Minecraft Xbox - Backwards Challenge - Part 2

  • last year
00:00 Hello, this is Stampy and welcome to a Minecraft Let's Play video.
00:05 This is part number two of my backwards challenge.
00:08 And what I'm doing in this challenge is spending the entire Let's Play in this view, just staring
00:13 directly into my face.
00:15 And my challenge is to try and make a cake.
00:17 And in my last video, I made this nice little home in here.
00:20 I got a bed, I got a crafting table, a furnace, everything a Stampy cat would ever need.
00:25 I've also got a googly at my door, so should I try and start off by dealing with him, right?
00:29 If I do that and then just hit, oh my God, that's terrifying.
00:32 I should go shut the door, shut the door, shut the door.
00:34 Don't shut the door, I just looked at my health actually.
00:36 I do not want to face him yet, even though it's just one zombie.
00:38 Oh, he's burning.
00:39 Oh, it's day.
00:40 I spent the entire night in the cave.
00:42 I spent ages trying to make a bed and then I end up spending like the whole night awake
00:46 anyway.
00:47 All right, let's grab these pork chops and let's get my hunger fully up.
00:50 That way my health is going to start going up.
00:53 And my challenge for this video is to try and get some iron.
00:57 I really need iron just so that I can make a bucket.
01:00 Because I think one of the hardest things to do is to get buckets of milk.
01:03 And oh no, oh no, look at that.
01:05 Can you see that up on the hill?
01:06 I'm sure you haven't missed it.
01:07 I'm sure you can see the creeper.
01:08 All right, I'm going to have to try and deal with him.
01:11 My health still isn't fully up yet.
01:13 Oh, what should I do?
01:15 I don't want to deal with the creeper yet.
01:16 Right, what I'm going to do, forget that, forget the creeper.
01:19 I am going to go hunting for iron.
01:21 It shouldn't take too long.
01:22 I need to try and somehow dig down.
01:26 This is going to be really awkward.
01:28 Trying to mine in this view is going to be so difficult.
01:31 But I'm sure I'm going to get used to it.
01:33 If I sort of just dig this way a little bit.
01:35 And then I need to start trying to dig down.
01:38 And oh, it's so, this view is so rubbish in like confined spaces.
01:41 Like when you're out in the open, it's like okay, you can kind of see where you're going.
01:45 But yeah, in a situation like this, it's really difficult.
01:48 Right, what I think I might have to do actually is go and try and find like a natural cave.
01:54 Because I think if I try and spend the whole time digging like that, yeah, it's just going
01:57 to take literally forever, right.
01:59 Let's head out and see if the creeper's still there.
02:01 Right, he is.
02:02 I guess I might just be able to run past him if I'm very quickly.
02:06 Oh, he's after me, he's after me, he's after me.
02:08 Just swing and run.
02:09 Just swing your sword and run.
02:10 I think that's going to be the way to do it.
02:13 Right, if I try and remember where my house is, unfortunately I can't look at my map.
02:17 So I can't remember the coordinates.
02:20 So I guess I just have to try and remember where I'm going.
02:23 And try and find a natural cave or just like some iron up on the surface.
02:27 Like iron can spawn really high up.
02:29 Like you don't have to go very deep in order to find it.
02:32 Okay, looks like the creeper friend has lost interest in me.
02:35 Jolly good.
02:36 So I guess if I just wander around and try and find like a natural cave somewhere.
02:40 I should probably be trying to kill some animals as well on my way just so I don't run out
02:45 of food.
02:46 Right, so what is that?
02:47 I need to get some seeds as well.
02:48 So I can make a wheat farm.
02:51 Like I've got a natural, I've got generate structures off.
02:54 So that way I'm not going to be able to just steal some from a villager and I give up with
02:58 that chicken.
02:59 It's too awkward hitting a chicken.
03:00 I want to find a big animal like a cow or something.
03:03 There we go.
03:04 I just said I want to find a cow and one appeared.
03:06 Right, let's try this.
03:07 I want to find a cake.
03:08 No, that would have been a bit too lucky if a cake just appeared in front of me.
03:12 Right, so let's go onwards and let's try and find some iron.
03:15 Like normally you do see some just on the surface.
03:17 Oh, look, there's a couple little mushrooms down there.
03:20 I don't really need them, but they're quite pretty.
03:23 And so, yeah, I by now I normally found like some sort of natural cave going down.
03:29 Like I'm scared of going too far because I'm scared of losing my house and then getting
03:33 stuck in the middle of nowhere somewhere.
03:36 There seems to be a bit of a cave up there, but it's quite high up.
