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It's hard to explain why, but these Disney moments are oddy satisfying. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most relaxing and appealing moments in Disney’s animated features.


00:00 "Here I stand in the light of day."
00:08 Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 oddly satisfying Disney moments.
00:15 "A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view."
00:22 For this list, we'll be looking at the most relaxing and appealing moments in Disney's animated features.
00:28 From perfect fits to intriguing texture to visual symmetry, these picks are basically unintentional ASMR.
00:35 Which of these moments do you think about the most often? Let us know in the comments below.
00:40 Number 20. Cracker with creme de la creme a la Edgar, the Aristocats.
00:46 A pivotal moment in this Disney film also happens to be a visually pleasing one.
00:51 Edgar's method of catnapping his boss's pets involves making a devious alteration to their gourmet dinner.
00:57 "Rock-a-bye kitties, bye-bye you go. La la la la, and I'm in the dough. Oh Edgar, you sly old fox."
01:08 The added sleeping pills aside, Edgar seems to know what he's doing in the kitchen.
01:13 With the incorporation of nutmeg, cinnamon, sugar, and vanilla extract, you just know it tastes divine.
01:21 "Favorite dish prepared a very special way. It's creme de la creme a la Edgar. Sleep well, I mean eat well of course."
01:31 It's pretty satisfying watching the cats eat, but even more satisfying is Roquefort the mouse and his cracker.
01:38 Watching him dunk it in the cream has us craving something similar.
01:42 "This is yummy."
01:43 "Delicious. Double delicious."
01:50 Maybe milk and cookies or tea and biscuits. Just leave out the sleeping tablets, yeah?
01:55 Number 19. Uncurling Hill - The Nightmare Before Christmas
02:00 While we love the vibe of this movie, it's admittedly more creepy than soothing.
02:04 "I excel without ever even trying. With the slightest little effort of my ghost-like charms,
02:13 I have seen grown men give out a shriek."
02:16 There is one moment during Jack's lament though that hits just right.
02:20 Standing atop a curled ledge, Jack stands silhouetted by a perfectly round full moon.
02:26 As the skeleton makes his way down, the spiral of the hill unfurls as smoothly as ever,
02:31 which is a pretty impressive feat in stop-motion.
02:34 "If he only could. Oh there's an empty place in my bones."
02:45 It extends precisely to meet the terrain below and then seems to retract once Jack steps off,
02:51 presumably to return to its former position.
02:53 We're not surprised it ended up being one of the most defining shots of the movie.
02:57 Number 18. Bed of Flowers - Alice in Wonderland
03:02 If you have allergies, go grab some tissues because this moment has us romanticizing being
03:07 enveloped by flowers. During the number, "In a World of My Own," Alice lounges around in a field
03:13 of white-petaled flowers and, at one point, lays back and seems to be swallowed up by them,
03:18 disappearing completely from view.
03:20 "In a world of my own, all the flowers would have very extra special powers."
03:31 In the next shot, we see just how peaceful it all looks.
03:34 Perhaps the most satisfying moment of animation comes just before this,
03:38 when Alice is playing with her cat Dinah.
03:40 She bends stems over her, and when she lets go, they sway back into place beautifully.
03:46 "Why, in my world, cats and rabbits would reside in fancy little houses."
03:53 Watching Alice find an escape among the flowers gives us a little escape of our own, too.
03:58 Number 17. Elsa Creates Her Castle - Frozen
04:03 This stunning sequence is a visual metaphor for Elsa's personal growth.
04:07 After years of being told to hide her powers, she finally embraces them and decides to see
04:12 what she can really do. "Everything seems small,
04:16 and the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all."
04:24 The small flurries in the snow and the ice staircase up are certainly beautiful,
04:29 but that's only the beginning. Once Elsa creates that kaleidoscopic snowflake beneath her foot,
04:34 things really take off. "You'll never see me cry, here I stand."
04:43 Apparently the queen isn't only good at magic, she's a great architect, too.
04:47 Each part of the castle seems to build upon itself, and the perfect symmetry of it all is just
04:52 chef's kiss. The chandelier in particular is gratifying to watch take form.
04:58 And then, of course, there's her outfit transformation, which is just pure magic.
