Things We Just Don't Understand...

  • last year
Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00:00 Mr. Portnoy, how are we?
00:00:01 So you could hear us, huh?
00:00:07 - What's up, John?
00:00:12 - I'm in.
00:00:13 - You're in.
00:00:14 We're trying to get Mr. Portnoy in.
00:00:18 - I do know the irony of that, Mr. Portnoy.
00:00:20 I apologize that you don't understand how to work Zoom
00:00:24 and this is that I don't understand Draft.
00:00:27 So remember, you wanna say yes to everything.
00:00:31 Yes to video, yes to audio,
00:00:32 just everything you could say yes to, say yes.
00:00:36 - I don't see anything yet.
00:00:38 - I hear you.
00:00:39 - Do you wanna try to rejoin?
00:00:44 You wanna quit and rejoin?
00:00:45 Sometimes that helps you out.
00:00:47 - You can't hear me.
00:00:50 - No, we can't hear you.
00:00:51 You're muted and your camera's not on.
00:00:53 - I can hear.
00:00:55 - Yeah, so John's good.
00:00:57 - How was that?
00:01:00 - Now you're still in the abyss at the moment.
00:01:06 (laughing)
00:01:09 Do you wanna just totally exit out and try again?
00:01:17 What'd you say, sir?
00:01:24 - I'm listening.
00:01:25 - Oh, I'm hearing him through the phone.
00:01:30 - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:01:31 - Hello?
00:01:35 - Oh no, we lost the phone call too.
00:01:39 - This might be a long setup here.
00:01:43 Do you have--
00:01:47 - John Feilberg.
00:01:48 - Oh, all right, we got you.
00:01:49 - Portnoy.
00:01:50 - How are you?
00:01:52 - I'm fantastic, how are you?
00:01:54 Did I get picked for this because you figure
00:01:57 I'm more confused than probably anybody you know?
00:02:00 - Absolutely not.
00:02:01 - No.
00:02:02 - Absolutely not.
00:02:02 - That's why you did this, Eddie.
00:02:03 You wanted to shame me.
00:02:04 - This is the third topic I picked for you.
00:02:06 The first one was grievances.
00:02:07 The second one was things that have gone downhill.
00:02:10 And the third one is things I don't understand.
00:02:12 They are not intentional at all.
00:02:13 It's just how it rolled out.
00:02:15 - There we go.
00:02:16 - Oh my gosh.
00:02:17 - We got you.
00:02:17 - There we go.
00:02:19 - All right, I'm done.
00:02:20 Don't listen to anything else.
00:02:23 I got nothing else.
00:02:24 - Mr. Portnoy, don't let him patronize you
00:02:29 'cause he definitely always has ulterior motives.
00:02:32 - Oh, I know that.
00:02:33 - But we do--
00:02:34 - I understand that.
00:02:34 - We do genuinely look forward
00:02:36 to doing this episode every summer.
00:02:38 - Yeah, every summer.
00:02:39 - Yeah, we do.
00:02:40 - That's the one time in between.
00:02:41 - Well, we'd have you on more than that,
00:02:43 but we don't wanna bother you.
00:02:44 - Yeah.
00:02:45 - No, you're not bothering me.
00:02:46 Sometimes you're bothering me.
00:02:48 (laughing)
00:02:49 I wanna tell you something.
00:02:51 I have so many things listed here.
00:02:53 How many hours is it?
00:02:54 (laughing)
00:02:57 What gets very similar to this,
00:02:59 it merges into me having complaints.
00:03:01 The very similar things that I don't understand
00:03:06 merges into complaints.
00:03:08 (laughing)
00:03:10 I got things that are happening in the last half hour.
00:03:12 (laughing)
00:03:15 - I love this.
00:03:16 This is like a new,
00:03:18 we got the moving camera per usual for you,
00:03:21 and it feels like we're in a new room.
00:03:22 Are you in the kitchen or something?
00:03:24 Are you still in the office?
00:03:24 Where you at?
00:03:26 - No, I'm in the kitchen 'cause my wife's not.
00:03:29 - Okay, all right.
00:03:31 All right, well, let's get this thing underway.
00:03:33 No more--
00:03:34 - But I wanna say before we start.
00:03:36 - Absolutely, absolutely.
00:03:37 - My wife and I,
00:03:38 I wish you weren't on here, Eddie,
00:03:41 because Eddie is one of our favorite people.
00:03:44 You are such a nice guy,
00:03:45 and you know you're one of my favorites,
00:03:46 and I'm not just saying this
00:03:48 because of what we're doing.
00:03:49 I like final work, too, but not that much.
00:03:51 (laughing)
00:03:53 - Thank you, Mr. Portman.
00:03:54 - Thanks, Mr. Portman, I like you.
00:03:56 For a long time, you're an OG, as I am, too.
00:04:01 (laughing)
00:04:04 - All right, we'll get it underway.
00:04:06 All right, bang, bang, it is Monday, August 7th,
00:04:09 Snake Draft Monday.
00:04:10 Welcome to the Dog Walk Presented by Barstool Sports.
00:04:12 As you can hear, it is now turned into
00:04:15 once a summer extravaganza.
00:04:17 Mike Portnoy, Esquire, comes on,
00:04:20 and he does a Snake Draft, the third one.
00:04:22 Legendary moment so far in the first two,
00:04:25 so I'm expecting nothing less.
00:04:27 Also, we're joined by Feidelberg.
00:04:29 John, thanks for coming in with us for this, too.
00:04:32 - I'm very happy to be here,
00:04:33 and I'm very honored to be on a Mr. Portnoy episode.
00:04:36 This is--
00:04:37 - I'm honored to have you, too.
00:04:39 How's that sound?
00:04:39 (laughing)
00:04:41 - I do have, before we get going,
00:04:42 I have one thing.
00:04:44 Is Sydney Wells in the office?
00:04:45 I know she's occasionally here.
00:04:47 - She's been here once over the last decade.
00:04:51 - Bro, I got a text from Sydney Wells this morning.
00:04:55 She asked me one year ago,
00:04:57 do you want to do a Barstool Outdoors thing?
00:05:00 I said, sure.
00:05:01 She texted me, today.
00:05:03 Are we still on for next week?
00:05:05 Literally, haven't heard from her--
00:05:07 - You need it.
00:05:07 (laughing)
00:05:09 - In like a year, and I'm like, yeah, sure, I'm down.
00:05:12 By the way, the date she threw out was my birthday,
00:05:15 but I felt weird being like, I can't do it,
00:05:17 it's my birthday, 'cause I'm a grown man,
00:05:18 so I'm just doing it.
00:05:20 And then she goes, here's the flight you should get,
00:05:23 and it's out of Chicago.
00:05:25 And I love the fact that she's so disconnected
00:05:28 from Barstool Sports.
00:05:29 It's the only thing this company has talked about
00:05:31 for two years, is who's moving to Chicago and who isn't.
00:05:35 And she's like, here, you must be out of,
00:05:36 I think she said out of ORD, whatever that is.
00:05:40 - Is there another John?
00:05:41 Is there another John?
00:05:42 Is something mixed up?
00:05:44 - I don't think so.
00:05:45 - Okay.
00:05:46 - I would be surprised if she even knew his first name,
00:05:48 'cause he just goes by Feitelberg.
00:05:49 - But Feitelberg, she's been,
00:05:51 I feel like John Kelly has been producing
00:05:53 some of her stuff lately,
00:05:54 so she might have been trying to email John Kelly
00:05:57 or text John Kelly.
00:05:58 - He asked if Jackie was also in,
00:06:00 so I think she knows.
00:06:01 - Oh, okay.
00:06:02 - Yeah, yeah, okay, okay, all right.
00:06:03 'Cause that's happened before.
00:06:04 One time, I tried to get Jersey Jerry on a snake draft,
00:06:06 and I was in communication with Jerry Thornton
00:06:08 the whole time.
00:06:09 (laughing)
00:06:11 And I love Jerry Thornton, it was a great draft.
00:06:13 - This is so funny that he didn't even realize
00:06:16 he was texting the wrong person
00:06:17 until Jerry Thornton popped up on the Zoom.
00:06:19 - Yes.
00:06:20 (laughing)
00:06:22 - That's how, he didn't even realize it
00:06:23 like in the middle of texting him or anything.
00:06:25 All of a sudden, we see Jerry Thornton,
00:06:27 and it's like, oh.
00:06:28 - It was great.
00:06:29 - Jerry Thornton.
00:06:30 - Yeah, it was great.
00:06:31 - That is, one of those two have to look in the mirror
00:06:33 and decide which is bad, that over--
00:06:36 - You've got the, Jerry Thornton has the greatest deal.
00:06:40 He never has to leave his house.
00:06:42 He's been like this for how long?
00:06:44 I mean, it's like he doesn't even really exist
00:06:46 as a human being.
00:06:47 (laughing)
00:06:49 Well, how do you know that that's really a person?
00:06:53 - It's true.
00:06:54 - I don't even know him,
00:06:55 because he was at my son's first wedding.
00:06:58 (laughing)
00:06:59 And that was a long time ago, but he got a good deal.
00:07:03 (laughing)
00:07:03 He has a very good deal.
00:07:04 - Not the worst, not the worst.
00:07:07 All right, we could jump in here.
00:07:10 Mr. Portnoy, our producer Harry over there,
00:07:13 he has a number one through five behind his back.
00:07:15 What number do you think it is?
00:07:17 - I don't even understand the question,
00:07:21 but I'll say one.
00:07:21 (laughing)
00:07:23 - No, no.
00:07:24 - Eddie, you gotta understand,
00:07:27 I don't know what the F this is all about.
00:07:29 I'm just gonna, I got a lot of things I'm gonna say.
00:07:32 I'm gonna get it in one way or another.
00:07:34 And that's gonna be all I know.
00:07:36 - That's what you're supposed to do.
00:07:40 - It may not comport with what you expect to happen,
00:07:43 but I got a list of stuff.
00:07:45 I'm gonna get it in one way or the other.
00:07:47 - I appreciate it.
00:07:49 That's all I know.
00:07:50 - That's exactly what we expected to happen.
00:07:51 - Well, you did the right thing.
00:07:52 You threw out a number.
00:07:53 Was it one, Harry?
00:07:54 - No.
00:07:55 - John, one through five?
00:07:57 - I'll go three.
00:07:59 - No.
00:08:00 - Chief?
00:08:01 - Four.
00:08:02 - Dave? - No.
00:08:03 - Uh-oh.
00:08:06 - Five.
00:08:06 - No. - Fuck.
00:08:08 - Three.
00:08:10 - Oh, he did it again.
00:08:11 - What an idiot.
00:08:12 - Mr. Portnoy, one through five.
00:08:15 - No, just give him.
00:08:17 - No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:08:19 - No, no, no.
00:08:20 - Is that a trick question?
00:08:21 I just gave you one.
00:08:23 - No, we're all idiots.
00:08:24 My apologies.
00:08:25 - No, you're the idiot.
00:08:27 - He didn't know too.
00:08:28 He was thinking.
00:08:29 - No, I wasn't.
00:08:30 - He guessed an available number.
00:08:30 - I was guessing between, I was about to say it even.
00:08:34 - Give us a new number.
00:08:35 - Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:08:36 I don't want to make a total fool out of myself,
00:08:39 but I have to ask Eddie.
00:08:41 - Yes.
00:08:42 - You could have helped me with this before when we spoke.
00:08:44 I don't even understand what picking that number means.
00:08:47 - Here, I should have sent you the two
00:08:49 that you've done previously, you know,
00:08:51 to try to refresh.
00:08:52 - That wouldn't have helped.
00:08:53 - To jog your memory.
00:08:54 - Can we just give him the first overall pick?
00:08:56 - I'm okay with that.
00:08:57 - Yeah, just tell me what the hell.
00:08:59 - You're gonna pick first.
00:09:00 You're gonna pick first, but we're not,
00:09:01 we gotta figure out the rest.
00:09:02 - All right, you're gonna pick out, all right.
00:09:03 - Isn't that too much to ask to somebody
00:09:05 just to explain that to me?
00:09:06 - All right, you know what?
00:09:08 Great, chief, great, big call.
00:09:09 John, one through four.
00:09:10 - This is a great start for things I don't understand.
00:09:14 Picking numbers, that's the point.
00:09:17 - I've never been less interested in my picks
00:09:19 or anyone else's picks.
00:09:20 - Oh, I got like 12.
00:09:21 - This is a one man show on a five man stage.
00:09:23 (laughing)
00:09:25 That's all this is right now.
00:09:27 John, one through four.
00:09:28 - Three.
00:09:30 - No.
00:09:31 - Two.
00:09:32 - No.
00:09:33 - Dave.
00:09:34 - One.
00:09:35 - No.
00:09:36 - Four.
00:09:36 - Yes.
00:09:37 - Goddamn.
00:09:38 - I'll go second.
00:09:39 - One through three, John.
00:09:40 - Three.
00:09:42 - Yes.
00:09:43 - Let's go.
00:09:44 - Three, four, or five do you want?
00:09:46 - I'll do three.
00:09:49 - Okay, chief.
00:09:50 - Two.
00:09:52 - Yes.
00:09:53 - I'll go fourth.
00:09:55 All right.
00:09:56 - Everyone's just like, yeah, I'll do whatever.
00:09:58 Just, you know.
00:10:00 Before we get going though,
00:10:01 I wanna talk about Miller Lite.
00:10:03 It's easy to feel nostalgic in the summertime, boys.
00:10:06 Especially when you got a beer in your hand,
00:10:07 but not just any beer, it's that delicious 96 calorie
00:10:10 light beer that actually tastes like beer.
00:10:12 - I mean, we've been talking about things
00:10:14 that don't make sense.
00:10:15 Miller Lite always makes sense.
00:10:17 Once in a lifetime for Miller Lite.
00:10:18 Nice cold one.
00:10:19 Everything seems simple.
00:10:20 Everything seems right.
00:10:21 Miller Lite, you can always depend on it.
00:10:24 The best.
00:10:25 - You're absolutely right.
00:10:25 Because when it's summertime, it tastes like Miller Time.
00:10:28 Miller Time is when you and your friends
00:10:29 can get together and enjoy the simple things in life.
00:10:31 So crack open a white can and let the great taste
00:10:33 of Miller Lite hit your taste buds so hard,
00:10:36 you feel it in your heart.
00:10:38 That's it.
00:10:39 I mean, La La Palooza weekend is over,
00:10:40 but I'm sure a lot of Millers were consumed by all.
00:10:43 - One thing that doesn't make sense about it,
00:10:45 it's probably the only beverage,
00:10:47 besides maybe just water, that's good year round.
00:10:51 Like no matter the season, football season,
00:10:52 March Madness, summertime, Miller Lite always hits.
00:10:55 If you're having like a red wine,
00:10:56 you're not having red wine in the summer.
00:10:58 - You got that right.
00:10:59 - Yeah, Miller Lite plays 12 months a year.
00:11:00 - So make unforgettable summer memories with Miller Lite.
00:11:03 Just go to
00:11:06 to get it delivered right to your door.
00:11:08 Or you could find it pretty much anywhere that sells beer.
00:11:10 Just make sure you sell it responsibly.
00:11:12 Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
00:11:14 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces.
00:11:17 All right, let's hop into this draft.
00:11:19 - I actually did want four.
00:11:21 - We're here for the math.
00:11:22 - Or one rather, because my brain's so sharp.
00:11:24 - How's your nose?
00:11:25 - I understand everything.
00:11:26 - How's your nose?
00:11:27 - Excellent.
00:11:28 - I'm glad to hear that.
00:11:31 - Actually, I hate my nose.
00:11:32 It doesn't really work well.
00:11:34 I don't have a very sharp sense of smell.
00:11:36 - What do you mean it doesn't work well?
00:11:37 - It doesn't, I can't smell things well.
00:11:39 Like it's like having bad eyes.
00:11:41 - I'm with Dave on that.
00:11:43 Despite the size, I got nothing.
00:11:45 I don't smell shit.
00:11:46 - It's gotta be such a strong smell for me to smell it.
00:11:50 - You know something?
00:11:52 I'm gonna tell you,
00:11:54 I wish you could come to my condo right now.
00:11:56 I'll tell you why.
00:11:59 I know I'm getting off,
00:12:00 I'm getting off message here,
00:12:02 but I gotta tell you this anyway.
00:12:05 As we speak,
00:12:07 we have a smell in our refrigerator,
00:12:11 which I found out,
00:12:14 my wife and I have been trying to pinpoint
00:12:15 what it's coming from.
00:12:16 It's a fish smell.
00:12:17 White Sox Dave, we could test you on this.
00:12:21 - That'd be great.
00:12:22 - When we open the refrigerator,
00:12:24 I was gonna talk about this no matter what,
00:12:26 so I'm gonna talk about it now.
00:12:28 - Perfect.
00:12:28 - 'Cause this is happening now.
00:12:31 This is like now.
00:12:33 When we open the refrigerator door,
00:12:36 there's a smell of fish.
00:12:37 And my wife and I couldn't figure it out.
00:12:41 I did have some fish the other day in the refrigerator,
00:12:45 but it didn't smell, it was on a dish.
00:12:48 And finally, my wife said to me,
00:12:49 you know, I just remembered when I brought it back
00:12:51 from the supermarket,
00:12:53 there might've been a little spillage from the dish.
00:12:57 And of course, now, I have no idea where it's coming from.
00:13:02 I could use somebody like White Sox Dave
00:13:05 to stick his face inside.
00:13:07 I'll leave the door open.
00:13:09 You could come over here and stick your face
00:13:11 inside the refrigerator and see if you can pinpoint it,
00:13:14 'cause it's driving me nuts.
00:13:16 I've washed every counter inside this refrigerator,
00:13:20 and it's still there.
00:13:21 And of course, you don't smell it immediately
00:13:24 when you open the door, but it creeps up on you.
00:13:26 - Okay.
00:13:27 So you're located in Boston area, right?
00:13:30 - He's got a bad nose. - Very good guess, yep.
00:13:32 - Okay.
00:13:32 - Well, he's got a bad nose, though, Mr. Portman.
00:13:35 - No, here, I understand what you're saying.
00:13:37 My nose is so bad, but if it's dead fish I can smell,
00:13:42 if it's in one of the vegetable drawer things,
00:13:47 then I'd be able to smell it in there.
00:13:50 But if it's in another part of the fridge
00:13:51 and I'm sticking my nose, I wouldn't be able to smell it.
00:13:54 - Well, how do you think I would feel if you flew here
00:13:58 and the first thing you said to me
00:13:59 is I don't smell anything?
00:14:00 I'd be very disappointed.
00:14:02 - Well, there's a chance that happens.
00:14:05 - Well, you're in trouble. - And I'm gonna be talking
00:14:06 to our travel people about flying out there
00:14:09 and smelling your fridge as soon as this episode drops.
00:14:12 So you need to save it for the weekend.
00:14:13 - I gotta-- - Yeah, don't clean it
00:14:15 anymore. - I gotta think that over.
