• last year
00:00 I literally look like I'm about to rob a bank.
00:02 Hello everyone, I'm back again this week.
00:05 I'm sorry I wasn't here last week.
00:09 Basically I was just really busy and I just couldn't find a decent amount of time to put aside to make a decent video.
00:16 So I just didn't do it because I didn't want to just put out a shitty video for the sake of it.
00:22 So I just put it off but I'm back this week and it's all okay.
00:24 It's all gonna be okay.
00:26 So yeah, today I'm gonna be doing Pearl from Drag Race Season 7.
00:36 Because I just don't really have anything else in mind at the moment and I think she's
00:40 got a pretty interesting look and I'd like to try it out.
00:44 So I'm gonna be doing that this week and I've had a few comments asking me to touch on a
00:50 few specific things in depth.
00:53 So I'll do that.
00:54 And I'm gonna actually take this video as an opportunity to go over my foundation routine
00:58 again and do a little bit of an updated tutorial on that because it has changed quite a bit.
01:06 So yeah, I'm going to be doing that.
01:08 So if you want to see how I do it, stick around and I will get started.
01:12 Bye.
01:13 Okay, so I've just done my eyebrows.
01:18 I didn't want to show that because that doesn't really change.
01:21 It's fairly straightforward.
01:22 So next we're gonna start on our foundation.
01:24 So I'm gonna take my Kryolan TV Paste Stick and I'm gonna start with my eyebrows.
01:28 Just run them over there.
01:31 And then just go all the way around the rest of my face.
01:34 Okay, now I'm gonna take my beauty blender and I'm just gonna blend it out.
01:48 Okay so next you're gonna want to take your concealer.
01:51 So I'm just gonna use a concealer brush.
01:53 I'm not very...
01:54 I'm gonna use my Kryolan concealer wheel.
01:57 Just get quite a bit on there and we're just gonna go underneath the eyes.
02:06 Bring it down along your nose here.
02:08 Because that will help when we go to contour.
02:11 I know.
02:12 Okay, and then we get a bit on the chin.
02:18 A bit under here.
02:21 I'm gonna do a bit on the forehead as well.
02:27 Okay, so cool.
02:28 I like to blend out my concealer before I add contour.
02:31 So I'm gonna take my beauty blender again and just blend that out.
02:36 Okay, so now you're all concealed.
02:40 I'm gonna take my contour stick foundation and we're just gonna, you know, do the obvious
02:47 places.
02:48 So my pearls contour starts quite high and comes down quite low.
02:52 So she doesn't really create cheeks, she just really creates quite a cut there.
02:57 I'm gonna try and do that quite a bit.
03:01 Okay, and then around the top of the forehead.
03:07 Now this is the part that I didn't show in my last video, is contouring the nose.
03:12 So what I just do is I just take my stick and the corner and just run it down the sides
03:17 of my nose.
03:18 I'm gonna take my beauty blender and we're gonna blend this all out.
03:24 Now when it comes to blending out the nose, I take my smaller edge and I just really gently
03:32 blend it.
03:33 I don't blend it down or anything, I just blend it in.
03:35 I take my concealer again, just a smaller concealer brush and just get in the middle
03:39 there.
03:40 Blend this up.
03:41 Okay.
03:42 Now it's tiny, I'm just gonna take my blender again and that's pretty much that.
03:52 Then we're gonna go in with some powder and really get it going.
03:55 Okay, so that's all the cream foundation done, now I'm gonna set it.
04:00 So this is the part that I didn't get to explain properly in my last video.
04:05 I use the Ben Nye Neutral Set.
04:09 I did use this in my other video but I didn't really explain how it works.
04:13 First take it just on a little sponge and I just do it all over my face.
04:19 Okay so once you've set your face, you go back in with the same neutral set, the same
04:25 little sponge and you just dab this along your highlighted areas.
04:32 Okay so now what you do is you leave this on your face for however long, maybe 5 or
04:38 so minutes and what it does is it bakes, it cooks your face and it sets into your makeup
04:46 and it leaves a really highlighted finish.
04:48 You probably, if you've ever watched drag tutorials or I'm sure most of you have or
04:53 you've ever watched drag race or anything like that, you probably see the queens doing
04:57 this quite a bit because it really really helps.
04:59 But it has to be Ben Nye Neutral Set or I think um, Cody Powder is another one that
05:06 I use, so I'm going to let this sit and I'll be right back.
05:11 Okay and we're back.
05:12 Woo woo woo woo woo.
05:13 So I'm going to just dust this off now.
05:21 Okay we're ready to continue darling.
05:26 Okay now next is contour.
05:28 I'm going to take a big brush and just some bronzer and we're just going to follow that
05:35 line that we used with our foundation.
05:52 Okay and also what you can do at this point is go back in with it again and just clean
05:55 up those edges and then you can just leave that there until you're finished with the
06:00 look and then you can just um, brush it off.
06:02 So next I'm going to contour my nose with powder.
06:05 So I'm going to take a little fluffy brush and the same bronzer and we're just going
06:12 to run down the bridge of our nose here.
06:14 That's pretty much the nose contour done.
06:15 What I'm going to do is go in with a bit of clown white and just a little brush and I'm
06:22 just going to do a little bit on top.
06:25 Okay so next we're going to start on the eyes.
06:31 So someone else asked me how do you know where to put your eye crease?
