Biden offers advice on helping the elderly

  • last year
Biden offers advice on helping the elderly


00:00 It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment,
00:01 where we reveal the stories behind the headlines.
00:03 For that, we turn to Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo.
00:05 All right, Raymond, while we learn more
00:07 about Biden's business dealings,
00:10 Joe is offering his own true confessions.
00:14 -You know, Laura, when public figures let their guard down,
00:17 that's often when the truth comes tumbling out.
00:20 Joe Biden sat for a wellness podcast
00:23 because who else would you turn to for wellness advice?
00:26 And he offered these sage tips for colluding with world leaders
00:31 to deceive the public.
00:32 Listen. -I will say to leaders sometimes,
00:34 "Well, why don't you let me criticize you for this
00:37 or thank you for that or more?"
00:39 And most of the time, they'll go, "Okay."
00:43 Or, "Why don't you -- Why don't you criticize me?
00:47 Why don't you criticize me for my not doing something?"
00:51 And then I'll respond and say, "Okay."
00:54 And then you can do what you want to do.
00:56 -So, basically, Laura, Joe Biden conspires with world leaders
01:01 to create a dumb show for the public
01:03 so they can all go out and do what the hell they want to do.
01:05 That's called deception, and it's really a bad look
01:09 when you're being charged with making money
01:10 off of foreign entities.
01:12 -I honestly don't think he knows what he's saying at this point,
01:15 and I love the dark effect on both of those men there.
01:19 That was very creepy. It was appropriate, Ray.
01:22 -Yeah, very intimate, almost confessional.
01:25 And then the president offered this advice
01:27 to those who encounter the frail elderly.
01:30 -It's like, you know, you're walking across an intersection.
01:34 They don't let me do that anymore.
01:35 [ Indistinct shouting ]
01:40 You walk across the intersection,
01:41 and there's, you know, an elderly man or woman
01:44 knowing they're waiting to see if they have enough time.
01:47 Just grabbing their hand and walking them across.
01:50 It's a little tiny thing, but the anxiety, it relieves.
01:55 [ Laughter ]
01:57 -Good to know the anxiety is being decreased all the time.
02:00 -What?
02:02 Ray, it looks like -- I'm sorry.
02:05 Raymond, he's talking about himself.
02:06 This is great.
02:07 All right, it looks like he's going out of his way now
02:11 to acknowledge his seventh granddaughter
02:14 after years of ignoring her.
02:16 -Yeah, I have seven grandkids.
02:19 You know, every day, I either text them or call them.
02:22 Being there is important.
02:26 It makes such a difference, I think.
02:30 -Now, Laura, this new affection for his granddaughter
02:33 is clearly happening because the polling is so bad
02:36 among Democrats and especially the black community.
02:40 This is Cheryl Underwood's podcast from yesterday.
02:44 Listen to this.
02:45 -They not want to acknowledge the other baby.
02:47 I'm going to tell you from the black side,
02:49 no matter whether friend or foe,
02:52 as soon as the baby show up, we love the baby.
02:56 White people have no chill when it comes to a baby showing up
03:00 that they never acknowledged.
03:03 -You know why all this matters, Laura?
03:05 The Washington Post found a 10% drop in the turnout
03:09 among black voters in the midterms compared to 2018.
03:12 And in a new Washington Post poll,
03:14 25% of black respondents said they would be disappointed
03:20 if Joe Biden were elected.
03:21 This is a bad time for Democrats and their black constituents.
03:26 -Now, Raymond, I think that there's a lot of votes
03:29 for the taking there on the illegal immigration issue
03:32 and on issues like this.
03:34 -Well, and I think part of the reason
03:36 you're seeing this volatility in the black community
03:38 is for another reason.
03:40 Kamala Harris.
03:41 Here she was this weekend.
03:44 -What we need to do to reform the criminal justice system,
03:47 which is something I've been working on my entire career,
03:49 as you know, and that is about restructuring
03:53 and thinking about how we restructure,
03:55 how we think about what causes people to enter the system.
04:00 -Especially if you enter the system
04:03 thinking about restructuring it, Laura.
04:05 I'm sure that would really focus us
04:08 to think about the entering and restructuring.
04:10 -Raymond, didn't she lock up all those people
04:13 when she was --
04:14 They were just rewriting their whole story.
04:16 She was like, "Go get them.
04:18 Throw them the lock. Throw away the key."
04:19 That was her reputation when she was in power.
04:23 So I'm not following the redo of the image.
04:26 -Finally, Laura, you remember Greta Thunberg
04:29 famously chiding the United Nations
04:32 for their sluggish response on climate change.
04:35 -How dare you?
04:38 You have stolen my dreams and my childhood.
04:42 -Well, it turns out she says this all the time.
04:45 Here's Greta from over the weekend.
04:47 Somebody spilled a drink at lunch, apparently.
04:50 -I'm so sorry.
04:53 -How dare you?
04:55 You have stolen my dreams and my childhood
04:59 with your empty words.
05:01 -You know, Laura, it gets hard to take any of this seriously.
05:05 It brings us full circle to what Biden said at the top.
05:08 "I guess you say, 'I'm gonna criticize you for this.
05:11 I'll say that. You say this.
05:13 And then we'll do whatever we want.'"
05:15 That's what seems to be at play here with Greta, too.
05:18 -It's all performance art.
05:19 It's all -- We're all being punked.
05:22 And the children of the climate, as we know,
05:26 we're looking forward to that new release.
05:28 Raymond, she's laughing at herself,
05:30 but she's really laughing at us.
05:31 Thanks, Ray.
05:32 -Hey, Sean Hannity here.
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