Panayam ni DOST Balik Scientist Dr. Hernando Bacosa

  • last year
Panayam ni DOST Balik Scientist Dr. Hernando Bacosa
00:00 The effects of climate change in the country and the efforts of the government to address the issues.
00:05 We will talk about that with Dr. Hernando Bacosa, DOST Balik Scientist and professor of Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology.
00:18 Dr. Bacosa, good afternoon.
00:20 (Video playing)
00:49 How are you sir? Is it raining? Where are you now? Are you in MSU?
00:53 I'm in Palawan, in Batara, Palawan.
00:57 It's not going to rain there.
00:59 It's hot now but sometimes it's raining.
01:03 There's a campus of Mindanao State University in Batara, Palawan, where your campus is serving as the head.
01:11 (Video playing)
01:20 Yes. One of the safest, could be the safest province in the Philippines.
01:24 (Video playing)
01:38 One, two, three. Can you hear us?
01:41 I can hear you.
01:43 But it's echoing.
01:45 Okay doc. Here's the question. Based on your investigation, what do you think is the effect of climate change in the Philippines?
01:54 This is the real question. Climate change is one of the results of what we call climate change.
02:02 The climate of the world is changing and the temperature of the world is rising.
02:12 And this has an effect on rainfall and weather of different countries, including the Philippines.
02:21 And of course, because we can't predict the season, because we know that it's a rainy season,
02:27 from this month to this month, the dry season, December is the dry season.
02:32 Now, we cannot predict because the climate has changed.
02:36 And of course, when the climate changes, you can't predict when you will plant.
02:41 So you plant rice, you expect it to rain, that will be the rainy season.
02:45 Then in the rainy season, it suddenly rains.
02:48 So it's hard to predict and of course, this has big consequences on our agriculture and our livelihood.
02:56 And of course, on the supply of food to our country.
03:01 What are the main reasons of climate change, not just in the Philippines, but in the whole world?
03:09 That's a long topic, like an oil spill. We will go back to the basic science of climate change.
03:19 So why is there climate change? First of all, the reason for climate change is the rise of what we call greenhouse gases.
03:29 If we say greenhouse gases, these are fossil fuels.
03:33 This is from coal, this is from oil or from oil and this is from natural gas.
03:39 So in the past one million years, the temperature of the world is stable and carbon dioxide is fluctuating from 150 to 280 ppm.
03:55 But when the industrial revolution of early 1900 came, from 250 ppm to 300 ppm, the ppm is the concentration of parts per million in 1960,
04:11 to 400 plus in 2020. This is predicted to increase in the next several years.
04:21 So what are greenhouse gases or mainly carbon dioxide?
04:26 It's like it covers the atmosphere of the carbon dioxide blanket and our world is getting hot because of that blanket.
04:36 So as the carbon dioxide rises, the blanket of carbon dioxide thickens in our atmosphere and the heat of the world cannot escape.
04:48 That's why it's getting hotter. We have what we call a global increase in temperature.
04:55 Actually, the increase of our temperature, if you compare it to 1960, is almost 1 degree Celsius.
05:04 The prediction, if the increase of carbon dioxide continues, it will be 1.5 in the next 10 years.
05:13 It's possible that it will be 2 to 3 degrees by 2100.
05:20 This has also catastrophic effect on the world, our climate, our livelihood, our ocean, our fish, our agriculture, our health and many other things.
05:33 I hope I made it clear to explain the science of climate change, the reason.
05:39 All right. These gases that we use in our cars, the oil that we use in our manufacturing plant, the coal that we use to run our coal-fired power plants,
05:54 that is the reason why the world is getting hotter. It releases carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is the reason why we have a global warming.
