Energy is Light, Frequency and Information

  • 2 years ago
Our body's are made up of organs.

Organs are made up of cells (approximately 50-60 Trillion cells)

Cells are made up of atoms and subatomic particles, that pop in an out of existence so are never permanent.

99.999999999999% (recurring) of an atom/subatomic particle is empty space.

Take all of that empty space out of every atom in your body and what would be left of you (in the physical sense) would be nothing bigger than a grain of sand.

Take all of that empty space out of every atom in every human being on earth (all nearly 8 billion of us), and the remaining physical matter left behind would be no bigger than a tennis ball or an apple.

The empty space however is not empty space. It is energy.

An energy contains; light, frequency and information.

So, make sure your energy is positive and not negative.

Operate at the right frequency to manifest whatever your goals are.

See your goal achieved in the light of your mind.
