• 3 years ago
The Birth of Pancasila was the title of a speech delivered by Soekarno in the session of the Investigative Agency for Preparation for Independence on June 1, 1945. It was in this speech that the concept and initial formulation of "Pancasila" was first put forward by Soekarno as the basis of an independent Indonesia. This speech was initially delivered by Sukarno by acclamation without a title and only received the title "Birth of Pancasila" by the former Chairman of BPUPKI, Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat in the preface to the book which contains a speech which was later recorded by BPUPKI. Since 2017, June 1 has officially become a national holiday to commemorate the "Birth of Pancasila" day.

Source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lahirnya_Pancasila