05:03 "When I rise like the break of dawn, let it go, let it go, that perfect girl is gone."
05:14 Number 16. Ursula Putting On Lipstick - The Little Mermaid
05:18 "What I want from you is your voice."
05:22 In a single word, this makeup application is flawless. Ursula is clearly a master makeup
05:28 artist. Just look at her cut crease and symmetrical brows. While applying lipstick,
05:34 she fills in her lips perfectly with two single swipes, and she does it all while talking.
05:38 "Well, angel fish, the solution to your problem is simple."
05:43 We're both mesmerized and taking notes. Even her shellfish lip product is fascinating.
05:50 We don't know what it is, but look at that pigment. Do you think she'd tell us where to
05:55 get one without having to make a deal first? Ursula's hair mousse is also a source of intrigue,
06:00 although we're not sure how effective it can be underwater.
06:04 "Now, then, you're here because you have a thing for this human, this prince fellow."
06:11 Number 15. Flawlessly Cut Ice Blocks - Frozen
06:15 Ice is obviously a big part of this movie. Most of the oohs and ahs are saved for Elsa,
06:21 but the harvesters should be commended for their handling too. Young Kristoff and Sven
06:26 accompany the crew as they split, slice, and carve ice from the frozen top of a body of water.
06:31 "And mountain rain combining, this icy force both proud and fair as a frozen harbor binding."
06:43 They come apart cleanly when struck, and it's so satisfying to see the immense,
06:47 glassy blocks get harvested into manageable, smooth cubes.
06:51 "Cut through the heart, cold and clear, strike for love and strike for fear,
06:57 see the beauty, sharp and sheer."
07:00 Not only are they all impressively symmetrical, the way they bob in the water and slide along
07:05 makes for a truly pleasant watching experience. The ice also reflects light in many different ways,
07:11 which is utterly spectacular animation.
07:14 "Cut through the heart, cold and clear, strike for love and strike for fear,
07:19 there's beauty and there's danger here, split the ice apart."
07:23 Number 14. Belle's Ladder Slide - Beauty and the Beast
07:28 Belle from Beauty and the Beast is a famed bibliophile, and we'll never forget the scene
07:32 where she first sees the jaw-dropping library in the Beast's castle.
07:41 "I can't believe it. I've never seen so many books in all my life."
07:46 But near the beginning of the film, during our introduction to the character,
07:50 we see Belle visit the bookshop in her small town while she sings about wanting a more exciting life.
07:55 "There must be more than this provincial life."
08:00 "Ah, Belle."
08:01 "Good morning. I've come to return the book I borrowed."
08:04 "Finished already?"
08:05 "Oh, I couldn't put it down. Have you got anything new?"
08:07 "Not since yesterday."
08:09 During this scene, she epically slides along the shelves of books using a ladder.
08:13 That made all of us wish we had a similar design in our own houses.
08:17 Number 13. Perfectly Shaped Cake - Lilo and Stitch
08:22 When Stitch does something, he goes all in.
08:24 Luckily for our viewing pleasure, this is definitely the case when he bakes a cake for Lilo.
08:39 Rather than using enough batter to fill a mere pan,
08:42 he makes sure this cake rises to fill the entire oven.
08:45 We especially appreciate how the confection expands slightly as Stitch pulls it out
08:58 and retains the grooves left by the ridges in the oven's interior.
09:01 The attention to detail is just magnificent,
09:04 and the best part is that it actually looks appetizing,
09:07 especially once it's fully iced and decorated.
09:10 Number 12. Cloud-Touching - Aladdin
09:16 It's good to know that the desire to physically hold a fluffy cloud in the sky
09:28 is a universal experience.
09:30 While singing "A Whole New World,"
09:32 Aladdin and Jasmine get up close and personal with a couple of cumulus clouds.
09:36 They hold the puffy element in their hands in a way that's not scientifically possible,
09:40 but that looks incredible.
09:42 As they whip around a particularly tall mass,
09:53 it smooths out and takes on the look of vanilla soft serve.
10:04 These interactions have us simultaneously craving something fluffy to cuddle with
10:08 and something frozen to eat.
10:10 If only this was how clouds worked in real life.
10:13 Guess we'll have to keep watching the scene to live the dream.
