• 3 years ago
This adorable video shows a one-year-old boy clutching a picture of his 'missing' mum after she had left the house - for just over an hour. Holly Stubbs, 26, left one-year-old son Tommy Lee Wilkinson at home with dad Lee Wilkinson while she went out to teach a fitness class. However, Tommy was less than impressed and began staring out of the window and cradling a picture of his beloved mummy. Lee Wilkinson, 29, tried to reassure little Tommy that mum would be home soon and that he could cuddle his daddy, but the toddler refused and continued to stare at the picture Holly, who runs her own fitness business called 'The Land of Holly', received the video as she got in her car to drive home and rushed back to be reunited with her "mama’s boy". The couple, from Seaham, County Durham, revealed the behaviour is normal for Tommy, as he was born in lockdown, and is very attached to his parents. Holly said: “We spent loads more time together than we would have normally, so Tommy really likes us being around. “His dad used to be the favourite, but once he went back to work I became the favourite! "I was only gone for an hour-and-a-half, but he was crying for me the whole time.” Holly posted the video to TikTok because she thought it was just too cute not to share. She described that the online reaction has been great and she's had some hilarious replies. Some people were questioning why he didn’t want to cuddle his daddy, but many others emphasised that kids can be brutal - which Holly definitely agrees with. This video was filmed on September 23.