03:39 Well, let's just go kill a few more animals just so when I get back to the house, I'll
03:43 be able to have some food.
03:45 Like I'm determined not to have to just dig straight down in order to get some iron because
03:50 it's just so awkward trying to do everything in this view as well.
03:53 Right, let's take out this little piggy wig down here as well.
03:56 Have I got him?
03:57 Where's he gone?
03:58 It's so awkward just like running around randomly, just swinging, like not being able to see
04:02 at all what you're going after.
04:03 There we go.
04:04 I am gradually getting the hang of this.
04:06 Right, there seems to be a bit of a natural cave down here.
04:09 Like I literally need, what is it, like three pieces of iron is what I need.
04:13 So it shouldn't take long.
04:14 I just need to just like find one batch of iron essentially.
04:19 Does this go down deep anywhere?
04:21 There's like a bit of a start of a cave here.
04:23 Should I try investigating into here?
04:25 If I just try and break my way in?
04:27 It's just awkward having to like look down to go up and then like look up to go down,
04:32 you know, it's kind of, you can do everything the opposite to what you would expect.
04:35 And here we go.
04:36 This is what we're after.
04:37 I'm kind of a little bit scared now I've got here.
04:39 This is what I was after.
04:40 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
04:41 That could have got me.
04:42 That was so close.
04:43 Did you see that?
04:45 Like I also set a rule so that if I die, then that's it game over.
04:49 So I'm not allowed to die either.
04:51 That was slightly terrifying.
04:52 And I look, there's a, there's a skeleton there trying to shoot me.
04:55 I don't think he's going to be able to get me though.
04:57 He seems sort of quite trapped high up though.
05:00 So I don't have to worry too much about him.
05:01 Oh look, something's hurting me.
05:03 Something just hit me.
05:04 Where is he?
05:05 Is that that same one there?
05:06 Is he hitting me through that little tiny gap?
05:08 I'm pretty sure he can't hit me though.
05:10 Oh, there's no iron.
05:11 I think this is the end of the cave.
05:12 I thought this was going to go deeper.
05:13 No, no, it does.
05:14 It does.
05:15 It carries on through there.
05:16 Right.
05:17 I'm going to gather up a bit more coal just so I can make a whole load of torches.
05:20 Like I really want to light this place up because yeah, I don't want to be encountering
05:23 any, any googly's.
05:25 It's so terrifying because like normally when I see a creeper, I kind of know how to deal
05:29 with it.
05:30 I can sort of back off and try and hit it or just run.
05:32 But like here, because I'm like in this really weird view, I just sort of panicked and just
05:35 sort of didn't do anything and yeah, almost died because of it.
05:39 And here we go.
05:40 Look, iron right here.
05:41 This is exactly what I was after.
05:42 I'm going to put another torch up somewhere around here just so nothing's going to spawn
05:46 too close and make a few more torches.
05:48 Right.
05:49 I need was it three pieces of iron?
05:50 I think I need.
05:51 So let's, let's see if I can get them.
05:53 Oh no, don't just be one piece.
05:55 Is there just one piece down there?
05:56 Oh no, that's so annoying.
05:58 Oh, come on.
05:59 Please be more iron.
06:00 Is there none more round here?
06:01 Okay.
06:02 Well, that's the start though.
06:03 At least I found a bit.
06:04 That's, that's better than nothing, but only slightly better than nothing.
06:07 I still need to find some more.
06:09 Like when do you ever just find one piece of iron?
06:12 When does that ever happen?
06:14 Like you always find like at least three and then I managed to randomly find just one piece.
06:18 Oh, this is so awkward just walking backwards.
06:21 I'm just waiting to see a creeper emerge from like round one of these corners.
06:25 It's so terrifying.
06:26 And where's all the iron and stuff?
06:27 I can hear a spider.
06:28 Where's the spider?
06:29 Is it going to drop down from above me somewhere?
06:32 I reckon it is.
06:33 Right.
06:34 Be careful.
06:35 Oh, there's a spider there.
06:36 Right.
06:37 I need to go try and take it out.
06:38 I'm just doing a weird backwards way of doing it.
06:40 Right.
06:41 If I sort of go like this and just swing, come on, I can get it.
06:44 Look at it just bouncing up and down like that.
06:46 Oh, I'm not hitting it.
06:47 I was like hitting above its head then.
06:49 This is so awkward.
06:50 And where's all the iron?
06:52 Surely there should be iron around here somewhere.
06:54 I'm going to make some, some more torches and get some, some more coal because I do
06:58 want to light this up properly, like everywhere where I go.