10:16 Number 11. Merida's Perfect Shot - Brave
10:31 Merida's incredible feat never fails to amaze us.
10:34 She makes a claim for her own hand with a series of perfect shots,
10:37 the last of which is especially impressive.
10:41 Time slows as the princess focuses on her breathing just before sending her arrow,
10:45 which brings a sense of serenity to the otherwise tense moment.
10:48 The projectile bends upon release before straightening out and spinning neatly through the air.
11:00 The arrow's impact is also shown in slow motion.
11:04 A perfect hit, it splits her suitor's arrow and pierces through the target.
11:08 You don't have to like archery to appreciate Merida's impressive aim and strength,
11:18 not to mention her nerve.
11:20 Number 10. The Be Our Guest Number - Beauty and the Beast
11:24 "Be our guest, be our guest, put our service to the test.
11:31 Tie your napkin round your neck, sherry, and we provide the rest."
11:36 This festive musical number is strong overall,
11:39 and one of its best qualities is the visuals.
11:42 After being captured by the Beast,
11:44 Belle is treated to dinner and a show by the castle's enchanted objects.
11:48 Throughout their production, the colorful and patterned dinnerware
11:51 perform perfectly coordinated choreography, creating hypnotic images.
11:55 A synchronized swimming routine and kick line add a touch of realism to the movement,
12:12 without compromising its delightfully magical energy.
12:15 The whole thing is mesmerizing, and there are far too many excellent moments to name.
12:20 Hats off to the animators.
12:22 "Simplement merveilleux."
12:24 Number 9. Half a Cup of Tea - Alice in Wonderland
12:38 Nearly everything that takes place in Alice in Wonderland is a little bit off-kilter.
12:43 And in the scene where Alice finds herself at a mad tea party,
12:46 there are a lot of odd things taking place.
12:49 "A very merry unbirthday to all of you!"
12:57 First of all, the Mad Hatter and the March Hare are celebrating their unbirthdays.
13:02 But when they offer her some tea, they serve it in quite an unconventional manner.
13:06 "You were saying that you would like to think- pardon me.
13:09 You were seeking some information of some kind?"
13:14 Among other things, a regular teacup gets cut in half.
13:18 "Tea? Just half a cup if you don't mind."
13:22 The fact that the liquid stays in the cup obviously defies all logic,
13:28 but that's why it's such a delightful sight.
13:30 However, Alice plucking pieces from the giant mushroom comes in at a close second,
13:35 as the most satisfying moment in this movie.
13:38 "One side will make me grow, but which is which?"
13:46 Number 8. Pocahontas' Braid - Pocahontas
13:50 Nico is one of the best Disney sidekicks of all time,
13:53 and his antics throughout Pocahontas made us laugh even in tense moments,
13:57 especially when he interacts with Percy.
13:59 The film's titular character usually lets her glossy black hair blow with the colors of the wind.
14:15 But in one scene, we see her raccoon buddy give her some quick hairstyling.
14:19 Nico's little paws work quickly to create a flawless braid,
14:22 and to be honest, we probably couldn't do such a good job
14:26 even after watching hours of YouTube tutorials.
14:41 Number 7. Magically Making the Dress and Cake - Sleeping Beauty
14:45 When the fairies Flora, Fauna, and Meriwether decide to make both a cake
14:49 and dress for Aurora without using magic, they're discouraged by the results.
14:53 But when they finally use their wands to accomplish their tasks,
14:59 things take a turn for the better.
15:01 The way the cake forms all on its own and the dress comes together
15:04 makes us wish we could use spells for our everyday tasks.
15:07 [Sounds of magic]
15:16 Magic is also used to create a supremely gratifying moment in the Sword in the Stone
15:20 when the dishes stack up perfectly on their own.
15:23 Number 6. Rafiki's Painting - The Lion King
15:31 For many people, The Lion King tops their list of favorite Disney movies,
15:35 and for good reason.
15:37 Perhaps something contributing to that is the sheer number of satisfying moments in this film.
15:41 "Slimy, yet satisfying."
15:47 First, there's the moment when Rafiki cracks open the gourd
15:50 at the beginning of the story to mark Simba's head.
15:53 Then he does it again later when he realizes Simba's still alive.
16:04 "Simba? Is he alive?"
