• last year
00:00 Hello this is Stampy and welcome to a Minecraft Let's Play video. The reason
00:06 you're staring me in the face right now is because I am doing the backwards
00:10 challenge in which I've set myself my own challenge of trying to cook and eat
00:15 a cake while only being able to move backwards, while only being able to to
00:19 look behind me basically and I'm doing alright. I'm doing okay. Look I got a nice
00:24 little house down here. I got a lovely wheat farm over here. Look at it there
00:30 growing nicely. That's my wheat farm. That's hilarious. I got my tree farm up
00:36 there aka my one tree and I got my two little chicken friends down
00:41 here that seem to, I don't know, just be really friendly. They always stay
00:45 together. You never normally see chickens just staying that close together but I
00:49 kind of like them. I like having them there. And so basically my main
00:52 challenge, my big final thing that I need to do is to get some iron in order to
01:00 make some buckets. I got two pieces of iron already so I need four more pieces
01:04 I believe it is. So yeah once I get four more pieces of iron I'll be able to
01:10 milk some cows and then that should be it really. Like I've got, well actually no
01:14 I need to get more wheat actually. I think I need three pieces of wheat and
01:17 I've only got two so I'm gonna have to go back and wait for some more of that
01:21 to grow but the thing I'm trying to get at is I'm doing alright. Progress hasn't
01:26 been too painfully slow. It's hardly been like very fast but I'm not doing too
01:32 bad and hopefully I'm not the only one doing this. Hopefully some of you are
01:35 gonna have a go at the backwards challenge as well. If you want to do it
01:38 all you need to do is set up a world on survival easy. Obviously only move
01:43 backwards and if you want to do on the the same seed which I'm doing then you
01:49 want to just do the seed as backwards backwards. So basically right backwards
01:53 backwards and then all capitals and then you should get the the exact same seed
01:59 as mine as long as there's not been like an update in between this video and like
02:04 when you try it. So basically what I'm trying to do now is go and try and find
02:07 a natural cave. I did actually find one in the last video and it was pretty good.
02:11 It was quite scary. There's quite a lot of big drops but it was quite good
02:15 because I did definitely see some more iron down there. So I'm trying to find
02:19 that cave again. I kind of completely forgot where it was. It's kind of an
02:22 awesome seed. I really want to sort of like fly over the map and like look at
02:26 it properly. Like I've only seen a very small portion of it and it's just been
02:30 very snowy. But here we go. There seems to be another little cave down here. It's
02:34 somewhere different. A new place for me to explore. So if I go and grab some
02:38 some torches. I want to make a whole load of these actually before I go down. And
02:42 yeah there we go. I'm just gonna spread these out everywhere just so if there
02:45 are any googly's that that do come after me then they shouldn't spawn too close.
02:50 Right so we're doing like four pieces of iron. I can get four pieces of iron.
02:54 This won't take long at all. I'm hoping just to whip down here, grab some iron,
02:57 get back out. Job done. That's the way I'm planning for it to go without
03:02 any googly's. Go get back, get back, get back. It's so hard to hit them. I keep like
03:06 just swinging like over their head and stuff just because like I know it's just
03:10 really hard to get the angle right. And oh look here we go. Here's some iron right here.
03:13 I'm gonna put some some few more torches around the place just so nothing
03:18 should spawn too close to me. And maybe find some more iron. Look there we go. There's some
03:22 more iron there as well. I can grab this as well. This has got to be enough.
03:25 Surely behind some of these iron there'll be some more and I'll be able
03:28 to get as many as I need. Right there we go. One, two. I know I said I need four don't I?
03:36 Is that three? I can't even see. I would keep counting. I think that's three
03:40 pieces I got then so I think I need just one more piece of iron which was back there.
03:44 There we go. There's three pieces of iron there. So if I just make my way back to
03:48 here. Here we go. This is this is the final piece. There we go. This is almost
03:51 exactly how I said. Pop down here, get the iron I need, then head back out. Easy peasy
03:56 lemon squeezy. Right I'm just gonna grab a bit more coal just while it's here.
04:00 Oh look at that. Oh look at this cave. Oh look. Oh look I just nearly dropped down. Be
04:04 careful. Crouch crouch crouch. That could have been the end. Right forget that coal.
