30 Moments Crazy Mother Elephant Revenge Lion For Baby Elephant Injured By Predators Animal Fight

  • last year


00:00 Elephant attacks lion.
00:06 Elephant attacks leopard.
00:12 A mother's love is always filled with courage and has no limits when it comes to sacrificing
00:17 herself to protect her child from predators.
00:24 Don't take your eyes off the screen, join us in today's video.
00:28 Lion vs. Elephant
00:43 The elephants constantly roam the grasslands in search of food and water.
00:52 They are a group of the oldest and wisest female elephants, with more than 40 years
00:57 of life experience.
01:04 There is no battle or struggle for dominance in the herd.
01:12 It is the perfect place to grow and learn the secrets of living in a complex and ever-changing
01:18 world.
01:23 With the protection of the herd, the baby elephants acquire the necessary survival skills.
01:31 However, there is still much to learn.
01:41 There are many hungry eyes of bloodthirsty predators everywhere.
01:50 It's not safe for a baby elephant to be left alone.
01:58 Predators are always looking for their next victim.
02:01 The weak and defenseless will come out on top.
02:09 The experience of generations has taught young elephants how to deal with big cats.
02:21 In the currently drought-stricken Kalahari, the last remaining water sources are fiercely
02:26 protected by top predators like lions.
02:34 When prey is scarce, the lion family looks for more challenging targets to satisfy their
02:39 hunger.
02:44 The hunting instincts of these big cats drive them forward.
02:50 They began to chase a herd of elephants through the trees.
03:00 The lions sense their weakness.
03:06 Now it's time to attack.
03:14 The baby elephant used his remaining strength to fend off the attackers.
03:23 Can it escape death?
03:30 A small elephant becomes an attractive target for the lion family.
03:39 The baby has a hard time keeping up with the herd, and he falls behind.
03:48 The lion family waits for the right moment to attack.
03:56 Mother and baby elephants separate from the herd, but a mother will always protect her
04:01 baby from predators.
04:08 The mother elephant roars and uses powerful trumpets to intimidate the big cats.
04:18 The frightened baby clung to its mother, who shielded it from the approaching lions.
04:28 In the end, the predators were overtaken by the mother, and the cubs were safe.
04:39 A herd of elephants passing by disturb the lion family's sleep.
04:48 The heat made the elephants more agitated, and they became a danger to the lion family.
05:04 An adult elephant charged toward the lion family, feasting on a buffalo carcass.
05:14 The lion family was disrupted by the massive elephant while enjoying their meal.
05:25 The lion family has a special talent.
05:28 They can hunt adult elephants.
05:35 Even elephants know that.
05:42 Just one look from the lions, and they need to be alert.
05:50 The elephant family is teaching their young how to deal with risk.
05:59 This time, they successfully drove out the lion family.
06:07 A lioness is attempting to take down an elephant, hoping to provide food for her cubs.
06:18 The lioness struggles to bring down a prey four times larger than her.
06:27 Will this hunting attempt be successful?
06:38 In the end, the lioness's perseverance paid off.
06:44 Nature has given the great cat family a lucky chance in the form of this baby elephant.
06:51 The child with the tusks is too small to be used as a weapon.
07:00 The victim was pushed to the ground by them and held by them.
07:03 Although lionesses are very adept at killing buffalo, they have never attempted to take
07:08 down an elephant before.
07:13 Their teeth cannot penetrate an inch and a half thick skin, so they attack vulnerable
07:18 and sensitive areas of the elephant's body.
07:24 Unable to subdue their prey, the lioness began to eat the live baby elephant.
07:32 The unlucky animal becomes food for the hungry lion family.
07:40 Poor baby elephant struggles against 14 lions in Nina Karnakowski.
07:50 Faced with the overwhelming number of predators, the baby elephant decided to plunge into the
07:55 lake.
07:56 A baby elephant with a strong will to survive.
08:05 After a few minutes of trying to follow the lions, they were unable to get deep into the
08:14 water and they were forced to leave in regret.
08:23 Even for an adult male lion, this encounter will be a challenge, but for the baby elephant,
08:28 it is truly a test of survival.
08:36 A baby elephant is wandering alone in a waterhole.
08:43 It is being stalked by a male lion.
08:49 Suddenly the lion attacked and knocked down the elephant.
08:56 Two killers are trying to subdue it.
