Why do they feed the camel a venomous snake_

  • 2 years ago
Have you ever seen a camel eat a snake?
Why do they feed the camel a venomous snake?
There's a disease in camels, called camel spongiform encephalopathy, and when a camel gets it, it's sitting all the time without eating or drinking until it's dead.
And the Bedouins treat this disease by forcibly feeding the camel a venomous snake called Cerastes gasperettii
then The snake secrete a venom into the camel's body, and this venom heals the camel from the disease.
Then the snake dies of the camel's stomach acid
And what's strange is the camels have very strong immunity, and they can handle snake venom without dying.
This treatment is not scientifically proven to date, but it's been used for a lots of times, and it's proven to be effective.

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