00:14:16 You don't sound all that positive
00:14:18 that you could solve the problem.
00:14:20 - I'm not. - I want somebody,
00:14:21 I want somebody that's gonna say,
00:14:22 I know I can take care of this stuff, maybe I can't.
00:14:25 - I mean, it sounds like a very tough job.
00:14:28 I don't wanna make promises I can't keep.
00:14:30 - It sounds like you should sit outside Logan Airport
00:14:33 and try to get a police sniffing dog to bring to the house.
00:14:36 - That's a good idea, Eddie.
00:14:38 Don't say anything else this morning.
00:14:39 - Okay, I'll stop there. (laughing)
00:14:42 - That was a great, that was a wonderful suggestion.
00:14:45 - Thank you, I appreciate it.
00:14:46 You know, and on that note, you're on the clock.
00:14:49 Give us the first thing that you don't understand,
00:14:51 Mr. Portnoy.
00:14:52 - (laughing) You're talking to me now, right?
00:14:54 Okay.
00:14:55 You know, anybody know what an atomic clock is?
00:15:01 Don't Google it, don't Google it.
00:15:05 - I've certainly heard,
00:15:06 it's like the most accurate clock, right?
00:15:08 - Thank you, John, thank you.
00:15:11 I have an atomic clock here, believe it or not.
00:15:15 And I've had it for a number of years.
00:15:19 And it has the time, it has the date.
00:15:23 One of the reasons, and I've had it for,
00:15:26 I wanna say now five, six years.
00:15:29 One of the reasons I got it though,
00:15:31 was because it gives you the outside temperature.
00:15:34 It gives you the inside temperature
00:15:36 and the outside temperature, theoretically.
00:15:40 Theoretically.
00:15:42 Unfortunately, the freaking thing,
00:15:44 the temperature part of it,
00:15:45 which is one of the reasons I bought it,
00:15:48 is not dependable.
00:15:50 So sometimes it's accurate and sometimes it's not.
00:15:54 And if anybody ever has dealt with a thermometer,
00:15:57 you like to know, or any kind of a device
00:16:00 is telling you the temperature,
00:16:01 you like to know that it's accurate.
00:16:03 Not that it may be right, it may not be right.
00:16:07 What the, you don't know.
00:16:09 So the company was out of Wisconsin.
00:16:11 So believe it or not, me being the idiot that I am,
00:16:16 I thought I would get ahold of them.
00:16:17 And there's a very nice lady that answered the phone.
00:16:19 I was on the phone with her for 45 minutes.
00:16:22 By the way, this atomic clock, when we first set it up,
00:16:26 the way you have to set it, this sounds crazy.
00:16:28 (laughing)
00:16:29 The way you have to set it up when we first got it,
00:16:33 we had to have the phone face some place in Wisconsin.
00:16:37 This is the truth.
00:16:39 In order to get it working correctly,
00:16:40 you had to go outside, have the phone,
00:16:44 have the phone face Wisconsin.
00:16:47 And then it would somehow record it.
00:16:51 And it was insane to do it this way, but we did it.
00:16:56 So it worked for a little while.
00:16:57 But as I'm speaking to you right now,
00:16:59 I've made a couple of phone calls
00:17:01 because the temperature is unreliable.
00:17:04 Sometimes it's right, sometimes it's not.
00:17:07 If you ever wanna see the temperature on a device,
00:17:09 you'd like to know that what you're seeing is accurate.
00:17:13 Right?
00:17:14 Everybody agree on that?
00:17:15 - Absolutely.
00:17:16 - It's not accurate.
00:17:17 Sometimes, right now it's been at 58 degrees.
00:17:21 It's been at 58 degrees for the last week.
00:17:24 It has not been 58 degrees here
00:17:27 without a change for the last week.
00:17:28 So I have lost all confidence in this.
00:17:31 All right?
00:17:33 So that's what I don't understand.
00:17:35 I'm coming back, I don't understand.
00:17:37 You thought I got off track there.
00:17:39 I don't understand why this freaking thing
00:17:41 doesn't work the way it's supposed to.
00:17:43 (laughing)
00:17:44 How's that sound?
00:17:45 (laughing)
00:17:46 Okay.
00:17:47 - I'm gonna, everything I'm gonna do,
00:17:49 I'm gonna finish with I don't understand.
00:17:50 You got any mind?
00:17:51 - So not how it works, but why it doesn't work is the real.
00:17:56 - Correct.
00:17:57 - Correct.
00:17:57 - Is the real.
00:17:58 - Were you pointing it out like,
00:17:59 yeah, were you pointing it out like Ohio or something
00:18:02 by mistake, you think?
00:18:03 When you were setting it up?
00:18:04 - No, no, when it originally, when I bought it,
00:18:07 which was years ago, we got it running.
00:18:09 - Okay.
00:18:10 - But then, like I said, and it does show me the time
00:18:13 and the date correctly.
00:18:15 But the outside temperature, no.
00:18:18 - So I'm not putting down,
00:18:20 I don't understand the atomic clock.
00:18:21 I'm putting down why your atomic clock doesn't work.
00:18:24 - Right, yes.
00:18:25 - Yeah.
00:18:26 - The thermometer on the atomic clock.
00:18:29 - Yeah.
00:18:30 - Why the thermometer on--
00:18:33 - Why is it atomic clock doesn't work?
00:18:35 (laughing)
00:18:37 Okay, hey, you know what?
00:18:39 Great pick.
00:18:39 - Mr. Poison, I can't even begin to answer that.
00:18:41 - Can I ask you a couple questions?
00:18:45 - You can ask, that doesn't mean I have to answer them.
00:18:47 Try.
00:18:48 - Is it electric or battery powered?
00:18:50 - Battery powered.
00:18:54 - Have you tried changing the batteries?
00:18:56 - Oh, by the way, I want to say one other thing
00:18:57 about this clock.
00:18:58 What a pain in the ass it is in daylight savings
00:19:01 to change it.
00:19:02 Sometimes I just think I'll wait till we--
00:19:04 - That's something I don't understand.
00:19:06 - I won't make the change.
00:19:08 - Just wait till--
00:19:09 - That's what Bill Belichick does, Mr. Portnoy.
00:19:10 So you're in good company.
00:19:12 - Yeah, thank you.
00:19:13 - He just waits?
00:19:14 - He can't figure out his car.
00:19:16 - That's great.
00:19:19 All right, so first overall pick is he can't figure out
00:19:24 why his atomic clock doesn't work.
00:19:25 - Cross it off your board.
00:19:26 - Yes, cross it off.
00:19:28 - That was gonna be my first overall pick.
00:19:31 - Take it out.
00:19:32 All right, it's my pick.
00:19:34 It's very chalky, but it's a lot of talk in the world now
00:19:38 with AI and meta and whatever,
00:19:39 but I don't understand quantum anything.
00:19:43 Everyone says quantum this, quantum, I don't get quantum.
00:19:46 - The word?
00:19:47 I couldn't define it for you.
00:19:49 I don't know what a quantum is.
00:19:49 - Try defining it.
00:19:50 Mr. Portnoy, you know what quantum means?
00:19:52 - Wasn't there something called quantum metrics?
00:19:55 - Quantum mechanics, quantum physics?
00:19:57 I think there's a--
00:19:59 - Quantum physics maybe.
00:20:01 - All right, as the smartest person on this panel,
00:20:03 I'm gonna try to dissect what the word means.
00:20:06 - What a scary thought that is.
00:20:08 - You're gonna use the root word--
00:20:09 - This is just a guy who's starting to do Spider-Man.
00:20:12 - The root word quant, quantify, means count, right?
00:20:16 Probably Latin or Greek origins.
00:20:20 I think I'm pretty, I think I'm onto something.
00:20:23 - Okay, maybe, regardless.
00:20:26 - Smallest discrete unit of a phenomena.
00:20:29 That's what it'd be.
00:20:30 - Now there's like quantum world and quantum--
00:20:33 - I don't know anything.
00:20:34 - Yes, it makes no sense to me.
00:20:36 I don't understand.
00:20:37 - I was about to say that, but I changed my mind.
00:20:40 - I've tried to listen to podcasts on them
00:20:41 and I just, I turn them off because I don't get it.
00:20:44 - Okay.
00:20:45 - So yeah, quantum anything.
00:20:47 - Quantum.
00:20:48 - Fights, you're up.
00:20:49 - Fuck, damn, fuck.
00:20:51 Okay.
00:20:52 (laughing)
00:20:54 Am I just learning I'm on a draft?
00:20:56 (laughing)
00:20:58 - How'd you forget?
00:21:00 (laughing)
00:21:02 - I guess, I have so, this is hard
00:21:05 'cause Eddie just threw me off with him
00:21:07 going chalk right away.
00:21:08 'Cause mine are all pretty specific.
00:21:10 - Go specific.
00:21:12 - I think I'm gonna stick with that.
00:21:13 Like I know someone's gonna say the pyramids and flying.
00:21:17 - Yeah.
00:21:18 - I don't understand those things,
00:21:18 but I'm gonna go with the human body.
00:21:22 I don't, the one, specifically what I don't understand
00:21:28 and what infuriates me to no end
00:21:30 is why it works with some things and not with others.
00:21:34 Like I don't understand,
00:21:36 there's plenty of things I don't understand about it.
00:21:38 I don't understand how it just heals.
00:21:39 I think that's crazy.
00:21:41 I don't understand most of it.
00:21:43 But the thing that pisses me off the most
00:21:45 is when I say move my finger, boom, moves all the time.
00:21:49 - It doesn't make sense.
00:21:50 - What if I say, what's that?
00:21:52 - It doesn't make sense.
00:21:54 - It doesn't make sense.
00:21:55 But then if that works, if me, my brain saying do this,
00:21:59 if that works, if I tell my brain remember this,
00:22:02 that should work.
00:22:04 That it should just do that.
00:22:05 There's no reason it can do all this when I give the command
00:22:08 and not when I go remember that.
00:22:10 - And it's like faster than the speed of light.
00:22:13 Like you don't have to wait if you're thinking about it.
00:22:15 - It's immediate.
00:22:16 All I'm doing right now, I'm telling it to do,
00:22:18 but if I say remember this phone number, I can't remember it.
00:22:20 That doesn't work for me.
00:22:21 - John, can I say something to you?
00:22:23 - Yes, please sir.
00:22:24 - I'm 76 freaking years old.
00:22:26 And wait till you get to my age,
00:22:30 you look like a genius based on what you just said.
00:22:33 (laughing)
00:22:35 Trust me on that.
00:22:37 That is not gonna get better for you.
00:22:39 I guarantee you that.
00:22:41 It's gonna get worse.
00:22:42 - That's the real bitch of it,
00:22:43 is that it's gonna make less and less sense
00:22:46 as time goes on.
00:22:47 - Absolutely.
00:22:48 - Do you ever--
00:22:48 - I can't remember what I did five minutes ago,
00:22:52 let alone get my hands to go on a suit and drag.
00:22:54 (laughing)
00:22:57 - Or even all the stuff your body does
00:23:01 without you telling it.
00:23:02 Like how does it just know to like,
00:23:03 keep your heart beating and your lungs breathing?
00:23:05 Like it just does it.
00:23:07 - It's a real confusing.
00:23:10 The healing thing's really the big one for me too.
00:23:12 Why does it just heal?
00:23:13 We, for some reason we freak out.
00:23:15 We're like, lizards grow its tail back.
00:23:16 That's nuts.
00:23:18 Fucking guess what?
00:23:19 I grow my body back all the time.
00:23:20 (laughing)
00:23:22 - It's true.
00:23:23 - It's true.
00:23:24 Do you wanna like--
00:23:25 - You can't really grow a limb back,
00:23:26 but you can like grow your skin back.
00:23:28 I just did it with my nose.
00:23:31 - I got a hangnail right now.
00:23:32 That's gonna be gone in like two days.
00:23:33 It's gonna be fixed.
00:23:34 - How about just like how life is created?
00:23:37 Like you fuck and then there's a whole other human.
00:23:42 That's insane.
00:23:43 That's insane.
00:23:44 (laughing)
00:23:45 If you like boil it down,
00:23:46 it just starts splitting and multiplying
00:23:48 and then it's like this whole other person
00:23:49 that you have to like talk to and shit
00:23:51 just 'cause two people decided to have sex.
00:23:52 - I feel like all these things,
00:23:53 like people are gonna be like,
00:23:54 "You're so dumb, it's 'cause of blank."
00:23:56 And it's like, well, yeah, I know it's 'cause of blank.
00:23:59 I know that.
00:24:00 But why is that?
00:24:01 - Yes, yes, yes.
00:24:03 - Yeah, this is kind of weird.
00:24:04 Like you're right, you get a scrape
00:24:05 and you just regenerate.
00:24:06 - It just comes back.
00:24:07 - Like you should die.
00:24:09 You should just leak forever.
00:24:10 - Yeah.
00:24:11 - When David Price was on the socks
00:24:13 and he tore his rotator cuff
00:24:16 and went to see Dr. James Andrews,
00:24:18 I think it was rotator cuff.
00:24:20 No, it might have been his elbow, whatever it was.
00:24:22 And he went to see Dr. James Andrews
00:24:24 and he's like, "I've never seen anything like this.
00:24:25 "This is Wolverine-like.
00:24:26 "It just healed itself.
00:24:27 "You don't need surgery anymore."
00:24:29 The fact that that just happens
00:24:32 with regularity in people.
00:24:34 And obviously that's an extreme case.
00:24:36 But I tear things, I rip things,
00:24:38 I just skin all the time and it's just better.
00:24:42 - Yeah, all right.
00:24:43 - Can I say something about this, please?
00:24:46 - Please.
00:24:47 - I'm gonna show you my two, can you see my,
00:24:51 no, you can't hear, I guess.
00:24:52 My two, on either one of my hands, my pinky fingers,
00:24:57 I know I no longer have, they're bone on bone, okay?
00:25:02 On both of them.
00:25:03 In fact, I used to love to play golf, I was terrible,
00:25:06 but I can't because when my two pinky fingers
00:25:10 are bone on bone and I try to grip a golf club,
00:25:15 after about three times, it starts to hurt and hurt badly.
00:25:20 So this has, maybe John, you're an exception, I don't know,
00:25:25 but mine has not grown back.
00:25:29 And I've had this thing where it's bone on bone
00:25:32 and there should be cottage in between
00:25:35 and it's never come back.
00:25:37 So maybe I'm just a loser in this business.
00:25:40 (laughing)
00:25:41 Regeneration, I don't know.
00:25:43 But I've had this problem now for a while
00:25:46 and it's a big problem in my life.
00:25:48 Believe it or not, you're laughing at me and I'm crying.
00:25:51 It's all right.
00:25:52 - I'm laughing at Dave Dip, man.
00:25:53 It was dribbling out.
00:25:57 - Is that, what's the word I'm looking for?
00:26:00 - Touch your hand.
00:26:02 - It's not autism, it starts with an A though.
00:26:06 - Autoritis. - Autoritis.
00:26:06 - Autoimmune? - Autoritis.
00:26:07 - Autoritis. - Autoritis.
00:26:09 - Is that on right?
00:26:10 - No, I don't think, no, it's not.
00:26:11 I don't have any, I think what happens when you don't have,
00:26:15 I used to be a doctor.
00:26:16 I think when you don't have cottage in there
00:26:19 between the bones, you're gonna be subject
00:26:22 to having arthritis, okay?
00:26:24 I don't have arthritis in those two pinky fingers
00:26:27 on either hand.
00:26:28 What I have is the bone on bone
00:26:30 and I imagine arthritis could eventually become a problem
00:26:33 but it's not now, I can't even get to that problem
00:26:36 because it's bone on bone.
00:26:37 I want you to see if you've ever seen these ads too
00:26:40 and believe me, I'm serious about this,
00:26:43 for these sleeves that they sell.
00:26:46 - The copper fit, like the bread fire stuff?
00:26:46 - And they do it for knee on knee,
00:26:49 with two knees that are bone on bone.
00:26:52 If they would have one that would be
00:26:54 for a little bitty pinky finger,
00:26:56 I would buy it in a second.
00:26:58 And I've looked, there's no such thing.
00:27:00 - I hate to say this, but this is like draft inception
00:27:02 because you said you're having these problems.
00:27:05 When last draft, things that are going downhill,
00:27:07 you drafted your doctor, Dr. Zeitler.
00:27:09 So.
00:27:10 (laughing)
00:27:12 - You got a good memory, Dr. Zeitler, by the way.
00:27:15 We shouldn't be laughing 'cause he's no longer with us.
00:27:17 - Oh, sorry.
00:27:18 (laughing)
00:27:19 - RIP.
00:27:20 (laughing)
00:27:21 - Sorry.
00:27:22 - He went downhill fast.
00:27:22 (laughing)
00:27:23 - What?
00:27:24 - Yeah, he went downhill real fast.
00:27:26 (laughing)
00:27:27 - How did you, god damn you, how do you remember that?
00:27:30 I didn't even know, did you have that written down somewhere?
00:27:33 - No, I just remember, I was like, Dr. Zeitler,
00:27:35 I'm pretty sure there's a name,
00:27:36 and then I Googled it and I was like, all right,
00:27:37 I've nailed it.
00:27:38 Doctor, how could I, you took it.
00:27:40 - He's been gone.
00:27:41 - That's something I don't understand.
00:27:42 - Yeah, he's been gone for quite a while.
00:27:43 - You took Dr. Zeitler nine overall.
00:27:45 That's not something you forget.
00:27:47 (laughing)
00:27:50 So, this is inception, that's why you're not regenerating,
00:27:53 because you got a downhill doctor.
00:27:54 - Well, his doctor's dead.
00:27:55 - Yeah.
00:27:56 - That's why he's not regenerating.
00:27:57 - Yeah.
00:27:58 - All right, Chief, you're up.
00:28:00 - I think we talked about this recently, vinyl records.
00:28:05 I will, it's just like a piece of plastic,
00:28:08 and they just, I don't know how it works.
00:28:09 The little pin goes on it and it goes down,
00:28:11 and it somehow, it all looks the exact same,
00:28:15 and somehow that little pin hitting different parts of,
00:28:19 it makes every note that you could ever want.
00:28:21 I've watched videos on this, and they're like,
00:28:24 oh, it like carves out, I'm like, no,
00:28:26 that doesn't make any fucking sense at all,
00:28:29 so I'm taking vinyl records.
00:28:31 - I think it's a great thing.
00:28:33 - Yeah.
00:28:34 - Thank you.
00:28:35 - I don't know.
00:28:37 - You know something, if I'm worried about that,
00:28:39 I worry about myself.
00:28:40 (laughing)
00:28:42 - You've never watched a record player and be like,
00:28:45 how is this, how is this?
00:28:46 - No, I've never seen,
00:28:47 I know what a record player is.
00:28:49 I'm telling you that it never occurred to me
00:28:52 to wonder why is this happening,
00:28:54 why, it just never occurred to me to think about it,
00:28:57 and I said I'd worry about myself, but I did.
