The Strangest Mountain in the World, Roraima

  • 2 years ago
The Strangest Mountain in the World
Mount Roraima is located in Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil
Mount Roraima is the strangest mountain in the world, and the most mysterious, if you see the mountain from above, you see it as an island in the middle of the clouds, and it looks like another world isolated from our world.
Even today, a few explorers have been able to climb this mountain, and all the images we see of this mountain have been taken by satellite, and they are said to have discovered on this mountain rare plants and animals that they have never seen before, even though they have only discovered a small part of this mountain, which is more than 50000 kilometers
There's also a waterfall on this mountain, one of the highest in the world.
You think it's possible to find animals that we thought were extinct, no one knows that until today.
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