We asked the people of Sheffield are school uniforms too expensive?
00:00 Thank you, it's Alison from the Sheffield Star.
00:01 We're out here today asking people if they've got any concerns
00:03 about the cost of store uniforms right now.
00:06 Have you got any thoughts on that?
00:08 - Well, I think in terms of the branding of the uniforms,
00:12 it's quite, I think it's expensive.
00:14 They're not so bad when you're in Prime
00:15 and when you don't have to wear the branded names
00:18 and you can get them from supermarkets.
00:21 But actually, it does get very expensive
00:23 when you have to get all the logos, things.
00:26 - Yeah.
00:29 - And the key pieces are so expensive,
00:30 they can be very expensive.
00:31 - Yeah, I know at school where we work,
00:33 we're looking to update our kit and uniform.
00:36 It's quite outdated now, but I think when we're updating
00:38 things, it's just looking at the cost,
00:39 making sure it's affordable.
00:41 And sometimes it's quite hard with still looking smart
00:43 at the same time.
00:44 - Yeah, it could be simplified.
00:46 It could be real packed.
00:47 - Yeah.
00:48 - It's okay, so, very nice.
00:50 - We're out here today asking people if they feel that
00:53 if school uniform has got too expensive,
00:55 if there are any problems with that right now.
00:56 Have you got any thoughts at all?
00:58 - So I've got two children and yeah,
00:59 their school uniform all needs to be branded.
01:01 So it has to have a logo on it.
01:04 So the cost of that, for instance, trousers are 25 pounds,
01:07 a jacket's 35 pounds, a blazer.
01:10 - Yeah.
01:10 - With the emblem.
01:11 Whereas obviously if you could use supermarket trousers,
01:14 they're about nine pounds.
01:16 - Yeah.
01:16 - So there's really a 50% uplift.
01:19 It's really quite expensive,
01:21 especially if you've got more than one child.
01:23 - The EK as well, I'm trusting.
01:24 - Yeah, yeah.
01:25 (laughing)
01:26 Exactly, exactly.
01:27 And a boy, one's a boy, so everything gets rigged
01:29 and ruined and all the rest of it.
01:30 - Twice a week, yeah.
01:31 - Yeah.
01:32 - And not many schools in Sheffield have the branding
01:34 on every last piece, I suppose.
01:35 They might go to the supermarket shopping around.
01:37 Trousers too, is it really that expensive?
01:39 - It's trousers, skirts and blazers.
01:41 Shirts can be from a supermarket, so they're not too bad.
01:45 But yeah, the stuff that recognises the school
01:47 all has to have the emblem on it.
01:49 And you can't even buy the emblem
01:51 and then stick that on a supermarket trouser,
01:53 which I think some parents have thought of.
01:55 But yeah, it's quite strict to do that.
01:57 - Would you like to see the simplifies,
01:58 even just at your school, but nationwide, I suppose?
02:01 - Well, certainly now, I think there should be more options.
02:03 I think if they wanted it to make sure
02:05 it was still the brand, I don't see the problem
02:07 with having the emblem, you know,
02:09 that you could buy and then sew on.
02:11 But I don't know whether they're gonna simplify it or not.
02:14 I don't know who decides how much the uniform's gonna be
02:18 or where to get it from.
02:19 I'm not really too sure about that.