The 7am News of June 2023

  • l’année dernière


00:00 On va voir.
00:03 It is 7 AM Thursday, June 8th,
00:21 It is 7 AM Thursday, June 8th,
00:21 It is 7 AM Thursday, June 8th, 2023. Good morning and thanks
00:22 2023. Good morning and thanks
00:22 2023. Good morning and thanks for joining us on the 7 AM
00:30 for joining us on the 7 AM
00:30 for joining us on the 7 AM news on CRTV and CRTV news.
00:31 news on CRTV and CRTV news.
00:31 news on CRTV and CRTV news. Here are the headlines.
00:32 Here are the headlines. President Paul Bia receives
00:33 President Paul Bia receives
00:33 President Paul Bia receives letters of credence from seven
00:34 letters of credence from seven
00:34 letters of credence from seven diplomats in a colorful
00:35 diplomats in a colorful
00:36 diplomats in a colorful ceremony at the unity palace
00:37 ceremony at the unity palace
00:37 ceremony at the unity palace yesterday which marks the
00:38 yesterday which marks the
00:38 yesterday which marks the official beginning of
00:41 official beginning of
00:41 official beginning of diplomatic missions in Yande.
00:42 diplomatic missions in Yande.
00:42 diplomatic missions in Yande. Highlights right ahead.
00:47 Highlights right ahead.
00:50 And all is set at the two houses of
00:58 And all is set at the two houses of
00:59 And all is set at the two houses of parliaments for the
00:59 parliaments for the
00:59 parliaments for the June session that kicks off today
01:02 June session that kicks off today
01:02 June session that kicks off today at the conference center
01:04 at the conference center
01:04 at the conference center in Yaoundé and those are top
01:07 in Yaoundé and those are top
01:07 in Yaoundé and those are top stories.
01:13 Good morning once more thanks for
01:18 Good morning once more thanks for
01:18 Good morning once more thanks for being with us. One high
01:20 being with us. One high
01:20 being with us. One high commissioner designate and six
01:21 commissioner designate and six
01:22 commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate have
01:23 ambassadors designate have
01:23 ambassadors designate have presented the letters of
01:25 presented the letters of
01:25 presented the letters of credence to President Paul Bia
01:27 credence to President Paul Bia
01:27 credence to President Paul Bia here in Yaoundé. The high
01:29 here in Yaoundé. The high
01:29 here in Yaoundé. The high commissioner of Nigeria and the
01:30 commissioner of Nigeria and the
01:31 commissioner of Nigeria and the ambassadors of the European
01:32 ambassadors of the European
01:32 ambassadors of the European Union, Egypt, Congo, the United
01:34 Union, Egypt, Congo, the United
01:34 Union, Egypt, Congo, the United States of America, Brazil and
01:36 States of America, Brazil and the Republic officially assumed
01:41 the Republic officially assumed
01:41 the Republic officially assumed duty in a fine diplomatic ritual
01:43 duty in a fine diplomatic ritual
01:43 duty in a fine diplomatic ritual at the unity palace. Chief
01:46 at the unity palace. Chief
01:46 at the unity palace. Chief palace correspondent has
01:49 palace correspondent has
01:49 palace correspondent has highlights of the ceremony.
01:54 It was a remarkably
01:59 It was a remarkably
01:59 It was a remarkably befitting diplomatic ceremony this June
02:01 befitting diplomatic ceremony this June
02:01 befitting diplomatic ceremony this June seven twenty twenty three
02:04 seven twenty twenty three
02:04 seven twenty twenty three as a European Union ambassador
02:06 as a European Union ambassador
02:07 as a European Union ambassador to present his letters of
02:08 to present his letters of
02:08 to present his letters of credence to President Paul Beer
02:10 credence to President Paul Beer
02:10 credence to President Paul Beer as he has worked hard for the
02:12 as he has worked hard for the
02:12 as he has worked hard for the European body to spend over
02:14 European body to spend over
02:14 European body to spend over five hundred and sixty-six
02:15 five hundred and sixty-six
02:15 five hundred and sixty-six billion francs over the last
02:17 billion francs over the last
02:17 billion francs over the last few years in development
02:19 few years in development
02:19 few years in development projects in Cameroon.
02:24 projects in Cameroon.
02:24 projects in Cameroon. Other foreign dignitaries officially
02:26 Other foreign dignitaries officially
02:26 Other foreign dignitaries officially welcome to assume duty
02:27 welcome to assume duty
02:27 welcome to assume duty as a member of the European Union.
02:36 as a member of the European Union.
