• 2 years ago
Former Olympic swimmer James Kirton on the On Track to Achieve Dame Kelly Holmes Trust programme. He speaks to Nick Westby
00:00 Today we're here at a celebration event for the On Track to Achieve Westfield Health
00:04 Dinklai-Owns Trust Programme that we've been doing for the last 12 months for the young people all over Sheffield
00:09 and this is about celebrating the success and talking about the journey that they've been on.
00:13 And you were an Olympic swimmer, you went to Beijing, looking back now on your career is it
00:19 one full of fondness? It is, mixed emotions, there's some great moments, there's some tough moments,
00:24 there's some moments where I felt at my worst and moments where I felt at my best and you know
00:28 that's what makes it great to work with these young people today because we get to talk about
00:31 that journey. It's real life, nothing's ever just all roses and rainbows and unicorns, it's tough
00:37 and that's what makes me a great mentor and also what helps the kids as much as possible.
