• l’année dernière
Jésus dit : « Maria, maintenant je te prends par la main pour te conduire au point le plus obscur du livre de Jean. Les commentateurs de ce livre ont épuisé leurs capacités en de multiples déductions pour expliquer, tant à eux-mêmes qu’à la foule, qui est la « Grande Babylone ». Avec une vue humaine, à laquelle ne sont pas étrangères les impulsions imprimées par des événements attendus ou des événements déjà arrivés, ils ont donné le nom de Babylone à de nombreuses choses.

Mais comment n’ont-ils jamais pensé que la « Grande Babylone », c’est toute la Terre ?

Ce serait un Dieu Créateur bien petit et bien limité qui n’aurait créé que la Terre comme monde habité ! D’un frémissement de ma volonté, à partir de rien j’ai créé des mondes innombrables et je les ai projetés, poussière lumineuse, dans l’immensité du firmament. [...] »

⟹ Les Cahiers de 1943 : Maria Valtorta | Le 22 août 1943
⟹ Pour en lire + : https://www.lesentierdelacroixglorieuse.fr/propheties-de-jesus-christ-revelees-a-maria-valtorta-20-la-grande-babylone-cest-toute-la-terre/

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► Un site de spécialiste : https://www.maria-valtorta.org/

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♪ Musique du générique : Cinematic Epic Choir Trailer par Blaze-up-Music
00:00 [Music]
00:28 The time of the Antichrist, the Great Babylon.
00:32 The notebooks of Maria Valtorta.
00:34 August 22, 1943. Jesus dictates.
00:38 "Maria, now I take you by the hand to lead you to the darkest point of the book of John.
00:46 The commentators of this book have exhausted their ability in multiple deductions
00:52 to explain to themselves and to the crowd who is the Great Babylon.
00:57 With a human view, to which are not foreign the impulses printed by the events expected
01:04 or events already happened, they gave the name of Babylon to many things.
01:11 But how did they never think that the Great Babylon is the whole earth?
01:17 It would be a God, a very small and very limited creator, who would have created only the earth as a inhabited world.
01:23 Out of a shudder of my will, out of nothing, I created innumerable worlds
01:29 and I projected them, luminous dust, in the immensity of the firmament.
01:35 The earth, of which you are so ferociously proud, is but one of the grains of dust spinning in infinity,
01:43 and if it is not the largest, it is certainly the most corrupted.
01:47 Lives and lives are piled up in the millions of worlds which are the joy of your gaze in the serene nights.
01:54 And the perfection of God will be manifest when you can see,
01:59 by the intellectual view of the mind again brought together to God, the wonders of these worlds.
02:04 Is not the earth the great prostitute who has fornicated with all the human powers and hell?
02:10 And the inhabitants of the earth, are they not themselves prostitutes,
02:14 bodies and souls, in order to triumph in the eyes of the world?
02:18 Yes, it is so.
02:20 The crimes of the earth all have blasphemous names,
02:24 just as the beast with whom the earth and its inhabitants allied themselves to triumph.
02:30 The seven sins are laid, like a horrible ornament, on the head of the beast,
02:35 which transports the earth and its inhabitants to the patchwork of evil.
02:39 And the unicorns, many metaphorical, are there to show the infinites and the failed accomplished,
02:45 in order to realize at any price everything that their ferocious greed wants.
02:51 Is not the earth, imbued with the blood of the martyrs,
02:54 drunk with this holy liquor which, drunk by its sacrilegious mouth,
02:59 is in it transformed into a filter of cursed drunkenness?
03:03 The beast that carries it, symbol and synthesis of all the evil committed since Adam,
03:08 in order to triumph in the world and in the flesh,
03:11 pulls behind it those who, worshiping it, will become the kings of a time and a cursed kingdom.
03:17 As children of God you are kings, and kings of an eternal kingdom.
03:22 But you become kings of a time and a cursed kingdom when you worship Satan,
03:27 he who can only give you an ephemeral triumph, paid with an eternity of horror.
03:32 The beast, says John, was and is no longer.
03:37 At the end of the world he will be so.
03:40 It was because it really was, and not because I, the Christ,
03:45 I defeated and anointed it, as is no longer necessary then to the triumph of the world.
03:51 The earth was not settled on the waters of its mothers, and was it not used to harm?
03:57 What was it not used for?
04:00 People, nation, race, borders, interests, food, expansion.
04:07 Everything was used to provide and commit homicidal exterminations and treason worthy of Judah.
