• 3 years ago
TYLOR was five years old when his mum, Natausha, first went to prison. She was reincarcerated while he was in high school and did a further eight years in jail. Tylor remembers that time vividly: “I was really mad. I remember feeling confused, devastated and just really betrayed," he told Truly. In prison, Natausha spent a lot of time reflecting on her decisions and her role as a mum to her kids. She told Truly: “I have a lot of regrets. I try not to focus on those regrets too much because it would keep me from moving forward. I've learned to forgive myself and to just try to be better than I was before." Natausha was released from prison in December 2020. The mother and son duo have spent the time since her release rekindling their relationship. Tylor told Truly: “I'd say we’re probably closer than we’ve ever been, I didn't really think that was possible. But now being an adult myself and understanding that everyone makes mistakes, but they don’t define who you are… That’s really helped."

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