04:08 Don't care about you. I'm getting out of here. Right how did I come down? I think
04:11 it was this way. If I try and get up here and then get rid of this block. I'm getting
04:16 quite good at this. I think I might be fine. This is easy. I might do all of my
04:19 let's plays going backwards in the future. Oh no. Oh no there's a creeper there.
04:22 I can see the creeper. Right I need to nerd pole up. Nerd pole up. Nerd pole up.
04:26 I'll just use wood for now. I don't care about wasting wood. Get up. Get up. Get up.
04:29 Get up. Did you see him? He's just right over there somewhere. I can't see him.
04:33 He's there hiding behind that wall ready to ambush me. Right big jump. Big jump.
04:37 And I'm out of there. Done with that tunnel. I am finished. I'm finished with
04:41 going in any tunnels in this let's play. So let me just double check. I saw I need
04:44 three more for. Oh no have I got enough iron? I don't think I do. One two three.
04:50 Yeah no I do. I do. I definitely got enough iron. Right the big question now.
04:54 Have I got any chance of finding my way back home? Which direction did I come
04:58 from? I'm right on the edge of the world here. Do you have any idea how I got here?
05:04 I'm sure you do. I'm sure you were probably like keeping note of where I
05:08 was going. I was just sort of wandering around blindly. Well wandering around
05:11 backwards which is almost as bad as blindly. I should be able to find it. I had
05:15 quite a lot of rather recognizable like caves and stuff and like mountains
05:20 nearby where I was. I'm just gonna get rid of these these pigs here. Just get
05:24 some some more pork chops. Let's head off in. Okay obviously it wasn't this
05:28 direction. I know I didn't come through there. I'm trying to remember like for
05:32 when I saw the cave. I think it was this direction. I think it was over here from
05:36 where I saw the cave. I'm not entirely sure though. Now that hurt me.
05:40 Should probably have something to eat actually just to get my my hunger up so
05:44 my health's gonna go up. Like I know there's gonna be no well not many
05:47 googly's but creepers could still survive and there could be I don't know
05:52 like an enderman or something around here which yeah I do want to be careful.
05:56 I don't want to accidentally drop off anything. Right so I guess I just need to
06:00 find my way back home. Did I? Have I come out from a different side? I think that I
06:05 don't know if I went in that side. I don't recognize it. This whole place just
06:09 seems different to me. Like I can't have gone too far surely. Right let's just get
06:13 rid of this cow as well just so I can get a bit more beef when I get home.
06:18 Right where looks recognizable. I think I recognize over there. I think I'm quite
06:22 near to where where I spawned in at the very start. I think I'm quite close to
06:27 here so I think I head off in this direction over this ice maybe? I remember
06:34 there being a place a bit like that. I don't know if it's the same one though. I
06:37 don't think it is actually. I'm lost. I'm a lost kiddie. I can't find my home. I
06:42 knew this would happen. I knew I'd be an idiot and just wander off without
06:45 leaving a trail of breadcrumbs and then I'd end up getting lost somewhere. I
06:49 don't want to just end up like wandering off into like into nowhere. I'm gonna
06:55 head off in this direction. I do recognize that big mountain there where
06:59 that that cave was. I didn't go too far. I didn't like I don't want to move too
07:03 far away from the cave I just came out of. I remember not it not taking too long
07:08 for me to get there. Let's just get rid of this pig. Just something to do on my
07:11 journey. It's good practice as well for when I have to face some googly's in
07:14 terms of trying to fight something when you can't really see it properly. I think
07:19 I might head off in this direction then. I'm trying to point but I'm kind of
07:22 pointing the wrong way. Like the way I'm walking I'm gonna try heading off in
07:25 that direction. It's actually a really good tip by the way when you're doing
07:28 things like Hunger Games and stuff. Instead of having to keep turning around
07:32 to check your back to make sure no one's sneaking up on you. If you just keep
07:36 switching to third person and then you can like quickly look behind you but
07:40 like people don't know that you're looking behind them. I actually remember
07:43 I was doing Hunger Games once and Lee was sneaking up on me and I switched to
07:48 third person and I could see him sneaking up on me but I knew I had a
07:51 better sword so I pretended to not notice him but I was just watching him in
07:55 third person and just as he was about to come up behind me I switched back to
07:59 first person and turned around and got him and I was so proud of my little
08:02 tactic there that I managed to do. But I'm not proud of being lost. I'm not
08:07 proud of having no idea where I was. I should have just been dropping something
08:10 on the way. I don't recognize this area at all. I don't recognize like anywhere
08:14 here. Like I know my house was in like a little, a little hidden bit. Why did I
08:19 choose to have my house in a hidden place? Why did I decide that that would
08:23 be a good idea? I should have built it at the top of the mountain then I would have
08:26 been able to see it from anywhere. Like I literally have a hidden house and I
08:30 can't find it. How brilliant. I guess the only thing for me to do is just keep
08:36 wandering around until I stumble across it. What about over there? Oh I
08:39 recognize this place. I recognize that that bit of gravel down there. And oh,
08:43 is it through here? I think this is it right here actually. I think it might be
08:47 just around this corner. I recognize this area. Here it is. I was panicking and I
08:52 was panicking that I wasn't be able to find my way home. But this should be it.
