Rudy Giuliani Loses BIG Forced To Confess Crushing Trump Truth

  • last year
Rudy Giuliani Loses BIG Forced To Confess Crushing Trump Truth


00:00 Rudy Giuliani has now admitted to
00:01 making false statements regarding
00:04 election workers that Donald Trump
00:06 had claimed tampered with ballots
00:08 in the 2020 presidential election
00:10 recount in Georgia.
00:11 So this came about as a result of
00:13 the ongoing defamation lawsuit
00:15 brought by Ruby Freeman and
00:17 Wondria Shea Moss, who claim that
00:19 their lives are effectively ruined
00:21 as a result of harassment and
00:23 death threats following the fact
00:25 that prominent right wingers,
00:27 particularly Rudy Giuliani,
00:29 have made a big lie in Georgia.
00:31 If you don't recall the lies that
00:33 were told, here is a little
00:35 catch up.
00:36 >> Quite obviously, surreptitiously
00:38 passing around USB ports as if
00:40 they're vials of heroin or cocaine.
00:43 I mean, it's obvious to anyone
00:46 who's a criminal investigator or
00:48 prosecutor, they are engaged in
00:50 surreptitious illegal activity,
00:52 again, that day.
00:53 And that's a week ago, and
00:55 they're still walking around
00:57 Georgia, lying.
00:59 How can they say there's no fraud?
01:00 Look at that woman.
01:01 Look at her taking those ballots
01:02 out. Look at them scurrying around
01:03 with the ballots.
01:04 Nobody in the room,
01:05 hiding around.
01:06 They look like they're passing out
01:08 dope, not just ballots.
01:11 It is quite clear they're
01:13 stealing votes.
01:14 >> I was getting really worried
01:18 there that he wasn't going to make
01:19 it explicitly racist, but
01:21 thank you, Rudy Giuliani, for
01:22 finishing off your little equation
01:24 there.
01:25 Thankfully, he has now admitted,
01:27 despite for literally years lying
01:29 about it, that he had lied.
01:31 In a court filing just yesterday,
01:32 former mayor of New York conceded
01:34 that he had made the statements and
01:35 had published them to third parties,
01:37 but said that such admission would
01:39 not change his argument that they
01:40 were, quote, constitutionally
01:42 protected and had not adversely
01:43 affected the workers concerned.
01:45 Giuliani did not contest that,
01:46 quote, to the extent that
01:48 the statements were statements of
01:49 fact and otherwise actionable,
01:51 such actionable,
01:52 factual statements were false.
01:53 That's fun.
01:54 It's almost like a sentence you'd
01:56 expect in a kid's book or
01:57 something.
01:57 But anyway, look,
01:59 I don't know how much more legal
02:01 trouble this will put him in.
02:03 But what I do know is that he is
02:05 now finally admitting, not that it
02:07 will affect any one of the people
02:09 who loved these racist lies being
02:11 told about these two women.
02:12 They knowingly lied about them.
02:15 They effectively ruined their lives,
02:17 ruined their careers,
02:18 drove them out of the lives that
02:20 they wanted to live, so
02:22 that they could have a tiny little
02:23 chance of Donald Trump remaining as
02:25 president.
02:26 It absolutely sucks.
02:28 This is not justice, JR, but
02:30 at least now he's admitted it.
02:32 >> Well, he's admitted it for
02:33 his own benefit, right?
02:34 He thinks he's going to move
02:36 something along in the next parts
02:37 of the case.
02:37 Am I right about that?
02:39 He's going to take the next steps
02:40 in the case, whatever.
02:40 He's going to admit this part so
02:41 he can try and defend himself in
02:42 these other realms.
02:43 Again, it's a blow off type of
02:45 admission.
02:46 He's like, these two ladies that I
02:48 slandered like this mean nothing.
02:50 Yeah, sure, I lied about him, but
02:52 that was so I could benefit
02:53 politically and help the guy who's
02:54 been in office since he was born
02:56 stay in office, or at least skirt
02:57 these charges and
02:58 everything that he was up to.
03:00 Big deal, it's just a couple of
03:01 black women, who cares about them?
03:04 To this day, he's still on that.
03:06 He thinks people are going to
03:07 listen enough to say, yo,
03:08 whatever it is that now
03:09 Rudy Giuliani is admitting to lying
03:11 about just means nothing.
03:13 How much do they talk about how
03:14 people lie about things in politics
03:16 and how it's devastating?
03:18 Look at these lies of the Biden
03:19 administration and the Biden family.
03:21 After all these politicians have
03:22 lied, they lie all the damn time.
03:24 But now that it's you lying about
03:26 it in court, admitting how you
03:27 lied and slandered certain people
03:29 because you want to tip the scales
03:30 of the election in the favor of
03:32 your idiot president, then somehow
03:33 this is just something we should
03:35 not care about anymore.
03:36 It's another example of how they
03:38 think they can admit the worst
03:39 things that they do in society and
03:41 throughout our country.
03:42 And the effects on the way that we
03:44 see things in reality mean nothing.
03:46 I can admit it and
03:47 move on to the next step.
03:48 Why should we listen to you
03:49 any further?
03:50 They have this grip on a certain
03:52 percentage of Americans and
03:53 they think that's enough.
03:54 Maybe it is, but look,
03:56 if anybody else admits in court
03:58 that they did something wrong,
03:59 this lying about it, and then go,
04:02 what's the big deal?
04:03 I just lied.
04:03 See the consequences that come from
04:07 them.
04:07 >> And I hope that there are
04:09 consequences.
04:09 As of right now, the two women have
04:11 not given a statement as a result
04:12 of this, but it seems like the sort
04:14 of thing that would result in
04:15 additional legal action.
04:17 Stay tuned to find out.
04:18 [MUSIC]
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04:29 >> Yeah.
