Here Is Why Monkeys Never Mess With Tiny Martens

  • last year
00:00 The internet is obsessed with animals, including us.
00:03 We all love dolphins, silly little chimps and other animals like slow loris with really
00:07 beady eyes.
00:09 Now these menacing creatures might look cute, but they keep a whole species under their
00:13 paws with ease.
00:14 Of course we're talking about evil little yellow-throated martens that fight monkeys
00:19 because of their instincts to hunt.
00:21 And remember how we said dolphins are cute?
00:23 Well get ready to get your mind blown.
00:25 There are many cases these guys will shock you with their intelligence.
00:29 But before we dive in, make sure to like and subscribe.
00:32 All done?
00:33 Let's go!
00:36 Millipedes are afraid of lemurs Have you ever wondered why King Julian from
00:40 the film Madagascar was always sort of cuckoo crazy?
00:44 Well, they could have been a little intoxicated.
00:47 Millipedes are super venomous creatures and no one normally messes with them, unless you're
00:51 a lemur.
00:52 They have a very particular diet of fruit and one large millipede.
00:57 Sometimes they grab one but do not eat them.
00:59 Instead they bite them gently and throw them back.
01:02 Imagine how much millipedes hate lemurs.
01:04 Why would you just bite them and then throw them back into the wilderness?
01:08 When millipedes are picked up, their defense strategy is so curled up.
01:12 Moreover, they have paired glands in their legs that secrete a toxic combination of chemicals
01:17 that include cyanide.
01:19 First of all, scientists think that this works as a natural pesticide for the lemurs and
01:23 helps them get rid of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
01:26 However, the secretion also acts as a narcotic and helps them enter a state of intoxication.
01:31 Who knew even lemurs needed to get away from reality once in a while?
01:35 And on top of that, how annoying would that be for the millipedes?
01:38 Getting chewed on is not fun.
01:40 You would know if you have a cat.
01:43 Cassowary
01:45 The dinosaurs might have left us, but a deadly relative of their species still roams the
01:50 earth.
01:51 The cassowary is a weird-looking creature that's dubbed as the most dangerous bird in
01:54 the whole world by the Guinness World Record.
01:57 It's not just animals that are scared of them.
01:59 They even have the ability to kill humans.
02:02 First of all, they're built like a professional killing machine.
02:04 They're up to 6 feet tall and weigh up to 200 pounds.
02:09 But let's talk about their legs, which are their main weapon.
02:12 Their extremely muscular legs can help them run up to 30 miles per hour and jump up to
02:16 5 feet.
02:17 They're enough to slash down any serpent that they like.
02:21 Their powerful kicks graze claws on the edge that they can use to slash others with ease.
02:25 In fact, there was a case in 2019 where this bird managed to kill a Floridian man by slashing
02:32 and punching the poor guy.
02:34 The autopsy revealed that it had severely damaged a major artery in the man's arm.
02:38 Who would have thought an animal could kill a man so ruthlessly?
02:43 Giant Anteater
02:46 How can something with bad vision, bad hearing, and no teeth be of any danger?
02:51 Well, let us tell you about the giant anteater.
02:54 Scientists found a hunter dead in Brazil and just two years later, another man was killed
02:58 in the same way.
03:00 And even though these occurrences are rare, they still happen without us knowing.
03:04 Both the cases had one thing in common.
03:07 That was evidence that these long-nosed monsters had a part in it.
03:10 As soon as an anteater looks like it's about to hug you, just know that there's going
03:14 to be a huge fight.
03:15 Their hug isn't really a hug, but instead a huge red flag.
03:19 In one of the accidents, the anteater grabbed the man by its forelimbs, which both have
03:23 claws at the end.
03:25 Even though the anteater freed him, the man was covered with severe wounds, which were
03:29 about 1.5 inches deep in his arms.
03:32 There were also right puncture wounds in his left thigh.
03:34 Lastly, the autopsy revealed that there was really bad damage to the large artery in his
03:39 thigh.
03:40 The weird part is that how did this animal learn how to fight so well and attack in such
03:44 an accurate place that it almost led to people's deaths?
03:49 Honey Badger
03:52 Once you maintain your reputation in the animal world, no one dares to mess with you.
03:56 This is exactly how the honey badger has managed to become known as the most fearless animal
04:01 there is.
04:02 Size really doesn't matter when it comes to these tiny little carnivores.
04:06 First of all, the tiny badger is a loner.
04:08 Even then, they're strong enough to fight off huge predators like lions and hyenas.
04:13 In many instances, they are outnumbered by animals much bigger and stronger.
04:18 Still, the honey badgers are such stubborn animals that they will not stop fighting or
04:22 back away.
04:23 Thanks to their thick, rubbery skin, they're immune to spikes and sometimes even teeth.