06:35 Um, I don't really know.
06:41 Basically what I do is I just run fairly parallel to the shape of my eye and you don't want
06:48 it to come up too high because then you'll just look crazy.
06:51 So with Pearl's eyes hers is quite thin and quite long.
06:55 So hers like come all the way up to here.
06:57 So we're going to just start in the corner here and I'm just using a flat brush and just
07:03 brown like bronzer or eyeshadow whatever you have.
07:06 And use this and we're just going to map it out real quick.
07:10 So basically you just want to kind of follow the shape of your eye and just do it on top
07:16 but not too far on top.
07:17 So we're just going to do it up on one side.
07:21 Okay so now that we have that sort of mapped out we're going to actually go with our eyeliner.
07:26 So I'm going to take my eyeliner and we're going to cover our whole entire lid but still
07:35 keeping it quite flat and then we're just going to wing it out quite a bit.
07:46 So I'm just going to take a liquid liner and just get in there.
08:01 Okay so once that's all filled in and winged out I'm going to take a little concealer brush
08:10 and a bit of clown white and I'm going to just paint the corners of my eyes in white
08:16 here and then we'll go from there.
08:20 Okay so once that's done now I'm going to take my eyeliner and I'm just going to outline.
08:26 So basically bringing the corners of my eyes down and then outline all the way up again.
08:37 Now I'm going to take this line and just really subtly wing that out a little bit.
08:43 My only advice to you when doing liquid liner is try and do it in one line and don't drink
08:55 energy drink before you do it.
08:57 Okay cool.
09:00 Classic Pearl she uses a lot of purples and pinks.
09:05 I know I've done this colours quite a bit but I'm just doing what she does I'm sorry.
09:09 I'm going to take a flat brush and my purple and we're just going to cut that crease a
09:15 little bit more.
09:17 Okay so we're just cutting our crease with our purple.
09:19 I'm going to take a big brush and we're just going to blend that out a little bit.
09:32 Okay okay okay okay.
09:37 I'm just going to take a flat very flat brush and I'm going to go in with my black eyeshadow
09:44 and we're just going to cut that crease a little bit more.
09:47 Okay.
09:48 Okay so next what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a little concealer brush and some
09:54 clam white just the space between our eyeliner and our crease we're going to fill that in
10:00 with white.
10:01 Oh yeah she snatched the world.
10:04 Now I'm going to just really quickly put on a little bit of mascara.
10:12 I'm going to start on the eyebrows.
10:15 Now quite similar to my Miss Fame makeup tutorial Pearl has fairly ombre eyebrows but they're
10:21 quite a bit thicker.
10:22 I'm going to start off with a darker shade of eyebrow pencil and we're just going to
10:28 map them out first.
10:45 Okay those are the eyebrows mapped out.
10:47 Now I forgot another question that I was asked was how to how do you draw in an eyebrow.
10:55 Eyebrows are really really hard.
10:57 I don't really have any specific tricks but for instance if you are copying someone's
11:01 face it's good to have a very specific reference photo there and then you can just copy it
11:07 line by line from that.
11:08 So I'm sorry if that didn't help I'm sorry.
11:14 I'm going to color them in now.
11:17 Wish me luck.
11:20 Okay so those are pretty much the eyebrows done.
11:22 Now something interesting that Pearl does is she will tend to cover the front bit in
11:29 like a shiny eyeshadow.
11:33 So I'm just going to take it's like a gold sort of like light gold color and it's got
11:40 a bit of a like shine to it and I'm just going to go over the front bit here just to see
11:47 if I can get that effect that she does.
11:53 See that?
11:54 Okay.
11:55 Yes my maw.
11:59 Have to highlight under the brow.
12:01 I'm going to take a little concealer brush and a bit of clam white.
12:04 Okay so next what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a small little brush and a bit of
12:07 my purple and I'm just going to blend very lightly this bottom line.
12:16 Okay girl.
12:17 So next I'm going to do lashes.
12:19 So always before you do lashes just remember to do mascara.
12:25 Okay so I'm going to start with one pair on the top.
12:29 I'm going to take this pair that's quite winged out and we're going to pop that in like the
12:35 very corner of our eye and sort of angle it down so it's very pretty girl very pretty.
12:44 Now real quick we're going to do some of the bottom.
12:47 I've just got a fairly simple pair like that.
12:51 Okay so lips and then we are done girl.
12:54 So first what I like to do is I like to um I like to just clean off my lips because it
13:06 helps with the colour.
13:07 Okay I'm going to take this pink and I'm just going to.
13:12 She over draws her lips a lot.
13:14 So before I am done I'm just going to take a bit of blush.
13:21 Big brush here and just a little bit a little lot.
13:27 Okay that's it.
13:30 That is your pearl fantasy girl.
13:35 So I hope you guys liked it and hope you think that I look like her.
13:42 I don't have a nose ring.
13:46 I don't have a septum piercing.
13:49 Anyway.
13:50 Oh wait.
13:51 Oh my god.
13:52 Now I know this isn't like a pearl wig and she doesn't really wear red but I just got
14:02 this wig today and I love it.
14:04 I'm a real girl now.
14:07 And I'm really like feeling my oats right now.
14:11 Like seriously.
14:12 Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next week.
14:19 Bye.
14:27 (upbeat music)
14:29 (upbeat music)