• 2 years ago
Loss of vigilance, calmness and reflexes... the impact of fatigue while driving is often neglected.
However, it represents 1/3 of the accidents.
According to some experts, it is as dangerous as drinking and driving.
So what should you do to drive safely?
1/ Before a long trip, make sure you have had a good night's sleep.
2/ Choose the right time to leave: avoid driving after a large meal since the digestion phase promotes drowsiness.
3/ Take regular breaks (every two hours).
4/ Stay well hydrated.
5/ Eat enough to get the energy you need, but choose small, regular snacks that are easy to digest.
6/ Respect the speed limits: when driving fast, fatigue is felt more quickly.
7/ Adjust your driving position to be comfortable but be careful not to be totally relaxed either!
8/ Avoid being alone for long trips.
9/ Listen to music or the radio, changing the frequency regularly to stay focused.
10/ Keep a cool temperature in the cabin because heat makes it easier to fall asleep.
11/ Staying involved in driving: the cruise control can for example, make you sleepy.
12/ Keep windows, windshield and mirrors clean. Good visibility reduces eye strain.
13/ Avoid taking certain medications that are incompatible with driving.
14/ Listen to your body and spot the first signs of fatigue.
In these cases, do not try to fight it and take a break !
