• 2 years ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Coffee break with me.
00:05 Woo, hi guys.
00:07 Welcome back to my channel.
00:09 Today I am here with a my top fave nail products.
00:13 Now, I post a lot of like Mandy Monday pictures
00:17 or anytime I paint my nails I'll post pictures on Instagram
00:21 and a lot of you guys tell me,
00:22 "Oh my God, how do you get your nails so perfect?"
00:26 I've always painted my nails.
00:29 Like I don't remember when I even started
00:31 painting my nails.
00:32 It was something my mom showed me since I was very little.
00:35 So I have a lot of practice.
00:36 I never get like smears on the cuticles or anywhere else
00:41 and so all of you guys are like,
00:42 "Oh my God, do you get your nails done?"
00:45 A little secret of mine,
00:46 I hate to get manicures and pedicures.
00:48 I don't like when people touch my hands or my feet.
00:52 It's like a thing of mine.
00:53 I don't know, I know it's kind of silly,
00:54 but I mean even for my wedding, for my quinceanera,
00:58 any event where most people run
01:00 to get a pedicure or manicure, I didn't.
01:02 I didn't like it.
01:04 There was a time where I did have acrylic nails, I know,
01:07 and then I had to have them removed
01:08 because I went to culinary school, long story short,
01:11 but it was really uncomfortable to like sit through a fill.
01:15 But anyway, so I thought that
01:17 because you guys noticed my nails so much,
01:20 I would start off by doing a video on,
01:22 or kind of start to do more nail inspired videos.
01:26 So I just filmed a video on my nail polish storage.
01:31 This is gonna be my top favorite nail products.
01:34 And then I also wanna film a how I paint my nails video.
01:39 And I don't know if it would really help you guys
01:42 because I think my biggest recommendation is just practice,
01:45 but I do kind of grab the brush and stuff
01:48 maybe differently than most people, I think, I've noticed.
01:53 I don't know.
01:53 You'll see when I film that video. (laughs)
01:56 So let's just go ahead and get started.
01:58 I don't know how many products I have exactly,
02:01 but I did kind of sit there last night on my phone
02:05 and I started to make a list of products
02:06 that I normally use for my nails.
02:10 So that might have a lot to do with how my nails look.
02:14 I don't know.
02:15 I mean, oh, and by the way,
02:17 I'm wearing the new Milani statement nail polishes.
02:19 And I think this is like fourth or fifth day and no chips.
02:23 But it might have to do a lot with the products
02:25 that I'm gonna talk to you guys about now.
02:27 So the very first product that I wanna share with you guys
02:29 is my nail clipper.
02:31 And I don't wanna talk about it too much
02:33 because I talked about it in my monthly favorites
02:36 and I could link that in the description
02:39 in case you guys wanna see.
02:40 But I basically use toenail clippers on my hands
02:43 so that I could get that straight line across.
02:45 And then I just kind of soften the edges with a nail file.
02:48 So that helps a lot with shape.
02:50 So toenail clippers, if you get a straight nail clipper,
02:54 taters is high.
02:55 If you get a straight edge nail clipper,
02:57 it'll give you kind of that soft square shape
02:59 that you see in like magazines and stuff.
03:02 The other thing that I use is called Nail Envy from OPI.
03:07 And this is a nail strengthener.
03:09 Believe it or not, I do have very frail nails.
03:12 If I don't take vitamin supplements
03:14 or have a really good diet and use this,
03:18 my nails grow out and they basically, they can fold.
03:22 Like they're so thin, they split into layers
03:26 and you could basically just fold them.
03:28 Like a piece of paper, you could fold it down.
03:31 So I like to use Nail Envy.
03:33 And although I prefer to have nail polish on my nails,
03:36 when I've noticed that I've gone weeks
03:38 without taking a break, I like to just take like a week off
03:41 and all I do is apply this one coat every day
03:44 and I layer it on top.
03:46 So I don't remove it and then apply it.
03:48 I apply one coat, I let it dry.
03:50 The next day I apply another coat,
03:52 the next day I apply another coat.
03:53 And I just feel like it kind of gives my nails
03:55 that extra boost.
03:56 This is kind of pricey though,
03:58 so if you guys have any cheaper alternatives,
04:00 please let me know in the comment section below.
04:02 A bottle of this, it lasts me a while,
04:04 but it costs $18, so it's pretty pricey.
04:07 When I feel like my cuticles are drying out
04:09 or I've been having too much access to water,
04:11 I've been going to the pool very often
04:13 with my sun and splash pads
04:15 and playing with the sprinklers and water
04:17 because it is the summer.