08:56 This should be where my house is. Let me just double check. There you go.
09:00 There's my lovely wheat farm down there. And here it is. Here's my lovely home. And
09:04 careful cow. I don't know what happened to my chickens. I just got two eggs here.
09:07 Are my chickens still around here somewhere? I haven't lost my chickens
09:11 have I? Oh that's rubbish. Actually cow you can stay there because I'm gonna need
09:14 you to get some milk from you in a minute.
09:17 Alright let's just go get all of my iron smelting and then I can gather up the
09:21 wheat and go and try and plant some more. And yeah I've almost done this. I've
09:25 almost completed the challenge. I'm quite happy with myself. Right I'm gonna
09:29 gather up this wheat here then I'm gonna quickly go to bed and then in the
09:33 morning I should have almost everything I need. I think the last thing I'm gonna
09:37 be waiting for is this wheat here. Right there we go. I did manage to get some
09:42 more seeds so I can plant them straight back down there. I really need to find
09:45 some more seeds just so I can get some more growing at the same time. I've only
09:49 got two growing at the moment. I know I've got two cows here. I've got two cows to choose
09:53 from for when I get my milk. What I'm gonna very quickly do though is go to
09:57 sleep just before the googly spawn. So if I very quickly try and get into
10:01 bed. My bed should be around here somewhere. Even that's awkward. Even
10:05 trying to get to bed is a really awkward thing to have to try and do and then
10:09 getting out of bed isn't much easier. Right have I got my iron? Here we go. So I
10:12 should have six pieces of iron on me. That's the plan. There we go. Six pieces
10:15 of iron. So I should be able to make three buckets. There we go. So now I can
10:20 go and get some some wheat from the cows here. If I can try and get out the door.
10:24 Just about as I'm thinking that I've got the hang of it like a new challenge
10:28 comes up that I can't do. Right let's go grab all the wheat. So I've almost got
10:32 everything I need now. I'm just gonna quickly look exactly how you do make a
10:35 cake so I can find out how much of everything I need. You think I should
10:39 know by now. There we go. Three wheat, three buckets of milk, two sugar and an egg.
10:43 That is what I thought. So if I make some some sugar here. So I make a whole
10:48 bunch of sugar. I don't really need any more than that. So what I need now is
10:51 two more pieces of wheat I believe and then I've done it. So what I might go
10:56 and do then. Seeing as I've only got one more piece of wheat. I'm gonna go around
10:59 and try and gather up some seeds and then seeing as I might have a bit of
11:04 time to spare while I wait for the wheat to grow. I might make a little table or
11:08 shall I have a picnic or something. I kind of want to make it like a grand
11:12 thing you know. I kind of want. I don't want to just plonk the cake down
11:14 anywhere and just nom it all down. Tasty as that would be. I want to make a nice
11:18 little table somewhere for myself and a nice scenic area and I want to savour my
11:22 cake. I want to enjoy. I'm not just gonna gulp the entire thing down straight away
11:26 like I normally do. You know it's just funny like spamming the left trigger and
11:30 just like eating an entire cake in like a few seconds. And where are all the seeds?