00:28:59 I'm a little worried about you, too.
00:29:01 - All right, join the club.
00:29:03 - Yeah, I mean.
00:29:06 - Yeah, it's impossible.
00:29:07 - And this is one of those things,
00:29:08 it's like what Marky was saying, no one understands.
00:29:09 - No one knows.
00:29:10 - If someone would offer a logical explanation,
00:29:12 like you're full of shit.
00:29:13 - Yep.
00:29:14 - So, yeah.
00:29:15 Oh, White Sox Dave.
00:29:18 - I mean, I was hoping to get the first overall pick
00:29:21 to take this one,
00:29:23 but now that you guys are all giving your picks,
00:29:25 I'm a little worried, but my pick is girls.
00:29:28 I don't fucking understand.
00:29:29 I mean, they're the most confused,
00:29:31 and more specifically, vaginas.
00:29:33 What the fuck is up with those things?
00:29:35 (laughing)
00:29:36 No one knows what to do with those things.
00:29:37 - I'm sorry, I didn't hear the first thing you said.
00:29:39 Say it again.
00:29:40 - Women, girls.
00:29:41 - Oh, girls, okay.
00:29:42 - I don't understand a thing about them.
00:29:46 - Sounds like somebody hasn't seen the Barbie movie.
00:29:49 - I have not, I have not.
00:29:51 - They are a complicated creature.
00:29:52 - Yeah, they have the most complicated, some would say.
00:29:55 - Yeah.
00:29:55 - Any insight here, Mr. Portnoy?
00:29:59 - I would just broaden that out to humans,
00:30:03 not just girls, human beings.
00:30:06 - I would disagree with that.
00:30:08 - Yeah, like men are a simple--
00:30:10 - Is very simple.
00:30:11 - We need food, couch time,
00:30:15 like R and R time,
00:30:17 and sex like once every few months, and that's it.
00:30:21 - But even the sex, you can extrapolate that.
00:30:25 - That's a lot more simple.
00:30:26 - To where it's very confusing for a woman.
00:30:29 For a man, it's very simple.
00:30:31 It's just up, down.
00:30:34 That's it.
00:30:34 - Yeah, exactly, exactly.
00:30:36 - It's true.
00:30:38 - See, when you're my age, you guys are all kids.
00:30:41 When you're my age, you don't even think about this anymore.
00:30:44 - That sounds like bliss.
00:30:46 - Yeah, that's Nirvana right there.
00:30:49 That's Nirvana.
00:30:50 - I would love to not think about it anymore.
00:30:53 - That sounds nice.
00:30:54 - You'll reach a stage where you won't, trust me.
00:30:58 - All right, I look forward to that.
00:31:00 - You get old enough, your day is just this fucking--
00:31:02 (laughing)
00:31:05 - Dave, you're up again.
00:31:10 - And then I will go with,
00:31:14 I'm gonna go with more specific for this one, I think.
00:31:18 Actually, no, I'm not.
00:31:21 Money, I know how to spend money and that's it.
00:31:23 I don't know a fucking thing about money,
00:31:25 like investments and stocks and--
00:31:27 - Let me tell you something.
00:31:28 - And maturation and all that stuff.
00:31:31 I get the money, I spend the money,
00:31:33 and then the money goes away.
00:31:35 - Money is fake.
00:31:38 Money is the fakest thing in the world.
00:31:40 - It's fake.
00:31:41 - Couldn't be more fake.
00:31:41 - Yeah, and it's like I don't have any money.
00:31:43 - What do you mean by that?
00:31:44 - It's just an abstract thought.
00:31:45 We all, it's the value we assign to it.
00:31:48 - Yeah, it's not tied to anything.
00:31:50 It's just like whenever we need, we just make more.
00:31:52 We just print more.
00:31:53 'Cause it's not, it's just like we just agreed--
00:31:56 - You realize what a controversial thing that you're saying--
00:31:59 - I don't think it is.
00:32:00 - Is right now.
00:32:01 - If you tie it to gold, I would understand that.
00:32:04 - Well, that--
00:32:04 - There's a finite amount of gold.
00:32:06 - Right, that I understand.
00:32:07 - Yeah.
00:32:08 - The money today--
00:32:09 - At one time, at one time,
00:32:11 this country was on the gold standard.
00:32:14 And they couldn't keep printing money
00:32:16 unless there was gold to back it up.
00:32:19 - Right.
00:32:20 - And of course, that's no longer the case.
00:32:22 - I think that was Nixon, right?
00:32:23 - They keep printing it if they need it.
00:32:25 - Right.
00:32:26 - That's what it is about.
00:32:27 - Yeah, exactly.
00:32:29 - Right.
00:32:30 - How do--
00:32:30 - And then we're just like, yeah, sure, that's fine.
00:32:32 It would just make more and more and more and more.
00:32:34 - You wanna talk about inflation right now, Ed?
00:32:36 - It's fake.
00:32:37 It's the fakest thing in the world.
00:32:39 - It doesn't make sense to me, though.
00:32:40 Like it's--
00:32:41 - I think it's a great pick.
00:32:42 - The money is, I don't understand it.
00:32:44 - I don't understand it.
00:32:45 - That's why in some of these countries,
00:32:47 if you wanna buy a pizza,
00:32:49 you gotta come in with a wheelbarrow with currency.
00:32:54 - Yeah.
00:32:55 - That's what happened.
00:32:56 - Yeah, I was--
00:32:57 - 10,000 yen or whatever for a piece of sushi.
00:32:57 - Yeah, I was in the Dominican and a cheeseburger
00:32:59 was like 30,000 pesos.
00:33:01 I was like, if I had $30,000, I'd be a multimillionaire.
00:33:05 - It's like, this cheeseburger better be fucking amazing.
00:33:08 - If I had $30,000, be a multimillionaire.
00:33:10 I'll say one other thing about that.
00:33:13 It's a good subject.
00:33:14 But you think about what a broad subject that is.
00:33:17 How people judge people by how much money they have.
00:33:21 How you can acquire things that,
00:33:25 let's talk about an automobile.
00:33:27 You look at an automobile, costs money.
00:33:31 But the way it's set up,
00:33:32 if you wanna take possession of it a certain way,
00:33:36 say lease it, or a very high priced vehicle,
00:33:41 you can lease it.
00:33:42 Requires less money than it appears to have.
00:33:45 But people will judge someone
00:33:47 based on what they're driving, right?
00:33:50 And it all comes back to money.
00:33:53 There's a famous quote,
00:33:54 and I'm a big fan of Kornheiser,
00:33:59 I don't know if you guys know who he is.
00:34:01 But he always talks about someone that he,
00:34:05 and I'm Tony Kornheiser.
00:34:07 And he wants to ask somebody in the entertainment business,
00:34:10 what's this all about?
00:34:12 And it was a guy that I think
00:34:14 was in the television industry.
00:34:15 He said, "The answer to all your questions is money."
00:34:20 That was the answer to every single question, money.
00:34:23 - Yeah. - I know they can answer
00:34:25 everything. - I think that's gotta be
00:34:28 one of the first times someone said,
00:34:30 there's a famous quote.
00:34:31 I thought you were coming at us with Marcus Aurelius.
00:34:33 - Yeah, I knew that. - Tony Kornheiser.
00:34:35 (laughing)
00:34:37 - No, it was the guy that told it to Kornheiser.
00:34:40 - From my own knowledge, I already forgot.
00:34:43 Who was Marcus Aurelius?
00:34:45 I forgot.
00:34:47 - He was certainly a Roman somebody, I wanna say.
00:34:51 - Roman somebody, okay.
00:34:52 - I wanna say.
00:34:53 - He was a somebody in the Roman business.
00:34:55 - He was a Roman empire. - Okay, I got it.
00:34:56 - He was the-- - A general?
00:34:58 - He was the emperor, and he's the guy,
00:35:02 people quote him all the time,
00:35:03 'cause he invented stoicism.
00:35:04 - He invented what now? - Stoicism.
00:35:08 He was a Stoic, or one of the Stoics.
00:35:10 It's like a way of, I don't know, whatever.
00:35:11 Moving on. - Stoics?
00:35:12 - You don't know what the Stoics are?
00:35:13 - We'll put that one down.
00:35:14 - Yeah, put that down.
00:35:16 - Yeah.
00:35:17 I mean, yeah, shout out to Tony Kornheiser for that one.
00:35:22 Chief, you're up.
00:35:24 - I'll go with another music sort of related one.
00:35:29 I don't understand how radio waves work,
00:35:31 where it's like, there's just--
00:35:33 - They're invisible, they're not there.
00:35:34 - They're invisible, but then you turn on the radio
00:35:36 with an antenna or something,
00:35:37 and all of a sudden it's like,
00:35:38 that sound was just passing through the air,
00:35:40 and you just zapped it in, and it blows out of your speakers.
00:35:44 So it's just around all the time?
00:35:47 There's just radio waves all the time?
00:35:48 - Everywhere. - And they can,
00:35:49 how do they send sound over that?
00:35:52 - And it goes through solid shit?
00:35:54 - Yeah, fast. - Yes.
00:35:56 It doesn't make sense. - I don't understand that.
00:35:59 - I don't even think I knew that much of it until right now.
00:36:02 - No. - But it's like,
00:36:03 you know how like an antenna, right?
00:36:06 I know that little metal, remember like the old boom boxes?
00:36:09 - Yeah, metal. - They would have
00:36:09 the little metal stick, and somehow that metal stick
00:36:12 would catch music in the air.
00:36:14 - And it was just like a shitty fucking aluminum--
00:36:16 - Yeah, it was nothing. - It was nothing.
00:36:18 - Yeah, like what was in that thing?
00:36:20 - How does that work?
00:36:21 What is that?
00:36:23 - On a similar note, I had a friendship-ending fight
00:36:28 in fifth grade, sixth grade, something like that.
00:36:31 I'm like not friends with this kid anymore,
00:36:32 'cause he got wifi in his house,
00:36:35 and he was like, "It's faster than regular internet."
00:36:38 And I was like, "There's no fucking way
00:36:40 "this is faster than plugging it into the computer,
00:36:42 "you moron."
00:36:43 And he's like, "You don't understand the future."
00:36:45 And I was like, "You don't understand anything.
00:36:46 "You're a moron if you think that like wifi's a thing,
00:36:49 "that internet's just floating around the house."
00:36:51 He was right. (all laughing)
00:36:54 - Correct. - Yeah.
00:36:56 Well, that was on my list too.
00:36:57 - What, internet? - Wifi.
00:36:58 - Wifi? - That's true.
00:37:00 - I figured that.
00:37:01 - I figured that.
00:37:03 I had it too, but I figured that radio kind of took it,
00:37:06 so I brought it up.
00:37:07 - It's close enough.
00:37:08 - I have a question.
00:37:09 - Yeah. - Related to this.
00:37:11 I have wifi here, but there's something
00:37:15 when I leave the condo here, it comes in LTE.
00:37:19 You folks know what that is?
00:37:20 - Nope. - Nope.
00:37:21 - I know it's on my phone, but--
00:37:22 - It's something for data, I think.
00:37:23 - It's on your phone, right?
00:37:25 - Yes. - It's on your phone.
00:37:27 It does not work as well as the wifi that you have
00:37:31 where you live or maybe where you work, right?
00:37:35 The LTE goes to the mobile phone, right?
00:37:39 - Yeah. - Am I right about that?
00:37:40 - Yeah, it's like that-- - It doesn't work as well.
00:37:43 - It's like that or the 5G.
00:37:44 It's like internet when you're not on wifi, right?
00:37:47 Right? - LTE, yes.
00:37:48 - Yeah, that's correct. - Yeah, yeah.
00:37:50 - And it doesn't work as well.
00:37:52 - Yeah, I don't-- - If you're gonna lose,
00:37:53 if you're gonna get disconnected,
00:37:56 that's when you're on that LTE.
00:37:58 I don't even know what the LTE stands for
00:38:00 except when it's up there.
00:38:01 I know it's not gonna work that way.
00:38:02 - Yeah, I mean-- - Fact.
00:38:03 - Right? - Yeah, no, 100%.
00:38:05 - Unless your wifi sucks, then it's better.
00:38:08 - Then isn't 5G and LTE similar too?
00:38:11 - Yeah, I think 5G, LTE, and then once you get to 3G,
00:38:13 then you're really, you're in the--
00:38:15 - You're in like 2011. - Yes, exactly.
00:38:18 But you're right though, what's the difference?
00:38:19 Why aren't like-- - I don't know.
00:38:22 - Why isn't LTE just, why isn't it all just one umbrella?
00:38:25 - Well, the thing with the LTE,
00:38:26 you know when that's on your phone,
00:38:27 you gotta get out off as fast as possible
00:38:29 before you lose the call.
00:38:30 (laughing)
00:38:33 - Feidelberg, you're up.
00:38:35 - To people who are smart,
00:38:37 this entire episode is just one "Mean Girls" clip.
00:38:39 (laughing)
00:38:42 These guys don't know something?
00:38:45 What the hell?
00:38:46 - Don't show this to Kelly Keegs.
00:38:48 - Yeah. (laughing)
00:38:54 - This one is a specific one, but it's one I don't,
00:38:58 and at times I would like to understand,
00:39:00 at other times I'm happy the way I am.
00:39:02 I don't understand how passion, I don't get it.
00:39:06 I wish there were times where I had more of it,
00:39:09 other times I'm like, this is good.
00:39:10 But people who can just fight about something
00:39:12 for hours, weeks, days, months, whatever, on end,
00:39:17 doesn't make sense to me.
00:39:19 - So you're taking like--
00:39:19 - What was the first, I didn't hear the first word you used.
00:39:21 Say it again. - Passion, Mr. Portnoy.
00:39:23 - Oh, passion, all right.
00:39:24 - You're talking like you don't understand
00:39:26 how people care about stuff.
00:39:28 - Yeah, like really hard.
00:39:32 I can get being excited about a game,
00:39:34 or a movie, or a song.
00:39:36 How you can make that last for days, weeks, months, years,
00:39:41 whatever, that blows my mind.
00:39:43 - But there's gotta be something you're passionate about.
00:39:45 - I don't know if there's something I'm passionate about
00:39:54 to the level that is someone else's 10th passion.
00:39:59 - I'm sure there is.
00:40:00 - Where I'll be like, yeah, that's pretty good.
00:40:04 - I was gonna challenge you,
00:40:05 but I think you're on your personality,
00:40:07 you're kinda right.
00:40:08 Like I was gonna be like, what if I just vehemently
00:40:11 just disagreed with you about Sour Patch
00:40:13 being a good candy?
00:40:14 You know, I know you love it.
00:40:15 - I'd say, you know what, we all got different tastes.
00:40:17 - Yeah, I know.
00:40:18 But I thought I'd ignite something,
00:40:20 but then I was like, no, that's not such a--
00:40:21 - What about like, they read the Patriots film--
00:40:24 - That example sucked.
00:40:26 (laughing)
00:40:28 - He loved Sour Patch.
00:40:30 - I do love Sour Patch, but I also completely understand
00:40:34 why someone wouldn't like him.
00:40:35 - Yeah.
00:40:36 - I don't like him.
00:40:37 - But now I'm trying to think if I know anybody,
00:40:40 like literally anyone, who is like super passionate
00:40:43 about something.
00:40:44 Like what are you passionate about?
00:40:45 - How about politics?
00:40:47 - That's--
00:40:49 - Like I can have it if you don't think--
00:40:50 - You don't think there's a lot of people--
00:40:51 - But then if you want me to fight about it
00:40:53 for a long time, I don't care.
00:40:54 - Wait a minute, you don't think in this world
00:40:56 we live in right now, there's a lot of people
00:41:00 that are very passionate about politics?
00:41:02 You may not be, but there are a lot of people
00:41:05 that are a lot.
00:41:06 - Oh, I know, I know.
00:41:08 I don't understand how they get to that level.
00:41:11 - I got something like that on my list, but yeah.
00:41:13 - What do you think about these Trump indictments,
00:41:14 Mr. Portnoy?
00:41:15 - I don't know.
00:41:17 - Just joking, I'm just joking.
00:41:18 (laughing)
00:41:19 - That's another show, I'm gonna pass on that.
00:41:22 (laughing)
00:41:23 - I was just joking.
00:41:24 - Passion.
00:41:26 - Yeah, okay.
00:41:27 - All right.
00:41:28 - Caring about stuff.
00:41:29 - Caring, yeah.
00:41:30 (laughing)
00:41:32 - What's that?
00:41:34 - Back to me.
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00:42:54 All right, let's get back on the draft.
00:42:56 I don't know how to exactly describe it.
00:42:58 You guys are gonna be like, "You're an idiot,"
00:42:59 but the underwater tunnels, the--
00:43:02 - That's a great one.
00:43:03 - Yeah, like what is the--
00:43:04 - How the fuck did they build them?
00:43:06 - Like the channel in France and England?
00:43:07 - Well, like what is the one you go from LaGuardia to--
00:43:11 - Oh, like under the river?
00:43:12 - Yes. - Like the Lincoln Tunnel?
00:43:13 - Yes, I don't understand how they built those.
00:43:18 - Agreed.
00:43:18 - I used to think, very, very recently,
00:43:22 I learned that they're like floating.
00:43:23 I thought they were on the bottom of the ocean floor.
00:43:26 - I thought they were under the bedrock.
00:43:28 They're floating?
00:43:29 - I don't know what the bedrock is, so maybe.
00:43:31 (laughing)
00:43:33 - I thought they drilled below the water.
00:43:36 - Yeah, they can't be floating.
00:43:38 - Yeah, but then isn't that essentially floating then?
00:43:40 I thought you were just driving
00:43:41 on the bottom of the ocean floor.
00:43:43 - I think you are.
00:43:44 - I think you're underneath the bottom of the ocean floor.
00:43:47 - Mr. Portnight, can you help us out here?
00:43:49 - No.
00:43:50 (laughing)
00:43:53 I'll tell you something.
00:43:55 The tunnels in Boston right now
00:43:58 are under constant, constant construction.
00:44:02 And based on how they do things around here,
00:44:05 the government and whatnot,
00:44:08 the fact that people still have confidence
00:44:11 that they're not gonna drown in there,
00:44:13 if you think about it,
00:44:15 really, they don't do anything well.
00:44:16 Why would they do that well?
00:44:18 - That's a good point.
00:44:18 - And the tunnels right now are being basically
00:44:21 having major, major work done on them.
00:44:23 And the traffic is an abomination.
00:44:26 - Yeah, so underground water road tunnels?
00:44:32 How would I equate that?
00:44:33 - I think, yeah, underwater tunnels.
00:44:36 - Yeah, that's fine. - Underwater tunnels?
00:44:38 - 'Cause I have the same thought
00:44:39 every time I'm going to LaGuardia or Newark.
00:44:41 - Yeah, but I don't want them to be misconstrued
00:44:43 as pipes, 'cause like--
00:44:44 - No, no, no, no, no.