07:02 And come on, I just need to find three pieces of iron.
07:04 Is that too much to ask?
07:06 Three little pieces of iron for a little stampy cat?
07:08 That's all I need.
07:09 Then I'll leave you all alone and I'll never come back down to this cave.
07:12 I'm sorry to disturb you, Googlies.
07:14 I'm only after a little bit of iron.
07:16 You're not going to use it, are you?
07:17 You're not going to be making any iron or making any cakes, are you?
07:20 Imagine if I did that.
07:21 Imagine I came down to a cave and there's a whole lot of creepers there just having
07:24 a little cake party.
07:25 I wonder what they do get up to when we're not here.
07:28 Like what is the average day of a creeper?
07:30 Like when they're not attacking us and trying to blow up in our faces, like what are they
07:34 doing with the rest of their time?
07:36 Do they just wander around doing nothing?
07:38 I doubt it.
07:39 I reckon they're having little cake parties, little explosive cake parties.
07:42 Right, that seems to be a dead end going that way.
07:45 I think I can go this way though, or have I gone this way before?
07:49 I've already got lost in the cave.
07:51 The thing that's worrying me is when I leave the cave, am I going to find my way back to
07:54 my house?
07:55 I already kind of have no idea where I'm supposed to go.
07:58 Right, if I go down through this way, have I been through here before?
08:01 Like I get lost enough in caves, let alone trying to do the whole thing walking backwards.
08:05 Oh, this looks new.
08:07 This looks new and dangerous.
08:08 Oh, look, there's some iron.
08:09 Oh, it's in a really awkward place though.
08:12 I've got to go for it.
08:14 I've found some.
08:15 I've got to see if I can try and get it at least.
08:17 How am I going to do that?
08:18 How am I going to get that iron there?
08:20 If I, can I pile up?
08:21 If I pile up some dirt?
08:23 Right, let's see if I can do this in this view.
08:25 I'm kind of impressed with how well I'm doing this actually.
08:27 Then if I crouch, can I, I don't think I'm going to be able to place them on that ledge,
08:31 or am I?
08:32 If I sort of go like this anywhere?
08:34 Okay, I guess I can't do a bridge.
08:36 I might have to just break it and then try and drop back down to get it.
08:40 I'm not even sure if I am destroying it or not.
08:42 There we go.
08:43 That was a bit of iron.
08:44 That should hopefully be all free now.
08:45 I know there's still another bit of iron there if I go and do that.
08:48 There we go.
08:49 There's another bit of iron.
08:50 Right, that should now be all of the iron I need.
08:53 The only problem is it's at the bottom of this very dark, dangerous looking pit.
08:57 So right, wish me luck.
08:59 I keep my eye out for creepers.
09:01 It's more keeping my eye out to be honest.
09:02 I'm trying to hear any of them.
09:04 Oh look, there's some more iron here as well.
09:06 I might as well go grab this because I'm not sure if I got enough yet.
09:09 There we go, I got four pieces of iron.
09:11 Right, let's not linger around here.
09:12 We got what we need.
09:13 Let's not be greedy.
09:14 I'm not after diamonds or anything.
09:16 I've got the iron.
09:17 Let's get out of this cave and let's get back to my house.
09:19 Oh dude, this is such a crazy challenge.
09:22 Hopefully you are enjoying it.
09:23 I know it's probably a little bit awkward to watch me moving backwards, but trust me,
09:27 it's ten times more awkward actually trying to play it and like press the analog sticks
09:32 in the right direction.
09:33 Right, I'm pretty sure this is the way I came in.
09:36 There we go, look, I can see sunlight.
09:37 Oh no, yeah, there's my skeleton friend.
09:39 I didn't forget about you.
09:40 Right, let's try and break my way out of here before I get shot by an arrow.
09:43 Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
09:45 There we go, we're out, we're safe.
09:47 I'm just going to grab that sugar cane there because I think I need three pieces of sugar
09:52 I think it is in order to make the cake.
09:54 Then I'm going to go back to my house, cook my food and then get my buckets and then I
09:58 can go after some cows and then hopefully that way I'll be able to get milk.
10:02 I think it's three buckets of milk you need.
10:04 Oh, I've just realised I need three buckets, not one.
10:10 I haven't got enough iron yet.
10:11 Oh no, I've got to go back down a cave.
10:14 Right, I don't want to go back down that cave.
10:16 I didn't like that cave.
10:17 It was dark and scary.
10:18 I might have to come back there a little bit later on, but what I think I'm going to do
10:22 is I'm going to leave the buckets till last because they're probably like one of the most
10:26 difficult things.
