 - What do you mean?
03:05 These are my 407s.
03:07 - I brought you in.
03:08 - Thank you.
03:09 I call him the Rye guy.
03:12 I will mess you up!
03:13 - Dad?
03:14 - Cal?
03:15 - Cal.
03:15 - Jessica?
03:16 - Bernie?
03:17 (gunshot)
03:18 - You are a gifted comedic actor.
03:21 That's what I was gonna say.
03:22 - 'Cause comedy's all about timing.
03:27 - That's it, I, perfect.
03:29 - What's your best fake laugh?
03:30 (laughing)
03:33 - You know what he does?
03:34 He does, when he's really starting to laugh,
03:37 in a scene, he'll go, he'll have this little,
03:41 you know, like this high-pitched giggle,
03:43 and you go, "He, he."
03:46 - The film also introduced Ryan to Emma Stone.
03:49 - Seriously?
03:55 It's like you're Photoshopped.
03:57 - They went on to team up again in "Gangster Squad,"
04:00 which led them to La La Land.
04:03 - You gotta give it everything you got.
04:05 - There's actually a scene in the film
04:06 which is based on an audition that I had.
04:08 - I just thought...
04:09 I don't know what I thought.
04:14 - One second.
04:15 (door opening)
04:18 - What do you think?
04:18 - Just got off the phone.
04:20 - Tell her I'll call her back.
04:23 - In two minutes?
04:24 - Less than two minutes.
04:26 - It was a very emotional scene that I had to do,
04:28 and halfway through, the lady took a call
04:31 and just kept talking while I was supposed
04:33 to finish my line, so when I told Damien,
04:36 he put it in the script, so it's in the movie.
04:40 - That film earned Ryan an Oscar nom.
04:42 (sad music)
04:44 And reconnected him with his musical roots.
04:50 (upbeat music)
04:53 - Your dance skills, how were they before the movie?
05:00 - They were rough.
05:01 They were rusty.
05:02 I had danced as a kid, but that was a long time ago,
05:06 and 90s hip hop is a little different than tap
05:09 and, you know, the shim-sham.
05:11 (sad music)
05:15 (choral music)
05:17 (dramatic music)