00:44:45 - No, you could have, I would just say,
00:44:47 no one thinks of a tunnel as a pipe.
00:44:50 They're two different words.
00:44:51 - How do they get--
00:44:53 - Just, well, dry it. - We are so dumb.
00:44:56 - No, nobody knows how this works.
00:44:58 - What about when a bridge collapses?
00:45:00 That happens, right?
00:45:01 You see the, you know,
00:45:03 I mean, it's the same people constructing those
00:45:06 that are involved in doing the tunnels, I assume.
00:45:09 - Yeah. - Probably.
00:45:10 - That happens. - Yeah.
00:45:11 - So, underground or water road tunnel,
00:45:12 I don't understand that at all.
00:45:13 - Do the construction workers wear like scuba gear
00:45:15 and stuff, Mr. Portnoy?
00:45:16 - I don't think they get wet. - Wouldn't you?
00:45:21 You mean if they would just come and repair it, you mean?
00:45:24 - Yeah. - I don't know.
00:45:26 Build it, repair it, anything.
00:45:28 - I think I lose a little confidence
00:45:32 at the time I'm here to fix the tunnel.
00:45:34 He's wearing scuba gear.
00:45:35 - Yeah. - Yeah, I think I lose
00:45:38 a little confidence in what was gonna happen.
00:45:41 - I think, Dave, I think you're making a lot of sense.
00:45:43 How you fix the outside of the tunnel.
00:45:45 - Yeah.
00:45:47 - How you swing a hammer at a velocity.
00:45:48 - We don't have gills.
00:45:49 - This conversation makes me think
00:45:51 we should outlaw tunnels.
00:45:52 Like, they're so dangerous.
00:45:54 - Yeah, dude, I don't.
00:45:56 - Yeah. - I don't understand
00:45:57 something. - You ever seen
00:45:57 Vegas Vacation where he's sticking his gum
00:45:59 in his fingers in the Hoover Dam?
00:46:03 Like, what if that happens in the Lincoln Tunnel?
00:46:05 Like, it's all just gonna fucking collapse, isn't it,
00:46:07 with all the water pressure and shit?
00:46:09 It creeps me out. - Yeah.
00:46:10 - If I just learned anything about underwater pressure
00:46:12 the last few weeks, yeah, it's gonna collapse fast.
00:46:15 - Yeah. - Yeah, true.
00:46:17 - I don't like that. - Yep.
00:46:19 - Chief just goes, he just said,
00:46:20 "We're all so dumb," or, "We're so dumb,"
00:46:23 and I agree wholeheartedly.
00:46:25 Do you think that there's gonna be something
00:46:27 someone says during this draft
00:46:30 that someone else on the panel can explain?
00:46:32 - I hope so, 'cause then I hope that person's wrong
00:46:35 and that we can say that they're dumb, too.
00:46:37 So I'm gonna feel dumb off.
00:46:38 I could explain why the thermometer
00:46:41 on his clock doesn't work.
00:46:43 I'm just joking.
00:46:43 All right, on that note, Mr. Portner, you're up again.
00:46:48 - All right, I got a question.
00:46:50 This is a little different than what,
00:46:52 what's the deal with these people, the beards?
00:46:56 I don't get. - What do you mean?
00:46:58 - Mr. Portner, you gotta be-- - David Letterman
00:46:59 is maybe my favorite entertainer of all time, all right?
00:47:04 What the hell is it with that beard?
00:47:06 I don't get it.
00:47:07 I don't know why, and these beards,
00:47:09 and you see these athletes, they're not, they don't,
00:47:13 they look like cavemen.
00:47:14 What's the point?
00:47:15 I don't get it. - So people with long beards
00:47:17 is your-- - I mean, they're not only long,
00:47:20 they're unkempt.
00:47:21 I mean, they haven't even gone near somebody to trim it.
00:47:26 They just let 'em grow.
00:47:27 I don't get it.
00:47:29 I just don't understand it.
00:47:31 - So I-- - Is there anybody here
00:47:34 that, wait a minute, I have one other question.
00:47:36 Is there anybody here on this little show we're doing
00:47:39 that would let a beard grow like that?
00:47:41 I'm not talking about you got a mustache over there.
00:47:45 I'm not talking about that.
00:47:46 I'm talking about coming down to, you know--
00:47:49 - I'm raising my hand.
00:47:50 I'm not, to ask a question, to not saying I'm doing this
00:47:54 for the record.
00:47:56 Continue, Mr. Portner.
00:47:57 - I don't understand.
00:47:59 What'd you just do?
00:48:00 - I don't know.
00:48:01 Just continue. - I don't know what he said.
00:48:03 John, what were you gonna say?
00:48:06 - First of all, if I could, I'm not man enough.
00:48:08 If I could grow an unkempt beard, I would.
00:48:11 - Really?
00:48:13 - I actually, yeah, just for fun.
00:48:14 I've done it very poorly before.
00:48:18 If I could actually do it--
00:48:19 - That's your definition of fun?
00:48:21 - Yeah, why not?
00:48:23 I think in this job that we have,
00:48:25 I think you're silly if you're always looking the same.
00:48:27 We're lucky enough that we can just do crazy shit
00:48:29 and it's fucking whatever.
00:48:31 Why not get a dumb haircut, get dumb facial hair?
00:48:33 Who cares?
00:48:34 - Well, all right, let me ask you a question then.
00:48:36 How do you, you know, again,
00:48:38 I'm gonna come back to Dave Letterman.
00:48:40 Why?
00:48:43 Why?
00:48:44 - 'Cause he was never able to before,
00:48:45 so now he wants to be different, I guess.
00:48:47 - You think that's the reason?
00:48:48 - Yeah, he's out from under the corporate thumb.
00:48:50 - So you think that's why he does it?
00:48:54 I don't know.
00:48:55 - I would, wait, so question,
00:48:56 you have a little bit of facial hair.
00:48:58 Do you not have a beard,
00:49:00 or just make it as long beard as possible?
00:49:01 - No, I'm talking about something that comes down.
00:49:04 - Okay.
00:49:05 - You know, way down on my chest and what,
00:49:08 I'm talking about something that's out of control.
00:49:10 - Okay, all right.
00:49:12 - Oh, wow, he looks like George R.R. Martin now.
00:49:15 - Yeah, you've never seen that?
00:49:15 - I did not know this was his beard now.
00:49:19 - Yeah, I don't know, people like the looks, I guess.
00:49:21 That's the only answer I might have
00:49:23 to one of these questions.
00:49:25 - Mr. Pornoy, I say live and let live
00:49:28 on this podcast very frequently.
00:49:30 If he wants a long beard, have at the long beard.
00:49:32 - No, I'm not saying,
00:49:34 no, I'm not saying he, it's not against the law.
00:49:38 I'm not saying he can't do it.
00:49:40 - True.
00:49:41 - And live and let live,
00:49:42 you can say that about a lot of things,
00:49:43 but it looks awful on some of the,
00:49:46 I mean, I don't get it.
00:49:47 Especially, I want to tell you about a professional athlete,
00:49:51 mostly a baseball player, say,
00:49:53 they're playing in this hot sun and whatnot,
00:49:56 and it must be so damn uncomfortable.
00:49:59 And I would think, I don't get it.
00:50:03 - Yeah, I would agree, but if I could,
00:50:05 if I could have a beard like a guy like Edelman,
00:50:08 remember Edelman used to have that?
00:50:10 Like, I think that looks awesome.
00:50:12 Like, if I could do that, I would.
00:50:14 - There was a guy I saw the other day, a baseball player,
00:50:17 he's one of the better pitchers in baseball,
00:50:19 I forget his name, looked like Adolf Hitler.
00:50:22 (laughing)
00:50:24 I mean, I'm sorry, he did.
00:50:25 That's all I could think of when I was looking at him.
00:50:28 - Which is back.
00:50:30 What team, do you remember?
00:50:31 (laughing)
00:50:33 Do you remember what team he was on?
00:50:35 - What's that?
00:50:37 - Do you remember what team he was on?
00:50:39 - I think he might have been on Atlanta,
00:50:44 one of the better teams, and he's their best pitcher.
00:50:47 Might have been Atlanta, I'm not sure of that.
00:50:51 But one of the better teams, and he's their best pitcher.
00:50:55 And he's not a big guy.
00:50:56 - Is that Spencer, dude?
00:50:58 - Yes, I think.
00:50:59 - Strider, he's got a mustache.
00:51:02 - No, that's what I'm talking about now.
00:51:04 I'm talking about somebody with a mustache.
00:51:06 He looks like Adolf Hitler.
00:51:08 - I mean, his is all the way around his lip.
00:51:12 It's not just under the nostrils.
00:51:14 - This guy looks like Hitler.
00:51:16 (laughing)
00:51:19 - All right, long beards, you have to make another pick now.
00:51:23 - It was David Letterman's long beard.
00:51:25 - Well, I said about Letterman, I just didn't.
00:51:29 And Eddie, you gave actually a pretty good answer to that.
00:51:31 I thought you said that he's just trying to,
00:51:33 that's his own way of saying,
00:51:35 "I don't have to live like this anymore."
00:51:37 - Yes.
00:51:37 - But the other, you know,
00:51:39 he, Letterman hated so much the suits.
00:51:44 You know what I mean?
00:51:45 He didn't wanna be, the people that were in the,
00:51:48 running the show behind the scenes, you know, he hated them.
00:51:52 - Yes.
00:51:53 - Maybe that's just as well as saying,
00:51:55 and you're right, Eddie, you say,
00:51:56 "I don't have to deal with this anymore."
00:51:57 - Yes, yes.
00:51:59 So you are due for another pick.
00:52:02 - Boy, that went by fast for me.
00:52:05 (laughing)
00:52:06 Can somebody explain to me,
00:52:09 do you know the new mascot for the Detroit Lions?
00:52:14 You know what the mascot is?
00:52:16 Anybody see this?
00:52:18 - I'll have to Google it.
00:52:19 - Is it a lion?
00:52:20 - It is a lion.
00:52:22 (laughing)
00:52:23 Can you imagine, you know, when I was practicing law
00:52:26 and somebody would come and see me
00:52:27 and we'd talk about some kind of issue.
00:52:29 And I would always say,
00:52:30 "Well, what's the upside and the downside?"
00:52:33 What do you think the upside is and the downside
00:52:36 if you bring to a football stadium a live lion?
00:52:41 - Oh, it's lion.
00:52:43 - What's the upside for that?
00:52:45 What, I mean, I don't get, again,
00:52:47 we're talking about things I don't understand.
00:52:51 I don't understand that.
00:52:52 They've got people there anyway.
00:52:54 It's not like they're trying to get people
00:52:55 to come watch the team.
00:52:57 I mean, people are gonna go say,
00:52:59 "Hey, I think I'll go today
00:53:01 'cause they got a live lion there."
00:53:03 I don't think so.
00:53:04 So what's the upside?
00:53:05 - Except that whoever said the side of this is an idiot.
00:53:08 - I gotta say.
00:53:11 - Is it confirmed that they have a live lion?
00:53:12 - They don't.
00:53:13 So this was a clip with Big Cat
00:53:16 where the coach wanted to have a live lion
00:53:20 and the league said no.
00:53:22 The league's like, "You can't,"
00:53:23 'cause they agreed with you, apparently.
00:53:26 But they're like-- - I didn't know that.
00:53:27 - Yeah. (laughing)
00:53:27 - So they can rule out me, but it's all right.
00:53:29 - So yeah, the head coach, Dan Campbell,
00:53:31 asked if they could have a live lion match.
00:53:32 - Oh, I can picture him asking for that.
00:53:34 - For sure. - He's a whack job.
00:53:36 - He is, yeah.
00:53:37 - Yeah.
00:53:39 - Yeah, but I love--
00:53:39 - I don't think the Fords who still own the team,
00:53:43 I don't think they'd be too much in favor of that.
00:53:46 - Feels like a liability.
00:53:48 - Yeah. - Yeah.
00:53:49 - I would think.
00:53:50 I don't see the upside.
00:53:52 - I guess you're hyped.
00:53:53 I love live mascots in college football,
00:53:55 like the Buffalo with Colorado.
00:53:56 - A lion?
00:53:58 - I think Baylor has a live bear.
00:53:59 LSU has a live tiger.
00:54:01 - Yeah, it's true.
00:54:03 - Yeah, all right, so you don't have anything
00:54:04 against Rory, the fake mascot in the stuff suit.
00:54:08 So this pick is Detroit Lions wanting a live lion.
00:54:12 - Yeah. - Okay.
00:54:13 All right, good pick.
00:54:15 Good pick.
00:54:16 - That doesn't make sense.
00:54:19 - Yep.
00:54:20 - No.
00:54:21 - Live lion mascot. - Zero.
00:54:23 - All right, I just crossed that off my board.
00:54:25 - Good, good, good.
00:54:26 Good, Mr. Portnoy.
00:54:28 Back to me.
00:54:29 Hey, let's take one more break here
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00:55:24 - I mean Guns N' Roses too. - Redeem code Dogwalk.
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00:55:48 - Yep, go do it.
00:55:50 Go use Game Time.
00:55:51 All right, let's hop back in.
00:55:52 Again, maybe stupid, but it's a stupid day.
00:55:56 - Yep.
00:55:57 - How do fish breathe?
00:55:59 I don't understand how fish breathe.
00:56:00 I know they don't have lungs.
00:56:01 - Those little slits in their fucking things?
00:56:03 - I don't get it.
00:56:04 - In their gills or in their scales?
00:56:06 - Yeah, they got gills, but they don't got lungs.
00:56:07 But how do they breathe?
00:56:09 - Ed?
00:56:10 - Nobody knows.
00:56:11 - Sure, can you tell me how we breathe?
00:56:13 - Yeah, we got these like fucking airbags
00:56:16 that go in and out and they absorb oxygen.
00:56:19 - But then what?
00:56:20 - It absorbs oxygen.
00:56:21 - And then what?
00:56:22 - You breathe.
00:56:23 (laughing)
00:56:25 - I don't know how, I don't know what--
00:56:26 - What do you call, what do you call,
00:56:29 some of these questions have to do with human beings
00:56:32 and how they mate, how they survive, everything.
00:56:36 A lot of these, I don't know what kind of,
00:56:38 you took a course in something.
00:56:41 What would it be?
00:56:42 I mean, you're talking about, you know,
00:56:45 I'm trying to think of, it's not biology, is it?
00:56:48 But you're talking about, I don't know how people,
00:56:50 how do they breathe, how do fish breathe,
00:56:52 how do this breathe and that breathe,
00:56:54 how do these people stay alive and this and that underwater?
00:56:59 I mean, I don't even know what the discipline is
00:57:01 that you call that, but it's something.
00:57:02 It's something that you would go to school for.
00:57:05 - No, there are people who know this.
00:57:07 But like, at the same time, like human beings
00:57:09 have been around for 400,000 years.
00:57:11 Now I feel like just like 20 years ago,
00:57:13 people figured out what breathing is, like how it works.
00:57:15 - No, but it makes sense though.
00:57:16 We got this mouth and air goes in and it cycles out.
00:57:21 - But like it sucks like a specific thing
00:57:27 out of that air somehow.
00:57:29 - And it takes the waste all the rest of it.
00:57:31 - Right, that's crazy.
00:57:33 It only process, it's like a big filter.
00:57:36 - Yeah, but it's crazier if it's just water in, water out.
00:57:39 Okay?
00:57:40 - But fish probably would think that about us.
00:57:42 - True.
00:57:43 - Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
00:57:44 - True.
00:57:45 - But--
00:57:46 - Do fish think?
00:57:47 I don't think fish are big on thinking.
00:57:49 - All right, a dolphin then.
00:57:50 Although they breathe the same as us.
00:57:51 - Yeah.
00:57:52 - They pop up and they--
00:57:53 - They pop up.
00:57:54 - Yeah.
00:57:55 - But they can stand their water longer.
00:57:56 Why is that?
00:57:57 - Evolution.
00:57:58 - 'Cause they're a fish.
00:58:00 - But they're not a fish.
00:58:01 They're a mammal.
00:58:02 - Yeah, no, good fish.
00:58:05 - As far as I'm concerned, it's a fish.
00:58:07 - Don't understand how fish breathe.
00:58:08 - I'm not gonna argue with that reasoning.
00:58:11 - Feidelberg, you're up.
00:58:14 - I'm gonna go with satire.
00:58:15 - Satire.
00:58:17 - I don't understand what it is.
00:58:19 I don't think anyone understands what it is.
00:58:22 I think most people, and this could be a bit of a skewed
00:58:27 opinion because I think Barstool has poisoned the well
00:58:33 on this, so I think a lot of people think Barstool's satire
00:58:35 and I don't think it is.
00:58:37 I think, I remember back in the day
00:58:40 when this website would get questioned
00:58:42 and Dave would be like, "It's satire."
00:58:44 I don't think so.
00:58:46 I think PFT is satire.
00:58:48 I think Dan dabbles in satire.
00:58:50 I think no one, I can speak for myself,
00:58:52 I make jokes sometimes.
00:58:53 I wouldn't say I'm satirical.
00:58:55 I don't know of anyone else here who's like,
00:58:58 I would say is satire.
00:58:59 I know it's a form of making jokes.
00:59:01 I don't know.
00:59:03 - A very difficult form to be good at too, I might add.
00:59:08 But I wanna say one thing, just when you said that.
00:59:10 When I first started, I was on with Dan a lot
00:59:13 in the beginning especially.
00:59:15 And they used to say to me, "We're gonna do some parody."
00:59:19 And I didn't know that I know what parody means.
00:59:24 That's akin to satire.
00:59:28 I thought they were talking about parody meaning
00:59:31 something that's equal.
00:59:33 (all laughing)
00:59:36 I had went 100 shows before I knew what the hell
00:59:38 they were talking about.
00:59:40 - You getting satire to the movie.
00:59:43 - What?
00:59:43 What'd you say?
00:59:47 - Nothing, nothing, nothing.
00:59:48 That's my fault.
00:59:49 - I was dealing with the parody thinking
00:59:51 they were talking about something that's equal
00:59:52 to something else.
00:59:54 And they're talking about comedy.
00:59:56 And of course, again, I sounded like a total idiot
00:59:58 for about a year and a half
01:00:00 'cause I didn't know what they were talking about.
01:00:02 - Throw homonyms on the list.
01:00:05 - Homonyms.
01:00:07 - What?
01:00:08 - Two words that sound alike.
01:00:10 They mean different things.
01:00:12 - Yeah, yeah.
01:00:13 But I think you're right now that I think about it.
01:00:15 I feel like PFT is probably the only real satire guy.
01:00:19 - Yeah, I knew back in the day the Colbert Report
01:00:23 was satire.
01:00:25 I don't think there's nearly as much satire
01:00:28 as people think there is in the world.
01:00:29 I think people like to make jokes and go,
01:00:31 "That'd be satirical."
01:00:32 - You just outed us.
01:00:34 That's our Trump card.
01:00:37 That's our get out of jail card.