04:28 In fact, their skin can take a full-on blow from a sharp machete without getting cut.
04:34 Other than that, their skin is quite loose, which makes it possible to squirm away from
04:37 a predator's bite.
04:39 This just gives them all the more reason to be a stubborn winner.
04:43 If you thought that was hardcore, wait till you find out how they're practically immune
04:47 to several types of stings and venoms.
04:50 They can get bitten by king cobras and puff adder and almost feel no effects.
04:56 Dolphins Playing With Fish
04:59 As much as humans love dolphins and love playing with them, they have an even darker side to
05:04 them.
05:05 These creatures use force in the worst possible way.
05:08 There have been many incidents where male dolphins would isolate a female and slap her
05:12 around with their tails.
05:13 And for what?
05:14 Just for her to forcibly copulate with them for weeks?
05:18 These horrible incidents of sexual coercion aren't the only type of crime they indulge
05:22 in.
05:23 In fact, many kill the female slaves so that they will be more receptive to them.
05:27 Can you imagine that the same smiley faces that jump through hoops and do tricks can
05:32 be so dark in the wild?
05:34 The worst part about dolphins is that they're very smart and sometimes they do things just
05:38 for fun.
05:40 Since dolphins don't have phones or televisions, they resort to killing as a way of recreational
05:44 fun.
05:45 Gross and Creepy
05:47 They've been known to brutalize baby porpoises.
05:49 Yep, they won't even leave these babies alone.
05:52 They don't even eat them since they're not the best source of nutrients.
05:55 Instead, they just like to mess around with them.
05:58 A clip of them was found where the dolphins were spinning around the porpoise's body
06:02 so hard that its soft tissues were completely obliterated.
06:07 Looks like we won't be able to see dolphins in the same way again.
06:11 Slow Loris
06:12 They're scientific proof that large eyes can melt our hearts.
06:18 That's why we love babies so much.
06:20 Unfortunately, the slow loris uses our weakness to hide its dirty crimes.
06:24 However, we see through the whole game.
06:26 As soon as the slow loris raises its tiny arms, run!
06:30 When they raise their arms, they're taking a defensive position.
06:33 Soon they'll start licking their oil glands which are conveniently located near their
06:37 armpits.
06:38 When these fluids mix, a potent cocktail of venom is produced that they use against each
06:43 other and also against humans.
06:45 The type of venom they use is so specific that only 5 other species use it.
06:51 Lois' teeth can bite through bone and the venom can decay their flesh.
06:55 Another word factor is that both males and females can use the venom as a weapon.
07:00 One study showed that about 20% of loris had fresh wounds specifically caused by their
07:06 own species.
07:08 These nasty animals are so competitive with each other that they're willing to bite
07:11 each other so hard that their engraved venomous bites can cause neurosis.
07:16 The question now stands is why in the world can they bite so hard?
07:21 The reason is gum, especially tree gum.
07:24 They like to tap into trees to eat their sappy resin, which is jam-packed full of nutrients.
07:29 That's why they're territorial enough of their trees to basically kill each other.
07:33 Lastly, they also have specialized gum-digesting saliva that helps them produce oh-so-famous
07:39 venom.
07:40 Komodo Dragon
07:44 As the world evolves and animals find more ways to stay safe, predators are finding scarier
07:49 ways to hunt.
07:50 Take the Komodo dragon for instance.
07:52 It has a deadly combination of serrated teeth and venom that can kill its prey in a few
07:56 hours.
07:57 A study found out that they have the most complex venom glands for any reptile.
08:01 They're known to simply bite their prey and let them go.
08:05 This leaves them to bleed to death, caused by their awful wounds.
08:08 They have around 60 serrated teeth that go so deep into the prey's body, it weakens
08:13 and almost immobilizes them.
08:15 The venom quickly decreases blood pressure, increases blood loss, and basically makes
08:19 the competitor too ill to fight.
08:22 Snakes, the master of venom, have a single duck that leads to their super cool fangs.
08:27 However, Komodo has multiple ducks located between their teeth.
08:31 When they take a bite out of the prey, they sort of pull a little so that the toxin enters
08:36 the wound properly.
08:38 At first, many scientists thought that they had deadly bacteria in their mouths that led
08:42 to deadly infection, but all of this is the doing of their venom.
08:46 Stoat
08:50 Stoat with their small round ears and beaded eyes can melt our hearts.
08:54 But looks don't tell you everything.
08:56 These animals have the ability to kill prey much larger than them.
08:59 And it's not always to satiate their hunger.
09:02 Sometimes it's just for fun or to quench their thirst for blood.
09:06 They engage in something called surplus killing.
09:08 This behavior includes killing more stuff than they need, or sometimes it's done to
09:13 gain valuable hunting experience.
