"I feel sexy and confident with my beard - I'm not a circus person here for your entertainment."email share send cloud_download



A transperson feels “sexy” and “confident” with her beard - and says she’s not a “circus” there for “entertainment”.

Nâzanin Afshar, 29, would pluck her facial hair when it first started growing in her early 20s.

But she soon realised she wanted to be the “authentic version” of herself and let the hair grow.

She identifies as a transperson after she came out in her early adulthood but says she aligns mostly with womanhood.

Nâzanin says comments online can make her feel she is treated like a “circus person” who is there “for entertainment” - but she doesn’t receive the same treatment from strangers in person.

She is able to ignore the comments and feels “proud” of herself and who she is.

Nâzanin, a legal assistant, from Humboldt County, California, said: “Hair grew on my face and at first I was plucking them.

“Then there were too many too pluck – it was expensive and tiring. I let them grow.

“I’m a transperson. I don’t hide that. People ask – ‘what are you?’ or ‘what is this?’

“People think because I am different they are going to treat me like a circus person – there for entertainment.

“I’m expressing myself feeling confident and sexy. I can be my sassy self.”

Nâzanin doesn’t let other people’s opinions “destroy” her self-worth.

She said: “In real life I rarely get comments about it.A kid might come up to me and ask - ‘are you a girl or a boy?’

“I’m a little bit of both. Why do people need to know my gender at birth.

“I love my life. It doesn’t impact my life.”

Nâzanin says she was raised to feel proud of herself and who she is in a “world that tells us to hate ourselves”.

She said: “I’m expressing the resilience. I feel pride when people tell me they can be themselves because they have seen me.

“I don’t mean to be an inspiration. Being different can be an isolating experience.

“I hope people feel encouraged to be brave. You wear a purple skirt or shave your head.

“If it’s going to make you happy you should do it.”

Nâzanin is supported by her partner Cairo, 24, who has made her feel “worthy” and “confident”.

She has a rigorous self-care routine and make sure she takes care of her hair and skin.

Nâzanin said: “I take my personal grooming seriously. I use rosemary oil on my head and facial hair.

“I keep my body Hair luscious and healthy. Men in general seen as stereotypically dirty.

“I’m not dirty. I just have hair. I look after it. Everyone should deserve to feel empowered with what they’re given.

“Everyone feel good to be themselves and should feel sexy.”