01:00:37 - That was the, oh, it's the same time.
01:00:39 - You guys use it?
01:00:40 - It's our cape.
01:00:41 - I don't fucking know.
01:00:42 - Well, like, they call it-- - Incorrectly.
01:00:43 - All the barstool uses it.
01:00:44 - Yeah. - No, it's just satire.
01:00:45 - Yeah. - Yeah.
01:00:46 And then you can't question it
01:00:47 'cause no one knows what it is.
01:00:47 - Yeah, I don't think we're satire-ers at all.
01:00:49 - Yeah, like we use that a lot for like,
01:00:51 "Oh, well, we don't really know about this sport
01:00:53 "or that sport or whatever."
01:00:54 But it might just be we just don't know shit.
01:00:57 (laughing)
01:00:59 Chief, you're up.
01:01:00 - I wrote this down the other day.
01:01:03 I had a toothache.
01:01:04 I had a problem that I have to go to a dentist.
01:01:06 But I had a toothache and I took an Excedrin
01:01:09 and it made it go away in like a half an hour.
01:01:13 How the fuck does that work?
01:01:15 I feel like if you're taking a painkiller
01:01:17 and you told me, "You're gonna take this
01:01:19 "and your whole body's gonna go numb,"
01:01:21 then I'd be like, "All right, that makes sense to me."
01:01:23 - It knows how to zero in.
01:01:24 - How does it know how to zero in
01:01:26 on the exact area that's giving you problems?
01:01:29 - Strong pick.
01:01:30 - Yeah. - That makes no sense at all.
01:01:31 - It makes, like it's a pill.
01:01:33 - How is a pill smart enough to know where your teeth hurts?
01:01:35 - And people were not.
01:01:36 - Right. - So just painkillers.
01:01:37 - Pain, yeah.
01:01:38 - No, it's a good pick.
01:01:39 - Yeah.
01:01:40 - I think you gotta be more specific.
01:01:42 Well, I mean, it'd be long, but like how do they zero in?
01:01:45 They know where your fucking pain is.
01:01:47 - Yeah.
01:01:48 - Painkillers knowing where the pain is?
01:01:49 - Yeah.
01:01:50 Like how does that work?
01:01:52 - Is there come something called a smart pill?
01:01:55 - But I'm saying like even like an Advil.
01:01:59 Like an Advil will like--
01:02:01 - It's times like these you wish
01:02:02 you could call Dr. Zeitler for a personal--
01:02:04 - He didn't know shit.
01:02:06 - You're right. - He went downhill.
01:02:08 - You're absolutely right.
01:02:09 But we won't be calling him today or tomorrow.
01:02:12 (laughing)
01:02:14 That line is disconnected permanently.
01:02:16 - For how long is it disconnected?
01:02:18 - Eternity, my friend, eternity.
01:02:21 - Very good pick.
01:02:24 - Thank you.
01:02:25 - I don't know how it--
01:02:25 - How does it, how did it fix my tooth?
01:02:28 I was better like that.
01:02:29 - Yeah, I don't know.
01:02:31 I don't know.
01:02:32 - Yeah.
01:02:32 - Flight tax, Dave.
01:02:33 - Insurance, I don't understand insurance.
01:02:36 Like I get hurt and someone else pays all my shit for me.
01:02:41 Sweet, like awesome, but how do you make money?
01:02:43 Like everyone's like, oh, the insurance companies
01:02:45 worth billions of dollars.
01:02:46 - This is the easiest.
01:02:47 - This is the easiest one yet.
01:02:49 - Yeah, this is an easy--
01:02:49 - Heidelberg, wasn't your dad in that racket?
01:02:52 - He still is in the racket.
01:02:55 - Okay.
01:02:55 - And I'm not for a reason.
01:02:57 I don't really get it either.
01:03:00 I think they make money hoping,
01:03:02 they're betting that you don't get hurt, Dave.
01:03:04 - Right.
01:03:05 - You don't need money.
01:03:06 So you're paying them every month.
01:03:08 So say--
01:03:08 - And they're going, I hope Dave stays okay.
01:03:10 - Say I come down with some, you know,
01:03:14 terminal illness or something and it's gonna cost
01:03:16 millions and millions to keep me alive.
01:03:18 I will be on the record as saying you guys
01:03:20 can just yank the plug and like chuck me
01:03:21 in Lake Michigan or something.
01:03:23 However, they're on the hook for like a gazillion dollars.
01:03:27 Like I didn't give you guys that much money.
01:03:29 - Here's how it works.
01:03:30 - But my question mostly in a serious note
01:03:34 is where does it end?
01:03:35 'Cause like everybody's paying into it.
01:03:38 Like does it just cease to exist when the world ends?
01:03:42 - Well, do you want--
01:03:42 - You see what I'm saying?
01:03:44 - Do you want me to actually answer this question?
01:03:46 - Sure.
01:03:47 - Okay, so young people, healthy people like me,
01:03:50 I've been paying insurance as an adult
01:03:52 for what, 15 years now?
01:03:55 I've been to the doctor, and this is bad,
01:03:57 but I've been to the doctor one time in the last,
01:04:00 and it was recently for my shoulder,
01:04:03 but I've been once in the last 15 years, once or twice.
01:04:07 Even though I'm paying, and there's like a ton
01:04:10 of people like that who are paying into it,
01:04:11 so when you get hurt, they draw from that pool of money
01:04:14 from people who never get injured,
01:04:16 and that's where the money's coming from.
01:04:16 - But how do they make money?
01:04:18 - The insurance companies?
01:04:19 - Yeah, on the people who don't.
01:04:21 I understand it's the people that don't get hurt,
01:04:22 but where does it end?
01:04:24 Like where, so it's gotta be like a continually--
01:04:27 - It's a rolling ball, folks.
01:04:28 - How about, remember the 2008,
01:04:30 you wanna watch Big Short again?
01:04:31 You remember--
01:04:32 - No, I mean, yeah, I love that movie,
01:04:33 but I could watch that a thousand times over,
01:04:36 and I wouldn't understand it.
01:04:37 - All right, but AIG, right?
01:04:38 They were insuring all of, so here's like the question
01:04:41 where it ends, they were insuring all these banks
01:04:43 that their big bets that they were gonna lose on
01:04:46 to the point where nobody was insuring the insurer,
01:04:49 and that's why the government had to come in
01:04:50 and bail them out.
01:04:51 - That doesn't make sense to me.
01:04:53 - 'Cause that, well, they just didn't have, they wrote--
01:04:55 - Yeah, I think it's pretty,
01:04:57 yeah, I think it's pretty--
01:04:57 - I think it's like a gym, where you're kind of,
01:05:01 if you know how much fitness equipment costs,
01:05:03 you're losing money on the people
01:05:04 who actually go to the gym.
01:05:06 Where you're making all your money
01:05:07 is the people who get a membership and go,
01:05:09 I'm gonna start going to the gym this year,
01:05:10 and fucking never go and just let that roll over
01:05:12 month after month.
01:05:13 - That's a good analogy.
01:05:15 - So you folks, I'm at the age where I'm sucking off that.
01:05:20 - Yeah.
01:05:20 (laughing)
01:05:24 - But, the fact of the matter is,
01:05:27 I paid a lot of money to pay into that system,
01:05:31 and that's why you hear all these politicians
01:05:34 talk about, they're gonna, Medicare, which is what I have,
01:05:39 government-sponsored insurance,
01:05:42 and they're saying, so you poor suckers,
01:05:45 they're gonna run out of money.
01:05:46 I have it, and I'm gonna have it until I die
01:05:50 and I join Dr. Zipa, wherever he is,
01:05:54 and you folks, you folks are at an age
01:05:57 that they're talking about, they're gonna run out of money.
01:06:00 - But how can they run out of money if money--
01:06:02 - Because they're paying out a lot more
01:06:03 than they're taking in.
01:06:03 - Which makes sense if money was a real thing
01:06:05 tied to something, but it's not.
01:06:07 We'll just print more money to pay for it, duh.
01:06:10 - Yeah, but at some point, right,
01:06:11 now you're coming back to that,
01:06:13 but at some point, that's gonna catch up to us.
01:06:18 - See, that's what I'm asking, where does it end?
01:06:20 That's my point, where does it end?
01:06:22 It's caught up to us, so it's like, oh, we--
01:06:24 - I don't cover it, I don't give a shit.
01:06:25 I'm gonna make it, I'll be dead.
01:06:27 This one is a problem.
01:06:29 - Sucking off the thing.
01:06:31 - You're welcome, Mr. Porter.
01:06:31 - Dave, you're up again.
01:06:33 - Why chopsticks are still a thing.
01:06:36 I mean, how long's a fucking fork been around for?
01:06:39 I order Chinese food, I'm getting chopsticks,
01:06:43 and it's like, no, those are going straight to the garbage.
01:06:46 I'm gonna get a fucking fork,
01:06:47 like a normal human who's been around
01:06:49 for thousands of years.
01:06:52 Why are chopsticks a fucking thing?
01:06:54 I don't understand it.
01:06:56 - I'm with you largely.
01:06:59 I do enjoy eating sushi with a chopstick
01:07:01 as part of the experience,
01:07:03 but when we're getting rice in the mix, that's crazy.
01:07:06 - But, like, okay, it's part of the experience now,
01:07:10 not, I doubt, at the advent of the fork as a tool.
01:07:14 It wasn't like, oh, I gotta use this tradition, man.
01:07:17 Like, I'm not, I can't go to that thing
01:07:19 that makes life exponentially easier.
01:07:21 I'm gonna keep using these fucking things.
01:07:23 I gotta fuck around with my hand.
01:07:24 - It's like, why travel by horse when there's a plane?
01:07:26 - Thank you.
01:07:27 - Yeah, why don't we use stone tablets once in a while,
01:07:29 you know, just for old time's sake?
01:07:32 - Why are chopsticks a thing?
01:07:33 - Like, Dave.
01:07:35 - Any of you kids actually,
01:07:36 when you get Chinese food, use chopsticks?
01:07:40 Does anybody do that?
01:07:41 - I do with sushi because, yeah, because it's fun.
01:07:44 It's a little fun, but like--
01:07:45 - The sushi's fun, but also it's just so easy.
01:07:48 Like, sushi you can do, just one big clamp.
01:07:50 Once you're getting like a rice bowl
01:07:51 or something like that in the mix, that's crazy.
01:07:53 - You can do ramen with it, I feel like, too.
01:07:56 - I have a hard time with ramen with it.
01:07:59 - Although, if you're good at it,
01:08:01 like, it is good for those people that could show off.
01:08:03 - Yeah.
01:08:04 - It's cool.
01:08:05 - I would do that if I was good at it.
01:08:07 - I think when I go to pick it up,
01:08:09 they see I'm Jewish and they don't bother with it.
01:08:11 (laughing)
01:08:14 - They're like the cooks in anti-Semite.
01:08:15 - Jesus.
01:08:16 (laughing)
01:08:19 - Are they anti-Semitic, Mr. Portnoy?
01:08:21 - Just 'cause they don't give me chopsticks?
01:08:25 - Yeah.
01:08:26 - I don't take that as an insult.
01:08:27 - Pretty good pick.
01:08:31 Yeah, I can't argue with that one.
01:08:33 - But they actually use them regularly,
01:08:35 like not unironically in China still
01:08:38 and other Asian countries and cultures.
01:08:40 I asked Donnie about this.
01:08:41 - It's culture, I don't know.
01:08:42 - But you know of Fork's existence,
01:08:45 so it's like we should shift up.
01:08:46 That thing, that makes things way easier.
01:08:48 - I feel like they're thinner than us
01:08:50 and maybe they just get bored and annoyed with eating.
01:08:52 So maybe if we all ate chopsticks, we'd all be--
01:08:54 - What about Kobayashi?
01:08:56 Boom.
01:08:57 - He's thin.
01:08:58 - He's thin.
01:08:59 - That's what I'm saying.
01:09:00 - He's ripped.
01:09:01 - I know.
01:09:01 But you said they get tired of eating.
01:09:03 He doesn't get tired of eating.
01:09:04 - Well, it's his job.
01:09:05 - Well, yeah, he does that one or two times a year,
01:09:08 I feel like.
01:09:09 - I think he does it more than once.
01:09:09 - Does he?
01:09:10 - Yeah, it's a whole blown circuit career thing for him.
01:09:12 - Chief, you're up.
01:09:14 Where do thoughts come from?
01:09:15 - That was gonna be my next pick.
01:09:17 - Like how do you think of something that doesn't exist?
01:09:20 And where you're like, something popped in my head,
01:09:22 what the fuck does that mean?
01:09:23 How do things just pop in your head?
01:09:26 - Like I'm thinking right now, kinda.
01:09:28 Like I'm always kinda thinking.
01:09:30 I can't fully think because I'm incapable of it
01:09:32 like most people are,
01:09:33 but it's like what part of my brain is thinking right now?
01:09:36 Is it like overheating?
01:09:37 It doesn't make sense.
01:09:38 - But even, think of a brilliant person too,
01:09:40 like Isaac Newton.
01:09:43 And he just like thinks of the,
01:09:44 or like everyone saw the movie Oppenheimer.
01:09:46 How do you think and like theorize that like,
01:09:49 oh, there's like quarks and atoms
01:09:51 and like what would happen if we split?
01:09:53 Like how do you think of something that doesn't exist?
01:09:56 How, where do they come from?
01:09:58 - Beats me.
01:09:59 - Where do thoughts come from?
01:10:00 - Ask Mr. Portnoy.
01:10:01 - What's the question?
01:10:03 - Where, how, basically like where do thoughts come from?
01:10:07 - I got a better question.
01:10:08 How did I remember that Seidelberg's father
01:10:11 was in the insurance business?
01:10:13 (laughing)
01:10:13 - That's perfect.
01:10:14 - How did you think of that?
01:10:15 - You wanna take something to the top?
01:10:16 - Yeah.
01:10:17 - You know something?
01:10:18 You're not gonna believe this,
01:10:20 but not I don't wonder about Seidelberg's father that much,
01:10:23 but I remember things and this is a real topic.
01:10:28 I can't remember what I did yesterday.
01:10:31 I'm not trying to be funny.
01:10:32 I really cannot.
01:10:33 But if you asked me about something
01:10:35 that happened 10 years ago,
01:10:38 that was so such a small issue in my life,
01:10:41 I remember and I, this is,
01:10:44 I know that there's been medical studies about this,
01:10:48 that it's not nothing.
01:10:51 It's a real phenomenon that you remember things
01:10:56 that are so incidental in your life,
01:10:59 but yet the things that just happened, you don't remember.
01:11:03 It's a real thing.
01:11:04 I gotta tell you, John,
01:11:06 I wasn't thinking about your father
01:11:08 when the show started today,
01:11:10 but how did I come up with that immediately?
01:11:12 - Yeah.
01:11:13 - I don't know.
01:11:14 - I don't know.
01:11:15 - That's fascinating.
01:11:16 - It doesn't make sense.
01:11:17 - It doesn't, and I've said this many times.
01:11:19 I wish I could choose to just,
01:11:22 if I have limited space for remembering my brain,
01:11:25 I don't need to remember all these stupid sports facts
01:11:29 from when I was in the 90s.
01:11:31 Just erase that shit and let me fill it with new stuff
01:11:34 that I could actually use besides
01:11:36 the fucking Daily Dozen trivia game.
01:11:38 Like that's all it's good for,
01:11:40 and it's so annoying that I can't remember
01:11:43 or learn new things.
01:11:45 'Cause it's filled with junk.
01:11:47 My brain is filled with junk.
01:11:49 - No, it's a good, it's a good--
01:11:50 - Well, aren't you, what I'm saying,
01:11:52 aren't you stunned sometimes that you remember things
01:11:54 and you don't even know how you remember it?
01:11:57 - Totally.
01:11:58 - Yeah.
01:11:58 - The brain in general is just--
01:12:00 - Brain's wild.
01:12:01 - The brain's wild.
01:12:01 - Fights, you're up.
01:12:04 - Um, how Tommy Smokes gets laid.
01:12:08 (laughing)
01:12:09 - I actually get that.
01:12:11 - Do you?
01:12:13 - I think so.
01:12:13 I think he's so fucking funny and like--
01:12:16 - He's like, no way, dude, Tommy's hot.
01:12:20 (laughing)
01:12:20 - I get it.
01:12:21 - I would say Tommy's not ugly, which helps.
01:12:25 Like I'm ugly and that hurts me when I try to get laid.
01:12:28 - When he gets a nice little tan at the shore
01:12:30 for the summer, he looks good.
01:12:32 - No, I'm one of Tommy Smokes' biggest fans,
01:12:35 that's why I said it.
01:12:37 But there, Tommy, I tell the story all the time with Tommy.
01:12:40 This is years ago.
01:12:42 I was living in Murray Hill
01:12:44 and I was going to the movies by myself.
01:12:46 This is back when movie card, what was that movie card
01:12:48 that went out of business in like a week?
01:12:49 - A movie pass.
01:12:51 - I remember that.
01:12:51 - Movie pass was existing.
01:12:52 I was going to movies every night
01:12:54 and I'm walking from my apartment to the movie theater
01:12:56 and as I'm walking, Tommy is walking
01:12:59 with just a rocket launcher.
01:13:02 (laughing)
01:13:02 There's an incredibly gorgeous woman
01:13:05 and Tommy doesn't break stride,
01:13:08 doesn't even acknowledge my existence.
01:13:10 Just walks right up by.
01:13:12 I was like, "What's up, Tommy?"
01:13:14 Just fucking boom, right by me.
01:13:16 He didn't slow down.
01:13:17 He says he didn't see me.
01:13:18 I think it's impossible that he didn't see me.
01:13:20 - Well, would you have acknowledged him?
01:13:22 - I think about it all the time
01:13:23 and I'm like, "How the fuck did Tommy?"
01:13:24 I guess now we've learned that he's a hero
01:13:27 and he's a protective woman, that maybe that helps.
01:13:31 - He's a real man.
01:13:32 - Would you have acknowledged you?
01:13:33 - I think I would have said hi.
01:13:36 I say hi to people I know.
01:13:37 - Boy, that's nice.
01:13:40 (laughing)
01:13:41 - I'm excited for this on the graphic.
01:13:43 - What a guy you are.
01:13:45 - Mr. Portman, are you surprised
01:13:46 that Tommy Smokes gets it in a little bit?
01:13:49 - I gotta be honest with you, Eddie.
01:13:52 I hadn't given it much thought.
01:13:54 (laughing)
01:13:55 - Well, now that it's on the forefront of your brain, weird.
01:14:00 - Yeah, well, it already left my brain.
01:14:02 (laughing)
01:14:04 - Oh man.
01:14:06 - I think Tommy is the biggest fucking twerp on earth.
01:14:12 He is such a twerp, but he makes me laugh
01:14:14 more than anybody at this company, maybe.
01:14:16 - He's funny.
01:14:17 - He's so fucking funny.
01:14:18 - I think that's all it takes.