11:34 Why am I not getting seeds from any of these things? Like I know it's just like
11:37 random to wherever you get some but surely I should have got some. Like you
11:41 always seem to get things when you don't really need them. Like you stumble across
11:44 them but when you're specifically after something you I don't know you just seem
11:47 to never get it. Oh come on I just need one more seed. One more little like
11:53 bunch of seeds. Nothing? I got some lovely jubbly love love petals over there.
11:57 There's a few more a few more pieces of grass. This is where I get lost again.
12:01 This is where I go around just looking for for grass. I end up getting lost
12:05 again. It's not gonna happen. I'm gonna keep an eye on where I've come this time.
12:09 What I should have done is um like broke the snow like on my way. I should have
12:14 just had my shovel going and just kept like doing it on the ground just to leave
12:17 like a trail. And did you notice that the last grass I got rid of is the one that
12:21 gave me seeds. I love it when that happens. I love it when you're building
12:24 something and you're just about a run out of what you need but then like you've
12:28 just got the right amount. I don't know it always just feels nice when that
12:31 happens. When like it just sort of randomly works out perfectly. And I
12:35 almost got my more wheat now. Once I've planted this all I need to do is
12:39 wait for all of these to grow and then I've got enough. I might actually have
12:42 some bone meal on me. I think I might have one piece of bone meal so I can
12:47 grow these ones up straight away. And then oh no I planted that in the wrong
12:50 place. I think that's close enough though actually. I think it's got to be within
12:53 two blocks. I don't know there's loads of grass all around here anyway. Right so have I got
12:57 any bone meal on me? Yeah I do. Do I need a crafting table to change it? I don't
13:02 think I do. No I don't. Oh look that's given me three pieces of bone meal. Now I can get
13:05 all of the wheat I need with that. I forgot that you've got more bone meal
13:08 like for each bone. Right if I go and try and grow this. There we go. There we go.
13:13 I got another piece of wheat there. If I try and destroy. I'm destroying all the
13:16 wrong stuff. There we go. If I go and plant some more and then grow that up
13:20 straight away. There we go. I can get that and I might as well plant some more
13:23 while I'm here. That's it done now. I can make my cake. Right let's go and let's go
13:27 make my nice little table. Shall I go and eat on top of the mountain up here
13:30 somewhere shall we? If I go and make some some stairs for seats and stuff and some
13:34 signs and I can have a nice little meal for one up on the top of one of these
13:37 mountains. Oh this is exciting. Right if I do a crafting table just so I can make
13:42 my cake when I get up to the top. Actually I might make the cake now and I'll take it up.
13:44 There we go. I've made it. I've completed the backwards challenge. Time for me to
13:48 go and enjoy my cake. So if I make some some steps there for my seats and then
13:52 some signs there just for the side. Here we go. I can have my nice little picnic
13:56 for one at the top of one of these mountains. Just so I can enjoy the
14:00 scenery. This is where there's a creeper waiting at the top up here and it blows
14:03 me up the second I get up there. I just need to find a way up. I might have to loop
14:08 the whole way around. I do really like this seed actually. I think that once I
14:12 finish recording I might just sort of wander around for a bit and go for an
14:15 explore. I'm always looking after looking out for other good seeds you know.
14:19 There's a lots of videos that people make showing off seeds but I don't know
14:22 I always kind of like making up a random one just so it feels a bit more unique
14:26 you know. I don't like the idea of loads of people playing on the same type of
14:30 world as me you know. Like my lovely world like I'm pretty sure I'm the only
14:34 person on Xbox playing on that seed and I kind of like it that way. It's kind of
14:37 like my own little special world you know. No one else is. And I would actually
14:41 give out this seed for it so other people could play but since the the one
14:45 point eight point two update that seed doesn't work anymore like it works but
14:49 it's just different and so yeah that's the only reason why I've not given out
14:52 my seed. I'm not I'm not hogging it. It is quite a good seed I do quite like it. I
14:56 want to be careful here. I don't want to accidentally drop down. Doing rock
15:00 climbing is fine but doing it backwards is very difficult. And look at the view!
