Minecraft PS4 Hardcore Survival - CLOSE CALL [2]

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, welcome to another Minecraft Hardcore Survival.
00:06 And today in this episode, I just want to showcase some of the survival island.
00:15 So basically what I did offline, I just made a little tunnel way and made a door.
00:19 I also killed a skeleton and I got a bone.
00:22 That's why I have a piece of wheat.
00:24 I made this and we need to dig up and see if we can find any skeletons.
00:31 Because it's like we're in a massive famine.
00:35 I don't know how to pronounce it.
00:38 We need to hurry.
00:40 So we see a zombie.
00:42 We need to get its food.
00:45 We see two zombies, hopefully.
00:47 Now they're behind me, but okay. Let's do this.
00:53 Alright, give me some of your rotten flesh.
00:56 And a tree grew. Yay.
00:59 Uh, seems like a weird thing, but okay.
01:03 Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
01:06 We need to trap this guy in.
01:09 Oh no, that's a creeper.
01:12 Aw, come on man. Really? I'm gonna have to kill you.
01:20 Oh my god, you have got to be serious.
01:26 Just die. I mean just get in here.
01:31 Get in here.
01:34 What do you not understand? Get in there.
01:38 No.
01:41 Get in the freaking water.
01:45 No. Oh, I'm so sorry.
01:50 That looks so weird. I've never really noticed that.
01:54 Uh, okay. We have to eat this as well.
01:59 The massive feminine famine.
02:04 I know how to spell it, but I see an island with a tree.
02:09 Alright, let's just stay in here for 16 more seconds.
02:16 That's great.
02:19 Just, uh, gonna wait.
02:26 So yeah, I've actually come up with the challenges in the description.
02:31 I'm not gonna name all, but I'm gonna name a few.
02:34 I'm not gonna try to do impossible challenges.
02:39 I don't know, like, get like 64 diamond blocks.
02:44 Or get like 64 ender pearls. Sorry, golden candy.
02:48 But basically, I'm gonna just name a few.
02:54 First off, we cannot die at all. We can't die once.
02:58 Otherwise we have to delete the world and delete the series, sadly.
03:03 Second off, we have to build a castle.
03:08 Uh, yeah. Pretty self-explanatory.
03:12 And another one, we have to make an XP farm.
03:17 Ooh, something grew.
03:22 Just need one more piece of wheat, but...
03:26 Okay, that's great enough. Good enough. Great enough.
03:31 Alright, um...
03:35 We're gonna have to start plowing a lot of this, but we have to wait.
03:43 So yeah, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
03:46 We have to do something. We gotta hurry.
03:50 Otherwise, we're gonna starve.
03:55 Um, I need to make a bigger farm area, so I'm just gonna start digging with my stick.
04:05 Sounds a little bit weird, but just go with it.
04:14 Dude, we're gonna starve to death.
04:19 This is bad. Very bad.
04:23 Um, yeah, we're gonna starve to death, dude.
04:28 'Cause we have to let these things grow right now, or we're gonna starve.
04:36 Have to do this.
04:43 Oh my god, wait a minute.
04:46 Maybe we can survive. Alright.
04:50 We're gonna need a bull.
04:53 Alright.
04:55 And I'm gonna make a boat, 'cause I have to go there in a hurry.
05:00 Load the transportation, yes. Alright.
05:06 We're gonna have to go to a mushroom island. I don't know which is closer, but I'm just gonna go.
05:10 Alright, uh...
05:13 Okay, we have to find a mushroom immediately, so we can have a food farm.
05:20 And if you don't know what a food farm is with mushrooms, then watch my SOS Survival Island thing that I made like a year ago.
05:35 But what I did was I got a mooshroom, and we actually had like a food farm.
05:43 There we go, there we go, there we go. No, no, no.
05:45 Alright, bye, bye. Hope I see you never.
05:48 Well, actually I hope I see you.
05:50 Okay, we have to stack. We have to stack up.
05:55 It's a good thing there's like a bajillion mushroom islands.
05:58 We're about to die, we're about to die, we're about to die.
06:07 Guys, that was a close call.
06:11 Okay, guys? Close call. Don't leave. Please.
06:17 And look, there's another mushroom island.
06:19 Now, I'm not gonna live here, okay?
06:22 I'm just gonna... I don't know.
06:26 Just not live here, okay?
06:28 Alright.