01:14:20 You just have to-
01:14:21 - Yeah, I guess that's when we got to see if he's funny.
01:14:24 - I remember years ago, I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
01:14:26 I think he was gonna faint.
01:14:28 (laughing)
01:14:30 - All right, back to me.
01:14:33 Chief, I need your help describing this one
01:14:36 'cause we've talked about this before.
01:14:37 - Okay.
01:14:39 - Like, how do people,
01:14:44 like how do all these buildings have people living in them?
01:14:48 - They don't.
01:14:49 - You know what I mean?
01:14:50 Like you ever walk around like Manhattan
01:14:52 or downtown Chicago and you're like,
01:14:54 I know there's a lot of people,
01:14:56 but there seems like an absurd amount of living spaces.
01:14:59 - It's like, how are there any homeless people?
01:15:02 - Yeah.
01:15:03 - There's gotta be just,
01:15:03 and we're like, all the numbers are like,
01:15:07 oh, Chicago's population is in decline.
01:15:11 Like people are fleeing Illinois, whatever.
01:15:14 And then it's like, well,
01:15:15 they're building a new record skyscraper.
01:15:17 - 38 stories.
01:15:17 - Yeah, with apartment buildings.
01:15:19 It's like, well, who's gonna live there?
01:15:21 - How is this happening?
01:15:21 How do people live in all these places?
01:15:25 I don't know.
01:15:26 - I don't think that they do.
01:15:28 - You think there's vacant?
01:15:29 - I think there, no,
01:15:30 but I think like companies buy them as like an investment
01:15:33 and nobody really lives in them.
01:15:35 And then they just,
01:15:36 - You know, that's happened.
01:15:37 - That's like a tax right now.
01:15:39 - What you just described happens in China,
01:15:42 has happened in China.
01:15:44 They built a lot of residence type places
01:15:49 and they just misjudged what the demand was gonna be
01:15:53 to live in those places.
01:15:54 And they've gone empty for years.
01:15:57 - They built whole, in China, they built whole,
01:15:59 they call them ghost cities now,
01:16:00 but they built like a fake Paris, a fake London.
01:16:03 And they're like, if you build it, they will come.
01:16:05 And then nobody fucking came.
01:16:07 So they just have all these like cities that are like,
01:16:10 - With the Eiffel Tower.
01:16:11 - Yeah.
01:16:12 - And then nobody lives in them.
01:16:13 - I wanna say also,
01:16:14 if you've spent any time in Southern Florida,
01:16:17 it's amazing.
01:16:19 I mean, all these buildings and they,
01:16:21 and they're all for sale all the time.
01:16:26 And you wonder who lives in these places
01:16:31 because they're all for sale.
01:16:32 There's tons and tons of these places.
01:16:35 There's always vacancies.
01:16:37 And it's really is the same issue.
01:16:39 So who lives there?
01:16:41 I don't know.
01:16:41 - I think the answer is people don't.
01:16:43 Like I saw something about this where like,
01:16:46 you'll have these foreign investments and then,
01:16:49 or just like hedge fund investments.
01:16:51 And then they get to count that unit
01:16:52 or that building as an asset.
01:16:54 And then they can take out another loan in cash against it.
01:16:58 And even though nobody lives there,
01:16:59 so then they can use that real money
01:17:01 on like other investments and then grow it
01:17:03 and then hope to flip the place or not.
01:17:05 And they can do, it's like a.
01:17:07 - More money shit.
01:17:08 - Yeah, it's money shit.
01:17:09 Yeah.
01:17:10 - Doesn't make sense.
01:17:11 - I had a buddy who was a real estate guy in Boston.
01:17:14 And he would say that like, I don't know,
01:17:18 oil guys and shit like that would like,
01:17:20 and like these, not that Boston has these high skyscrapers,
01:17:23 but like they'd come in and they'd be like,
01:17:26 I'll take this whole floor, I'll put cars here.
01:17:28 - Jesus.
01:17:31 - Like it was, or they'd get them and it'd be like,
01:17:34 oh, for my son, who's like,
01:17:35 like what you're saying, like it wasn't actually lived in.
01:17:38 It was just like garage.
01:17:41 - Well, the people get in a situation
01:17:43 where they're in a tax bracket,
01:17:45 that it's to their advantage
01:17:47 to buy these type of properties.
01:17:49 - That's true.
01:17:50 - Yeah.
01:17:51 - Do you ever walk around and look,
01:17:53 like, have you ever done this?
01:17:54 - What's that?
01:17:56 - Have you ever done this?
01:17:57 Like walk around and seen like,
01:17:58 just holy shit, there's so much residential property.
01:18:00 How do people live here?
01:18:02 Like there's just so much.
01:18:04 - Absolutely.
01:18:05 And then also I think it's the cover in the New Yorker
01:18:08 this month or maybe New York Magazine
01:18:10 is all the exact same thing, but with business space.
01:18:13 Where they're like, all the high rises in New York
01:18:15 just don't have people there.
01:18:17 - Yeah.
01:18:18 - So I think that's like a real people,
01:18:19 that's like a real economic bubble
01:18:21 that people are worried about,
01:18:22 that all these companies that own those businesses,
01:18:26 it's gonna be like a real estate crash again.
01:18:28 Like, oh wait, but for commercial.
01:18:29 - Well, because people are not going to their offices
01:18:32 anymore, they're working from at home and whatnot online,
01:18:37 and there's no need to be in an office.
01:18:41 - Yeah.
01:18:41 - You know whose fault that is, right, Mr. Portnoy?
01:18:44 - What's that?
01:18:45 - You know whose fault that is, right?
01:18:47 - It's not mine.
01:18:49 - Someone wanna take this away?
01:18:51 - Nope, I don't like to gaslight my friend, Mr. Portnoy,
01:18:54 so I'm not gonna do it.
01:18:55 - I know what Dave's saying, he's saying it's--
01:18:58 - It's the libs.
01:19:00 It's the libs.
01:19:00 - It's the what?
01:19:01 - The libs, we can move on though, it's the libs' fault.
01:19:04 - I thought so.
01:19:06 No idea what that means.
01:19:09 - Why are there so many buildings?
01:19:12 - So many residential buildings.
01:19:16 - Mr. Portnoy, you're up again.
01:19:18 - Okay, oh, I know what I'm gonna talk about here.
01:19:23 You know, I've experienced this
01:19:25 because I have a well-known son,
01:19:29 kind of a semi-well-known person, I guess,
01:19:34 and I never realized 'til I started to walk around with him,
01:19:40 people do things, and of course I'm not,
01:19:43 I don't know if you guys can sense it,
01:19:45 I'm not the type of person,
01:19:47 if I saw somebody well-known walking by,
01:19:50 I wouldn't go over and scream,
01:19:52 I might, if I was right near them,
01:19:55 somebody like Eddie, I would say,
01:19:58 I like what you're doing on the show,
01:19:59 I wouldn't, that's how I would say it.
01:20:02 When you see, when I go with my son,
01:20:04 we've gone through some places where he's well-known,
01:20:07 the people, they don't give a shit.
01:20:09 They'll scream at him from so far away,
01:20:13 they don't care what, and he doesn't complain.
01:20:15 I'm the one that's looking at this.
01:20:18 I'm saying to myself, I wouldn't do this in a million years
01:20:22 if he's, you know, way out of this screen,
01:20:26 they'll stop him, they'll wanna take his picture,
01:20:29 and I'm not talking about,
01:20:32 I'm not talking about my sons at all,
01:20:34 I'm talking about if that was me,
01:20:36 I wouldn't, that's just not my personality,
01:20:39 I wouldn't care who walked by,
01:20:41 I wouldn't yell across at them or run over to them
01:20:45 and get them to, you know, take my picture,
01:20:50 I don't understand that, that's what I'm,
01:20:52 that's what, what were we calling this?
01:20:54 What I don't understand is, I don't understand,
01:20:57 I don't understand those people.
01:20:58 - So people who scream at famous people.
01:21:01 - Kind of, Mr. Bordnois,
01:21:02 you're describing passion a little bit.
01:21:04 - Yeah. - Yeah.
01:21:06 - Do those people have passion?
01:21:08 - Yeah. - I think so.
01:21:09 - I think they're idiots.
01:21:10 - I agree, I completely agree.
01:21:12 - Fidoberg, you wouldn't do that.
01:21:15 - I would never in a million years do that.
01:21:17 There was one time, fairly recently--
01:21:19 - You wouldn't even do it with my son.
01:21:21 (laughing)
01:21:23 - I was at Kid Rock's bar in Nashville,
01:21:27 and Kid Rock came in, and he was standing in the back,
01:21:31 and not a single person had their eyes
01:21:34 facing the band on stage.
01:21:36 Everyone was just turned around, staring at Kid Rock.
01:21:39 Not everyone was yelling, everyone was just staring,
01:21:41 turning around, staring at him.
01:21:43 I was like, "Just look at the fucking band on stage."
01:21:45 He's just a guy standing in the back, drinking a Bud Light.
01:21:48 - You know, I said before,
01:21:49 Letterman is my favorite entertainer.
01:21:52 Honest to God, if he walked by me,
01:21:54 and we were as close as you could be,
01:21:57 I might just say it with a regular voice,
01:21:59 you know, "I admire your work," et cetera,
01:22:01 but to run across a room and say,
01:22:04 "Let me take your picture, let me take," come on.
01:22:06 I don't get it.
01:22:08 - But you would like a photo with him.
01:22:10 - No, you know something?
01:22:13 I don't care, honest to God.
01:22:15 I don't really, what does it do to have a picture
01:22:18 with somebody like that?
01:22:19 What does it do for me?
01:22:20 - You put it on a frame right next to your fridge
01:22:22 where the fish smell is, and you could look at that
01:22:24 and it'd look happy. - Yeah, maybe I'd do that.
01:22:26 I'd rather have a picture of you, Eddie.
01:22:27 - Okay, we could--
01:22:29 - Seriously, I don't, that's one thing,
01:22:31 you know, and I only put it in the context
01:22:33 of it's not something I would do.
01:22:36 I can't picture myself doing it,
01:22:38 so I don't understand these people that do it,
01:22:40 and there's tons of people that do it, but it's not me.
01:22:44 - All right.
01:22:46 - That's all I can tell you.
01:22:47 - I've done it twice off the top of my head.
01:22:50 - What?
01:22:50 I don't think it's a bad ass for a photo at all.
01:22:52 - No, I don't care.
01:22:53 But you can't be obnoxious about it.
01:22:55 Once was recently, Barry Butler.
01:22:57 First time in a long time I've done it.
01:22:59 I like sprinted it. - Screamed at him?
01:23:00 - I didn't scream at him, I'm like,
01:23:01 "Hey, Mr. Butler, can I get a picture?
01:23:03 "Big fan," which I am.
01:23:04 And then-- - But what do you do
01:23:06 when you have a look at that picture again?
01:23:09 I always wonder about that.
01:23:10 - No, you gotta give your social media likes.
01:23:12 - You post it for clout, Mr. Poynter.
01:23:16 - Yeah.
01:23:17 - All right.
01:23:18 - Well, obviously, I'm in a little different situation.
01:23:21 - Last round, Mr. Poynter,
01:23:24 your last pick here for the draft.
01:23:27 - All right, this is my last pick.
01:23:29 How am I doing?
01:23:30 I made it to the last round, I know that.
01:23:32 - Can I be honest?
01:23:33 I looked at your board earlier.
01:23:35 I can't wait to read it out loud later.
01:23:36 It's very funny.
01:23:37 - What's that?
01:23:38 - You're doing great, you're doing great.
01:23:40 - I thought so.
01:23:41 Another thing, again, because this is not me,
01:23:45 I don't understand these people
01:23:48 that get in the fights on an airplane.
01:23:50 I don't get it.
01:23:52 I wouldn't say anything to anybody about anything
01:23:56 unless somebody did something to me
01:23:58 that I felt was heinous.
01:24:00 And even then, I think I call the steward of the steward.
01:24:05 It's just not my nature.
01:24:07 I keep my mouth shut and I don't interfere.
01:24:10 If I saw something where I thought, say,
01:24:13 somebody was being abused or something like that,
01:24:16 but it seems to me that these people
01:24:18 that get in fights on the airlines and whatnot,
01:24:21 they probably had a couple, two drinks to start with.
01:24:24 I think that's a lot of it.
01:24:26 But even aside from that,
01:24:29 I mean, it sounds like if you say, "Excuse me,"
01:24:31 and they don't like the way you said, "Excuse me,"
01:24:34 the next thing you know, you got a brawl going on.
01:24:36 I mean, that's not me.
01:24:38 And I can only judge and say to myself,
01:24:40 "I'm a pretty good person.
01:24:42 "I don't do these things."
01:24:43 - I think everyone could agree with this.
01:24:45 - Yeah.
01:24:46 - Say that again?
01:24:49 - People who start fights anywhere.
01:24:50 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, for real.
01:24:51 - Not even just an airplane.
01:24:53 It's kind of like John's pick, the passion.
01:24:56 - I will say, though, on airplanes,
01:24:58 that's the one place I would have no problem
01:25:00 throwing the first punch.
01:25:01 (laughing)
01:25:03 I'm talking more if I thought there was danger.
01:25:07 - What, like it's a terrorist?
01:25:08 - No, not even like a terrorist.
01:25:09 - Well, that's a different thing.
01:25:10 - Like if some dude's going fucking, yeah.
01:25:13 I would have no problem fucking restraining someone.
01:25:16 - If you're talking about a terrorist,
01:25:18 that's a different thing.
01:25:19 I'm talking about if someone was being,
01:25:22 I can't say the right thing.
01:25:26 I mean, just somebody could you move your seat a little?
01:25:30 That's a common thing where people put the seat back
01:25:33 and they say, "Got the seat too far back,"
01:25:36 or this sort of thing.
01:25:37 Can you, are you ever gonna get in a fight over that?
01:25:40 - No, never.
01:25:41 'Cause I'm anti-recline of the seat,
01:25:44 like in coach.
01:25:47 But if someone reclined in my face,
01:25:50 and even if they spilled my drink
01:25:52 as they were reclining, let's say,
01:25:53 I still wouldn't say anything.
01:25:55 - That's me.
01:25:56 - Yeah, but I don't like that.
01:25:58 - What I'm saying is that I think this,
01:26:00 in this world we live in,
01:26:02 that's prefiguratory to a Broadway connoisseur.
01:26:06 - Yeah, I would agree.
01:26:07 - Yeah, that's good.
01:26:09 - Good pick.
01:26:10 - Back to me, pretty basic,
01:26:12 but something I've always never really understood is just,
01:26:15 I'll leave it under the umbrella of artificial flavoring,
01:26:20 but more so like Larry the Cable Guy,
01:26:21 seated at a gas station once,
01:26:22 he has a cheeseburger flavored chip.
01:26:24 Who's sitting there with that beaker,
01:26:27 testing out cheeseburger flavored chips?
01:26:29 - That's a good one.
01:26:31 That's a good one.
01:26:31 And you're like, oh yeah,
01:26:33 no, this needs a little bit more
01:26:35 cheddar flavor to it to balance.
01:26:36 Yeah, I don't know.
01:26:37 - And like Lay's does those tests,
01:26:38 they made like a deep dish flavored Lay,
01:26:41 and whatever, Cuban sandwich flavored Lay.
01:26:46 It's like, who is sitting there
01:26:47 with those beakers and those test tubes?
01:26:49 - Like, how do you get the spice right?
01:26:50 - Yeah, how are they doing this?
01:26:51 - I don't know.
01:26:52 - So artificial flavoring?
01:26:54 - Yeah.
01:26:55 - I have been in a room where they were like,
01:26:58 we did taste tests of like a new product.
01:27:01 - Yeah.
01:27:02 - And they would have them all out,
01:27:04 and like there was this one guy who was like the expert,
01:27:08 and he's like, that's too much berry.
01:27:10 And they'd be like, all right, go change it.
01:27:12 It was just one guy's opinion.
01:27:13 That's too much berry.
01:27:14 - All right, that's all it was?
01:27:15 - Yeah.
01:27:16 - John, are you with me here?
01:27:19 - I'm 100% with you, oh yeah.
01:27:21 - Yeah, I don't know how they do it.
01:27:22 And also, it's like when this guy waved them off,
01:27:25 it's like, where do they go?
01:27:26 Do they have a lab, like a science lab in here
01:27:28 where they're like doing concoctions and stuff?
01:27:30 Like, I don't know.
01:27:31 - I don't get it.
01:27:32 - Yeah.
01:27:32 - And like the fake sugar that like could taste
01:27:35 like strawberry banana, but it's not--
01:27:37 - It has nothing to do with the actual fruits.
01:27:39 - There's no strawberries or bananas.
01:27:40 - Yes, it's crazy.
01:27:41 - Make it make sense, Ed.
01:27:42 - I don't get it.
01:27:43 - Make it make sense, Ed.
01:27:44 - The more you talk, the better this pick is getting.
01:27:47 - Yeah.
01:27:48 - Yeah, you know?
01:27:49 - At first I was like, what?
01:27:50 - But how are you doing that?
01:27:52 It's magic, it's sorcery.
01:27:54 - I don't know.
01:27:55 - Mr. Port, any answers on this?
01:27:57 - No.
01:27:59 - No, okay.
01:27:59 (laughing)
01:28:00 I appreciate it.
01:28:01 Yeah, it's artificial flavor.
01:28:04 Specifically cheeseburger chips.
01:28:06 - Yeah, how did we get the cheeseburger-ness?
01:28:08 - I don't know.
01:28:09 - Yeah, I don't know.
01:28:10 - I don't get it.
01:28:11 - I just did this the other day
01:28:12 and I got a lot of flack from my son.
01:28:15 I don't know if you saw this.
01:28:17 - What'd you do?
01:28:17 - I did a whole poll.
01:28:19 He did a whole poll on this and of course I got murdered
01:28:22 because I was with him, we were having a nice dinner.
01:28:27 I never did this in my life.
01:28:30 This was maybe a month ago.
01:28:31 I never did this before.
01:28:34 I ordered a steak and when the waiter served it,
01:28:39 I thought it was too well done.
01:28:41 Similar to the type of person I am,
01:28:46 I keep my mouth shut.
01:28:48 Normally I don't say anything,
01:28:50 but in this particular time,
01:28:52 I don't know what came over me.
01:28:53 Before when it was served,
01:28:56 I could see it was too well done for me.
01:28:58 I wanted it medium.
01:29:00 And that led to a big discussion
01:29:02 about whether that had been served,
01:29:05 was medium or medium rare.
01:29:07 And of course my son jumped all over me.
01:29:11 He had a poll out which I was voted against 1,000 to one.
01:29:15 I lost 10,000 to one,
01:29:18 but I never did this before.
01:29:22 And what went through my mind was that rather than eat it
01:29:27 and then say to the waiter when he asked how was it?
01:29:32 And I said, I really didn't,
01:29:33 it wasn't cooked the way I want.
01:29:35 And then of course it's gone from the plate.
