Presse monde - 24/05/2023

  • l’année dernière
MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 24/05/2023


00:00 Hello and welcome to the International Press Conference.
00:08 Two weeks ago, a young Iraqi named Ali Hossein Jouloud died of leucemia at the age of 21.
00:14 He lived near the Rumaila oil field in Basra province,
00:18 where the British oil company RBP illegally and uselessly rejected toxic gases in the air,
00:24 which caused a huge increase in child cancer, including leucemia.
00:29 Ali Hossein Jouloud and others are victims of the new Arab.
00:33 They are highlighted in a documentary that follows a report by the Iraqi Ministry of Health,
00:38 according to which air pollution from oil fields was responsible for an increase of 20% of cancer in Basra in just three years.
00:47 The level of cancer is so serious that cases are deliberately under-reported.
00:52 In 2018, the Iraqi Prime Minister issued a service order preventing officials from speaking out about the effects of pollution on public health.
01:00 Researchers are also being prevented from entering the area to measure pollution levels.
01:06 RBP does not calculate the pollution of its oil fields in Rumaila in its annual reports.
01:12 Shell, in turn, asked investors to reject two new carbon emissions reduction targets.
01:18 Climate protests broke out at its annual meeting, which is held in the Gordian.
01:23 Climate protests have become a regular feature of annual meetings in recent years,
01:29 with campaigns focused in particular on banks such as HSBC and Barclays,
01:34 which lend to fossil fuel projects as well as to oil companies in Shell's rival BP.
01:42 Shell's CEO said it would be premature to push Shell to reduce its oil and gas production
01:48 and that other fossil fuel producers would fill the void.
01:52 We are not yet closing the page of the ecology.
01:55 The Ghana, submerged by the massive landing of used textiles from Western and Asian countries,
02:02 in increasingly mediocre quality, prevents commercialization.
02:06 Activists denounce a "waste colonialism".
02:09 The world shows us the show of desolation in Jamestown, the capital.
02:13 Over the years, Ghana has become one of the world's main backstores of fast fashion.
02:18 This disposable and low-quality fashion, which is subjected to a multitude of collateral damage.
02:24 Every week, about 15 million second-hand articles arrive there by container,
02:28 of which European, American, Chinese or Korean consumers have chosen to get rid of.
02:34 In Tunisia, the call of two journalists by the police, Heythem El Mekki and Elias Rarbi,
02:41 two iconic figures of the independent radio station Mosaik FM,
02:44 was called because of their speech on the air during the 15 May midi show,
02:50 which essentially covered the perpetrated attack the day before against the synagogue of the Riba in Djerba.
02:57 The relevance of the two points of the Tunisian audiovisual is often perceived by the executive as impertinence.
03:03 Both knew themselves in the climax of a more and more frivolous power towards the media.
03:08 Since the arrest on 13 February 2023 of Nourdine Boutard, boss of Mosaik FM radio,
03:14 the two midi show peers knew themselves to be potential targets.
03:18 The question of the editorial line of the radio has also been raised several times
03:23 during the interrogation of the boss of Mosaik FM, Boutard.
03:27 The interference of the Italian government is manifested by the resignation of journalists and media personalities of the RAI.
03:34 Sources of the Italian public television channel have accused the right-wing government of Giorgia Meloni
03:40 of wanting to bend the organization at will and cancel the anti-fascist footprint of Italy, being in the Golden.
03:47 In recent weeks, Carlo Fuortes resigned from his position as Director General, invoking the pressure of the government,
03:55 while Fabio Fazio, a left-wing talk show host, and his co-presenter Luciana Litticetto,
04:01 a comedian known for her monologues targeting conservatives,
04:05 left after failing to obtain their contract for the popular program "Que Tempo Fica?"
04:11 translated "What time is it?"
04:14 A last stop in the hexagon.
04:17 According to a survey of 17 classes for Le Point, 3 out of 4 French judges the unfair tax system.
04:23 The middle classes are particularly comfortable,
04:26 the French want less taxes for the middle classes, more for the rich.
04:30 This survey also highlights a classic left-right split and shows a relative consensus on the definition of the threshold of wealth.
04:38 On average, the surveys answered 6,180 euros.
04:42 To imagine a policy that responds to the aspirations of equality and economic security of all citizens,
04:49 we must study the inequality of income, the mobility of income and the risk of income.
04:54 The editorialist of Challenge noted the striking inequality of income through a study.
04:59 During the 2006-2017 period, 1% of the richest individuals represented 6% of income, as much as 20% of the poorest.
05:09 Individuals in the lower class of income distribution perceive about a quarter of all income.
05:15 Social mobility is also limited. A person making up 10% of the poorest
05:21 has a 54% chance of remaining in this category 10 years later.
05:27 That's it for the international press review. Thank you for following it. Have a good day.
05:31 [Music]