04:14 His own sons, fed by her with the blood of sin, will take revenge on her.
04:20 They will destroy her and destroy themselves,
04:23 bringing the sum of the crimes against God and against humanity to the perfect number that will require my tony truant.
04:30 Enough!
04:31 At that time, the blood of the martyrs and the prophets will boil,
04:36 releasing a pleasant smell towards my throne.
04:40 And the masses of earth, which will have welcomed the moans of those who have been put to death by hatred of me
04:46 and will have received the last of the bristles,
04:49 will throw a great cry made of all the gathered moans
04:53 and will tremble with convulsions of anguish
04:56 that will make the cities and houses of men collapse,
04:59 or prevent it and kill it,
05:01 thus filling the vaults of the heavens with a voice that calls for justice.
05:07 And justice will be done.
05:09 I will come.
05:11 I will come because I am faithful and true.
05:14 I will come to give peace to the faithful
05:16 and the judgment of holiness to those who have lived well.
05:20 I will come with my name whose meaning is known only by me
05:23 and whose letters are the main attributes of God,
05:26 of which they are part and everything.
05:29 Written by Jesus
05:31 Greatness
05:33 Eternity
05:34 Holiness
05:36 Unity
05:37 Written by Christ
05:39 Charity
05:41 Redemption
05:42 Immensity
05:43 Wisdom
05:45 Trinity
05:46 Omnipotence
05:48 And if it seems to you that some attributes are missing,
05:52 think that justice is included in holiness,
05:55 because the one who is holy is just.
05:58 Royalty in greatness and creation in omnipotence.
06:03 This is why in my name the praises of God are proclaimed.
06:07 Very holy name that is enough to pronounce to terrify demons.
06:12 Name of life that gives life, light and strength to the one who loves and invokes it.
06:17 Name that crowns my head as the winner of the beast and its prophet,
06:21 who will be taken, plunged, immersed,
06:24 buried in the incandescent and eternal fire
06:27 whose bitter cruelty is unimaginable for a human mind.
06:32 It will be then the time of my reign on earth.
06:35 Also, will there be a truce in the demonic crimes
06:39 to give man time to hear again the voices of heaven.
06:42 Man will be rid of the force that unleashes horror.
06:46 Great spiritual currents will descend like waterfalls,
06:50 like rivers of heavenly water to say words of light.
06:54 But, just as over the centuries the isolated voices that speak of good,
06:59 starting with those of the Word, are not gathered,
07:03 men will always be deaf,
07:06 except those who have been marked by my jump.
07:09 My dear friends, attentive to follow me,
07:12 deaf to the voices of many spirits,
07:15 to the voices similar to the sounds of the waters that will sing the new canticle
07:18 to guide the people to the meeting of light
07:21 and especially to my meeting, me, the eternal word.
07:25 When the ultimate attempt at peace will come to an end,
07:28 Satan will come for the last time
07:30 and will find accomplices in the four corners of the earth.
07:33 And they will be more than the sand of the sea.
07:36 O Christ, O Jesus, who died to save men,
07:41 only the patience of a God can have so much done and so much waited
07:45 and have obtained so little without removing his gift from men
07:49 and without making them perish well before the fixed time.
07:52 Only my patience, which is love, can wait for you,
07:56 knowing that, like the sand that leaks through a fine crystal,
07:59 some rare souls will succeed in glory.
08:02 Rare are those who do not know,
08:05 who do not want to go through the crystal of the law,
08:08 of love, of sacrifice, to reach me.
08:12 But at the time of my coming,
08:14 when you will be in God, King and Judge,
08:17 I will come to gather the elected and curse and reprove them,
08:20 throwing them where the Antichrist, the Beast and Satan will be for eternity.
08:25 After the supreme victory of Jesus Christ, Son of God,
08:28 winner of death and evil,
08:31 to those elected who will have been able to remain alive in life,
08:34 living in the Spirit while waiting for our hour of triumph,
08:37 I will give possession of the celestial residence.
08:40 I will give myself without fear and without measure.
08:44 Aspire to this hour, Mary.
08:47 Call her and call me with all the forces of your Spirit.
08:51 This is how soon I arrive when a soul calls me.
08:55 With the Beloved who of the earth
08:58 sees the glory of the Lamb, Son of God,
09:01 the glory of his Jesus, who is also yours,
09:04 says to each beating of your heart,
09:07 "Come, Lord Jesus."
09:10 (Music)
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09:26 (Music)