09:01 The baby elephant looks so pitiful.
09:09 An elephant comes to drink water near a resting lioness.
09:18 When the lioness noticed the elephant, it was too late to run, so she stood behind the
09:23 well.
09:28 Everything seemed to be going well, until the elephant noticed the lioness.
09:37 Suddenly the giant elephant sprayed water at the lioness, causing the predator to run
09:42 away in fear.
09:49 Leopard vs Elephant
09:54 Two leopards are having a tense confrontation with a herd of hyenas.
10:03 Suddenly an elephant rushed in and chased the hyenas away.
10:12 The elephant inadvertently saved mother and daughter leopards.
10:22 Early in the morning, leopards start hunting.
10:29 Perhaps today is a lucky day for it, because this is the first time since leaving its mother
10:34 that it has successfully killed its prey.
10:41 It pulls its prey away to enjoy its meal.
10:48 As night falls, other predators begin to search for food.
10:54 Ironically, the intruder's first meal was an adult elephant.
11:04 Fearing for its safety, the leopard quickly carried its prey up to a nearby tree.
11:13 The smell of blood made the elephant intend to attack the leopard.
11:19 The confrontation lasted for hours.
11:28 The elephant eventually lost interest, but that doesn't mean the leopard has kept the
11:32 meal to himself.
11:38 And then the hyenas come.
11:45 A leopard fights a lion in a tree to keep its prey.
11:53 The fight caused the tree trunk to shake and the antelope's carcass to fall to the ground.
12:03 And a lioness took the carcass away.
12:11 Suddenly a herd of elephants passed by, causing the lions to panic and run away.
12:22 Rhino vs Elephant
12:29 Elephants and rhinos are the two largest herbivores in the wild.
12:37 Rhinos weigh more than two tons and have front horns that can grow up to five feet long,
12:42 which can be deadly weapons.
12:49 Rhinos are scared but ready to confront elephants.
12:56 Although it is not afraid, it is difficult for rhinos to defeat a huge herd of forest
13:02 elephants.
13:07 Perhaps the conflict between them arose from a territorial dispute.
13:15 In the end, the rhino quickly escaped from a formidable opponent.
13:24 Two giant elephants entered rhino territory.
13:32 These two animals are legendary rivals.
13:39 Weighing from 1800 kg to 2700 kg and standing between 1.5 m and 1.8 m at maturity with thick
13:48 skin and massive horns, rhinos have never been threatened by any animal in Africa.
13:58 The act of throwing a tree branch at the rhino was a somewhat reckless ending to the scuffle.
14:08 The war for territory between giant elephants and rhinos is going on.
14:18 Rhinos are not as big as elephants, but they don't back down.
14:26 It used its horns against the giant.
14:34 Constantly being pressed.
14:40 In the end, the rhino ran away from the wild elephant.
14:49 The giant elephant approached and chased away four rhinos occupying its puddle.
14:59 To confirm who is the real king of the Kruger National Park Rainforest.
15:09 Wild Dog vs Elephant
15:17 The giant elephant has repeatedly chased the wild dogs out of his area.
15:23 With a large body and limitless strength, the elephant is often assertive and does not
15:30 hesitate to any opponent.
15:37 It constantly splashes water on the wild dogs with the hose to scare them away.
15:47 But not easy.
15:52 The wild dogs did not leave, but jumped into the waterhole to drink.
16:01 In the end, the giant elephant had to go.
16:06 Elsewhere, a pack of wild dogs attacked an elephant looking for food.
16:15 However, the elephant did not back down and decided to fight the wild dogs.
16:25 With their strength and ferocity, elephants chased away stray dogs and protected their
16:30 territory from intruders.
16:37 A herd of elephants was grazing when a pack of wild dogs attacked.
16:43 However, the elephants repelled the wild dogs with intelligence and teamwork.
16:56 Herds of elephants defend themselves and unite to protect their young from ruthless predators.
17:06 This confrontation shows the solidarity and familial love of the elephants.
17:16 A herd of elephants was wandering in the forest, looking for food, when suddenly a pack of
17:21 fierce wild dogs attacked.
17:28 Elephants gather to protect their young and drive away wild dogs.
17:36 The roar of the elephants caused the stray dogs to run away, but the baby elephants were
17:41 unharmed.
17:46 This battle reminds us of the unity and motherhood of animals in the wild.
