I removed the minor exagerations on USSR anti-Christian policy and making seem like faith alone made you an enemy of the state in the USSR and Christians were the Soviet Union's public enemy #1 (Christianity was tamed and propagandised against, and public believers could not hold only party or state office nd during the Gorbachev liberalisation of this period Christian dissent was the only dissent that was not allowed official contradicting by party-state outlets, but direct persecution came and went depending to the governments and a Christian would be persecuted for anti-power political dissent and not for being a Christian in itself), the "US secularism=USSR state atheism" bs, and things that made the lead basically a cultural Evangelical Christian US-American who happens to be Russian. A sideplot on the KGB still chasing the lead was cut since it wouldn't chase a nobody Christian believer who left the country (only a major oposition activist). The film insisted in trying to present the lead as some inspirational figure but Charles Harlan was not that good a speaker to make it work, so I re-edited to make it a simple slice of life drama on an immigrant former dictatorship surpressed young man adjusting to his new life and his choices and issues in his new home (which the limited range of the actor actually aids and becomes less obvious as that).
Most cuts did not make too many jump cuts, of which I did not keep most (mostly making one scene slowly fade into another), I kept all those that wouldn't be too invasive (if arthouse directors can get away with making films all made out of them, I can get way with a couple of them). The major cuts involve a strawman US politician claiming no religious persecution happened in Russia in 1986-87 (which is almost true aside all I mentioned above, but what US politician who isn't a communist would say it then?), replaced with a fade, a hard cut between the lead's friend talking two different things in two different positions with reused footage putting a sort of fake flirt between him and another character (which looks just a little off due to slowing down but I mostly cut to avoid a jump cut with the same character and as in an Evangelical Christian film that short of visual flirt was amusing to me), and scenes with the lead being heard by a KGB hitman preparing to kill him in a van (whose sideplot was fully cut), whose sound was reused and increased the possible, put over a Russian icon of Jesus and the cup of suffering (so that image doesn't come from the blue, I also added them twice before at the beginning and more to the middle of the film). For those counting, I cut 20min 99sec of issues from a 1h 21min film. For a better Christian film on the Soviet underground, see 1990's "The Printing".
Anyone seeing this, contribute to the actual creators by buying "Gold Through the Fire" https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Through-Fire-Charles-Harlan/dp/B00097E6PE. All rights belong Edward T. McDougal.
Most cuts did not make too many jump cuts, of which I did not keep most (mostly making one scene slowly fade into another), I kept all those that wouldn't be too invasive (if arthouse directors can get away with making films all made out of them, I can get way with a couple of them). The major cuts involve a strawman US politician claiming no religious persecution happened in Russia in 1986-87 (which is almost true aside all I mentioned above, but what US politician who isn't a communist would say it then?), replaced with a fade, a hard cut between the lead's friend talking two different things in two different positions with reused footage putting a sort of fake flirt between him and another character (which looks just a little off due to slowing down but I mostly cut to avoid a jump cut with the same character and as in an Evangelical Christian film that short of visual flirt was amusing to me), and scenes with the lead being heard by a KGB hitman preparing to kill him in a van (whose sideplot was fully cut), whose sound was reused and increased the possible, put over a Russian icon of Jesus and the cup of suffering (so that image doesn't come from the blue, I also added them twice before at the beginning and more to the middle of the film). For those counting, I cut 20min 99sec of issues from a 1h 21min film. For a better Christian film on the Soviet underground, see 1990's "The Printing".
Anyone seeing this, contribute to the actual creators by buying "Gold Through the Fire" https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Through-Fire-Charles-Harlan/dp/B00097E6PE. All rights belong Edward T. McDougal.