10:27 So I'm going to go back to my house and I might try making a wheat farm.
10:31 Now I can make one bucket at least.
10:32 I'll be able to make like an infinite water source.
10:35 I'll be able to get water to make some sort of wheat farm.
10:38 Then I need to make a hoe and then that way I can start doing all of that.
10:42 I also need to make sure I can find my way back to my house.
10:45 I'm just trying to get some seed right now so I can plant some wheat.
10:49 I've got one seed, which would be enough.
10:51 Like I could just keep making more, but it'd be good just to find a few more seeds.
10:55 Why are none of them giving me any seeds whatsoever?
10:57 That's really annoying.
10:58 Is there any iron in there?
10:59 No, that'd have been a little bit too handy.
11:01 Is this where my house is?
11:02 There we go.
11:03 I can see a little bit of light emerging from there.
11:05 So I'm going to come here and I'm going to cut down a few more trees.
11:08 Actually, what I'm going to do is I'm going to make an axe quick.
11:11 Then I can get a bit more wood because I'm always just going to need that.
11:15 And what I might do while I'm here is actually just go to sleep because I want to go to sleep
11:19 before all of the mobs spawn so they won't be too close to my house.
11:23 Come on, let me sleep, please.
11:25 Okay, while I'm doing that, I'll try and put some food in the furnace.
11:28 I'm getting used to this.
11:30 Like, imagine this is just what Minecraft was.
11:33 Imagine they brought out the game and this was just the camera angle they gave you and
11:37 you never knew of it any other way.
11:39 Like, you'd just get used to it, wouldn't you?
11:40 You wouldn't complain.
11:41 You'd just sort of accept it.
11:43 And like, I don't know, I'm slowly getting used to it.
11:45 It's still very awkward, but I'm starting to look in the right direction, at least when
11:49 I'm trying to do something.
11:50 Right, I've got an axe now, so I'm going to go cut down some wood and then I'm going to
11:53 try and gather up some water and be able to make a little wheat farm down here.
11:58 Because that would be handy.
11:59 Anyway, that should have been the first thing I did anyway, just so I can use the wheat
12:03 just to get food.
12:04 Because bread's probably the easiest way to get food without having to go wandering around
12:09 all over the place.
12:10 Right, so let's just cut down this tree here.
12:13 Like, cutting down trees is probably one of the most awkward things.
12:15 I guess if I just stand on this block and look directly up is the best way to do it.
12:19 It's just weird just not being able to see anything.
12:22 You kind of start playing the game with sound.
12:24 Like, you sort of like, instead of looking out for creepers, you're just listening for
12:28 the hisses and stuff.
12:29 And like, instead of like, looking at destroying the block, I'm just waiting to listen to like,
12:34 hear it get destroyed.
12:35 But there we go, I've got all of those trees and they should drop some sapling soon so
12:39 I can grow some more.
12:40 Right, so if I go, oh no, I need to make a bucket actually.
12:44 I need to smelt my iron and then I can use that to make a bucket.
12:48 And I got a chicken right there as well, that's pretty handy.
12:51 Like I think it would be too difficult to try and trap him but it's good to have one
12:55 there.
12:56 So what am I doing?
12:57 Oh yeah, I need to put my iron in the furnace which should be there.
13:00 Got some fresh food and then yeah, I do need more irons.
13:03 How much do I need then?
13:04 I need like, nine pieces of iron I think.
13:07 That's going to be difficult.
13:09 I should have carried on, there was more iron right there in that cave.
13:11 I should have just kept going and hunting for more but I just didn't realise how much
13:15 I was going to need.
13:16 Right, okay, so should I go out now and try and get some water?
13:19 So I know there's two chickens right here, I know there's another egg.
13:22 There's another egg right here so I can go and make my cake.
13:26 I think you actually only need one egg in order to make a cake so I don't need to worry
13:31 too much about that.
13:32 Right, so once my iron's smelted I'm going to go get a bucket.
13:36 Like two buckets would be a lot easier because then that way I could make an infinite water
13:40 source because I want to make my wheat form like just outside my house.
13:44 So there we go, I got enough to make a bucket I believe.
13:47 There we go.
13:48 So if I go out now and get some water then I should be able to start some wheat growing.
13:53 What I think I might do for now is just have one little, actually all I need is one little
13:57 block of water then I can put wheat all round the outside.
14:00 I don't need a massive strip or anything do I?
14:03 I'm not getting loads of wheat, I literally just need enough to make a cake which is,
14:07 I think it's like what, three pieces of wheat or something?