09:15 Other times it's done when there are too many prey individuals present.
09:20 Stoats are really dark, and by that we mean if they enter a hen house, they simply bite
09:24 their neck one by one and move on to the next one.
09:27 They won't even eat the meat, but they'll just do it for the sake of it.
09:31 How sick is that?
09:32 Sure, you can have some food for later, but animals don't have fridges and meat starts
09:36 to go bad after only a few hours.
09:39 On top of that, they're not picky about their food, so they'll bite up anything,
09:43 which includes rabbits, voles, birds, mice, rats, possums, insects, lizards, fish, and
09:50 so so much more.
09:52 They're not so cute and lovable anymore, huh?
09:56 Kandaroo
09:59 When you're dubbed as the "penis fish" or the "scariest fish sane 19th century,"
10:03 then it means there's probably a feature that's worth being scared of.
10:07 We're talking about the kandaroo, a type of catfish that's only an inch long and
10:11 looks like an eel.
10:12 This fish is actually a parasite and uses its spines to attach itself to the gills of
10:17 another fish that's much larger, and when it's all set, it starts to feed on the host
10:21 blood until it sucks it dry.
10:23 And the fish is way too weak to recover and consequently dies.
10:27 Can you imagine?
10:28 This isn't even the creepiest part about the fish.
10:31 There have been many antidotes where people would urinate on the water, which is gross
10:34 enough.
10:35 Then the fish would have lodged its leads into the urethra of the unsuspecting individual.
10:41 Even though this is just an antidote, there was a report done in 1997 where a Brazilian
10:45 urologist removed a kandaroo from a person's urethra.
10:49 It's true that we don't have much scientific proof of these horrific instances, but it
10:53 doesn't help the paranoia.
10:55 There's a reason why the fish is also called the "vampire fish".
11:00 Chimps Killing Other Chimps
11:03 Chimps are incredibly intelligent species with an even more so-called social structure,
11:08 which leads to more problems as compared to other species.
11:11 The horrifying fact about them is that they're also carnivores.
11:15 In fact, they even participate in war.
11:17 It's not always about food or territory.
11:19 They'll fight each other out of aggression.
11:21 Did you know that they even eat each other?
11:24 That's cannibalism!
11:25 If you're probably like, "So what?
11:28 Animals do it all the time!"
11:29 Now remember, these creatures have a lot more emotional and cognitive knowledge than other
11:33 animals.
11:34 On top of that, chimps don't eat meat as part of their diets.
11:37 Actually, they don't even kill their enemies quickly.
11:40 When they fight, they make sure to hold the other down and beat them and bite them over
11:43 a long period of time.
11:45 They can easily kill each other in a more efficient way, but they want it to be slow
11:49 and painful.
11:50 What even goes through their head?
11:51 It could be a show of masculinity.
11:53 That's a toxic display of it.
11:55 And that's not all.
11:56 Unfortunately, they also catch red colobus babies and crack open thief recells like walnut
12:01 to get the meaty brain part.
12:03 We just got shivers down our spine.
12:05 It's because of these sadistic, evil chimps that the population of the red colobus monkey
12:09 is declining.
12:12 Martens
12:15 Martens might look like innocent creatures, but the truth is that their appearance is
12:18 very deceiving.
12:19 These animals are diurnal hunters, which means they're ready to fight anyone, day or night.
12:24 Other than that, since they usually hunt in pairs or packs of three, it's very easy for
12:28 them to take down their prey.
12:30 They can easily prey on rats, mice, hares, snakes, lizards, any eggs or ground-nesting
12:35 birds.
12:36 But the list doesn't end there.
12:38 They've even been reported to kill cats and poultry too.
12:41 It has no natural predators, since big cats like tigers and leopards try to avoid this
12:46 highlighter-looking creature.
12:48 One of the most shocking prey that they have are primates, monkeys especially.
12:52 The vicious martens are almost like Swiper from Dora the Explorer.
12:56 Their very shy and very clever qualities have made it possible for them to maneuver around
13:00 the tiny crevices of trees and even hunt down eagles.
13:04 But we're focusing on primates here.
13:06 Most people think that monkeys are too smart to fool, right?
13:09 These martens don't care.
13:10 They're fearless, and much of it comes from their innate habit of hunting anything they
13:14 can find.
13:15 The advantage in this clip goes to the marten since the monkey was injured and couldn't
13:20 climb up the tree to escape.
13:22 Even though they're both roughly the same size, the monkey couldn't keep up with its
13:25 perfectly timed throws and ended up suffering sad, sad fate.
13:29 Alright, comment down below if you know any deep-dart secrets about animals.
13:34 Don't forget to like the video, subscribe to Forever Green, and we'll see you in the
13:38 next one!
13:38 [Music]