02:56 The Egyptian designated ambassador
03:09 is a child of diplomacy having
03:11 is a child of diplomacy having
03:11 is a child of diplomacy having spent over twenty years in
03:14 spent over twenty years in
03:14 spent over twenty years in Egyptian diplomatic services.
03:16 Egyptian diplomatic services.
03:16 Egyptian diplomatic services. She has been appointed twice as
03:18 She has been appointed twice as
03:18 She has been appointed twice as vice minister of foreign
03:19 vice minister of foreign
03:19 vice minister of foreign affairs before coming to
03:21 affairs before coming to
03:21 affairs before coming to Yaounde. She will represent a
03:23 Yaounde. She will represent a
03:23 Yaounde. She will represent a country that is present in the
03:24 country that is present in the
03:25 country that is present in the road construction sector in
03:26 road construction sector in
03:26 road construction sector in Egypt.
03:28 Egypt.
03:28 Egypt. She has been appointed twice as a member of the
03:30 She has been appointed twice as a member of the
03:30 She has been appointed twice as a member of the European Union.
03:32 European Union.
03:32 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
03:34 She has been appointed twice as a member of the
03:34 She has been appointed twice as a member of the European Union.
03:36 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
03:38 European Union.
03:38 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
03:40 European Union.
03:40 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
03:42 European Union.
03:42 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
03:44 European Union.
03:44 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
03:46 European Union.
03:46 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
03:48 European Union.
03:48 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
03:55 European Union.
04:00 She has been appointed twice as a member of the European Union.
04:02 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:04 European Union.
04:04 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:06 European Union.
04:07 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:09 European Union.
04:09 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:11 European Union.
04:11 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:13 European Union.
04:13 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:15 European Union.
04:15 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:17 European Union.
04:17 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:19 European Union.
04:19 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:21 European Union.
04:21 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:23 European Union.
04:23 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:25 European Union.
04:30 She has been appointed twice as a member of European Union.
04:32 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:34 European Union.
04:34 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:36 European Union.
04:36 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:38 European Union.
04:38 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:40 European Union.
04:40 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:42 European Union.
04:42 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:44 European Union.
04:44 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:46 European Union.
04:46 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:48 European Union.
04:48 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:50 European Union.
04:50 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:52 European Union.
04:52 European Union. She has been appointed twice as a member of
04:54 European Union.
04:59 >> It's indeed a woman of the house. Having simply been promoted from her initial position as charge d'affaires at Interim in the same embassy in Yaoundé. Once she was ready to receive the new envoys, the head of state Paul Bia comes out into the ambassador's salon on the third floor of the palace tower. With the president's close collaborators looking on, the high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:28 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:30 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:32 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:34 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:36 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:38 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:40 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:42 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
05:44 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
06:08 >> The high commissioner designate and six ambassadors designate take turns to present the letters of recall of their predecessors.
06:32 >> The leaders voices segment of the Africa CEO forum where policy makers are interviewed in front of investors was the first part of the invest in Cameroon day at the forum.
06:42 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
06:49 >> Joseph Diongute said increased industrialization to promote home production is the philosophy.
06:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
07:04 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
07:10 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
07:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
07:30 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
07:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
07:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
07:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
08:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
08:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
08:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
08:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
08:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
08:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
09:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
09:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
09:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
09:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
09:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
09:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
10:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
10:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
10:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
10:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
10:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
10:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
11:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
11:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
11:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
11:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
11:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
11:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
12:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
12:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
12:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
12:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
12:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
12:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
13:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
13:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
13:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
13:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
13:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
13:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
14:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
14:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
14:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
14:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
14:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
14:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
15:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
15:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
15:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
15:36 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
15:46 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
15:56 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
16:06 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
16:16 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
16:26 >> The first question put to the prime minister was to explain the overriding philosophy of Cameroon's economy currently.
16:36 >> The winner of the third lap, or the bearer of the yellow jersey from Cribi, was spotted here.
16:46 >> As the population turned out to cheer the riders, hopes were high that Hamza Yacin would take back the yellow jersey.
16:56 >> Because it dominated at the hilly areas, but at the finish line, it was almost a bunch sprint.
17:04 >> After a 4h36 ride, 2 seconds away from Cameroonian Clovis Camzonga Boussolo of SNH Velo Club who finished 5th,
17:14 >> El Kouraji Mochini of Morocco is now first on the general classification while Clovis Camzonga Boussolo is fourth.
17:24 >> The fifth lap of the international cycling tour of Cameroon continues this Thursday, June 8th, as a closed circuit race in Douala at a distance of 109.6km.
17:40 >> And that's it for the 7am news. Our official website is Stay in the company of programs of the CRTV.
17:50 [Musique]