14:10 I always forget how you make, I think it's like three wheat, two sugar, one egg and three
14:15 milk maybe?
14:16 Something along those lines?
14:17 Right, have I filled up my bucket?
14:19 I can't even tell, right, I might have to just jump in the water and then keep pressing
14:23 left trigger until I grab some.
14:25 There we go.
14:26 Oh no, now I'm stuck!
14:27 I'm stuck in the water down here!
14:28 How am I going to get out from this?
14:30 Well I think there might be a bit of ground higher up if I break this block.
14:34 Oh come on, break the block please!
14:36 Oh no, I think I need to look down like this.
14:39 Like all of the simplest things just get a lot harder when you're trying to walk this
14:43 way round.
14:44 Right, okay, so let's go back now, I can make myself a little wheat farm.
14:47 It would be good to get some more seeds but I seem to not be hardly getting any.
14:51 There we go, I managed to get some more seeds there.
14:53 And a nice little flower as well.
14:54 I can plant that outside my house, that can be a little marker to let me know that I'm
14:59 close to my house and I've already realised that there's no chance I'm going to complete
15:03 the challenge I set.
15:04 Like I made myself like a little extra challenge in order to try and do this in just two videos
15:10 and yeah, I know that now there's no chance I'm going to do that.
15:13 I'm sure a lot of you are going to do a lot better than I've done though.
15:16 Right, so if I put, where would be a good place for my wheat farm?
15:20 I'll do it over here just so it's a little bit out of the way and then that way I won't
15:23 keep walking over it.
15:24 So I just need to dig one block down here.
15:27 Nope, that's up, not down.
15:29 And then if I put my wheat in there, oh the only worry is that, yeah, that, that, that
15:34 was my worry, it's going to freeze because it's all in a snow biome, it's going to freeze,
15:38 isn't it?
15:39 Oh, I think I might need to put a torch next to it, like right here and then that way hopefully
15:44 it shouldn't freeze and why am I looking up at the sky again?
15:46 Right, if I do that there, is that going to melt the ice?
15:49 I think if I just leave that there, hopefully that shouldn't melt again.
15:54 If I just go and make my, make myself a hoe now and I plant them there, like I really
15:59 don't need much wheat at all so I'm not worried too much about it being like a really effective
16:03 wheat farm.
16:04 So if I make just a stone hoe there and then hopefully that water won't freeze, like I
16:10 don't think it will do, there's a torch literally right next to it, I know glowstone stops it
16:14 freezing so I'm assuming that torches do as well.
16:17 That's right, so let's try and plant the seeds down, oh this is so awkward.
16:22 There, there we go and if I do the same there, there we go, slowly getting the hang of this
16:29 and don't walk on the wheat, you stay away from that there duck, you know, that's my
16:32 little mini wheat farm.
16:33 I'm going to try and get some more seeds so I can plant another one.
16:39 So I literally think I only need three pieces of wheat so if I just get some more seeds
16:43 now and then just, I can have that growing, if I'm going to actually get any.
16:48 Normally I get really annoyed because I break glass and I end up with seeds and they end
16:51 up filling up my inventory but now I'm actually trying to get some, I'm getting no luck and
16:55 not managing to get any.
16:57 Nope, nope, no sale, alright it doesn't matter, like once I destroy some of that wheat I should
17:01 be able to get some more as well anyway.
17:04 And so what I think my thing is to do now is just to get some iron because I've got
17:07 sugar cane to make sugar, I'm about to get wheat once that grows in order to get the
17:12 wheat, so I think the last thing to get is going to be the milk so that is going to be
17:16 the hardest thing because I am going to have to go mining for some more iron which I'm
17:21 certainly not looking forward to doing.
17:23 It's actually really scary and why do the chickens love it over here so much?
17:27 They're both going over to my wheat farm, I suppose probably because I was holding seeds
17:31 earlier, they were probably following me.
17:33 I could breed them if I got enough seeds and use that as a good way to get some more food.
17:38 I can actually cook some pork chops that I got here, I might as well put them in the
17:44 furnace now and yeah then I just need to go and get a whole load more, I need like 5 more
17:49 pieces of iron now which I need to go hunting for and so yeah, that's going to be good fun.
17:54 Sadly though we have just about run out of time in this video here but there's going
17:58 to be a link in the description to the next part of this let's play which will be online
18:02 very soon.
18:03 Hopefully you're enjoying this challenge and I'll see you guys in the next episode.
18:06 Bye!
18:07 Bye!
18:07 (crying)
