Change Log Setup | Audit Trail in BC

  • last year
Activate the functionality of "Change Log Setup" (Audit Trail) in your existing ERP system.
In other Context;
Question is...How-to identify Data-THEFT (related with misleading documents/statements), and HOW-TO STOP IT in Dynamics ERPs?
Answer: Use, Change Log Setup / Audit Trail (inbuilt functionality in Dynamics Business Central & Navision).
Change Log: Log means, List of maintained records of Master Creation (Insertion), Applied Changes / Modifications, Deletion on existing Data, Tables, Entries & Transaction etc. (here, History maintained as Records).
Audit Trail: An Audit Trail is a date and time-stamped, sequential record of the history and details around a financial transaction, work event, product development phase, or financial ledger entry.
The Change Log allows us to track all direct modifications which a user makes to data in the existing or new database.
we can specify each Table and Field that you want the system to log, and then you activate the Change Log.
The change log is based on changes that are made to data in the tables that you track.

Important Note: Use only Required Tables to Save Space of your Software.
Some LOG Files takes too much spaces. So, if this setup or practice is for daily basis then choose Tables carefully.

Hint 1: To successfully use this feature and its related functionality, you may need multiple Users in the system, and assigned them with their own Roles & Responsibilities using Users Permissions, and Personilzations (inbuilt functionalities).
Hint 2: Use General Ledger Setup also, to get control over the Starting and Ending Period of the current system.
Hint 3: What is a Retention Policy?
A Retention Policy (also called a 'schedule') is a key part of the lifecycle of a record.
It describes how long a business needs to keep a piece of information (record), where it's stored and how to dispose of the record when its time.
The Policy provides rules that are used to identify which documents need to be kept and for How Long.
Hint 4: To View, historical data and records of the Log files, try to search for "Change Log Setup Entries" (page), you may check for Report also.
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