NL Cy Young Winners Market: Blake Snell (+350) Is Not Winning!

  • last year
00:00 Yeah, Spencer Schreider
00:06 so at the top of this bo
00:06 number has even moved to
00:09 to the number two spot th
00:13 he's become Blake Snell a
00:18 from fancy asset. I don't
00:27 it's one thing in the sea
00:30 maybe you look up at the
00:31 the 15 brilliant starts y
00:33 15 horrendous, frustratin
00:36 Blake Snell. But if you p
00:38 formats, whether it be ro
00:41 to head points, he's infu
00:44 you're going to ride that
00:45 him off in the middle, wh
00:47 thing to do because when
00:49 starts in a row and strik
00:51 you don't want to sell hi
00:53 performing for you when y
00:55 sense of reality when it
00:56 Snell, but he's not winni
00:59 throw him out. It means n
01:02 two horse race right now.
01:03 and it's at gallon and Ma
01:05 getting 2 to 1 money, I'm
01:09 In fact, this week I doubl
01:11 Schreider. He is leading
01:13 strikeouts. He is at 208
01:15 now in 129 innings. Can y
01:18 sink in for a minute? Eve
01:20 like as we get, if we get
01:24 this is going to be well
01:25 Spencer Schreider because
01:27 aren't good. Zach Allen's
01:30 and Spencer Strider has o
01:32 or three starts stretch a
01:35 been brilliant, he's been
01:38 they owe him one because
01:40 win the rookie of the yea
01:43 did. They were neck and n
01:44 close vote and Spencer Str
01:46 and I think this is the,
01:49 uh, son of a woman oscar,
01:52 just make up for the grea
01:53 doesn't win it for the Go
01:55 or surf or go or dog day a
01:58 it for scent of a woman.
01:59 Spencer Stryer. This is h
02:02 woman moment. Who are tha
02:05 want to win a, I want to
02:07 what I want to win. Yeah.
