The History Of Massage Therapy Part 2

  • 15 years ago
Aloha Massage School of Massage Therapy in Maui, Hawaii Learn massage in Maui, Hawaii

The history of massage therapy shows that India practiced massage as a holistic style of medicine and massage is now a traditional part of the holistic medicine system being used throughout India. Indians believe that massage has divine origins and as such they spread the word about massage through daily teachings and other forms of instruction. Many years of studies and experiments were done before the country adapted it as part of the holistic medicine system.

Egyptians hold the record for creating reflexology massage treatments. This form of massage treatment requires a specialist to apply hand delivered pressure to specific points on the body. These reflex zoned areas are primarily featured on the hands and feet of each person treated but the benefits extend further. The person will receive much remuneration to areas that are connected to these pressure points or zoned areas. The history of massage features origin points that show that the Egyptians created this style of massage in the year 2500 B.C. or in close proximity to that time period.