06:30 So you got a mooshroom.
06:32 And I'll see you back when I reach the island.
06:34 Like, yeah.
06:36 Alright, guys. We got the cow- we got the mooshroom on the island.
06:40 And now we just need a safe place for it to, um, you know, like, uh, not hibernate exactly, but just chillax.
06:50 I guess.
06:51 Alright.
06:52 Ooh, I never knew we did that. Okay.
06:54 We're gonna block that off.
06:58 Uh, yeah, so a couple trees actually grew, and I actually need to get it, but I don't know.
07:04 I need to make a safe place for this little guy.
07:07 Uh, so yeah, I'm just gonna maybe dig over here.
07:11 Uh, maybe like make a secure place.
07:14 But for now, let's just, uh, put this little guy in a corner.
07:19 Sorry, bud.
07:20 Uh, you're just gonna go over here, and, uh, you're gonna be my little servant as my food guy.
07:30 Alright, man.
07:34 Alrighty then.
07:36 Um, so yeah, this guy is gonna be, uh, very awesome because we get to have, uh, a little bit of a- a little bit of a food, um, thing.
07:49 So yeah, we need to run.
07:51 Like, there's no tomorrow, and I need to hurry up and get-
07:57 Oh, there's a zombie right there.
07:59 Man.
08:00 Alright.
08:01 Well, let's get the spider.
08:03 The spider will actually be useful for getting, like, a bow, getting, uh, uh, some, uh, wool.
08:12 So yeah, we're gonna have to kill, like, a lot more spiders than that.
08:16 Um, oh god, this is gonna take forever.
08:21 Uh, mhm.
08:24 So, basically what we're gonna have to do, we're gonna have to, like, camp down here, and I'm gonna make, like, a little secure place for this little guy.
08:32 This guy is- that's not gonna be his home, uh, or its permanent place.
08:40 Uh, so yeah, we need to hurry up and do this, and mhm.
08:46 And our farm is actually looking pretty nice.
08:49 I didn't look at it right now, but, uh, yeah, it seems pretty nice.
08:53 Ooh, and we can make that, but I don't know, should we make a bed or a bow or a fishing rod first?
09:01 Uh, you guys comment down in the section, and, uh, whoever, uh, comments down the most, I guess, gets to be it.
09:11 Uh, okay.
09:12 Alright.
09:13 Uh, looks like we have another pickaxe, too, so.
09:16 Let's just make another sword while we're at it, 'cause why not, 'cause I'm kinda gonna run out of the sword.
09:25 I just know it's, um, see, it's pretty dark in there.
09:29 Uh, I got a couple of torches.
09:32 Let's just try to dig over here.
09:36 Uh, so yeah, let me, uh, put, like, a torch right here.
09:42 For a second I thought that was a cave, 'cause, you know, I thought it was just complete darkness, so I'm like, "Ooh, cave."
09:49 Uh, so yeah, we're gonna have to find a cave soon.
09:51 We're probably gonna have to mine a bit, like, strip mine.
09:55 Uh, so yeah, we're gonna just dig a little bit over here.
10:01 This, this is gonna be, like, our either farming area, or this is gonna be our animal area.
10:07 Like, I can see it where this would be, like, a cow area, I guess, like, where you get mooshrooms, uh, you know, and stuff, like, cows, pigs, sheep.
10:21 Like, once I have enough dirt, I can, like, try to build a secure mob spawner thing, where I just dig on a big island, where I expand this island, and I'll basically, like, uh, you know, just see what we can do from there.
10:41 Um, so we're gonna have to get some wood, obviously, so we're just gonna wait until day, um, I'm not gonna skip or anything, 'cause I just wanna dig this out with you guys.
10:53 Uh, mhm.
10:57 And also, uh, what, I feel like maybe I should have a player join this, uh, this episode, I mean, this series, so who knows, I may invite someone to the series.
11:15 So, cough, cough, hint, hint, uh, you know, this guy is, uh, for me, famous, 'cause, you know, he has a thousand subs, so if he has a thousand subs or more, even a hundred subs, I'm like, "Oh, yep, that guy's famous."
11:29 Which is why I call, like, "Ooh, that guy's famous, oh, wow, that guy is famous," like, et cetera, et cetera.
11:39 I wish I could stack with these, that'd be great.
11:45 And I really need to organize my inventory, so let me just do that right now.
