Caerphilly council to fund free school meals through summer

  • last year
We’re in Caerphilly where the local authority here have decided to fund free school meals for primary school age children. The scheme has previously been funded by the Welsh government, but they’ve said there’s no money left in the budget to continue it, so how important is it that this will continue for families most in need.


00:00 But they've got no money for children and people are struggling with all the economic
00:06 crisis we've got at the moment. So why not help the kids? So well done to Caerphilly
00:11 Council for doing that.
00:12 That's where it should go. It's the most important. And the thing is, if you don't
00:19 have the support through the summer holidays, then you're going to, especially being the
00:25 teachers and everybody, they're going to find that coming in September, you're going to
00:30 have children there that are not going to have the same equal amount of support.
00:36 The Welsh Government say that due to cost of living and inflation issues, funding free
00:40 school meals is no longer an option. But people here in Caerphilly think that making sure
00:44 children don't go hungry should be the top of the list of priorities for those in charge
00:48 of the Senate.
00:49 These are the most vulnerable children. We need to make sure that they have the, how
00:56 can I say, the support all through the summer.
01:02 But I think it's totally wrong because it's part of the educational process. And just
01:09 to deprive needy parents really of free school dinners is totally wrong.
01:17 The parents have got to work to support them. And having the free school meals is a good
01:24 thing. And all the best for Caerphilly Council for doing it. And a shame on the Welsh Government
01:32 for not doing it.
01:34 They should. They should fund it. Children should be able to have a meal, you know, especially
01:40 the poorer ones that maybe can't afford it. The Welsh Government should do that. It should
01:45 be their priority or one of their priorities.
01:48 People here in Caerphilly have said they're proud of their council for stepping in and
01:51 providing for families and say that this is an incredibly important thing for the most
01:56 vulnerable children across the area.
01:58 That's sick. It's got to be done. That would be more helpful for kids, you know what I
02:05 mean? Like, obviously, it'll help them with what they learn as well, obviously. It'll
02:10 help them for the day while they're in school, you know what I mean? And, you know, nowadays,
02:16 food is fuel, isn't it? Obviously, everyone knows that. So you've got to...
02:20 I think it's wrong that the national government is stopping paying for children's school meals,
02:25 especially at this time when bills are so high. The only place you can get a decent
02:29 nutritional meal would be in school.
02:31 I think it's an excellent move. These are the most vulnerable children. And with today's
02:36 economic situation, parents, children, everybody is suffering. Every help that we can give
02:43 them is the most benefit that we can give them. So I think Caerphilly, yeah, I think
02:47 the whole of Wales should be doing it.
02:50 So as councils step up to the plate to help feed children this summer at a time when people
02:54 most need it, people here think the Welsh Government are neglecting their responsibilities
02:58 of the most in need across Wales.
03:00 JCPW, Local TV, Caerphilly.
