Massage Therapy Modalities and Techniques Part 1

  • 16 years ago
Aloha Massage School of Massage Therapy in Maui, Hawaii The There are many styles to massage therapy, and the styles for the most part are spin offs of a specific massage type. There are more than 250 styles of massage therapies in the world. Most types of massage therapy originated in countries like India, China, Japan, Greece, Egypt, the United States and various countries in Europe. The type of massage that will be performed by a massage therapist will center on a person needs. The name of the massage will most likely depend on the country of origin or the name of the person that created the healing treatment. Massage therapies

Some of the most popular types of massage therapy are Accupressure, Lomilomi, Reflexlogy, Jorei, and Orthopedic Massage. Shiatsu is a type or form of accupressure, and incorporates the use of fingers and pressure on the body. Lomilomi massage treatments originated in the Hawaiian island region of the world. Most Lomilomi techniques are based on Polynesian and Pacific Islander traditions and incorporates the use of the elbow and forearm into traditional shiatsu massage techniqes. Lomilomi therapists will use sweeping arm movements and ceremonial movements to help calm and comfort the spirit. Lomilomi is a very ritualistic experience that has been performed for over 5000 years in the Hawaiian Islands.