16:08 But the moment where Rafiki paints a mane on the drawing of Simba just a few seconds later,
16:12 signifying how much he's grown, has to top them all.
16:16 No matter how hard we've tried, we've never found a vegetable that this works with.
16:20 "It is time."
16:26 Number 5. The Shoe Fits - Cinderella
16:29 This is one of the most iconic Disney moments of all time.
16:33 "But you see, I have the other slipper."
16:35 When Cinderella proves that the glass slipper belongs to her by fitting her foot,
16:45 not only is it a moment of triumph, but it's also gratifying to see how flawless the fit is.
16:50 High heels made of glass probably aren't very comfortable,
17:02 but she makes it seem effortless.
17:04 Of course, nothing can top this moment, but we also love when the mice are working together
17:09 to sew Cinderella's dress, and one of them threads a needle in a way that
17:12 absolutely never works when we try it ourselves.
17:15 Number 4. Making Ratatouille - Ratatouille
17:27 Who could have ever imagined that watching a rat cook would be so soothing?
17:31 Throughout Ratatouille, nearly everything Remy creates is a delight to bear witness to.
17:35 From the soup that he fixes, to the ratatouille dish that earns him praise as nothing less than
17:47 the finest chef in France, this rodent is one hell of a chef. The perfect layers of vegetables look
17:52 great in the baking dish, but they're even better when they end up arranged artfully on a plate.
17:57 *Royalty-free music*
18:03 Why doesn't it look like that when we try it out?
18:06 Number 3. Applying and removing makeup - Moulin
18:24 Moulin may not like getting all made up, but damn is it satisfying when she does it.
18:29 The expertly applied lipstick and eyeliner, which go on in one effortless swipe each,
18:34 strike envy in us all.
18:36 *Moulin Réveille*
18:55 Reflection is one of the best Disney songs of all time, and the moment where Moulin removes
19:00 her makeup using her sleeve, leaving half of a perfectly done up face,
19:04 definitely contributes to the scene's impact.
19:06 *Moulin Réveille*
19:19 And when Moulin makes the decision to cut off her hair and begin her transformation,
19:23 there's nothing more satisfying than the way her sword easily slices it in one fell swoop.
19:28 *Moulin Réveille*
19:36 Number 2. Snow White's Pie Crust - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
19:40 *Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs*
19:51 We have to admit, after watching this scene as kids, we definitely had unrealistic ideas about
19:56 how easy it was to make a pie.
19:58 Snow White sings "Someday My Prince Will Come" while rolling out pie crust,
20:02 and then deftly trims the edges to perfection.
20:04 With the help of her woodland friends of course.
20:06 *Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs*
20:17 We doubt that any sanitation board would approve of letting birds use their feet
20:21 to crimp the pie crust, but we're not complaining.
20:24 The pièce de résistance is when they add Grumpy's name onto the top,
20:27 and it falls into place flawlessly.
20:29 *Grumpy's name*
20:42 Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
20:46 Fake eyelash removal - The Rescuers
20:49 We think this moment qualifies as "appealing."
20:52 *Fake eyelash removal*
21:00 The perfect shave - Peter Pan
21:03 Except for the fact it's performed on the wrong sailor.
21:05 *Peter Pan*
21:17 Tiana's honey drizzle - The Princess and the Frog
21:21 Can we have some?
21:22 *The Princess and the Frog*
21:34 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get
21:38 notified about our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos,
21:44 or all of them. If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.
21:50 #1 Woody's Cleaning - Toy Story 2
21:54 In Toy Story 2, when Woody needs to have his arm reattached,
21:57 a specialized toy cleaner shows up to do the job.
22:00 *Is the specimen ready for cleaning?*
22:12 He has a dizzying array of tools in his kit to refresh the color on Woody's cheeks,
22:16 fix his fading hair, and even clean his eyeballs.
22:20 Not to mention sewing his arm back on so that it's as good as new.
22:23 *Is the specimen ready for cleaning?*
22:29 The entire sequence is a pleasure to witness,
22:32 but the best part is undoubtedly when he masterfully paints the bottom of Woody's boot.
22:37 It's bittersweet, however, because in one swipe of a paintbrush, Andy's name is erased.
22:42 *Is the specimen ready for cleaning?*
22:49 Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
22:55 And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