11:51 So, yeah, um, mob drops, I guess, uh, dirt pile, like, I'm gonna mine a lot of dirt, so I'm just gonna, like, do that.
12:05 Basically, what happens is that once you, like, make stacks of dirt, like, you keep on digging, it goes in this pile, and then once that pile's full, it goes in this, this, this, et cetera.
12:17 Do that for transportation, uh, yeah, for killing, um, yeah, I could use that, I could use the iron shovel.
12:31 A boat, I could do that, and transportation, that could go there.
12:41 So, yeah, we're gonna just continue digging, of course.
12:45 Uh, I wanna waste pickaxe, I don't wanna waste those pickaxe, so I could, uh, just, like, mine with everything, even though it wastes very fast, like, it's gonna break right now, yeah.
12:57 So, yeah, we're gonna see how far these torches can light up.
13:01 So, it could go two blocks, right? Let's see if it could go to three over here, if you know what I mean.
13:07 Uh, yeah, um, so, yes.
13:15 Hey, and I can't guarantee that someone will join the island, I just hope the YouTuber, whose name is, uh, LegitKiller87, I'm pretty sure, uh, you know, guy's awesome, watched a couple of his videos, and yeah, they're pretty cool.
13:37 Uh, so, I wanna see if I could, like, collab with him or something.
13:40 Uh, let's see if it's daytime. The music's kinda calm, so I'm pretty sure it will be daytime.
13:47 It's still not daytime.
13:50 The moon's going down, but, yeah, uh, I need to- ooh, god, there's a skeleton, we need to get that real quick.
14:00 Man, I'm just being, like, all risky, I'm Mr. Risky.
14:05 Oh, no, I hate these skeletons.
14:08 They're, like, my least favorite mob, besides, uh, the endermen, 'cause you actually have to get endermen.
14:17 You don't have to get skeletons, but you have to get endermen for those freakin' enderpearls, so you can get Eye of Enders.
14:24 Why is there a cobblestone way up here?
14:27 That's- that's pretty weird.
14:29 Uh, oh, yeah, so basically, let's just- oh, god, oh, god, there's another skeleton, you gotta be serious.
14:37 It's turning daytime your freakin' worst nightmare.
14:41 It's daytime.
14:43 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
14:47 No!
14:49 Get off my crops!
14:51 Jesus.
14:53 Ooh, but that guy was, like, I don't know.
14:56 So, yeah, let's just fill all of these up.
15:00 Yeah!
15:02 Seeds for days!
15:05 Alright, let's do that and that.
15:09 Yeah, man, seeds for days!
15:12 Seeds for days.
15:14 Seeds for days.
15:15 Seeds for days!
15:17 Sorry.
15:18 Hehe.
15:19 Uh, so, yeah, we actually nearly died.
15:22 Uh, so, yeah, it's about to turn day, I gotta wait just a little bit more.
15:27 Uh, let me see.
15:30 Fill it up!
15:31 That really must suck, just having to, like, like, freakin' fill me up, like, every day.
15:39 Like, just, like, using your udders to get food, like, that's- that's kinda weird.
15:46 But, okay.
15:47 Oh, my god, there's an ultra skeleton.
15:50 Come on, already.
15:53 Yeah, give- give me that, your drops.
15:56 Where are you?
15:57 Yeah, man.
15:58 This is just being, like, the luckiest episode ever.
16:02 First, I was off starving with one and a half hearts.
16:06 I mean, one and a half chickens.
16:08 And now, I'm full of health, and, uh, yeah, we're- we're actually growing a- a large supply of materials, so.
16:19 Mm-hmm.
16:21 Let's, uh, let's do this, man.
16:24 Let's do this, do this.
16:26 Let's do this, do this, do this.
16:29 Let us do this.
16:31 And also, I feel like- nah, I don't think that'd work.
16:34 I was gonna say, like, maybe we should build a farm up there, and I could just, like, make a trap door.
16:39 But I think that's a little bit too risky, since I probably wanna build, like, a house that's inside, like, the cave thing.
16:47 And don't worry, I'm gonna, uh, decorate my house a lot, since I get, like, the big forests.
16:54 And, uh, yeah, sapling? Anything?
16:57 Nothing?
16:59 Alright, well, thank you guys for watching, and I'll see you all next time.
17:03 Goodbye.
17:04 I have an arrow on my shoulder, but that doesn't matter.
17:07 Yeah.
