Apple Ham Casserole by the BBQ Pit Boys

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 ♫ Gonna smoke me a fatty brisket
00:05 ♫ I got my barbecue shoes on
00:08 ♫ Gonna smoke me a fatty brisket
00:12 ♫ I got my barbecue shoes on
00:16 ♫ I got my natural casing
00:18 ♫ Got the hogs on the run
00:21 (upbeat music)
00:25 (upbeat music)
00:27 - Welcome to
00:35 Today we're cooking up an apple ham casserole at the pit,
00:39 and it's real easy to do.
00:41 For this recipe today I'm using two half shoulder
00:45 pork butts, sometimes called butt hams.
00:50 These here are weighing about eight pounds each.
00:54 They're gonna be good.
00:56 Let me show you how we're gonna set this up.
00:58 What we wanna do here is take your old hickory,
01:00 and we're gonna take off some of the skin,
01:02 maybe a little bit of the excess fat,
01:04 because we don't want it in our casserole.
01:08 And then we're gonna cut these up into about one, two inch,
01:12 or maybe larger or smaller, whatever you want, chunks,
01:16 because this is gonna be going in our casserole.
01:20 Now this type of ham we're using here has been water cured.
01:25 It's ready to go, it's ready to eat, right?
01:29 You could just eat it just like this,
01:32 or do as I'm doing here, just chunk 'em up
01:35 for a Pit Boys casserole.
01:37 (upbeat music)
01:45 Alright, we've cut up two hams here.
01:48 We probably have got about 10 pounds of ham.
01:52 I'm gonna throw 'em in this pan.
02:00 Now if you've never had one of these
02:04 apple ham casseroles before,
02:05 you definitely gotta check this out.
02:08 Oh, this is some good eatin' at the pit.
02:11 Oh yeah.
02:14 I could fast forward this video now, right?
02:16 But I kinda like doing this, take a look at that.
02:20 Alright, the ham is in the pan.
02:24 Now, I've got two apples.
02:27 We've peeled 'em, we've cored 'em.
02:33 We're throwing 'em in here.
02:36 Yeah.
02:37 And here I've got some homemade applesauce.
02:42 We're using about one to one and a half cups.
02:45 And now, putting in some sauce.
02:55 And use your favorite barbecue sauce, right?
02:59 Oh man, we're using about 40 ounces.
03:02 Maybe about 1,100 grams.
03:06 And then what you wanna do is mix it up.
03:10 Oh yeah, and you gotta use your hands.
03:13 Man.
03:16 Now like I said, use your favorite barbecue sauce in this.
03:22 Oh man, 'cause we're gonna slow cook this now
03:26 for two hours, maybe three.
03:28 Now, we're gonna add a touch of heat.
03:34 And I've got some cherry peppers here,
03:37 so add a couple cherry peppers.
03:40 Maybe three or four, alright?
03:42 I could do this all day, huh?
03:59 Yeah, these are pickled cherry peppers.
04:04 You know all about these, right?
04:06 Perfect.
04:07 You could use a pickled jalapeno if you want.
04:10 That's pit master privilege.
04:12 Now I'm gonna bless the pan with a little bit of apple beer.
04:16 (rock music)
04:19 Yeah, this is not your mama's regular old
04:32 potato and ham casserole here.
04:35 You gotta definitely check this out.
04:38 Now, last thing I'm gonna do here
04:40 is I've got some chunks of pineapple.
04:43 I'm gonna throw 'em on top.
04:45 This is gonna add additional moisture
04:47 and sweetness to this dish, and it's plenty sweet.
04:51 Now I'm gonna put 'em on the grill opposite the hot coals.
04:55 It's called indirect cooking, and I wanna cook this
04:57 at about 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
05:00 And you cook 'em as long as you want.
05:02 About two hours, two and a half hours, slow cook is good.
05:07 Now about halfway through,
05:12 whoa, we wanna spin this pan around
05:15 to get some even cooking going on.
05:16 You all know about that, right?
05:18 Yeah.
05:19 You want it even cooking,
05:21 and then you might wanna do some basting, too.
05:25 Take a look at that.
05:26 I'm losing my voice over this.
05:31 Oh yeah.
05:33 Yeah, you do it any way you want.
05:35 Oh man.
05:38 Alright, we're gonna go maybe another 45 minutes.
05:45 Alright, and in the miracle of time,
05:51 this apple ham casserole is done.
05:55 Take a look at that.
05:58 Oh.
05:59 Now it's become real tender,
06:05 because it's been in this broth, this barbecue sauce.
06:09 It's been in there with the pineapple sauce,
06:16 with the apple sauce.
06:17 This will help tenderize these little pieces of ham
06:23 right here, right?
06:24 You could serve it just like this,
06:28 or maybe serve it on rice,
06:30 or maybe with corn on the cob and potatoes.
06:34 You serve it any way you like.
06:39 Man, I got some leftovers in the fridge.
06:42 I'm still good.
06:44 Alright.
06:44 Look at that.
06:47 Pineapple, slow-cooked ham, barbecue flavor,
06:53 slow-cooked charcoal.
06:57 Of course, we do apologize for eating in front of you
06:59 like this, but we call this pit master privilege.
07:03 (rock music)
07:06 So the next time you're looking for a recipe
07:26 for your barbecue, check us out at
07:31 (crow cawing)
07:34 (bird cawing)