L'émission "Place aux Paysans" met en lumière l'agriculture ligérienne, qui se démarque des reportages nationaux. Raymond Vial, président de la chambre d'agriculture 42, souligne que cette agriculture a évolué avec son temps, adoptant les technologies numériques et la robotisation tout en préservant les savoir-faire traditionnels. Les agriculteurs accordent également une grande importance à l'environnement, avec des normes strictes pour les bâtiments d'élevage et des chartes avec les riverains. Sur le plan de la gestion de l'eau, la Loire se positionne en avance, tant pour l'irrigation que pour l'abreuvement des animaux. L'émission vise à sensibiliser les consommateurs ligériens sur la qualité des produits locaux qui garnissent leurs assiettes tout au long de l'année. Malgré la perte d'exploitations agricoles, la Loire se distingue en étant le quatrième département français en termes d'installation d'agriculteurs, avec environ 400 jeunes qui se lancent chaque année, dont 2 sur 3 sont des remplacements. Cela témoigne de la fierté des agriculteurs locaux et de la réussite d'un projet initié en 1995 pour soutenir les installations hors cadre familial. La chambre d'agriculture accompagne les agriculteurs tout au long de leur parcours, de la création à la transmission de leur exploitation, en fournissant des services administratifs, techniques et économiques. La chambre est également sollicitée par l'État pour représenter et conseiller la profession agricole dans le département. En conclusion, l'émission "Place aux Paysans" offre un aperçu optimiste et éclairant sur l'agriculture moderne, responsable et dynamique de la Loire, tout en célébrant l'engagement des agriculteurs et la satisfaction des consommateurs
00:00 [Music]
00:05 Place aux paysans, your new meeting on the agricultural world.
00:10 This month we ask ourselves the question, yes, French agriculture is the first in Europe.
00:15 It represents 12% of the GDP, but what is it in the dark?
00:19 To answer this question, Raymond Vial, the president of the Chamber of Agriculture, is our guest.
00:23 [Music]
00:34 Raymond Vial, we said, first in Europe, but what is the situation in the Loire?
00:39 Hello.
00:40 Hello.
00:41 So, first of all, two reasons why we do this type of show.
00:45 One, we wanted to show Nigerian consumers that Nigerian agriculture is not what is reported in the major national media.
00:55 Two, this agriculture has changed a lot since the end of the war.
01:02 It is a modern agriculture.
01:05 It is an agriculture that today uses digital technology, robotization.
01:10 It is an agriculture that has also allied itself to know-how and traditions,
01:15 but it is also an agriculture that is very environmentally conscious,
01:21 even if we do not realize it every day.
01:24 The setting up of farm buildings, the use of phytosanitary products,
01:28 the writing of a map with the rivers.
01:32 On water, we are still today very much ahead on water,
01:37 regarding the use of water in farms,
01:40 both in irrigation and in animal husbandry.
01:44 In any case, we wanted to show our Nigerian society
01:49 what this agriculture is that brings them very good products all year round on their plates.
01:54 That's it, ten numbers.
01:55 We will talk about the environment, we will talk about all of this.
01:57 And you really opened the doors.
01:59 The farmers played the game and our cameras were able to give the peasants a place.
02:04 Our farmers know it.
02:06 They are forced to play the transparency.
02:09 Today, they are often the emissary books.
02:12 So they have to open the doors,
02:14 they have to communicate on their know-how, on how they produce.
02:19 The theme with you is the situation of agriculture in the Loire.
02:22 Is it good or not?
02:23 Can we have a smile?
02:25 Yes and no.
02:26 The first thing, if we are pessimistic,
02:30 the Loire, like many other departments, has lost a lot of farmland.
02:34 The Loire was a small farmland department, 20 to 25 hectares.
02:40 So these farms are modernized with the years coming,
02:44 but also we had a lot of departure in the 60s, 70s,
02:49 towards the city, in the farmers' front,
02:52 and so a lot of farmland has disappeared.
02:54 Despite this, the Loire department today,
02:57 an Insee survey that was published these days,
03:01 we are the fourth French department in terms of facilities.
03:06 About 400 young people a year are pushing the door of the point of welcome.
03:12 Out of these 400 young people, 90 are settled by the aides,
03:16 and about 30 without the aides.
03:18 This means that two out of three farmers are displaced.
03:22 So this is our side, pride,
03:24 and we are the first department of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in terms of age of farms.
03:29 This is a project that dates back to 1995, it was thought of,
03:32 and we see today that it is starting, we see it is growing.
03:36 It is growing more than it was.
03:38 We can say a big thank you to someone who is no longer with us,
03:41 Pascal Clément, who at the time was president of the department,
03:44 who in 1995 wished to accompany agriculture
03:49 on a file that today really bears its fruits.
03:53 He made available to the Chamber of Agriculture financial resources
03:57 to accompany farmers who did not have children to take over.
04:03 And so we created the Cédant-Repreneur relationship,
04:07 and currently 40% of the Loire facilities are family-owned.
04:13 So the Chamber of Agriculture, when we push the doors,
04:15 why do people push the doors of the Chamber of Agriculture?
04:18 What are the general questions that are asked?
04:20 So the Chamber of Agriculture is at the service of farmers
04:26 from the birth of an operation, to its death or its transmission.
04:32 This means that we are there to accompany on all administrative stages.
04:37 You have to register, of course, what we call the Center for Formalities of Operations.
04:42 Then we have technical support in all animal production,
04:48 milk, meat, oats, caper, but also in vegetable production,
04:52 marketing, horticulture, viticulture, even on very annexed production,
04:59 because we have developed a lot of farm products and innovative products.
05:03 So the Loire is still a pioneer in all this,
05:06 and the Chamber of Agriculture of the Loire provides this service.
05:09 And then at the economic level, we support the young people who want to settle,
05:13 but we also support people of my age who are transmitting their farming,
05:20 and who need to be supported for this transmission.
05:25 And does the State consult you a little?
05:28 So a Chamber of Agriculture has two main missions.
05:32 It has a consular mission, and so today we are the representatives
05:37 of a whole profession, of all the farmers in a department, at the eyes of the State.
05:42 And so the prefecture and the services of the prefecture
05:45 very often call on the Chamber of Agriculture to know
05:49 how the farmer is positioned on a particular file.
05:53 And the second of the great missions of a Chamber of Agriculture,
05:56 it's a rather technical mission.
05:59 We support all farmers and all farmers in this department,
06:04 but here it's often at the level of services, either individual or collective.
06:10 And we have recently developed, and I will finish on this,
06:13 the support of the territorial communities, the intercos, the department,
06:18 to help them implement their agricultural projects.
06:21 Last little question, is it a happy president that I have today
06:24 on the platform of Place aux Paysans?
06:27 So yes, it's a very happy president, because first of all,
06:31 he is surrounded by a great team.
06:34 He is surrounded by farmers in this department who are proud of their profession
06:38 and who are proud to have embraced this profession.
06:41 And do consumers like you?
06:43 Yes.
06:44 Yes? Thank you.
06:46 A beautiful program.
06:48 A very beautiful program, and thanks again to TELSED for having us.
06:52 That was your show Place aux Paysans. See you soon.
06:57 [Music]