04:19 My cuticles tend to dry out first
04:21 because the skin around my nails is very thin.
04:23 And I like to use a cuticle oil.
04:26 Now, you could use anything.
04:27 You could use olive oil, you could use coconut oil.
04:30 So many natural products that you have
04:32 just laying around in your kitchen or in your bathroom
04:34 that you could use for moisturizing your cuticles.
04:38 But I do like to use the CND solar oil.
04:41 I actually gifted this from someone.
04:43 I hadn't ever tried it and I'm really happy with it.
04:46 But I do have to say that just from smelling it,
04:50 I think this is pure almond oil.
04:52 Like, that's exactly what it smells like to me
04:53 from when I took baking in culinary school.
04:57 It just smells like pure almond oil.
05:00 So I guess if you bake and you have almond oil laying around,
05:03 use that as cuticle oil and it smells really, really good.
05:05 The next product I actually have downstairs.
05:08 I forgot to bring it up and I'm a very visual person,
05:12 so I kind of kicked myself in the butt
05:15 for not running downstairs and getting it for you guys.
05:17 But if Tater sees me, it's all over.
05:19 So the next top favorite nail product
05:22 is not even nail related, but it helps me out.
05:26 It makes a world of a difference and that is kitchen gloves.
05:29 You guys know those latex,
05:31 well, they actually have the non-latex version now.
05:33 Just dish washing gloves.
05:36 Get yourself a pair of dish washing gloves.
05:39 If you're going to wash your car,
05:41 if you're going to do the dishes,
05:42 if you're going to clean the kitchen, clean the bathrooms,
05:45 bathe a dog, I don't know.
05:47 Every opportunity that you have
05:49 where you feel comfortable wearing dish gloves
05:52 because you're going to be accessing a lot of water,
05:54 use them.
05:55 They're going to make a world of a difference
05:57 on the texture of your nails,
06:00 on the texture of your skin, on your cuticles.
06:03 It will make a big difference.
06:05 I have gone and I've done the test where I'll go a week
06:09 and I won't use my kitchen gloves
06:10 and my hands look a hot mess.
06:13 I have to do like lotion at night
06:16 and I have to put on gloves with Vaseline
06:18 and a whole bunch of tricks just to get my hands back.
06:21 As soon as I start using my kitchen gloves again,
06:23 they change your like nail and hand game completely.
06:28 So go to the store, they're like two or three bucks.
06:31 They'll last you a month or two
06:34 if you're not very crazy and make holes in them
06:37 and they make a world of a difference.
06:39 Not to mention, your manicure won't chip.
06:42 When you're doing dishes and handling water and everything,
06:44 your manicure will not chip.
06:46 This product that I want to show you guys
06:47 is a little controversial because the science behind
06:52 and the research behind vitamin supplements
06:55 changes every couple of years.
06:57 It kind of, it's like a wave.
07:00 It's like a wave, almost like a fashion wave.
07:02 You know, one, for a couple of years,
07:05 baggy pants are in style, then skinny jeans come back
07:08 and then baggy pants come back.
07:10 So it kind of happens in waves.
07:11 The same thing happens with supplements.
07:13 You'll have people that say, vitamin supplements,
07:15 there's no scientific proof that they work.
07:18 Don't take vitamin supplements, find it in your diet
07:20 and then a wave comes around that says,
07:22 wow, we've done so many tests
07:26 and if you take your vitamin supplements,
07:28 they make a huge difference in your life.
07:30 So I went to culinary school
07:33 and I'm also a certified nutritionist.
07:36 I know the benefits of taking vitamin supplements.
07:39 I also know the benefits of consuming vitamins
07:42 or nutrients in natural foods like cabbage
07:45 or broccoli or cauliflower.
07:47 Now, I can only speak from experience,
07:50 from what I've experienced personally
07:54 as a nutritionist and as a consumer.
07:56 I take a multivitamin every day.
08:00 I take an iron supplement additionally
08:03 because as a girl, I need to make up for the loss of iron
08:07 that I have once a month
08:09 and I also take a hair and nail supplement called Biotin.
08:14 Biotin is,
08:16 it's basically changed the way my hair and my nails are.
08:22 It makes them thicker, it makes them grow faster.
08:25 So many of you comment in my videos saying,
08:27 didn't you just cut your hair?
08:29 Look at how long your hair is.
08:30 My hair grows so fast because of Biotin.
08:34 My nails grow even faster.
08:37 I cut my nails once a week.