01:29:37 I never did this before.
01:29:39 Before I even touched it, I looked at it and I said,
01:29:44 this isn't what I wanted.
01:29:46 It wasn't cooked the way I wanted.
01:29:48 And what crossed my mind was how you eat something,
01:29:53 it's not the way you wanted it.
01:29:55 And then it's gone from, you ate it.
01:29:57 So if you ate it, you know--
01:29:59 - How bad could it be?
01:30:01 - Yeah, how bad?
01:30:03 But I don't know why I did this
01:30:05 other than I regretted it the minute I realized
01:30:07 who I was with.
01:30:09 Because then he took that and he ran with it.
01:30:13 And of course I look like a total idiot.
01:30:16 I never did it before and I'll never do it again.
01:30:19 - So this is--
01:30:20 - But what?
01:30:21 - This is why I love you because you're a guy who doesn't,
01:30:25 you just said like, hey, I never complained,
01:30:28 but you're so good at it.
01:30:29 You're so good at complaining, it comes so natural to you.
01:30:32 - Thank you.
01:30:33 - How do you sort that out?
01:30:34 (laughing)
01:30:35 - No, you know something?
01:30:41 Famous story, I don't wanna take any more time here,
01:30:44 but I don't know if you folks are probably all too young
01:30:48 to remember the rice pilaf story.
01:30:50 Anybody know what that is?
01:30:51 - Yeah, oh yeah.
01:30:52 - I don't think I do, so please tell.
01:30:54 - You talk about not complaining.
01:30:58 This is the opposite.
01:30:59 The waiter gave me rice.
01:31:04 I like rice pilaf.
01:31:05 And I saw that it was, this is 100 years ago.
01:31:10 And I saw that it wasn't rice pilaf.
01:31:13 But based on what you said about complaining,
01:31:16 I didn't say anything.
01:31:18 I took it.
01:31:19 It was just regular rice.
01:31:20 I didn't say a word.
01:31:22 Went home and said to my wife for a week,
01:31:26 you know, why didn't I say anything about the fact
01:31:29 that that was just regular rice and it wasn't rice pilaf?
01:31:33 And I kept saying it to her.
01:31:35 Finally, she called, it was Legal Seafoods.
01:31:38 She called there and explained it to him.
01:31:41 That my husband didn't say anything.
01:31:44 He was there like a week ago.
01:31:45 It was, the moment you explained it, it sounds so ridiculous.
01:31:49 And don't you think, I got a free meal out of that.
01:31:53 This was like 10 days after the event.
01:31:56 And to this day, I can't tell you why I didn't say anything
01:31:59 or why it all happened.
01:32:02 But that was a famous story about the rice pilaf,
01:32:04 which of course, David Portnoy always brings that up
01:32:09 at some point, that the famous rice pilaf story.
01:32:13 10 days later.
01:32:14 I don't know, you know, sometimes,
01:32:15 don't you folks ever wonder why you do
01:32:18 some of the things you do?
01:32:19 All the time.
01:32:19 Yep, every single day.
01:32:21 All the time.
01:32:22 Yeah.
01:32:23 Yep.
01:32:24 I did look up the picture of the steak in question,
01:32:26 Mr. Portnoy, and I gotta say,
01:32:27 that looks like a pretty perfectly cooked medium,
01:32:30 maybe medium, like in between medium and medium rare to me.
01:32:33 The steak?
01:32:34 Yeah.
01:32:34 Yeah, I was looking it up too.
01:32:35 See, I thought it was well done.
01:32:37 (laughing)
01:32:38 Sorry.
01:32:39 Yeah, that's what.
01:32:41 The other story about you not complaining,
01:32:43 that I think is just so funny,
01:32:44 is that you would, didn't you have like the same type
01:32:47 of cookie for 30 years for breakfast,
01:32:48 so that you were finally like, I don't like this cookie.
01:32:50 Yeah, Milano's.
01:32:52 He never had Milano's.
01:32:52 He never liked 'em.
01:32:53 He never liked Milano's.
01:32:54 (laughing)
01:32:56 I'm sorry, that brought up the one last thing.
01:32:58 I'm gonna sneak one in here.
01:32:59 I know it's not my turn anymore.
01:33:00 (laughing)
01:33:01 The thing I meant to, I don't have an answer to this,
01:33:04 and thank God I wouldn't do it if my wife was not here now.
01:33:08 But Eddie knows, we went looking
01:33:09 for chocolate chip cookies in Boston.
01:33:12 My wife has gone, and I'm looking around
01:33:14 to make sure she's not here.
01:33:16 She went to a stage, she was making
01:33:19 these great chocolate chip cookies.
01:33:20 I like 'em when they're a little bit thick, right?
01:33:24 They got a little body to 'em.
01:33:25 She's gone through stages, which she can't even explain it.
01:33:29 Sometimes she makes 'em for a month or two,
01:33:31 and they're great, and then they're terrible.
01:33:34 Then she'll go back to making 'em terrible again,
01:33:36 and you never know what to expect.
01:33:39 And she has no explanation for it
01:33:42 other than stop bothering me with this.
01:33:45 But they come out, it's like always a surprise
01:33:48 what it's gonna be.
01:33:49 They're either great or awful.
01:33:51 - Yeah, no one understands.
01:33:53 No one understands why there's--
01:33:55 - I don't understand.
01:33:56 - Yeah, we've talked about this a lot over the phone.
01:33:59 - Yeah, I got Eddie lost in Boston when we did that.
01:34:02 - Yeah, that happened.
01:34:04 - Wait, you guys have phone calls?
01:34:06 - Me and him? - Yeah.
01:34:07 - Yeah, we talk on the phone, right, Mr. Borden?
01:34:09 - Who does? - Me and him?
01:34:12 - Yeah.
01:34:13 - Who are you?
01:34:13 Yeah, we do, yeah.
01:34:15 I like Eddie, Eddie's a buddy.
01:34:16 - You're right. - We have something
01:34:18 in common, we like chocolate chip cookies.
01:34:20 - Yes, exactly, exactly.
01:34:23 Feidelberg, you're up.
01:34:26 - Okay, are we doing, we go back for honorable mentions
01:34:30 or are honorable mentions coming out?
01:34:33 - We'll go back for honorable mentions.
01:34:34 So you'll make your last pick, yeah.
01:34:36 - All right, this is one I have written down
01:34:38 and I brought it up recently on an episode of KFC Radio.
01:34:41 And I'm gonna ask, I'm gonna do it now
01:34:43 because I feel like chief knows about this kind of stuff.
01:34:45 Mr. Borden might have opinions.
01:34:47 At its base level, why is communism so evil?
01:34:52 Now I'm not a communist.
01:34:55 - I saw this clip. - And you can have
01:34:57 an opinion on this as well.
01:34:58 - Thank you.
01:34:59 - I understand that when it was Stalin and in Cuba,
01:35:06 if you were just like,
01:35:07 I think everyone should have things equally,
01:35:10 I would disagree with you.
01:35:11 But communism is said like you're a murderer,
01:35:14 like he's a communist.
01:35:16 Why is that so bad if you're just like,
01:35:18 I think everyone should have things equally?
01:35:20 Again, I disagree, but I disagree
01:35:22 with a lot of political ideas.
01:35:24 - This is a good point. - I disagree.
01:35:26 - It's a good point.
01:35:28 - It's turned into a sort of slur
01:35:31 because of the 60 or 70 years or so of us being
01:35:36 not technically at war, but kind of at war with communists.
01:35:41 And they were trying to expand their empire
01:35:42 and turn us into them and maybe hypothetically,
01:35:47 they're taking over other territory.
01:35:49 They're kind of doing it now a little bit.
01:35:52 - But if you were just like,
01:35:53 I think America should be communist.
01:35:55 And you were like,
01:35:56 I think it should have everything equally.
01:35:58 That's not that evil, right?
01:36:00 It's like, I disagree.
01:36:01 I don't think it's right.
01:36:03 But it's like, you're not a murderer for thinking it.
01:36:08 I like that, I strongly disagree.
01:36:11 Very strongly disagree.
01:36:13 - Don't worry about what's gonna happen to you.
01:36:17 (laughing)
01:36:19 - It's a good point.
01:36:20 - Can I take a stab at it?
01:36:22 - Yeah, I mean, sure.
01:36:24 But answer what he's saying.
01:36:26 - That's what I'm gonna try to do.
01:36:27 - Okay, why is it like you're a murderer?
01:36:28 - I think that there is a difference between Marxism,
01:36:33 which might be what you're talking about,
01:36:35 where the idea that everybody should have equal,
01:36:38 we'll all work on things together
01:36:39 and we'll all have a happy, equal life
01:36:41 doing different things that we're good at.
01:36:43 It's like to each whatever that expression is,
01:36:47 according to their need or what, I'm gonna get that wrong.
01:36:49 But it's like, that's the idea.
01:36:51 That's like Marxism.
01:36:52 And that sounds in a way, kinda nice and not evil.
01:36:56 Communism is every single time somebody has tried
01:37:00 to put Marxism into practice, everyone winds up murdered.
01:37:03 (laughing)
01:37:04 Because you have to take a bunch,
01:37:05 you have to steal a bunch of shit from people.
01:37:08 And then it's like, we're gonna determine
01:37:10 what equal actually is.
01:37:12 And then the people at the top still get all the most stuff
01:37:14 and then everyone else is a peasant
01:37:15 and then they end up murdered.
01:37:17 That's why Stalin, there's that story where Stalin
01:37:21 had like census takers and they come back
01:37:24 from being like, hey, actually, since you took power,
01:37:28 30 million people died.
01:37:30 And then he was like, oh, wow.
01:37:31 And then he just killed the census takers too.
01:37:33 So like Pol Pot murdered everybody.
01:37:37 Mao murdered maybe 60 million people, they think.
01:37:39 So yeah, just in practice, it just never works out
01:37:42 'cause you have to steal and murder
01:37:43 to try to like level the playing field.
01:37:45 - You know, you just made me think of something.
01:37:48 Any of you folks ever see a movie called "The Death of Stalin"?
01:37:52 - I've actually, it's satire, is it not?
01:37:55 It's supposed to be satiric.
01:37:56 - That is a satire, that's why I'm bringing it up.
01:37:59 We were talking about satires a little while ago.
01:38:01 There was a satire.
01:38:03 The death of Stalin, dealing with communism and whatnot.
01:38:07 And that's tremendous satire.
01:38:10 - It's good, I haven't seen it.
01:38:13 - Oh, excellent. - I told I would like that
01:38:15 specifically.
01:38:16 I think Jeff knows I'd like that.
01:38:18 I just watched another thing that surprised me,
01:38:22 had a lot of satire in it, was "White House Plumbers."
01:38:25 You ever hear of that?
01:38:27 - I did the first two episodes of that.
01:38:29 I didn't love it.
01:38:30 Is it worth sticking around for?
01:38:31 - Yeah, because there's a lot of satire in it
01:38:35 showing how stupid those guys were.
01:38:39 It's done by the same people that made "Veep,"
01:38:43 which is one of my favorite shows of all time.
01:38:44 - Oh, I love "Veep," yeah.
01:38:46 - Yeah, if you like that, you'll like "White House Plumbers."
01:38:49 - So I watched the first half of an episode of that
01:38:52 and I turned it off.
01:38:54 - Of "White House Plumbers?"
01:38:55 - Yeah, yeah, and I like--
01:38:56 - There's a lot of satire in it.
01:38:58 - Okay.
01:38:59 - Especially the guy that would light his hand on fire
01:39:03 and everything.
01:39:03 It was a total whack job.
01:39:05 And they kept screwing everything up
01:39:08 they were trying to do.
01:39:09 And it was, I found it amusing.
01:39:11 - John, I think this was a good pick.
01:39:14 - Thanks, and even with Chief's response,
01:39:18 which I understand is fair,
01:39:19 that's not the communism in and of itself that's evil,
01:39:22 that's the people doing it.
01:39:24 - Yes.
01:39:25 - The people that are enacting the system.
01:39:26 - It's because--
01:39:27 - So if the right guy ran with the ball.
01:39:30 - If you get the right guy, maybe that's the guy.
01:39:32 - At that point--
01:39:33 - What about "Animal Farm?"
01:39:35 What, you guys, I assume you all read "Animal Farm"
01:39:39 when you were in high school.
01:39:40 That's a brilliant satire about communism
01:39:44 and socialism.
01:39:46 - They haven't read that.
01:39:47 That is like the Bible of satire, political satire.
01:39:52 - Yeah, and--
01:39:56 - "Animal Farm."
01:39:57 - And of course, there--
01:39:58 - Why?
01:39:59 - Those are some of the only books I enjoyed reading
01:40:01 growing up, 1984 and "Animal House," yeah.
01:40:03 - All right, Chief, you're up.
01:40:06 - All right, this is one that I've been,
01:40:08 I don't know if this is still an issue,
01:40:09 but this is one that every time I think about it,
01:40:13 it just never makes any sense.
01:40:15 When they would be like, remember they used to have
01:40:18 hairspray or spray paint cans or aerosol cans?
01:40:21 And they were like, "This can, if you use this can,
01:40:23 "it's gonna destroy the ozone layer."
01:40:24 Like how the fuck can me going like, "Shh," like that
01:40:28 poke a hole in the outer space?
01:40:31 And I just, I will never--
01:40:33 - Bro, you never saw this, you never had this diagram
01:40:36 drawn for you?
01:40:37 I gotta be able to see it 'cause I just ripped off
01:40:38 a small piece of paper.
01:40:39 In school?
01:40:40 - I don't know.
01:40:42 But it just, it seems silly to me that a can,
01:40:46 in my hand, could impact something, that's the sun, right?
01:40:51 - It looks like a sun.
01:40:53 That's what fucking, what's the thing that come out
01:40:55 of air conditioners?
01:40:56 Coolants?
01:40:57 - Freon?
01:40:58 - Freon, yeah.
01:40:59 - Freon.
01:41:00 - Freon.
01:41:01 That's what it looks like, and these float up in the air,
01:41:04 and because they're so spiky, they just poke holes in it.
01:41:07 - Oh, for real?
01:41:08 - That's what some people made about third grade.
01:41:10 - Wow.
01:41:10 - No one ever explained that to me.
01:41:11 - That makes sense to me.
01:41:13 I don't know if it's true.
01:41:14 - But it's gonna float all the way in the air.
01:41:16 - It's true.
01:41:16 - That's true.
01:41:17 - And it's just, I don't know, space in the ozone layer
01:41:20 in my head is so big that it's like, are we all just,
01:41:23 like, how much hairspray is really being used?
01:41:25 That we're gonna poke a giant hole, like,
01:41:28 it feels like you'd need to be doing a lot of aerosols
01:41:30 or Freons or whatever that is.
01:41:32 - I think in the 80s it was an issue.
01:41:34 - It was a big hair era.
01:41:36 - We walked into the pomade mousse era,
01:41:38 and things are getting a lot better, but.
01:41:41 - I'm not guilty of that.
01:41:42 (laughing)
01:41:44 Don't accuse me of that.
01:41:45 - All right.
01:41:49 White Sox day, Mr. Irrelevant.
01:41:50 - If I will take that to the grave,
01:41:54 I don't wanna know the real reason behind those,
01:41:56 but that made perfect sense,
01:41:57 so I'll never believe anything else, John.
01:41:59 I hate how boring all my fucking picks were,
01:42:02 especially, but I try to think outside the box,
01:42:05 but microwaves, on the note of waves,
01:42:09 you put it in for 30 seconds, all of a sudden,
01:42:10 it's fucking hot because a bunch of invisible shit
01:42:13 went through it.
01:42:14 - Great pick.
01:42:15 - How does it make sense?
01:42:16 How does it make sense?
01:42:17 - I don't know.
01:42:18 - Dave's definitely gonna win this draft.
01:42:19 - I don't think so, 'cause they're all boring,
01:42:21 but this is like, I was thinking like,
01:42:22 everyday shit you do and use and experience,
01:42:26 instead of like the crazy stuff that you guys are,
01:42:29 I wish I would've gone your guys route,
01:42:30 but like this, it will never,
01:42:33 how does even someone think to like come up with it?
01:42:36 - Where do thoughts come from?
01:42:37 (laughing)
01:42:38 - It's all chicken and egg shit, this entire draft.
01:42:41 - But like that, Dave, like I'm with you on that.
01:42:43 Like you just press the,
01:42:45 I don't know what's going on in that box.
01:42:46 - How do they make that LED light work?
01:42:48 On the microwave?
01:42:50 - Oh.
01:42:51 - To push three and then that number automatically
01:42:55 makes it the perfect temperature that your food wants.
01:42:58 - But it's like, I think it's like heating up the molecules.
01:43:02 Like I think that's what's happening.
01:43:03 I think it's heating up, it's like accelerating molecules.
01:43:06 - You can't see it, so how did you think to do it?
01:43:08 - I don't know, I don't know, that's science shit.
01:43:11 - Don't you folks, it just crosses my mind
01:43:14 that all the things you're talking about,
01:43:16 people years ago didn't talk about asbestos,
01:43:21 but there are people working in sites that breathing it in
01:43:26 and now, you know, they talk about it's a killer.
01:43:29 - Yeah.
01:43:30 - But back when people were in their jobs doing things,
01:43:34 nobody discussed that, right?
01:43:37 It's after the fact, it's come out
01:43:39 and who knows what's going on right now
01:43:41 with some of the things you're talking about.
01:43:43 They may in fact be very bad for you.
01:43:46 - Yeah.
01:43:47 - But you don't find out now, you find out later.
01:43:50 - Yep.
01:43:51 - Tomorrow, we have a show coming out tomorrow
01:43:54 where it was 3M and DuPont.
01:43:58 They just did a $10 billion settlement
01:44:01 because they just--
01:44:03 - I haven't seen the movie "Dark Water."
01:44:05 - We talked about that.
01:44:06 Yeah, we talked about that a little bit.
01:44:08 - I gotta go shit.
01:44:08 - Yeah, it's a great movie.
01:44:09 - I'm a big fan of the,
01:44:10 it's kind of like that spotlight ask investigative--
01:44:13 - Yeah, it's like it's Aaron Brockovich a little bit.
01:44:16 Yeah.
01:44:17 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:44:18 - Yeah, it's very--
01:44:18 - That's a great--
01:44:19 - Very good movie.
01:44:20 - But of course the other side of this,
01:44:22 if you hear enough and read enough of this stuff,
01:44:25 you won't even go outside.
01:44:27 Because it's a killer shit idea.
01:44:29 - Yeah.
01:44:30 - I feel like there's like nowhere to go
01:44:32 where you're not gonna catch something and die.
01:44:33 - Yep.
01:44:35 - Like Dr. Ziva.
01:44:36 - Yeah.
01:44:37 - Yeah, it's a crazy show tomorrow.
01:44:40 All right, we could do some honorable mentions,
01:44:42 then we'll read them through,
01:44:43 and then we'll get out of here.
01:44:45 John, you had something you said?
01:44:47 - I have two.
