• 2 years ago
கன்னட திரையுலகின் சூப்பர் ஸ்டார் நடிகர் புனித் ராஜ்குமார், உடற்பயிற்சி செய்துக் கொண்டிருந்த போது மாரடைப்பு ஏற்பட்டு காலமான நிலையில், அவரது உறவினரும் நடிகருமான நடிகர் விஜய் ராகவேந்திராவின் மனைவி ஸ்பந்தனா திடீரென மாரடைப்பால் மரணமடைந்த செய்தி கன்னட திரையுலகினரை பெரும் அதிர்ச்சிக்குள் ஆழ்த்தியுள்ளது.


00:00 [Music]
00:05 When Kannada film star Punit Rajkumar was doing body training,
00:11 the death of a man was a shock to the world of Kannada.
00:17 Now his relative and actor Vijay Raghavendra's wife Spandana,
00:23 are shocked to see the sudden death of a man.
00:30 The famous actor Vijay Raghavendra, who played the role of Mars Leedan, Johnny and Lalkudi Days,
00:36 is a popular actor among his fans.
00:40 His wife Spandana was suffering from breast cancer
00:46 when he was travelling to Thailand with his family.
00:49 Spandana had low blood pressure during his trip to Thailand.
00:54 He was admitted to a hospital for treatment.
00:59 He died of sudden heart attack there.
01:05 The news is that Spandana's body will reach Bengaluru tomorrow
01:08 and his funeral will be held there.
01:13 Vijay Raghavendra and Spandana got married on August 26, 2007.
01:20 Spandana, daughter of P.K.Sivaraman, the assistant to the retired police officer,
01:25 had a miscarriage.
01:27 They have a son named Saurya.
01:30 Spandana starred in a film called Apoorva in 2016.
01:36 Spandana's father P.K.Sivaram heard the news of his daughter's death
01:41 and left for Thailand immediately.
01:44 Actor Vijay Raghavendra was in Bengaluru with his wife
01:48 due to his promotion work for his next film.
01:52 His wife Spandana's sudden disappearance was the reason for his death.
01:58 This tragic incident happened 19 days before his 16th wedding anniversary.
02:07 Actor Punit Rajkumar was also in a state of barrenness.
02:11 His family members were also barren.
02:15 This incident shocked the family and the fans of Kannada.
02:19 For more information, visit www.globalonenessproject.org
