Mike Pence Faceplants With Dumbest Trump Supporter Defense Possible

  • last year
Mike Pence Faceplants With Dumbest Trump Supporter Defense Possible


00:00 >> I think it's a very dangerous
00:01 thing to even talk about.
00:03 Because we do have a tremendously
00:06 passionate group of voters,
00:08 much more passion than they had in
00:10 2020, much more passion than they
00:13 had in 2016, I think it would be
00:15 very dangerous.
00:16 >> Does that kind of rhetoric
00:17 worry you?
00:18 >> Well, it doesn't worry me
00:23 because I have more confidence in
00:25 the American people, and
00:27 in the people in our movement.
00:29 >> Mike Pence, a guy who has been
00:31 very nearly at the literal
00:32 receiving end of the violence that
00:34 Trump is trying to stoke with
00:36 comments like that,
00:37 not at all worried.
00:38 He has a lot of confidence in
00:40 the American people.
00:41 The American people,
00:42 I will remind you, who tried to
00:43 overthrow the government on
00:45 January 6th, not a lot of them,
00:46 necessarily.
00:47 But we've also learned that it
00:48 doesn't take a lot.
00:50 Takes a few hundred, maybe 1,000,
00:52 to do a coup.
00:53 Takes a few to try to assassinate
00:55 politicians.
00:56 It does not take tens of millions
00:58 to utterly destroy our society.
01:00 And he believes that's not worth
01:02 speaking out against, even though
01:04 as Dana Bush is going to point out
01:06 to him, he was targeted by this.
01:08 So take a look.
01:09 >> That's pretty remarkable that
01:11 you're not concerned about it
01:13 given the fact that they wanted to
01:15 hang you on January 6th.
01:17 I want to move on to the issues
01:19 that you were talking about.
01:20 >> Well, Dana, wait a minute.
01:21 Wait a minute,
01:22 I want to say to you.
01:24 >> Yeah.
01:24 >> There's been an effort to take
01:26 those that perpetrated violence on
01:28 January 6th and
01:29 use a broad brush to describe
01:31 everyone in our movement.
01:32 >> No, I didn't mean to do that.
01:33 >> I'm just here to tell you.
01:35 It's just, it's not the case.
01:37 The people in this movement,
01:39 the people who rallied behind our
01:41 cause in 2016 and 2020,
01:43 are the most God-fearing,
01:45 law-abiding, patriotic people in
01:47 this country.
01:48 And I won't stand for
01:50 those kind of generalizations
01:51 because they have no basis in fact.
01:54 >> Yeah, and what I meant was that
01:55 it has the potential to incite
01:57 those who were incited on January
01:59 6th.
02:00 >> Yeah, obviously, and
02:02 it was well done by her.
02:04 I love the idea that if they had
02:06 succeeded, and they were like
02:08 stringing Mike Pence, I was going
02:11 to call him something else,
02:13 Mike Pence up on the gallows.
02:15 That as the light drained from his
02:18 eyes, his last words would be,
02:21 you're not representative.
02:23 Yeah, but they exist and
02:26 they tried to murder you.
02:28 They would have murdered other
02:30 people if they had succeeded.
02:32 They were breaking down doors like
02:35 the hordes in zombie movies.
02:37 But his concern is that you're
02:39 painting with too broad of a brush.
02:41 By the way, there were not that
02:42 many people at the Capitol on
02:44 January 6th.
02:45 But when you ask Trump supporters
02:47 what they think about the people at
02:49 January 6th, do they reject them?
02:51 Do they condemn them?
02:53 The law abiding people are
02:55 perfectly fine with what those
02:57 people did on January 6th.
02:59 So they weren't there, maybe
03:01 because they couldn't afford
03:03 the trip, but
03:04 they support what happened.
03:05 >> Absolutely, I think this is
03:08 the most ridiculous thing to try
03:09 and disown January 6th, and
03:11 Trump's done it.
03:12 Obviously, Pence is doing it.
03:13 It's like, that's the way to
03:15 alienate your base.
03:16 Your base came out for
03:18 you real hard that day.
03:19 A lot of them are serving jail time.
03:21 More should be serving time for
03:23 what they did that day.
03:24 And now you're going to disown them
03:25 or say, that's not our movement.
03:26 No, they went to bat for
03:28 you, arguably.
03:29 I mean, it was all illegal and
03:30 violent.
03:31 Yeah, they wanted to hang you, but
03:33 guess what?
03:33 This is the party.
03:35 The MAGA movement is a movement of
03:37 political violence.
03:38 So what's it going to be?
03:39 Are you on board with that, or
03:41 are you not?
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