15:04 I mean I know I've got to look at it backwards but it still looks pretty
15:07 awesome. This mountain's huge! Oh there's a little sheep! The little sheep can join me up
15:10 here for my picnic. Right if I go and break some of these blocks here and look
15:14 at some of the scenery in the background. Look at that. I might do like a nice big
15:18 pan like round the entire area once I put my table down. Right so here's my
15:22 table. So here see if I can place them in the right places while doing it
15:26 backwards. Right my table can go there. Right am I gonna be able to put these
15:30 chairs down? I need to like like they get placed down like determined on the way
15:33 you're facing so I need to kind of do it like that and get out the way sheep. Can I
15:36 get it down? There we go. And I'm gonna put some some sides here on onto the
15:40 chairs. There we go. That will do. That will do. I can't be bothered to redo it again.
15:45 And this is gonna be the seat I sit on anyway. I think I need it like there.
15:49 There we go. Look I actually managed to get it on right. This is so unbelievably awkward
15:53 and I'm very scared about walking off. I know I know that signs in the wrong place.
15:57 Can I get rid of it? I can't even see if I'm getting rid of it. This will do. This
16:00 can be this can be where I'm gonna sit and have my little picnic with these
16:04 signs here. Right let's actually try and get the cake down on the table if I can.
16:07 There we go. Here we go. Let's have a nice panning shot of my scenery as I enjoy
16:13 my cake. I like there's some lava down there. This place looks awesome. And all of the
16:17 sheep's there. The sheep's gonna eat some grass and I'm gonna eat some cake.
16:20 Num num num num num num num. I like the way I said I'm not gonna eat the entire thing.
16:24 So I eat all of it apart from one slice. Anyway that's the end of the series and
16:29 the challenge. My next challenge I'm not gonna tell you too much about it now.
16:34 I'm gonna leave it as a bit of a surprise. But basically I'm gonna be controlling
16:38 the game using something other than my hands. So yeah there's something
16:43 certainly for us to look forward to. And don't forget if you want to set me any
16:46 challenges like this just write them as a comment down below or tweet me or
16:49 Facebook me or on any of the other ways that you could use to contact me. And
16:53 make sure you say in the challenge what it is I've got to do and in what
16:57 situation I've got to do it. Like walking backwards or only using these items. You
17:01 know just be inventive. Try and come up with something that you've never seen
17:04 someone doing before. But as I said that's the end of this video. So I want
17:07 to thank you very much for watching and I will see you later. Bye!
17:12 Hello this is Stampy and welcome to a Minecraft Let's Play video. The reason
17:20 you're staring me in the face right now is because I am doing the backwards
17:25 challenge. In which I've set myself my own challenge of trying to cook and eat
17:29 a cake while only being able to move backwards. While only being able to look
17:34 behind me basically. And I'm doing alright. I'm doing okay. Look I've got a nice little
17:39 house down here. I got a lovely wheat farm over here. Look at it there growing
17:45 nicely. That's my wheat farm. That's hilarious. I got my tree farm up there.
17:51 Aka my one tree. And I got my two little chicken friends down here that
17:56 seem to, I don't know, just be really friendly. Look they always stay together.
18:00 You never normally see chickens just staying that close together. But I kind
18:04 of like them. I like having them there. And so basically my main challenge, my
18:08 big final thing that I need to do is to get some iron in order to make some
18:15 buckets. And I got two pieces of iron already. So I need four more pieces I
18:19 believe it is. So yeah once I get four more pieces of iron I'll be able to
18:24 milk some cows and then that should be it really. Like I've got, well actually no
18:29 I need to get more wheat actually. I think I need three pieces of wheat and
18:32 I've only got two. So I'm gonna have to go back and wait for some more of that
18:36 to grow. But the thing I'm trying to get at is I'm doing alright. Progress hasn't
18:41 been too painfully slow. It's hardly been like very fast. But I'm not doing too
18:47 bad and hopefully I'm not the only one doing this. Hopefully some of you are
18:50 gonna have a go at the backwards challenge as well. If you want to do it
18:53 all you need to do is set up a world on survival easy. Obviously only move
18:58 backwards. And if you want to do on the the same seed which I'm doing then you
19:03 want to just do the seed as backwards backwards. So basically right backwards
19:08 backwards. And then all capitals. And then you should get the the exact same seed
19:14 as mine. As long as there's not been like an update in between this video and
19:18 like when you try it. So basically what I'm trying to do now is go and try and
19:21 find a natural cave. I did actually find one in the last video and it was pretty
19:25 good. It was quite scary. There's quite a lot of big drops but...