08:39 I don't like long nails, I like to keep them short
08:41 and I cut them once a week because they grow so fast
08:44 and it helps them be thicker and shinier,
08:46 my nails and my hair.
08:48 Now, certain people, a very small quantity of people
08:53 have adverse reactions to Biotin
08:56 where they get incredibly crazy, painful acne.
09:01 A very few amount of people, I mean, it's rare,
09:05 but when they do, it is bad and it's painful
09:07 and it's horrible, it's like an allergic reaction almost.
09:10 And then other people get facial hair.
09:13 So because your hair grows so fast and it grows thicker
09:17 and it grows faster, you may get facial hair.
09:21 I've kind of learned to embrace my mustache.
09:24 I mean, I even joke with my sister-in-law about it.
09:26 Hi, Desi.
09:27 I even joke with my sister-in-law about it.
09:28 I'm like, "Comis, I have a mustache."
09:30 She's like, "Oh, me too, just accept it."
09:33 So it doesn't bother me.
09:34 I mean, whatever, I've learned to grow with it.
09:37 But again, I'm not a doctor.
09:39 I'm not telling you to run out and buy Biotin,
09:42 but from my personal experience,
09:44 taking a Biotin supplement has really improved
09:47 the condition of my nails.
09:48 You can get Biotin over the counter,
09:53 Target, Walgreens, any kind of pharmacy or major box store.
09:57 But the one that I personally take
09:58 is actually from Delta Labs.
10:00 And this is a brand that I found out about on accident
10:03 through social media, on Instagram actually.
10:06 And I decided to try it.
10:08 It's a little bit pricier, but it's basically a company
10:12 that only designs vitamins for women.
10:15 So the vitamins that they design,
10:17 it's like prenatal, postnatal, anti-aging.
10:21 The vitamin supplements that they make
10:23 are specifically for women.
10:24 So if I start to look really magnificent,
10:26 it's 'cause I take Delta Lab vitamins.
10:30 I was able to get a discount code for you guys.
10:33 I'm not affiliated, I'm not making a cent off your purchase,
10:35 but I thought if you guys were interested in trying it,
10:39 this is the one that I specifically take.
10:40 But you can go to any store
10:42 and just get a regular Biotin supplement,
10:46 and it should work just fine.
10:47 I'm gonna list in the description box below
10:49 how many milligrams I take and how often,
10:51 and then that'll kind of give you an idea.
10:53 But I think it's a generic, I think it's across the board.
10:56 For all women, it's the same amount,
10:58 the same recommended daily amount.
11:00 If you're a little bit wary about taking supplements
11:02 or you don't prefer to swallow pills
11:03 or whatever the reason is,
11:05 I'm going to list a bunch of foods in the description box
11:08 as well that contain Biotin.
11:10 And maybe you can just consume a large amount
11:13 of raw cauliflower and call it a day.
11:17 As far as polishing and removing nail polish,
11:21 all kinds of polish-related things,
11:23 favorite products that I like to use for doing my nails
11:26 are the Sephora Formula X,
11:30 Formula X for Sephora Base Coat.
11:31 It's just this pink base coat.
11:33 And I like this base coat specifically
11:36 because it's very sticky.
11:38 Even when it dries, it dries sticky.
11:41 So it kind of grabs onto your polish,
11:44 and it's really hard for your polish to chip
11:47 if you use this base coat.
11:49 I haven't tried any other base coats that dry sticky.
11:54 So I think that's probably why I have such great results
11:56 with this, along with using dish washing gloves
11:59 and all of the things that I already mentioned.
12:01 In between, I'm not very picky as to which polishes I like,
12:05 although you guys know my favorites are from Julie G.
12:09 I don't have any bad experiences, horrifying experiences
12:11 where they chip or where they stain my nails
12:13 or any of that stuff.
12:14 So I really recommend Julie G polishes.
12:18 I don't know, they're just, they're really good.
12:20 They kind of remind me of OPI, except they're $3.99 each.
12:24 And then on top, after I discovered this top coat,
12:29 just no other top coat in the world just works.
12:33 Every other top coat in the world is garbage.
12:35 It doesn't work, it's not pretty.
12:37 I swear, when I use this top coat from Glisten & Glow,
12:40 it's called HK Girl, it looks like I have gel nails.
12:45 Every single comment on my Instagram
12:49 when I put a manicure picture is,
12:52 "Why are your nails so shiny?
12:53 "Are they gel?"
12:55 Every single person comments on the shine factor.
12:58 Not only does this dry your polish in like 15 seconds,
13:02 but it creates this thick, glossy shine
13:06 that makes your nails look fake.
