• l’année dernière
Jésus dit : « Quand le temps viendra, beaucoup d’étoiles seront renversées, balayées par Lucifer qui, pour vaincre, a besoin de diminuer la lumière dans les âmes.

Cette situation sera rendue possible, parce que non seulement les laïcs mais aussi les ecclésiastiques ont perdu et perdent de plus en plus leur fermeté dans la foi, dans la charité, dans la force, dans la pureté, dans le détachement des séductions du monde, nécessaires pour demeurer dans l’orbite de la lumière de Dieu. [...] »

⟹ Les Cahiers de 1944 : Maria Valtorta | Le 23 juillet 1943
⟹ Pour en lire + : https://www.lesentierdelacroixglorieuse.fr/propheties-de-jesus-christ-revelees-a-maria-valtorta-temps-de-lantichrist-13-lantichrist-et-les-pretres/

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► Un site de spécialiste : https://www.maria-valtorta.org/

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♪ Musique du générique : Cinematic Epic Choir Trailer par Blaze-up-Music
00:00 [Music]
00:29 The Antichrist and the priests
00:31 July 23, 1943, Jesus dictates
00:35 "When the time comes, many stars will be overthrown, swept away by Lucifer, who, to overcome, needs to diminish the light in the souls.
00:47 This situation will be made possible, because not only the laity, but also the ecclesiastics have lost, and are losing more and more their firmness in faith, in charity, in strength, in purity, in the detachment of the seductions of the world, necessary to remain in the orbit of the light of God.
01:11 Do you understand which are the lights I am talking about? These are the ones I have defined as being the salt of the earth and the light of the world, my ministers.
01:23 The subtle malice of Satan applies itself to extinguish, by overthrowing them, these lights that are the lights that reflect the ill light to the crowd. If, despite all the light that the priestly church still lets emanate, the souls continue to sink more and more into the darkness.
01:41 It is easy to guess what darkness will envelop the crowds when a great number of stars will go out in the sky. Satan knows it, and sows its seeds to prepare the priest's weakness, and to be able to lead him more easily to sin, less of the senses than of the mind.
02:00 In mental chaos, it will be easy for him to provoke spiritual chaos. In spiritual chaos, the weak, in the face of the wave of persecutions, will commit a sin of lowliness, by denying their faith.
02:14 The Church will not die, because I will be with it, but it will know hours of darkness and horrors similar to those of my Passion, multiplied with time because it must be so.
02:29 The Church will have to suffer as much as its Founder suffered, before dying to be resurrected in an eternal form. The Church will have to suffer much longer because it is not perfect like its Founder, and if I suffered for hours, it will have to suffer for weeks and weeks.
02:50 Just as the Church was born being persecuted and fed by a supernatural power, in its first days and in the best of its sons, so will it be in the last days, when it will exist, subsist, resist the satanic tide and the battle of the Antichrist with its best sons.
03:14 A painful but just choice. It is logical that in a world where so many spiritual lights will be dead, the brief but terrible reign of the Antichrist, engendered by Satan, will be openly established, just as Christ was engendered by the Father.
03:33 Christ, Son of the Father, was engendered by love in purity. The Antichrist, Son of Satan, was engendered by hatred in triple impurity.
03:44 Just as the olives are crushed by the mills of the miller, the sons of Christ will be persecuted, crushed, crushed by the beast Vorace, but not swallowed, since blood will not allow them to be corrupted in their spirit.
04:00 Just as the first, the last will be cut like the herbs of the spruce, during the last persecution, and the earth will drink their blood. Eternally blessed for their perseverance will be those who die in the fidelity to the Lord.
04:16 [Music]
04:26 [Music]
04:28 [Music]
