Item journal - Preview Posting in Business Central

  • 2 months ago
Agenda of the Video▶️: Preview item journals, and other related documents before posting.
Item Journal: This Document is used to Post the Inventory Adjustment Entries in many ways...
▪️Take a Look: -
1️⃣Entry Type = Positive Adjustment, This is used for Posting Item Opening Entries (for example; 31st of July 2024 will become Opening Stock of 1st August (the Current Month) Inventories in Company's Main Store or Warehouse.
You may use it for Increasing Inventory-Item Values under Inventory Adjustment Account.

2️⃣ Entry Type = Negative Adjustment, This is Used for Reducing Stock-Items from Particular Location/Warehouse/Store.
You may show Decreased Inventory Values into the Inventory Adjustment Account.

3️⃣ If you Remove Values from Direct Unit Cost or Unit Amount field, System will Not Update Value Entry.

4️⃣ Value Entry, will Update the related G/Ls Accounts into your ERP System.

5️⃣ Posting Date (field) plays a Very Important Role, in the Item Journal (Document/Page/Screen).
➡️Try to Test in a Demo Company, and then Post it into Live.


00:00Hello friends, welcome to my channel, I am Financial Madhvi, and as you can see on the
00:11screen, the item journal page is open and normally you all know the use of item journal.
00:19So the purpose of today's video is that when you create an item journal and when you create
00:28a line on the document, when you choose a posting date, when you choose an entry type,
00:38when you choose a document number, item number and locations and quantity, if you create
00:44all these things on the system and before posting the document, you want to know how
00:53the entries are being created, after posting on which ledgers it will be posted, we can
00:59see the entry before posting it, so what you should do is, click on the small drop down
01:07box on the side of the post button, see related actions for post, and you have to click on
01:14preview posting instead of post, review the different types of entries that will be created
01:20when you post the document or journal, shortcut is ctrl-alt-f9 and it is not posting the document,
01:27it will first preview the entries that are going on these tables, related entries will
01:33be created, jail entry will go on the table, two entries will go, means you will get two
01:39lines, one debit and one credit, item ledger entries will be single line and value ledger
01:46entries will be single line, value ledger entries will represent the value of the item
01:53ledger entries, item ledger entries and value ledger entries, if you have a positive adjustment,
02:00then like a receiving document, physical entry, item ledger entry quantity and value entry
02:10will represent the value of the item ledger entry, but the jail entry will hit the item
02:17hit in the ledger, so let's check the jail first, now like item adjustment, the laser
02:26that is made, you can see it because it is coming on the highlighted screen, once you
02:32click above, you will see the laser on the first line, positive adjustment means that
02:38we are not using sales order, purchase order, we are just updating the stock on our system
02:47using the item journal and if my stock is updated, then which laser will it hit, so
02:55the stock inventory item will have a value, what will be those values, how much quantity
03:02will be there and quantity into rate equal to value will be generated, so seeing all these
03:07prospects, a client will create a jail entry and the laser number of the jail entry, see
03:14through the system setup, it will be installed on the inventory posting setup, it is going
03:19to the group of finished goods in your balance sheet and laser number is 2110, you can go
03:26from here by clicking and it is generating its cost, its debit amount and its credit
03:33amount, the line that is being made for the credit amount system, the credit amount is
03:39going to the inventory adjustment ledger, that is, the finished goods are getting debited
03:45and what is getting credited, inventory adjustment journal, so the positive adjustment that we
03:53use is to update any stock on the system without using any received document, which
04:01you create an order by creating a purchase order, so if you note the goods received,
04:08then data comes on your system, the correct process is that you raise a purchase order,
04:13you make a purchase receipt document, the stock is updated on the system, but if you
04:20had any stock closing and you are bringing freshness in your system, then by using the
04:27item journal, you are updating the closing stock in the system as an opening stock or
04:34if you are updating a stock on a particular location, then what you can do is by using
04:41positive adjustment, you can post this entry, it will hit your two lasers, like I chose
04:47the finished goods, so it is going to the group of finished goods and the second laser
04:52is the credit laser, that is of inventory adjustment, so positive adjustment means increase
04:59inventory item in your stock, so in this way you can increase the stock item in your system
05:11with the quantity and the value, so to check the quantity, you have to check the item laser
05:17entry, the status of the physical quantity update is carried by ILE, it is 10 quantity,
05:25invoice will also be the same quantity, okay, and after that actual value, actual value
05:34because it is directly hitting the GL entries, it will actually update your stock value, so
05:41you always have to check the cost amount actual, that is, its value will be posted in GL entry
05:48and it is carrying this value, quantity comes in ILE and is carried and in the value entry
05:56based on the quantity of ILE, the value that is made by multiplying with its rate, that
06:03value is updated on value entries, see item laser entry type positive adjustment, that
06:11is, value laser entry is connected to your item laser entry and carrying the reference
06:18value, taking the quantity of that item, multiplying it with its direct unit cost,
06:25it creates an actual cost amount, due to which it is called value entry, so value entry is
06:33done, its name is perfect and this value entry is running with the value of 10 quantity,
06:40plus one quantity, which is per unit cost, that is, the value represented here is 1448
06:48and whatever you have taken in decimal prices, you can take it on general laser setup and
06:54in this way, while carrying it, this value will update, ILE base will be of value entry
07:03and value entry base will be made for GL entry, so in GL entry you will get those values,
07:10which you see in the actual amount while carrying the value entry, in this way it creates these
07:17values, plus in which laser it will go, it depends on your setup and item card, which
07:25item card you have taken, how you have designed the setup and posting preview, which
07:32is going to hit on this table, after checking this, what we will do, after checking this,
07:37we can post this entry, as soon as you post, you can also post and print, you will get
07:44print, as soon as you post, these entries will be posted at those places, whose preview
07:50we have just checked, so I am not posting, I am just showing you the preview, that after
07:55posting on these tables, values will be hit, so you post and check,