01:44:48 - I got two.
01:44:50 I got one, and this would kind of apply
01:44:52 to a couple of the things we said,
01:44:55 but I'd go with mental illness for a number of reasons.
01:44:59 But just one being like you wake up and it's like,
01:45:03 I'm feeling good today.
01:45:04 And then your brain's just like, no, no, no.
01:45:06 Not wrong, not today.
01:45:08 - Wrong.
01:45:09 (laughing)
01:45:10 - It's like, have you thought about your life lately?
01:45:11 - Fuck it up, man.
01:45:12 (laughing)
01:45:14 - That one when you're just like,
01:45:16 I have no reason to be in a bad mood.
01:45:17 And it's just like, no, you are fucking down today, brother.
01:45:21 That doesn't make any sense to me.
01:45:23 And then the other one would be the game of cricket.
01:45:28 - I had that on my list, actually.
01:45:30 - Did you really?
01:45:31 - Yeah, it takes like fucking three weeks to finish a game.
01:45:33 - When people are like, a game took weeks,
01:45:35 I'm like, what are you talking about?
01:45:37 And you could even, that actually kind of,
01:45:39 you could use that to explain why sports
01:45:42 are so silly as a whole.
01:45:43 We're just like, that doesn't make,
01:45:45 if you don't, if you didn't learn it at a young age,
01:45:48 sports are incredibly dumb.
01:45:50 - You're out.
01:45:51 - I don't get it at all.
01:45:53 - Did anybody see, did anybody see when David Portnoy was,
01:45:58 on a thing with a guy from England?
01:46:01 - Piers Morgan.
01:46:02 - I just watched it.
01:46:03 Piers Morgan, and he was brought in to talk about cricket.
01:46:07 And it was so funny because he had no idea why he was there,
01:46:11 why they were talking about it, he knew nothing about it.
01:46:14 And they just refused to accept the fact
01:46:17 that he didn't know anything about it.
01:46:20 I found it hilarious.
01:46:21 - That was a great clip.
01:46:21 - That was funny, but I agree, I don't know anything about it.
01:46:24 - I know there's a patent of all.
01:46:26 - Yeah, this one, I feel like this one,
01:46:30 maybe Science Guy John over there could explain this.
01:46:32 I don't understand how condensation,
01:46:35 like how does water on the inside of a glass
01:46:37 get to the outside of the glass?
01:46:38 That's another thing I've been worried.
01:46:41 - No one will ever know the answer to that.
01:46:42 - Yeah, I'm sure there's--
01:46:44 - No, they'll tell you they know the answer.
01:46:45 - But I don't understand that, I've never understood that.
01:46:48 I re-watched the movie Interstellar recently,
01:46:54 the end of that movie where he was like in the books
01:46:57 the whole time or something.
01:46:59 - I haven't seen it, asshole.
01:47:00 - It was 10 years old.
01:47:02 - I saw Inception.
01:47:03 - I recently watched that movie, I never seen it before.
01:47:09 It's like Kevin's favorite movie.
01:47:10 I recently watched it. - Interstellar is?
01:47:12 - Yeah.
01:47:13 And I recently watched it sitting next to him
01:47:15 on a cross country flight recently
01:47:18 and fell asleep like the last 15 minutes.
01:47:21 Like the meanest thing you can do to a person
01:47:23 is like this is my favorite movie.
01:47:25 And I had to get off the flight and be like how'd that end?
01:47:28 And he's like it's too confusing.
01:47:30 So I would agree with you.
01:47:32 - It was, I've seen it multiple times now.
01:47:35 And I was like, maybe I was like high or something,
01:47:38 I just didn't understand it the first time.
01:47:40 And then I watched it again, I'm like I understand it less.
01:47:44 And then he somehow then he like reunites with whatever.
01:47:48 It's like time travel, I didn't understand that at all.
01:47:51 The pyramids, we've talked about those
01:47:53 on this show a hundred times,
01:47:54 so I didn't wanna bring them up again.
01:47:55 - Yeah, you could throw up flights
01:47:57 and how cruise ships float in there.
01:47:59 I'm sure those are--
01:48:01 - Even like-- - People will just tell you
01:48:02 a lift, they'll tell you water displacement
01:48:04 or whatever you wanna call it.
01:48:06 - Like a cruise ship.
01:48:07 - How does that thing float?
01:48:08 That thing weighs a gazillion pounds.
01:48:10 - That'll never make sense.
01:48:12 I had one other one. - But this penny will sink.
01:48:16 - What sucks, Dave, you know what I mean?
01:48:17 - Yeah. - Yeah.
01:48:18 - Sleep, why do we sleep?
01:48:21 I know what you guys are thinking, but that's not why.
01:48:25 Why do we sleep, Ed?
01:48:26 - Recharge the batteries.
01:48:27 - You don't do that, you eat by,
01:48:28 that's how you, why you eat.
01:48:31 - I think you have to like,
01:48:32 if you don't sleep, you will go insane though.
01:48:35 Like you, like if you're a witness.
01:48:36 - You're hallucinating and shit.
01:48:37 - Yeah, and like some people like never recover.
01:48:40 - I remember the, we were interviewing Matt Barnes
01:48:45 a while back, and I don't know if it'll be true,
01:48:48 but I remember him like being very serious
01:48:50 and telling us that like the next big thing in sports
01:48:53 after CTE will be the sleep deprivation.
01:48:57 And like what the athletes go through,
01:48:59 'cause he was explaining, he's like,
01:49:00 I'll have a, on the game end at midnight in Atlanta,
01:49:04 I'll do post game, whatever, 'til one,
01:49:07 I'll eat, get on a plane, I get to my hotel in LA
01:49:11 at 6 a.m., 7 a.m., whatever time,
01:49:14 then I have a quick nap and I have a shoot around,
01:49:16 and he's like basically explaining
01:49:17 how little sleep they get in season.
01:49:19 And he was like, they'll see how this fucked us up.
01:49:23 Like this will be the next big one.
01:49:24 - That's pretty interesting.
01:49:25 - I was in a high school, this is like kind of serious,
01:49:29 but we were in psychology and our professor,
01:49:32 I still stay in touch with the guy,
01:49:33 or not professor, teacher, it's high school.
01:49:36 He asked the class, why do we sleep?
01:49:37 And everyone's like to get more energy.
01:49:39 And he's like, no, that's, you put,
01:49:41 you get energy by consuming food and calories
01:49:43 and all that shit.
01:49:45 And he said that one theory is that,
01:49:48 like hundreds of thousands of years ago
01:49:50 when it was Neanderthals or whatever the fuck,
01:49:53 we would lie down in fetal positions in grass
01:49:55 in a completely motionless, subconscious state
01:49:59 because we weren't at the top of the food chain.
01:50:01 And then it happened throughout all mammals
01:50:03 or something like that.
01:50:04 - Yeah, but all, even sharks sleep, they've--
01:50:07 - I was gonna ask, do fish sleep?
01:50:08 - Yeah, they do.
01:50:10 They do. - Do they keep moving?
01:50:12 - They have to move a little bit so they can breathe.
01:50:15 You have to have water rushing over your gills,
01:50:17 I'm pretty sure.
01:50:18 But yeah, shark, they've, that was a somewhat recent
01:50:21 discovery that sharks and fish will sleep.
01:50:24 - Do fish drink?
01:50:25 - Brother, I don't know that one.
01:50:27 I don't know that one.
01:50:28 - That's a little too far.
01:50:30 - You got any more, Dave?
01:50:31 - Deja vu.
01:50:33 - That's weird.
01:50:34 - I hadn't thought was, we already talked about that.
01:50:37 - I just have two.
01:50:38 People who root for politics, we talked about it already.
01:50:41 - And ask sport teams.
01:50:43 - Yeah, another, yeah, like ask sport teams.
01:50:44 Another one, like blasting your whole life on social media.
01:50:47 Well, you don't need to, but those are two boring ones,
01:50:49 so I didn't take 'em.
01:50:50 - Oh, I watched this documentary about this,
01:50:54 it's not the Hubble Telescope,
01:50:56 the James Webb Telescope, it's on Netflix.
01:50:57 - I just watched it too, yeah.
01:50:59 - How do you take a picture of 13 billion years ago?
01:51:02 And I know they're gonna be like things that's like light
01:51:05 or whatever, but I'm like, no.
01:51:08 - Dude, they're looking in, is it the past or future?
01:51:10 - In the past.
01:51:11 - Yeah, they're looking into the past 'cause the,
01:51:14 when you look up, obviously not staring at the sun,
01:51:18 but everybody's just taking a glance at the sun,
01:51:20 that happened seven minutes ago or something.
01:51:22 - 'Cause it takes that, you wanna, do you know who?
01:51:24 - Ask me, ask me, ask me.
01:51:27 - Let's get to it later.
01:51:28 - There's this other thing where it's like a light particle
01:51:30 from a star would not, and I can't explain this,
01:51:34 it comes from a guy, his name's John Wheeler,
01:51:36 but it would not have, that photon would not have left
01:51:39 the star unless it had a place to go, which is your eye,
01:51:42 but it left 70,000 years ago.
01:51:45 But it's like, it's called like a delayed choice destination.
01:51:50 - So you're telling me these photons and quarks and--
01:51:53 - They're like destined for your eye.
01:51:54 It's like, they have like the--
01:51:55 - They chose.
01:51:56 - Yes, it's like a delayed choice theory.
01:51:58 - That's fucking crazy.
01:52:00 - And it like, it would, yeah, I can't--
01:52:02 - You need to send me this shit afterwards.
01:52:03 - All right, I will.
01:52:04 - Mr. Portnoy, do you have any more before we wrap up here?
01:52:08 - No, the only thing I was thinking,
01:52:10 my gosh, yes, I think that, was it Steve Jobs or Musk?
01:52:15 I don't remember which one of these guys,
01:52:18 or maybe it was the guy from the Washington Post
01:52:22 saying they don't, you know, they sleep two hours a night
01:52:25 or something crazy like that.
01:52:27 I don't know if it was Steve Jobs or Musk or,
01:52:32 what's the name that--
01:52:35 - Bezos? - Amazon.
01:52:37 - Bezos? - Bezos.
01:52:38 - Bezos, talking about how little sleep they require.
01:52:42 I might be wrong about that.
01:52:43 - No, I think you're right about that.
01:52:45 Wasn't it like Bill Gates used to be like,
01:52:47 I only sleep one day?
01:52:47 - Yeah, maybe it was Gates, could have been Gates.
01:52:49 - They're all fucking liars.
01:52:51 Everyone gets a billion dollars
01:52:52 and says they're a fucking superhero.
01:52:54 - Yeah. - That's true, that's true.
01:52:56 - They're just on the testosterone replacement,
01:52:57 Bezos got full of that shit.
01:52:58 - Well, they're all liars.
01:53:00 - Yeah.
01:53:01 (laughing)
01:53:03 - You can say, that was in the conversation
01:53:05 about so many things.
01:53:06 - Do you ever hear the, everyone who becomes
01:53:10 a billionaire or crazy rich has this incredible origin story
01:53:14 that they've had to overcome.
01:53:15 The stupidest one is the Peloton guy, you ever hear his?
01:53:18 - No.
01:53:19 - His key to success is he has 40 handfuls
01:53:22 of water every morning, that fucking idiot.
01:53:25 - What? - He says he stands over
01:53:26 the sink and shovels water into his mouth
01:53:29 until he's nauseous and that's how he kickstarts
01:53:32 his day and his brain.
01:53:33 Well, guess what, I drink from a water bottle
01:53:35 and I bet I get more water than you do
01:53:37 in your 40 handfuls.
01:53:38 - But you know something, John?
01:53:40 Based on Peloton, you're doing better than he is right now.
01:53:44 - Oh yeah. - They're in a dump.
01:53:47 - John, next time you see Dante, ask him about that.
01:53:49 If you wanna send him on a little tirade.
01:53:51 (laughing)
01:53:52 - Peloton? - Oh yeah.
01:53:53 He invested hard into it in 2020 when you should've
01:53:57 but he didn't get out in time.
01:53:59 - I love texting Dante every now and again,
01:54:01 just a little fucking grenade into the foxhole.
01:54:04 - Yeah. - Let him go.
01:54:05 And then just scamper off.
01:54:07 - That brain, that brain's always funny.
01:54:09 - And then just wait an hour and reply,
01:54:10 I mean, that's crazy.
01:54:11 (laughing)
01:54:12 - That is one of my favorite things that I do.
01:54:14 - That is fun. - Yeah.
01:54:16 - All right, I'm gonna read them off
01:54:18 and then we'll vote off who you think had the worst draft.
01:54:20 So you gotta say who you thought was the worst,
01:54:23 Mr. Portnoy.
01:54:23 First up, Mr. Portnoy, why his atomic clock doesn't work,
01:54:28 long beards, Detroit Lions wanting a live lion mascot,
01:54:33 people who scream at famous people,
01:54:35 people who fight on airplanes,
01:54:38 Eddie Quantum Anything, underground water road tunnels,
01:54:41 how fish breathe, why are there so many
01:54:43 residential buildings, artificial flavoring,
01:54:46 specifically cheeseburger chips,
01:54:48 fights, human body, passion, satire,
01:54:51 how Tommy Smokes gets laid, why communism is so evil,
01:54:55 chief vinyl records, radio waves,
01:54:57 painkillers knowing where the pain is,
01:55:00 where do thoughts come from,
01:55:01 spray cans poking holes in the ozone layer,
01:55:04 and White Sox Day of women, money, insurance,
01:55:06 why chopsticks are still a thing, and microwaves.
01:55:10 Okay, now we must vote.
01:55:12 All right, Mr. Portnoy, who do you think had the worst one?
01:55:14 This is probably easiest to do this.
01:55:16 - Who had the worst one?
01:55:19 - Yeah, who had the worst board, yeah.
01:55:21 - I'm gonna have to pass,
01:55:25 'cause I really hadn't given that any thought.
01:55:27 (laughing)
01:55:28 - All right, we'll give it some thought,
01:55:29 we'll come back to it.
01:55:30 - All right, we'll come back to you.
01:55:31 - John, or who do we vote?
01:55:33 - I'll just vote for myself.
01:55:34 I thought those were funny.
01:55:36 - I thought yours were good.
01:55:37 How does that fucking little white pill
01:55:40 make your tooth stop hurting?
01:55:40 - I don't know, but I thought the other ones made me laugh.
01:55:43 But they made me laugh more than the other ones.
01:55:44 - I voted for you.
01:55:45 I thought Chiefs was awesome.
01:55:47 - John, who'd you vote for?
01:55:49 - I'm gonna vote for myself.
01:55:50 - Me too, I'm voting for myself.
01:55:53 That's easy.
01:55:54 (laughing)
01:55:55 - All right, so now we have to vote for either Eddie or--
01:55:58 - No, I have to vote for someone.
01:56:00 - Oh, okay.
01:56:01 - Do it, Ed.
01:56:02 - If I vote for White Sox Dave, then it's a five-way tie.
01:56:06 (laughing)
01:56:08 - Or do you get anything for this?
01:56:11 - I don't know, fuck it, I'll vote for Dave.
01:56:14 (laughing)
01:56:14 - This is the first time.
01:56:16 - First time ever.
01:56:17 - A first time.
01:56:18 (laughing)
01:56:19 A first time, how are we gonna do this?
01:56:21 This is chaos.
01:56:22 - I don't know.
01:56:23 - All right.
01:56:23 - I was between you two, you were on my list.
01:56:26 I don't know, we'll figure it out.
01:56:28 We'll figure it out on Twitter.
01:56:29 So follow along on Twitter.
01:56:30 - Okay.
01:56:31 - We'll figure out a way to do it.
01:56:32 Dog walk barstool.
01:56:33 - We'll have to start one of those--
01:56:35 - I'll say right now, Mr. Portnoy is not getting eliminated.
01:56:38 I'd rather sacrifice myself.
01:56:39 - He has to be on there.
01:56:40 - Yes, I'd rather sacrifice myself.
01:56:42 But all right, Mr. Portnoy, thank you as always.
01:56:45 It was a pleasure.
01:56:46 - Hey, I enjoyed this, Eddie.
01:56:47 I enjoyed it with you guys.
01:56:49 - I'll see you next week, Mr. Portnoy.
01:56:51 - Next summer.
01:56:52 - Yeah, next summer.
01:56:53 - Well, not this summer.
01:56:54 - You're gonna let that fish rot in your fridge
01:56:57 for a whole year?
01:56:57 - Yeah, you gotta get his nose on the case.
01:56:59 - You won't believe this.
01:57:01 I gotta tell you this.
01:57:03 I starting to smell it now with the door shut.
01:57:06 I'm not happy.
01:57:07 (laughing)
01:57:08 - Maybe it's not even in the fridge.
01:57:10 - This is something that's happened in my apartment
01:57:13 a time or two and I can't figure out what's in the fridge.
01:57:16 It's the dishwasher.
01:57:17 I haven't run the dishwasher in a little bit.
01:57:19 So maybe you can look into it.
01:57:21 - I'm gonna look into it.
01:57:22 - Here's something I don't understand.
01:57:23 Tandem washer and dryers.
01:57:26 'Cause you gotta front load the--
01:57:28 - Front load the washer and water inevitably
01:57:31 is gonna stay in there.
01:57:32 So it gets all, you get that moldy smell.
01:57:35 Whoever invented those, I don't understand
01:57:37 what your purpose in life was.
01:57:39 - I'll tell you what it is.
01:57:41 - Probably worth hundreds of dollars.
01:57:42 - I'm gonna answer that question for you.
01:57:44 If you only have a certain amount of space,
01:57:47 this is a safe space.
01:57:49 - I understand, but you can still have,
01:57:52 there's the ones where you have the,
01:57:55 there's a gap between the two then
01:57:57 and you can still lift it up underneath the dryer.
01:58:00 - Those are stackable.
01:58:02 - Yeah, they're stackable.
01:58:03 - Stackable ones.
01:58:04 - That's a--
01:58:05 - Front loading washing machines make zero sense.
01:58:07 - If I care about what you're saying,
01:58:09 I take a picture and send it to you.
01:58:10 I don't care enough.
01:58:11 - John, thank you too.
01:58:13 This was fun.
01:58:14 - Thanks, Fights.
01:58:15 - Thank you very much, boys.
01:58:16 Mr. Portnoy, great to see you.
01:58:18 - Nice to talk to you, John.
01:58:20 Say hello to your dad for me.
01:58:21 Tell him I was remote.
01:58:22 (laughing)
01:58:25 - Oh man.
01:58:25 All right, everybody, thanks for listening.
01:58:27 Thanks for watching.
01:58:27 Follow along on Twitter.
01:58:28 - Thanks, Eddie.
01:58:29 - See you when we break the tie.
01:58:30 We'll see you all tomorrow for the crazy episode
01:58:32 of Dark Waters story.
01:58:34 - Yeah.
01:58:35 - See ya.
01:58:35 (whooshing)
01:58:38 [WHOOSH]
