• 3 years ago
Meet the twin born almost THREE times smaller than her sister who defied the odds after doctors were convinced she would die in the womb. Tiny Reagan, now six-months-old, was born 11 weeks early and weighing just 1lb, and was dwarfed by her twin Mila, who was 2lb 13oz. Audrieanna Lambert, 32, said it was a miracle Reagan was alive at all after medics' stark warnings she wouldn't survive the pregnancy. Doctors at West Penn hospital, Pittsburgh, became concerned at 20 weeks when they spotted Reagan had stopped growing. After a c-section in December 2021 both twins were taken to the new-born intensive care unit (NICU) where Mila spent 45 days before she was strong enough to come home. But tiny Reagan, who battled sepsis, had to wait 118 days before she could join her sister at home in Washington, Pennsylvania, US. Now the twins are both thriving but are still different sizes, with Mila now weighing 12lbs and Reagan 7lbs 5oz. Audrieanna, a claims specialist, said: “When I saw them for the first time Reagan was so much smaller than I imagined. “The difference between them was crazy.