17:54 Elephants
17:57 Wild male elephants have to go through fierce battles to prove their strength to the female,
18:08 when they have met the love of their life and begin to sublime moments for love.
18:18 After 22 months, a new being will be born.
18:27 And now the cub will write with its mother the new pages of life.
18:35 Small prey always attracts the attention of predators.
18:38 Surviving in the wild is not easy, right?
18:44 The mother must always be on guard to protect its children from hungry dangers.
18:53 The innocent little elephant has so much to learn.
18:56 First, it is not to go far from the mother's arms.
19:02 The pride of lions is approaching.
19:07 They look at the small prey with lustful eyes.
19:12 The adult elephants unite to form a defensive wall surrounding the cubs inside.
19:18 It's amazing to see these elephants protecting each other.
19:23 To be mature, elephants have to go through many challenges.
19:33 One of them is fighting with killer crocodiles.
19:42 Mother of nature is always so harsh.
19:44 Rapid currents can easily drown small elephants.
19:52 This little boy is trying to survive.
19:56 Soon it will be swept through the crocodile-infested waters.
20:07 The little guy looks so peaceful.
20:10 Seems like it's just fast asleep.
20:15 Perhaps now, this child has escaped all suffering and walked to the steps of heaven.
20:23 Let us know what you think in the comment section below.
20:33 Like other animals, adult male rhinos are always fighting for dominance and mating.
20:43 This is the dramatic moment when two hyenas attack a rhinoceros and its cubs, captured
20:49 in Nkuru National Park in Kenya.
20:56 This herd of hyenas approached the mother rhino and its cub.
21:06 The mother must race against these opportunists so that the child does not fall into their
21:11 clutches.
21:15 This child is growing up.
21:17 It will surely become a brave rhino like its mother.
21:25 In this natural world, all laws and rules are based on power.
21:33 The large male rhino aggressively bullies the rhinoceros mother and its child, claiming
21:39 sovereignty in this waterhole.
21:46 This brave mother confronts the belligerent.
21:51 The cub courageously stood with its mother, even trying to attack the abuser.
22:01 When a drought comes, water becomes scarce.
22:05 All animals seem to want to monopolize this precious thing.
22:13 The 3.5 ton mother rhino is no match for the 6 ton elephant.
22:22 These two rhinos had to find another place.
22:30 But it can continue.
22:34 The cub hovered around the body of its mother.
22:39 It tried desperately to suck some milk, but there was no response from the mother.
22:48 Sad to see this heartbreaking scene.
22:56 Hippo
22:58 The threat begins.
23:02 Fierce battles.
23:07 Only one animal can survive in this terrible battle.
23:11 The long sharp tusks can penetrate the protective layer of fat.
23:19 The savage bite to the head brought the contest to an end.
23:24 The dominant has established its right to mate with females.
23:31 A rare sacred moment in nature.
23:36 The big hippo family now has a new member.
23:40 But immediately, danger comes.
23:45 The cold-blooded killer has targeted the newborn hippo.
23:52 The mother who has just experienced the most deadly moment of her life now has to face
23:58 the hungry killer crocodiles.
24:01 It tries to keep its children away from predators.
24:10 This little hippo is now a few weeks old and has developed strength.
24:15 And now it's time to meet the members of its family.
24:23 It's been more than 8 months since it was pregnant.
24:29 Will its fellow accept the baby?
24:34 This hippo must protect its cubs from the unhealthy interests of the rest of the herd.
24:43 Hippos are Africa's fiercest animals.
24:45 Their jaws can crush a crocodile or two about 3 meters long.
24:52 They are ready to explode with rage at anyone who dares to touch their child.
25:02 Nothing can beat a mother who has nothing to lose and does whatever it takes to protect
25:07 its cubs.
25:12 Drought is the cause of death of the mother hippo.
25:16 A chance for a predator to enjoy a free meal.
25:20 But the young hippo wouldn't allow anyone to touch its mother.
25:25 It bravely stood up against the big cat.
25:30 How will the orphaned child survive in this harsh nature?
25:41 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators.
25:45 What other animal would you like to learn about?
25:47 Let us know what you think.
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25:52 Don't forget to press the notification bell to follow the Hawks videos as soon as possible.
25:58 Wish you a good day.
25:59 See you again.
26:00 [Music]