13:08 It almost looks like you have an acrylic base
13:11 or you have gel.
13:12 It is a magical, magical base coat, or top coat.
13:17 I used to use Sesh Beat.
13:20 I don't even look at it with a 10-foot pole anymore.
13:23 It's worthless.
13:24 I've tried so many other top coats that don't dry fast,
13:27 or once they dry, they're not shiny.
13:29 This one dries super fast,
13:31 and you guys know I have a two-year-old,
13:32 so painting my nails is,
13:34 it used to be mission impossible.
13:35 Now, I could sit him down with an apple,
13:38 paint my nails really quick,
13:39 and by the time he's done, I'm done too,
13:41 and there is no smearing, smudging,
13:43 or nothing of my manicure.
13:44 It is a magnificent, magnificent product.
13:47 And once the party's over, you have to remove your polish.
13:50 I have two products that I really, really swear by,
13:54 and I wanted to mention these two specifically
13:56 because they're more affordable alternatives.
13:59 I could say, "Oh yeah, I like the Zoya Formula Plus,"
14:02 I think it's called, or Zoya something.
14:05 I like it, but it's $10 for like eight ounces,
14:08 so that's kind of expensive.
14:10 So I thought I would mention the cheaper alternatives.
14:13 They work just the same, they're amazing.
14:16 The first one you've already heard me talk about,
14:18 I talked about it in my monthly favorites,
14:20 along with my clippers,
14:21 and this is the Beauty Secrets Acetone in the Pink bottle,
14:25 the pink, or the pink liquid.
14:27 This is the nourishing one,
14:29 so it has acetone, it strips all the polish off,
14:34 but it doesn't leave your fingers looking white,
14:36 dried out, dehydrated, or just naked.
14:39 Sometimes with acetone, it makes you,
14:45 you realize you're using a really harsh product.
14:47 This one doesn't.
14:48 This one has, what does it have?
14:49 Protein and vitamin E,
14:51 which is why it doesn't make your nails feel so yuck
14:55 after using it.
14:57 But it is acetone, so glitters, heavy textures,
15:00 all of those polishes, it removes them really fast.
15:02 It even removes those stick-on gel nails
15:06 that you have to soak, it even removes that.
15:08 And then when I'm in a hurry,
15:10 or when I don't wanna bust out this big jug
15:12 because my son is around, or he's gonna spill it,
15:15 or I don't wanna get it on the furniture,
15:17 I really like the LaFresh nail polish remover pads.
15:21 I talked about these a really long time ago.
15:24 I ran out, I never repurchased them.
15:26 I just got them again, and I really like these
15:29 because they work really well.
15:33 These are the acetone ones.
15:34 They have some that are non-acetone.
15:36 I don't like those, those don't really work.
15:38 The acetone ones work really, really well,
15:40 but I think my favorite part is that the acetone
15:43 comes on almost like a really thick abrasive pad.
15:48 Not abrasive where it's going to ruin your nail or hurt,
15:51 but it has this gritty texture
15:53 where it removes the polish really, really well.
15:55 Now, I will say this, though.
15:57 It says that one wipe removes 10 nails.
16:01 It's not true.
16:02 You need two wipes, one per hand, so that it actually works,
16:06 but it smells good, and like I told you,
16:08 I can't get over the texture factor of these pads.
16:12 The texture just, it's almost like little,
16:14 miniature, tiny, microscopic hands
16:16 that just rip off the polish.
16:18 They work so, so well.
16:19 So that is it for my nail polish, nail care,
16:22 nail-related favorites.
16:23 I thought I would do kind of like a nail polish theme
16:27 now throughout my videos.
16:29 A lot of you always have questions about what I use
16:31 and how I style my nails.
16:33 Style my nails, like if it was hair. (laughs)
16:36 How I do my nails.
16:37 So I thought I would share.
16:38 I also filmed, like I said, a nail polish storage video.
16:42 I don't know if that's already gone up
16:43 or if it will go on soon or any of,
16:45 I don't know when I'm going to post it yet,
16:47 but if it's live already,
16:48 I'll link it in the description box as well.
16:51 I think that's it, guys.
16:52 Please let me know in the comments section below
16:54 if you have a cheaper alternative to the OPI Nail Envy,
16:57 'cause I really like this, but it's kind of expensive
16:59 and it hurts my heart every time I need to repurchase it.
17:02 As always, if you guys found this video useful,
17:04 entertaining, or learned something,
17:05 please give me a thumbs up or subscribe
17:06 if you haven't already.
17:07 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
